The Psychopath's Harem

Chapter 128 How Can He Offend Everyone At The Same Time...?

Isabelle and Irene observed the scene with interest as they stood in the void. Isabelle was a chatterbox, while Irene only chimed in with occasional phrases.

"How did he manage to offend both of the top clans at the same time?" Isabelle asked, her amusement barely concealed.

Isabelle was impressed by Xia Tian's ability to anger people with ease. Irene shrugged her shoulders and calmly replied, "He's always been like this," as she wiped down her trusty blue greatsword.

Even in the void, she emanated a goddess-like aura, standing tall and proud.

Out of all of Xia Tian's daughters, Irene was an exception.

Unlike her sisters, she possessed a hint of compassion in her eyes, which were the color of the ocean.

Xia Tian and his other daughters wouldn't bother helping a dying man, but Irene was different. If she had nothing better to do, she wouldn't hesitate to lend a hand.

This trait of hers always puzzled Xia Tian.

How could his daughter possess a characteristic that he lacked?

But it made sense in a way, considering that they only shared a few similarities, and the rest of their personalities were shaped by their own experiences and choices.

Suddenly, the scene changed before them, shifting from Zeng Qingge to a small forest with a nearby waterfall.

It was the same place where Xia Tian had taken Ye Suyin's virginity, and it brought back a flood of memories for the two women watching the scene unfold.

As they watched, another woman arrived, her purpose clear as she began to appraise the broken pieces of life jade belonging to Long Shen, the maternal grandmother of Xia Tian.

The woman had been guarding Ye Suyin, but Nyx had disposed of her in silence, as Xia Tian disliked being disturbed during sex.

Even if he had known about her actions, he would probably have praised her for her loyalty and devotion.

The woman appraising the broken jade was none other than Long Qiaolian, who was also Xia Tian's aunt and little sister of Long Wanhui.

Long Qiaolian stared at the shattered remains of her mother's life jade, her heart pounding with a mix of grief and anger.

She had heard of her mother's death, but seeing the evidence before her own eyes made it all the more real. Her mother, a respected member of the Long clan, had been brutally killed, and her life jade shattered.

Long Qiaolian knew that she couldn't sit idly by while the perpetrator walked free. She clenched her fists together, feeling the rage building inside her.

She would make them pay for what they had done, no matter what it took.

She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath and centering herself. She had trained for years in martial arts and had inherited her mother's strong spiritual energy.

It was time to put all of that to use. Long Qiaolian opened her eyes, her gaze hardened with determination.

She would track down the person responsible for this heinous act, no matter where they were hiding.

She would bring them to justice and make them pay for the pain they had inflicted on her family.

But first, she needed to gather information.

She knew that the Long clan had enemies both within and outside the clan.

She would need to be careful and keep her wits about her, lest she fall into a trap.

Long Qiaolian carefully picked up the shattered pieces of the life jade and slipped them into her pocket, determined to keep them safe. As she turned to leave, she took a deep breath, steeling herself for the journey ahead. She knew what was at stake and what she needed to do, and she was ready to embark on her path of vengeance.

Her first destination was Ye Suyin. Long Qiaolian knew that Ye Suyin was important to the perpetrator in one way or another, and she hoped that she would have information that could help her in her quest for justice.

With a determined expression on her face, Long Qiaolian took to the skies, her blonde hair fluttering behind her like a banner of determination. The sunlight illuminated her golden tresses, making them shine like the rays of the sun itself. Her hair flowed down her back in soft waves, each strand seemingly glinting in the light. Her piercing blue eyes stood out prominently against the backdrop of the clear blue sky, filled with a mix of determination and sorrow.

As she flew, tears clung to her lashes, glistening in the sunlight and making her look like a goddess descending from the heavens. Her movements were graceful and effortless, as if she was born to fly. The wind whipped her hair around her face, framing her delicate features and emphasizing her ethereal beauty.

Even from a distance, Long Qiaolian radiated a sense of power and confidence that demanded respect. She knew that her journey would not be easy, but she was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Upon seeing the woman fly away, Isabelle chuckled and said, "How did he manage to offend everyone in such a short span of time? It hasn't even been a month, and he already has so many enemies behind his back."

"Do you want me to take care of them?" Irene asked with a calm expression on her face.

She helped others in her spare time, but that didn't mean she lacked ruthlessness.

Among Xia Tian's daughters, her role was to punish, carrying out all the frontline butchering while Nyx did it from the shadows.

It was even strange for Irene to possess compassion, considering that she had killed countless cultivators.

By now, she should have become an emotionless doll.

However, Irene was strangely a nature-loving, quiet, and calm woman.

"Nope! That will ruin his fun!" Isabella said while pouting and stomping her leg in the air. "He hasn't even seen my gift yet!"

Irene sighed. 'What gift has she prepared for him?'

Irene had been listening to Isabelle's incessant ranting about a gift she had prepared for Xia Tian, but every time she asked, Isabelle would say it was a secret.

Little did Irene know that Isabelle was involved in the kidnapping of the last three heavenly goddesses.

Before the Zeng sisters, there was another generation of three heavenly goddesses who had suddenly disappeared.

It had caused a huge uproar in New Heaven.

No one knew how anyone could disappear without a trace, especially right under the nose of the Eternal Sun.

Only Isabelle was capable of pulling off something like this.

Last time Isabelle gifted Xia Tian a harem of three thousand beauties, but he grew bored with it soon after because there was no quality in it, only quantity.

So this time, Isabelle focused on quality and not quantity.

What could be better than a trio of MILF goddesses?

Isabelle was convinced that they would help Xia Tian survive the hardships of this cruel and ruthless world.

After all, every man deserved a woman like Isabelle.

She was a gem.

As Isabelle couldn't help but think about the absurdity of it all. 'A pair of three milf goddess,' she muttered to herself, trying not to laugh.

'What kind of math is that?' She shook her head and chuckled. 'Well, at least he won't get bored of them too quickly. They have centuries of experience to keep him entertained.'

Isabelle couldn't resist adding a dark joke to her inner monologue. 'And if he ever gets tired of them, I can always arrange for a fourth goddess. After all, three's a crowd, but four's a party!'

She laughed at her own joke, feeling pleased with herself.

But deep down, Isabelle knew that Xia Tian's insatiable appetite for women would never be satisfied.

It was a never-ending cycle of pleasure and pain, and she was just a pawn in satisfying him.

Still, she couldn't deny the thrill of the chase and the rush of power that came with being his confidante.

As long as she could keep him satisfied, she would remain at his side, a willing accomplice in his twisted desires.

Isabella was indeed a rare gem, crafted by Xia Tian.

Suddenly, Eternal Sun materialized near the women from the void, eliciting no surprise from them, as if they had already anticipated his arrival. Irene channeled her boundless energy into her sword, a gift from Xia Tian, and kept it polished and ready for any strange men who might approach her.

Xia Tian had done the right thing as a responsible father - giving his daughter a weapon to defend herself against unwanted advances from men.

The sword emitted vicious ice energy, but Eternal Sun seemed unfazed, even excited as he greeted them, "How are you, little girls?"

"Your dick is little," Irene retorted before Isabelle could speak, her eyes narrowing with anger.

The younger woman shared her sentiment towards the man - she despised him with every fiber of her being.

How dare he call them "little" as if they were mere children to be patronized?

Only Xia Tian had the right to call them that, and it was an endearment that they cherished.

Despite the fact that Irene could easily attack him with the power of her sword, she knew it would be futile.

She had tried to harm him before, even severing his organs, but he always managed to come back, as shameless and cheeky as ever.

As for destroying his soul, it was easier said than done. They were not Xia Tian, who had the power to destroy the soul of a void realm cultivator.

She wished a thousand times over that she could destroy his soul and trap it in a jar, so that he could never reincarnate and continue to plague the world with his insufferable presence.

"Ho? How do you know... By chance have you seen it?" Eternal Sun spoke with suspicion.

She instantly shook her head and denied him, "No, but people who have seen it have died by its nasty appearance..."

Eternal Sun, " _ "

Isabelle, " _ "

Eternal Sun's face contorted with irritation, as Isabelle quirked an eyebrow, captivated by Irene's enigmatic reply. The latter stifled a laugh, fighting the urge to collapse onto the ground.

'When did she become so vicious?' Isabelle wondered, surprised by the sharpness of Irene's tongue.

Normally quiet and reserved, Irene had proven to be quite adept with words.

Eternal Sun coughed in embarrassment, clicking his tongue. "Tsk-tsk, quite the sharp tongue. Never mind you can use your tongue to other puros-"

But before he could finish his sentence, a blast of energy powerful enough to destroy a galaxy came hurtling towards him.

"Fuck," Eternal Sun cursed, conjuring a yellow shield made of pure energy.

But Irene's sword qi easily pierced through his shield, hurtling towards him with astonishing speed.


The blast of energy released by Irene's sword qi collided with Eternal Sun's body with tremendous force, creating an explosion that shook the very fabric of the void, a small crack in the space opened.

The sheer power of the impact was enough to cause the surrounding stars to tremble and flicker, as if they were being threatened by the outburst.

A wave of blue light radiated outwards from the epicenter of the explosion, illuminating the darkness of the void with a brilliant glow. The sound of the explosion echoed through the emptiness, a deafening boom that seemed to reverberate endlessly.

The energy released by the collision continued to ripple outwards, sending shockwaves through the void that could be felt for light-years around. The very fabric of space itself seemed to twist and warp under the force of the explosion, as if it were struggling to contain the sheer power unleashed by the clash of the two cultivators.

As the dust and debris settled, the figure of Eternal Sun could be seen standing amidst the chaos, seemingly unscathed by the explosion. The yellow shield he had conjured had protected him from the worst of the blast, leaving him relatively unharmed.

But even as he stood there, a sense of unease lingered in the air...

The five sisters didn't all attack him at once; they knew his weird abilities made him difficult to hurt, and it was better to not fight him with everything they had until Xia Tian was with them.

Eternal Sun had never attacked them, but his motives remained a mystery.

Perhaps he enjoyed being cursed?

A secret masochist, indeed.

The man's figure appeared unscathed, effortlessly changing the topic, "Hey, were you all watching? Do you know who killed that young phoenix?"

The women's eyes glimmered momentarily, they knew exactly who he was referring to.

It was their sister.

In Zeng Qingge's hand was the carcass of a small phoenix, killed by Nyx on Xia Tian's orders.

All of this was Xia Tian's doing, managing to offend everyone at once. His power was truly terrifying.

Irene pressed her lips together, refusing to divulge anything.

But Isabelle's face suddenly lit up with a mysterious smile as she spoke, "Look over there!"

She pointed to a tiny realm located in the Celestial Phoenix Nebula. Eternal Sun followed her gaze, his eyes scanning across space and time until he came upon the ancient Xia realm.

He was already aware of its existence.

Upon seeing it, he smirked and left without even offering thanks for their help.

Though he did leave behind a storage ring containing precious minerals.

Isabelle picked up the ring and crushed it in her palm, her smile growing wider.

Irene's eyes narrowed as she spoke in a low tone, "Why did you tell him?"

Isabelle laughed, her amusement short-lived after he disappeared, "Who do you think will suffer from this? Him or husband?"

Needless to say, the husband in her mouth was 'Xia Tian,' and him was, 'Eternal Sun.'

All of them had their own way of referring to Xia Tian, he never cared about it.

Irene fell silent, a wry smile tugging at her lips as she shook her head in pity.

It was indeed a clever way to torment Eternal Sun.

Xia Tian's vicious tongue would make the man regret his very existence.

As for Xia Tian being harmed by him?


Xia Tian had survived the destruction of the universe three times over and had risen to the Void Realm thrice, all without their assistance.

With so many people guarding him now, what could anyone possibly do to him?

The women were convinced that it was others who needed protection from Xia Tian, not the other way around.

The whole damn universe was chasing Xia Tian, but they were just running in circles, for little did they know that they were all just pawns in his grand game of life.

Xia Tian was a mastermind, always seeking new ways to add color to his existence, and what better way to do so than by using the hapless souls chasing after him for entertainment? With each new chaser, he'd cackle to himself, rubbing his hands in glee at the prospect of yet another unwitting victim to toy with.

And boy, did he have plans for them. From elaborate schemes to simple pranks, Xia Tian was a true artist when it came to causing chaos and mayhem.

So let the world chase him, he thought, for he was always one step ahead, ready to turn the tables on anyone who dared to cross him.

It was a funny, twisted game, and Xia Tian was the master player.


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