The Psychopath's Harem

Chapter 122 "Let Me Do It..."

Wang Wenshu kept a brave face as Xia Tian approached her.

She would rather die than lose her dignity.

Though she did not love her husband, unlike Meng Hui, she could not bear to disgrace him by cheating on him.

She was the kind of woman who would rather die than cheat.

Women like her did not stay faithful to their partners because they loved them, but because they were overly proud and self-righteous. They could not bear to see themselves in a bad light and had a self-image that they refused to tarnish.

"It's your turn, mother-in-law," Xia Tian spoke with a smirk as he came inches away from her.

Wang Wenshu quivered as she felt his hot breath on her face. She had been forced to watch them make out for hours and now her body was hot all over.

A small bump could be seen on her chest. The clothes she wore were not particularly thick, so the outlines of her nipples were visible to the naked eye.

Instead of reasoning with Xia Tian, she closed her eyes, and her eyelids trembled continuously. "I can't give in... I am not an immoral woman," she thought to herself, determined not to let Xia Tian break her spirit.

She would not let him win.

The only way Xia Tian could have her was by outright raping her, because, unlike Meng Hui, she wouldn't beg him, even if she were threatened.

[Master, I think you have to be forceful with her. This woman is too proud to give in.]

Luo Xue suggested.

Although she was a woman herself, living long enough life had made her numb to things like killing, etc.

Plus, she knew stopping Xia Tian was impossible.

"Nope," Xia Tian replied plainly.

His answer shook Luo Xue. "If he isn't going to force her, how else will he make her surrender?"

Xia Tian was already smiling widely. "Blame yourself, mother-in-law. If you had politely given in, then you might have a better ending." His fingers ran across her neck, making Wang Wenshu shiver in fear.

The aura around Xia Tian was becoming extremely eerie. He wasn't looking at her with lust. His eyes had changed to one of emptiness.

A small knife appeared in his hand while he licked his lips, staring at her red, juicy lips.

Facing the unpredictable Xia Tian, the cultivators forgot that they had power at all. His aura was enough to eradicate their will to fight. Even if they fought him, they had no chance of winning.

"Let's play a small game, mother-in-law," Xia Tian announced.

While others would ask, "Want to play a game?" Xia Tian directly asked, "Let's play a game." These small manipulation techniques were very effective in guiding a person in a conversation where you want.

"What game?" Wang Wenshu asked with irregular breathing.

The moment she opened her eyes, she was shocked to see a blade in his hand.

"It's a simple game. If you don't scream, you win, but if you do, you lose," Xia Tian said.

"What if I lose?" Wang Wenshu asked.

"If you lose, your punishment will be death."

"Death!" Wang Wenshu clenched her fists. Her eyes shook violently, unable to respond for a few seconds.

"What if I win?" she asked.

Xia Tian stared at her for a few seconds and then laughed.

Suddenly he stopped laughing and seriously looked at her. "You won't," he said.

That small sentence shook Wang Wenshu to the core. Her beautiful face turned unsightly.

Xia Tian, paying no attention to her look of horror, lifted her up in a princess carry.

Meng Hui watched in shock as Xia Tian took Wang Wenshu to the bed, choosing a proper location this time.

Meng Hui was grateful for it, as Xia Tian had previously fucked her on the hard, messy floor, but had let her live.

As for Meng Hui, she focused on her child, who lay unconscious on the floor.

What else could she do? Sympathize with Wang Wenshu?

Would it be of any use?

What good was pride if it got you killed?

These were two striking ideologies, one choosing to die a hero rather than bend their head, while the other chose cowardice by bending their head and surviving.

Xia Tian hummed as he gently laid Wang Wenshu's body on the large bed, a never-changing smile on his face that made her feel suffocated.

Slowly and gradually, he removed all her clothes. Wang Wenshu used her hands to hide her intimate areas and looked at him with suspicion and wariness, attempting to justify her choices.

"You can never have me, Xia Tian. I already belong to someone else. I am not the type of woman who will betray my husband for the fear of my life," she said, trying to reason with herself.

Xia Tian stopped humming and looked at her. "Sorry, did you mishear something? When did I say I wanted you?" His blinking eyes stared at her without any ripples, paying no attention to her as he continued taking off her clothes.

Despair started to fill Wang Wenshu's mind, as she did not know what he wanted to do with her. "Am I going to be defiled?" she thought, assuming the worst.

However, the truth was far worse than what she had assumed.

She was indeed going to be defiled, but it wouldn't be a pleasant experience for her.

After her death, even her soul would tremble at the thought of the monster she faced today.

One might wonder why Xia Tian changed his decision to keep her as a toy and instead use her as an object of his torture. The answer was simple.

It was more fun this way! Xia Tian loved the fun that the world brought, not the world itself.

He made choices for himself, and previously he wanted her as a toy, but now he didn't. It was his choice, and he could change it again, but that too would be his choice.

After the last piece of clothing was gone, Xia Tian smiled widely and looked at the beautiful sculpture squirming beneath him.

The beauty of this woman was enough to bring an empire to ruin. Even Xia Tian felt it was such a waste to let Xia Leng have her first time.

The sight of her was mesmerizing. Her hair, a ravine of silky strands, lay spread across the bed like a work of art.

The subtle rise and fall of her chest was hypnotic, and her crystal-like eyes glimmered with an alluring intensity, drawing him in with a magnetic force.

Wang Wenshu was no longer trying to cover her breasts or sacred cave; her arms were outstretched in a T-shape, accentuating the curves of her body.

Her hands were perfectly positioned, drawing attention to her slender waist and emphasizing the sensual lines of her hips.

Every inch of her exuded confidence and poise, as if she were a work of art on display for all to admire.

Despite her composed appearance, a look of dignity remained in her eyes, although it was unclear how long it would last.

Unfortunately, once the game had begun, Xia Tian did not like going back.

Her pink and clear nipples stood up tall, while her nether region was devoid of any pubic hairs.

As Xia Tian leaned in closer, he couldn't help but notice the intoxicating scent of lilies emanating from her skin.

It was faint, yet unmistakable, like a delicate perfume that had been crafted just for her.

The aroma seemed to linger in the air around her, enveloping him in a cloud of pure, unadulterated bliss.

He closed his eyes, savoring the scent, and felt himself becoming lost in the moment, completely under her spell.

His strange actions made the already shaken woman gasp for breath. However, her heart rate started to climb up at an unprecedented speed.

Suddenly, her trance-like state was broken when she felt a cold object pressing against her lips.

"What?" she gasped in terror, as Xia Tian held a knife with a sharp, razor-thin blade above her lips.

Contrary to her expectations, he wasn't only going to use the knife to remove her clothes but also to remove her skin...

The chill emanating from the blade turned her whole body cold. It was then that she realized it was time to escape.

Unfortunately, she couldn't use her cultivation anymore.

The energy of heaven and earth wasn't responding to her, and neither was the spiritual energy heeding to her call.

The whole world had abandoned her.

No one would listen to her today, not even the elements in the air were too sacred to save her.

The bloodthirsty aura started to envelop her surroundings, making her eyes go wide in shock.

Slowly, she felt the blade moving.

Her body flinched and she yelped in fear. "Aaa!"

Xia Tian spoke casually, "Oops, you lost!"

Wang Wenshu was shocked as she had forgotten the rules of the game. "I-I lost?"

she asked.

"Yes, you lost," Xia Tian replied, shaking his head with pity.

The blade started to move again, and Wang Wenshu cried out in pain.

The sharp blade had left a clean, precise cut on the lower part of her lips, and the thick, crimson blood began to flow out of the wound.

She winced in pain but didn't make a sound, as if she had accepted the injury as part of the price she had to pay.

Xia Tian was satisfied with the precise cut, and he moved closer to her bleeding lips.

She groaned as he felt his tongue licking and opening her wound further, causing a sharp pain to assault her.

Terror consumed her mind as she realized that he was going to gradually enjoy yet kill her at the same time.

Her pride and dignity were already starting to crack.

She felt him sucking on her lips until there was no more blood coming out.

As if not bothered by her small resistance, Xia Tian moved his hand holding the knife to her curvaceous waist.

There was a squishing sound as he directly inserted the blade into her waist and left it there to bleed.

Wang Wenshu screamed in pain, and he took the opportunity to put his tongue inside her mouth.

She tried to resist, but it was too late.

In Xia Tian's eyes, all were just flesh and bones, some more beautiful than others. He was using her to satisfy his unchained urges.

During his worst times, he always had the urge to rape, torture, and tear down female heroines.

He still had those urges, but he was restraining them and not using them on his toys. After all, keeping them alive was much more fun, just like Shui Ningxue.

Wang Wenshu had made a big mistake by not accepting being his toy.

[Note: Earlier in the story, it was explained that Xia Tian administered a small test to women before accepting them as his toy. The women were not aware of this test. Xia Shuiyao passed the test when she willingly took off her clothes in Chapter 7.

Wang Wenshu failed the test to become his toy since she chose to die rather than surrender.]

It was a simple test, really. Xia Tian just needed to see if the woman was willing to give herself to him completely, to surrender to his will and desires.

Xia Shuiyao had passed the test with flying colors, stripping off her clothes without hesitation.

But Wang Wenshu had failed, choosing death over submission.

Xia Tian couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed. He had been looking forward to breaking her, to molding her into his perfect toy. But she had refused to play along.

And so, he had no choice but to let her go. Or so he had thought.

But now, as he stood over her bleeding and broken body, he realized that she had never truly left his grasp. She may not have surrendered willingly, but she had surrendered nonetheless.

And that was all that mattered. He smiled to himself as he thought about what he would do to her next.

He would make her suffer, yes, but he would also make her feel pleasure. He would show her what it meant to truly submit to someone, to give up all control and let him do as he pleased.

And who knows? Maybe, in the end, she would even thank him for it.

Wang Wenshu had become nothing more than a tool to satisfy Xia Tian's violent urges.

She felt his warm, invasive tongue probing her mouth, but it brought her no pleasure, only revulsion that sent shivers down her spine.

She tried to resist, but his grip on her was too strong, and she felt helpless beneath his touch.

He licked her bleeding lips with a mixture of passion and cruelty, savoring her pain and using it to fuel his twisted desires.

Her body quivered with fear as she realized she was at his mercy and that he had no intention of stopping until he had fully satisfied his desires.

As he continued to ravage her with his mouth, she fought back tears, trying to find some way to escape his grasp.

She had never felt so violated, so powerless, and so alone.

She wondered how this could be happening to her - why was she made to suffer such pain? Couldn't he just defile her normally?

Finally, Xia Tian pulled away, a wicked grin spreading across his face. "You like that, don't you?" he whispered, his breath hot against her cheek. "You can't deny it."

She recoiled from his touch, wishing she could scrub the memory of his kiss from her mind. Afterward, he forced her to eat a pill, the effects of which were unknown to her.

Soon, she felt her breasts burning, and Xia Tian caught her nipple between his thumb and forefinger.

He squeezed and pulled until the milk started to come in. "It looks delicious, doesn't it?" he said, before squishing her breast.

Suddenly, he pulled out a knife, making her scream in pain, and used her breast milk to clean the blade, covered with her blood.

Wang Wenshu closed her eyes due to the pain and used her hand to stop the spot from bleeding. As if this wasn't enough, she could feel the blade moving above her other nipple.

"N-No, don't do it!" she begged.

Xia Tian did not stop but slowly pushed the tip of the knife into the center of her nipple, extending the small opening of the duct that carried milk.

Wang Wenshu hissed in pain.

At this point, she was sure he was not human. No human could be this cruel. This was madness. Tears of pain streamed down her face as Xia Tian continued to suck on her breasts.

"Anggg!!... Please... Stop...."

"Why are you begging me now, mother-in-law? It's useless. You have lost the game."

She felt nothing but agony, wishing she could escape his grasp and make the pain stop.

But he held her tightly, reveling in her torment and using it to satisfy his twisted desires.

As he drank from her, she could taste the strange mixture of milk and blood in his mouth.

It was a sickening combination, one that made her want to retch. But to Xia Tian, it was the taste of pure ecstasy - the taste of power and dominance over another human being.

He couldn't remember the last time he had tasted such sweetness.

It had been too long since he had indulged in his perverse desires, too long since he had felt the rush of adrenaline that came from controlling another person's body and mind.

As he continued to drink from her, he felt a sense of elation spreading through him, a sense of satisfaction that he had not felt in years.

For in that moment, he was the master of her body, the controller of her pain, and the keeper of her life. And he knew that he would stop at nothing to keep that power for as long as possible.

Something inside Xia Tian screamed to go further....

The scene was gruesome as Xia Tian held the knife and moved it closer to Wang Wenshu's shoulders.

He seemed to be enjoying the power he had over her, relishing in the fear and helplessness she felt.

Wang Wenshu's eyes were wide with terror, and she felt her heart pounding in her chest.

She knew she was at the mercy of a sadistic monster and she had no hope of escaping.

She tried to plead with him, but her words fell on deaf ears. It seemed as if nothing could stop him from inflicting more pain on her.

As Xia Tian prepared to make another cut, a sudden voice interrupted the room. Nyx appeared out of nowhere and exclaimed, "Let me do it!"

Xia Tian turned to face Nyx, a hint of surprise in his eyes. "What are you doing here?" he demanded.

Nyx didn't respond, instead focusing on Wang Wenshu. She approached the helpless woman, a look of determination on her face.

"I'm going to take care of her," Nyx said firmly.

Her words cause Xia Tian to grin with craze.

Did she really believe he would let her as she wants?





Please give feedback on this chapter, I have changed the writing style and editor.

Do you like current style more or the previous one?




Author's Note: If the previous content was too extreme for you, please consider stopping here, as things are about to get even crazier.

The upcoming psychopathic part will blow your mind.

As for those who were disappointed by my decision to spare Wang Wenshu from further torture, are you some kind of monster? Just kidding, but in all seriousness, I made a promise for her to join Xia Tian's harem, so I can't let her die.

However, don't worry, there's still a fivesome involving her and her daughter in the works.

And for those interested, I'll be introducing another woman for Xia Tian to satisfy his violent urges. Feel free to suggest any candidates


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