The Protagonists Are Murdered by Me

Chapter 212

Bz bz bz bz bz

It was only a month after I arrived in this world that I left for what people called ‘adventure’. However, different from what people thought, my adventure was not dangerous at all. Instead, it was rather relaxing, just like a vacation. It was good to give yourself a break to take care of your mental health. Besides, just because I’m taking a break now doesn’t mean that the plan for hunting the protagonist stopped, right?

“Hero. The first ‘tower’ you mentioned is ready.”

“Is that so? Great!”

To cast the 9 circle great magic ‘Meteor Storm’, quite a lot of preparations were required. The most important one of all was the medium for summoning meteors. Since there would be no 9th circle wizard who can cast it directly, 6 special towers designed by Aracelli would be the substitute. However, it couldn’t just be placed anywhere random as it had to be precisely placed so that they were located in a circle with the Demon King’s Castle at its center.

Each ‘tower’ had to be built exactly 500 km apart from each other. There was no room for any errors. If there’s an error, the meteor might not get summoned, or even if it was summoned, the meteor wouldn’t fall precisely at the intended location—the centre of 6 towers.

“This is more cumbersome than I thought.”

“Well, it was because you wanted to use a 9 circle magic without a 9th circle wizard, Professor.”

“Sigh… Anyway, even though we’ve done all this, it’s still not perfect. There is still one annoying flaw.”

In my words, the wizards put on a gloomy expression. But it was true that the towers alone were great enough. They were all well aware because it was close to impossible for 7th circle wizards to reproduce the original magic of 9th circle.

Once again, I was reminded about how great the magic of a 9th circle magician was. If the rank of my Library of White Witch rises, will I be able to take a closer look into this level of magic, I wonder? After all, White Witch was actually a magician that’s at least two levels higher than Aracelli.


Thinking like that, I was reminded of Aracelli’s potential once again, too. When she reached the 9th circle, she was still quite young. What if she trains her ‘double circle’ to the extreme and regains her original circle? Maybe she can be stronger than the White Witch?

‘That’s unlikely to happen now.’ Her nine mana circles had already hardened, and there was hardly any way to get them back.

“Look how beautiful the tower looks!” An old man named Marvin, who was also a court wizard of the Kleiben Empire as well as a 7th circle wizard, exclaimed, waking me out from my thoughts. His eyes were locked into the blue column towering into the sky in the middle of the ridge.

Each of those ‘towers’ ​​had an astronomical monetary value, but none of the wizards cared about it. After all, it was all something with great magical value which was worth more than a mere money for them.

Speaking of which, ‘grand’ level wizards in this world were equivalent to 7 circle wizards in many worlds. Normally, when they reach that level, they would be given the title of ‘Great Sage’ or ‘Arch Mage’, which was similar to the Vivienda Empire. In other words, the best wizard in Ascanta World was only at the level of 7th circle, so it was only natural that they were mesmerized by a sudden appearance of someone who knew 9th circle magic.

“Hero, can’t we just build the second tower right away?” The court mage, Marvin, turned to look at Aracelli with eyes full of excitement.

I smiled at him and nodded my head. As expected, the wizards were really friendly.


“Then let’s go now!” From what I heard, no other Hero had ever received such support and assistance from the magic tower. As soon as I thought of that, I felt quite proud of myself.

“From now on, please go to the points I marked on the map and work hard to build the tower. I can’t go to the construction site to avoid the Demon King’s eyes.”

“Of course!”

“Then, please excuse me.” Using the Demon King as an excuse, I was able to hand over the hard labor to the wizards and the soldiers of the kingdom.

“Where are we going now, Professor?”

“We need to look for more materials. Not all the materials needed to build the tower are ready.”

Among the magic materials used in the tower, there were rare items such as ‘flea liver’, ‘cuckoo’s conscience’, ‘grapes left behind by foxes’. There were also some things which could only be obtained by killing giant monsters such as ‘griffin’s only golden feather’ and ‘hibernating arctic twin dragon’s scale’. and ‘giant mountain bear’s gallbladder’.

Of course, gathering those things wasn’t my only purpose.

I glanced at Aracelli’s outfit. Unlike me, who was armed with dazzling items and a state-of-the-art ether dispenser, she only had an old wooden staff and a shabby robe. She said it couldn’t be helped since she had to lose all her equipment while jumping between dimensions. No matter how good the equipment she would get in one world, when she moves to the next world, she will lose everything.

However, only one thing was different: A bullet necklace hanging on her neck. When I asked why it was not lost in the aftermath of dimensional travel, Aracelli said that before she began her journey, she managed to obtain a small amount of a rare material and applied it to her bullet, and made the bullet a part of ‘herself’. In other words, with that material, it was possible to deceive the world itself while moving through dimensions…

That material was none other than ‘dragon scales’.

What if we could get our hand on more of them here?

Aracelli would be able to travel between dimensions without any worry of losing her gear. I don’t know if there were dragons in this world or not. But Aracelli told me that, according to legend, dragons should exist in every world.

‘If I find a dragon…’

For that reason, I was thinking of searching for the existence called dragon while at the same time looking for materials for the ‘tower’.

Wouldn’t this be the most efficient ‘Hero’s Adventure’ ever written?

* * *

After hunting the protagonist last time, Yoo Seodam acquired a skill called [How to Emotionally Understand Machines (A)]. The skill would make him able to manipulate the machine a little more precisely and at the same time make him understand the structure of the machine more easily. Also, it would make him ‘emotionally understand’ the machine more.

In other words,

‘It’s hard. If I consume more energy than that, my body will burn.’

‘Hey! Come on! Use me! I want to explode! Explosion! Explosion! Explosion! Hurry up and blow me up!’

‘I’m sleepy… Can’t you just turn the power off…?’

The hum of the machine, the crackling sound of sparks, etc. would sound like ‘words’ to Yoo Seodam. That doesn’t mean the machine actually had feelings or anything like that. It was just that Yoo Seodam was able to see the state of the machine a little more clearly.

Was it a useful skill?

Of course, it is. Let’s say, for example, he got a bomb that mumbles, ‘Let’s just get some sleep…’ and a bomb that shouts, ‘Detonate me right now!’. In the case of the sleepy bomb, strangely, a malfunction would occur; or the destructive power would be weaker than expected. However, the latter bomb would explode without any problem when detonated, and its firepower was even stronger than average.

For Yoo Seodam, who often handled machinery and was equipped with ether blade and winchester, it was a fantastic skill.

Pop, puff, puff!!

When a gas bomb enchanted with diffusion magic detonated, the nine-headed wolf monster slumped into the ground in agony. Without wasting time, Yoo Seodam buried his ether blade into the gaping wounds caused by the explosion on the nine-headed wolf. Once he pressed the ‘rupture’ button on the handle, the energy exploded and the wolf died instantly.

The monster he just killed, the nine-headed wolf, was one of those boss-class monsters which could only be defeated when at least five master-class knights gathered. The reason why Yoo Seodam dared to catch the nine-headed wolf was…

“If you make a shopping bag out of their leather, it will be no joke.”

“Did you mean ‘handbag’ rather than ‘shopping bag’, Professor?”

“Aren’t they both the same?”

“They are different!!”

It was just to make one shopping bag.

“Professor, you seem to have been slightly injured from the explosion… I will treat you.”


Aracelli’s leaned closer to Yoo Seodam. The wound he suffered was nothing but a slight burn, but it would still take some time for it to be healed naturally. However, with Aracelli’s magic, it was healed instantly. It was just a simple light-element magic, but her magic, which had once reached the level of the 9th circle, seemed to be no different from the divine power of the priests.

‘Demon King… The movement of the Hero is odd.’ A shadow said telepathically while secretly watching the hero from the distance. The creature was black from horns to toe. On top of it, he was assimilated into the shadows, making him unseen to normal eyes.

– What do you mean? Didn’t you say that he’s finally working on something now?

‘That’s not it.’

-Then? What is the Hero doing now?

‘He… He hunted a nine-headed wolf.’

-Wh-what?! How can a Hero who has only been summoned for a month hunt a nine-headed wolf! Unbelievable!

‘But it is true. The Hero has an excellent cleric girl as his companion, and he also uses a very unique swordsmanship.’

-Damn… it looks like the humans had summoned a formidable guy. So, why did he hunt the nine-headed wolf? A cleanup? Monster conquest? Or Magic suppression?

‘No, that’s not it…’ The minion contemplated whether or not to tell the Demon King the truth for a moment. However, in the end he decided to report it as it is. ‘It’s to make a shopping bag.’

Kim Diablo was silent for a moment. Then, moments later, he shouted.

-What did you say, you bastard? Are you fucking kidding me?!

‘No, my liege! It’s the truth! I will never tell a lie to you, my liege!’

At the minion’s words, Kim Diablo furrowed his brows.

-What the hell is this bastard of a Hero doing?

He was confused and irritated by the Hero’s behaviour. He simply couldn’t know what was happening inside his head. Only when he could infer, grasp, and calculate his movements will he be able to push him into a trap with a perfect scheme when he arrives at the Demon King’s Castle.

However, it was simply impossible to predict the Hero of this generation. Right after he was summoned, he didn’t do anything and was just lying around in the royal castle for a week. Then, when he finally decided to set off on an adventure, it was not a bloody and full of difficulty but a relaxing one!

– Th-th-then this time, he hunted the nine-headed wolf, the ruler of the Antauri Mountains, just to make a shopping bag? Is he sane?

On top of it, the appearance of Hero Yoo Seodam, whom Kim Diablo could see through the vision he shared with his minion was closer to that of a barbarian rather than a Hero. He was doing something a Hero wouldn’t do: tearing the skin of the wolf while giggling.

Then, suddenly, a good idea came to Kim Diablo. If the Hero was already strong enough to hunt a nine-headed wolf, it means that the Hero of this generation was already complete. If so, wouldn’t that mean that there would be no big problem if he hunted him right now?

-If the other Demon Kings knew about this, they would rush towards him…

However, going out on his own was suicidal. But, isn’t there a very good way to attract him to his castle?

-That girl is his priest companion?

‘Yes that’s right.’

Kim Diablo stared at Aracelli. The potential of a priest was limitless. When they become strong enough, they would become more powerful as well as raise the party’s power from two to ten times. But they had a glaring weakness: they were vulnerable when alone. In other words, it would be simple to abduct them.

Although the priest girl was useless to him, the Demon King, isn’t it a long-standing tradition for Demon Kings to abduct beautiful women and brag about it?

That girl was more beautiful than any other beauty he had ever seen, and even when he looked at her through someone’s eyes like this, her beauty still took his breath away.

-From now on, try to kidnap that girl and bring her to the castle.

It was a pretty risky plan, but there was no risk to Kim Diablo. It would be a pity if it fails, but it’s good if the Hero comes to his castle out of anger.


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