The Psychopath's Harem

Chapter 218 Kidnapping The Loli (3)

Irene's sigh echoed through the air as she pointed towards the foreboding dark mist that hovered near the ancient tree.

"Who do you think possesses the capability to abduct your daughter right before her very eyes, without her even flinching?"

Irene's voice held a tone of knowingness, a deep understanding of Nyx that surpassed Xia Shuiyao's comprehension.

Nyx was always unyielding and focused when it came to Xia Tian's tasks, and there was no way she would remain this calm if Xia Rouyan had truly been taken.

Unbeknownst to Xia Shuiyao, Irene had already received information regarding Xia Rouyan's location.

Her gaze shifted towards the dark mist, a mixture of surprise and realization illuminating Xia Shuiyao's face. "You mean..." Xia Shuiyao's voice trailed off, a sense of melancholy enveloping her.

Memories of her rebellion against Xia Tian and the torment he had inflicted upon her resurfaced, stirring a tempest of emotions within her.

Even until the day she last saw him, he continued to play with her, leaving her in a state of turmoil.

Xia Tian's actions had always been unpredictable. First, he denied her the chance to conceive his child, only to surprise her with the unexpected pregnancy.

Confusion clouded Xia Shuiyao's thoughts, unsure of what to believe anymore.

Lost in her musings, she momentarily drifted into a daze.

Irene, about to shake Xia Shuiyao back to reality, found her gaze inadvertently lingering on Xia Shuiyao's breasts and then to her own, silently comparing their sizes.

She couldn't help but feel a tinge of envy, despite her own perfectly shaped physique.

After experiencing childbirth, Xia Shuiyao's physique underwent remarkable changes.

Her breasts have become slightly more enlarged, accentuating her feminine allure, while her waist has transformed into a captivating curve.

Furthermore, a newfound aura of maturity emanates from her, creating an irresistible appeal that can make any man drool at the mere sight of her.

Isabelle's influence and Xia Tian's words had planted the idea in Irene's mind that larger breasts were more desirable.

Just as Xia Shuiyao snapped out of her reverie, Irene realized her momentary lapse and felt her face flush with embarrassment.

Suppressing the impulse to knock some sense into herself, she inwardly scolded her distracted state.

Xia Shuiyao, now fully present, discovered Irene slightly lost in thought, unaware of her own temporary blackout.

With a worried tone, Xia Shuiyao whispered, "But... Yanyan is still too young..."

Irene's embarrassment intensified, fueled by Xia Shuiyao's words and the awkwardness of the situation.

Her serene nature prevented her from acting on her impulse to knock Xia Shuiyao's head.

Sensing Xia Shuiyao's serious expression, Irene sighed.

She already understood Xia Shuiyao's motivations for having a child.

Reassuringly, she said, "Don't worry. He won't waste his time on something that can't satisfy his appetite. He will allow her to grow a little before asserting his grasp on her."

However, Xia Shuiyao found no relief in Irene's words.

The Xia Tian she knew was capable of anything, regardless of the moral consequences.

Irene, aware of Xia Shuiyao's doubts, added, "As long as you haven't done something to offend him, there is no need to worry."

The only possibility of Xia Tian torturing that fragile child now was that he had cunningly impregnated Xia Shuiyao solely to exact his revenge on her.

After all, it wasn't a bad plan. How could you possibly seek vengeance against a cold-hearted woman?

Impregnate her, watch as she carries a child, and witness how the warmth of motherhood shatters her icy demeanor.

Then, in an act of unspeakable cruelty, violate that innocent child right before her eyes, extracting your revenge.

Of course, Irene knew deep down that Xia Tian wouldn't carry out such a heinous act, especially since Xia Shuiyao hadn't even caused him any real offense.

And even if Xia Tian were to indulge in his whimsical desires and seek amusement, he would prefer a rebellious woman like Li Nan or Wang Wenshu as his target.

But even if that had truly been his intention, Irene would ultimately side with Xia Tian, no matter how inhumane his actions may be.

Xia Shuiyao realized this heavy burden on her heart and tearfully fled alongside Irene.

In her current predicament, there was nothing she could do if Xia Tian truly wanted their daughter.

It placed her in an unbearable dilemma—having to choose between her daughter and Xia Tian.

Therefore, for now, the only option was to place her trust in Irene's words, despite the uncertainty and fear that engulfed her.


Perched on the edge of the mountain, surrounded by the vibrant green grass, Xia Tian sat on the ground, a mischievous grin adorning his face.

In his grasp was a precious little being—a one-year-old girl—held upside down by her leg, her chubby form accentuating her adorable appearance.

*Giggles, coos, chuckles...*

With an angry expression on her face, she exuded an undeniable cuteness that melted hearts.

Xia Tian couldn't help but agree that only children could possess such irresistible chubbiness.

As for women, well, they could only be described as fat in comparison.

He found solace in the soft, baby-like skin of Xia Rouyan's tender form.


*Grrrs, growls, snarls...*

Undeterred by her petite size, the little girl fiercely threatened Xia Tian with her gleaming, pearly-white teeth.

She wriggled and squirmed in an attempt to escape his grasp, her determined efforts to twist free captivating to behold.

*Wriggles, squirms, twists...*

Beside Xia Tian, the fox named Xu Qing observed the scene, a mix of curiosity and amusement dancing in her eyes.

She couldn't help but wonder about Xia Tian's intentions and the unfolding spectacle.

Before long, the little girl's resistance started to wane, her growls giving way to exhausted pants, and her once vigorous struggles dwindling to feeble whimpers.

Finally, she surrendered, realizing the futility of her fight against Xia Tian's firm grip.

Satisfied, Xia Tian's grin widened as he gently lowered the little girl onto his lap.

Momentarily bewildered by the sudden change, she stared at Xia Tian with a mix of resentment and curiosity, her narrowed eyes accentuated by the appearance of endearing dimples.


However, she set aside her grievances when Xia Tian presented her with a delightful surprise—a piece of sweet confection.


*Gasps, wonder, blinks...*

Xia Ruoyan's eyes widened in astonishment at the sight of the exquisite delicacy before her.

It was a treat she had never encountered, and her eagerness shone brightly as she fixed her gaze on Xia Tian, her eyes silently pleading for a taste.

*Yums, mmm, slurps...*

Unable to contain her excitement, she eagerly accepted the offering, relishing each mouthful of the ice-cream cake pilfered from Nyx's treasury.

With every delightful bite, a miraculous transformation occurred.

In a complete reversal of her earlier rebellion, the little girl became a docile creature, engrossed in playful interaction with Xia Tian.

Their harmonious camaraderie painted a picture of pure bliss, leaving Xu Qing's fox eyes widened, understanding the profoundness of Xia Tian's approach.

She couldn't help but gaze at him with deep admiration, recognizing the artistry behind his delicate use of punishment and reward to shape the behavior of the little girl.

It was a revelation to Xu Qing, realizing that many parents were unaware of the rewards aspect and only focused on punishment, unknowingly fueling their children's defiance.

They would then wonder why their child harbored resentment or dislike towards them.

'Punishment', Xu Qing understood, was meant to diminish undesirable behavior, while 'reward' served to foster positive behavior.

Xia Tian, the wise old fox, possessed this knowledge and skillfully trained the once disobedient daughter, transforming her into a docile creature within a matter of minutes.

First, he applied punishment until the girl ceased her resistance, ultimately imprinting a belief in her mind that surrendering was the only option.

(Use of punishment and limiting beliefs!)

Then, he rewarded her for her obedient behavior, reinforcing the desired traits.

(Use of reward.)

Children, Xu Qing believed, were the most innocent beings to influence, particularly individuals like Xia Rouyan at her tender age.

During this developmental stage, children only comprehended trust or distrust, lacking a middle ground.

They either found someone repulsive or were completely drawn to them, either trusting them entirely or not at all.

Xu Qing understood the long-term consequences of growing up in an environment filled with distrust during early childhood.

Even if the memories faded away, such individuals would struggle as adults—finding it difficult to make decisions, experiencing social awkwardness, lacking initiative, and potentially facing despair or identity crises in the future. 

[Reference: Erickson's eight stages of developmental psychology.]

Surprisingly, the old fox, known for his whimsical narcissism and occasional psychopathic tendencies in his leisure time, turned out to be a superior parent compared to the majority of people in the world.


As Xia Tian observed the little girl's persistent requests for more sweets, he couldn't contain his laughter. His mind began to wander, pondering whether he should indulge her with a different kind of lollipop, one that would surely leave her wide-eyed and grinning.

And just like that, the scene unfolded...

The old fox, known for his cunning ways, had made a triumphant return...






Surprise for Readers: Xia Tian's illustrations in the chapter/para comments!

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[Warning: All the pictures are gathered from open-source platforms, and the author holds no ownership of the same.]


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