The Protagonists Are Murdered by Me

Chapter 202

I’m a magician.

“Ah! You are that Great Magician! Nice to meet you!”

But apparently, I’m not just an ordinary magician but a ‘Great’ one. It sounded very strange, but it wasn’t exactly wrong. After all, unlike other magicians who used a small wand, I used a wand created in an era far from the current era of this world, a wand called Winchester.

(T/N Okay it might be confusing with the title… But the ‘great’ magician in the title is the Duke.)

That’s a gun, not a wand, you say? No, it was actually a wand here because it had the same function as a wand, which was to unleash an attack to destroy the enemy.

“Can’t you show me that wand just once?”

“Hey! Why did you ask something so disrespectful to a Great Magician?”

“Oh, sorry!”

The place I was currently at was Blue Magic Tower. One of the largest magic towers in the Empire. However, even here—a place where numerous prestigious wizards gathered—my wand still looked alien to them. Well, it wasn’t surprising since even back in the Vivienda Empire, where their magic technology was far more developed than this world, my old gun, Mega Shooter, was mistaken for a wand. Therefore, it’s only natural for the magicians here to think that Winchester is a wand since it even had the function of enhancing bullets with magic. For that reason, I became quite famous throughout the tower even though it’s only been a week since I registered here.

-I am currently working as a maid for the Alleroden family.

On my second night in this world, a message from Aracelli arrived. I didn’t know why I fell on this distant Blue Magic Tower when Araceli fell on the residence of Duke Alleroden. Though, I knew there must be a reason. Perhaps, it was because the hunting ‘chance’ would be the highest if it was like this.

As I was thinking about that, while testing the magical value of the Winchester by enchanting it with a new magic with the help of the Flower Pot, an old wizard came to me with five young wizards in tow.

“Magician Yoo Seodam. I heard that you are participating in the next seminar?”

“Yes. That’s correct.”

“Aren’t you being arrogant?”


“It has only been a little over a week since you entered the tower. Yet, you’ve already decided to participate in a seminar…”

“I am participating because I am qualified.”

“Huh, do you think that other magicians didn’t participate because they don’t have the qualifications? You are wrong! They aren’t participating so senior magicians can participate first! From the looks of it, it looks like you put too much faith in that special wand of yours… But if you continue to live like that, you’ll be kicked out of the tower sooner rather than later. Cancel your admission now and just enter next year’s seminar.”

I glanced at the young wizards standing behind the old man while he was talking. One of the five magicians was staring sharply at me. It was then that I understood. It seems like he was supposed to attend the seminar, but since I decided to participate, he lost his spot, and it was given to me instead.

The old magician waited for my answer with smug looks on his face. It looks like he thought that he had successfully intimidated me with his petty threat. But unfortunately for him, I don’t really mind even if I was kicked out of the tower right now.

“I don’t want to.”

“What?!?!” The old magician’s face became beet red.

“Tell that old magician behind you. If he wants to take my place, he needs to become a better magician. If he doesn’t have the skills, of course he won’t have the right to enter the seminar. So what if he’s older than me? How does it matter when I am a better magician than him? What is he going to do about it?”

“This guy!!!! You dare mock me!?”

Among the magicians, the hierarchical order was considered as extremely important. It was even stricter than the army. However, was that really a necessity? No way. Hierarchy was just the culture of the old folks. This was simply a recipe for repressing talents. Rather, creativity overflows in an unrestrained environment.

But this old magician in front of me seems to be putting that archaic tradition in high regard, and he didn’t seem willing to let the matter go.

“YOU!!! I will tell the Vice Tower Master about your transgression right away!”

“Is that so?”

The old magician and the five magicians behind him walked out from my room and climbed up the stairs. With a sigh, I boarded the elevator right beside the stairs. It was a luxurious elevator straight to the Tower Master’s room which could only be used by VIPs.

“Oh, our Seodam is here!”

When I arrived at the Tower Master’s office, a beautiful woman, who seemed to be in her early 30s, with wavy red hair that reached her waist, greeted me. Even if she looked young and beautiful like that, her true identity was the Archmage ‘Rañasel’ who had achieved the level of 7 circles, which was equivalent to SS rank in terms of superhuman on Earth.

For reference, her actual age was in the 70s.

“Hmm… You didn’t think about something rude, did you?”

I shuddered at her words. Come to think of it, her specialty was mental magic. From the story I heard around the tower, she was very good at reading other people’s minds. Fortunately, since I have a strong protective mental barrier called [Concentration], Rañasel couldn’t read my mind properly. But still, since my level was a bit low, when I think of an important word like her age, she could easily see it at the very first glance.

“No. Of course not, Tower Master-nim.”

“Is that so? Since I can’t read your mind well, I’ll believe you~ But whatever, I don’t care about what you’re thinking!”

“That’s a relief.”

“But what’s wrong with your expression? Is there something wrong?”

“No, everything is okay.”

“Fufu, if you have any concerns, feel free to tell this big sister!”

Well, to be honest I indeed have a problem. Or to be exact had caused a problem. By now, that old magician must be pouring out swear words about me in front of the Vice Tower Master. But well, it’s not a big deal since the magician simply wants to protect the long-running archaic culture of the tower. It’s too annoying to step forward and trample that culture since I wouldn’t be here for long.

“By the way, did you find the wizard you were looking for?”


To briefly explain my ‘concept’ of this world, I was a magician from another continent as well as a heretic inquisitor who hunts heretic wizards. However, the part about being from ‘another continent’ drew the interest of the Tower Master. Unlike Earth, the seas of this world were full of all kinds of evil beasts and disasters, making it almost impossible to communicate between continents, and it was said that communication with the neighboring continents was completely cut off around 100 years ago.

In the midst of that, I came and claimed that I had crossed over from the other continent. To be honest, when I said that, I just threw those words without thinking. I didn’t know about such a backstory at all. Fortunately, my unique wand, Winchester and the magic of Flower Pot that I often use was a magic which couldn’t be found on this continent. Therefore, it gave credibility to my story.

“I haven’t found it yet. But that magician will bring harm to the world soon. Before that happens, I must find him.” I lowered my voice as I put the most serious expression I could. “…once I find him, I’ll deal with him quietly and leave.”

Charisma is important after all.

* * *

It was said that the first seminar started with a very small number of people. Only about 20 wizards from the Magic University gathered to discuss the truth of magic. But overtime, their seminar’s reputation spread all over the world, and by the 2nd and 3rd seminars, the number of people tripled and quintupled, and now, in the 30th seminar, the number of participating magicians had reached 300.

However, the current seminar’s goal wasn’t as pure as the first seminar. They no longer gathered to study anything related to magic. They simply came to boast their achievements.

“This time, Baron Teres’ eldest son has achieved 3rd circle, right?”

“That’s right, great achievements at such a young age. If only my son could be half as good as him… Sigh…”

“Eh-hey this guy. Even though your son has a low circle, hasn’t he already entered college by presenting a new theory of undifferentiation even though he is still just a young teen?”

In the midst of all the ass-licking and ego boasting, there was one particular name which people uttered more than one time. It was Mazellion Alleroden, the third son of the Duke Alleroden.

Despite the fact that he was only twenty, he had a dignified appearance that did not cower in the slightest in the gathering of middle-class and old wizards. But no one pointed out his cocky attitude. Afterall, Mazellion was the world’s most famous magician. A magician who achieved 4 circles at the age of twenty. On top of it, rumour of how Mazellion suddenly changed right when he became 20 and all of his trashy act was nothing but a façade to protect himself also spread.

‘All those acts were just to hide the real serpent inside.’

‘Scary bastard.’

‘The head of the Alleroden family must be very concerned about who will inherit the family in the future.’

The first son, who reached the 6th circle in his 30s, was certainly great, but he had no talent for politics whatsoever. Except for magic, he was ignorant and stupid. However, the youngest was different. His magical talent could be said peerless in the current era. He was also very talented in political warfare and had already turned the political world upside down.

Would it be the eldest brother who was already showing the temperament of an Archmage, or the youngest son who was still growing? That’s what everybody present thinks about.

Mazellion Alleroden felt all of their gaze and was engrossed in a sense of superiority. Then he glanced at Aracelli who was slicing ​​the steak in front of her with a knife and shoved it into her mouth little by little.

A seminar was a seminar, but in this place, food and drinks were arranged like a banquet hall. It was said that it was changed to this format ten years ago because it was no longer a place that needed a blackboard and a pen.

‘You must be very touched and grateful.’ Mazellion smiled as he saw Aracelli’s reluctant and careful action.

“Aracelli. You can eat a lot. Eat as much as you want.”


“How is it? Is it delicious? The steak you eat is a particular cut which only comes out of 500g from ‘Blancau’. It’s a rare cow that only comes out once every three years. After eating that, you’re not even envious of heaven, right?”

After explaining with a voice full of pride, Mazellion smiled widely. He thought that by giving such food to Aracelli, who was a commoner, she would change her mind to marry him because she wanted to eat more of it.

“I see…”

However, contrary to his belief, Aracelli only sighed and felt the taste of the beef on her tongue. Yes, it was definitely delicious. However, as the one and only Archmage who had reached the realm of 9 circles in her world, she could eat as much beef as she wanted for every meal. She just didn’t do it because she liked to live frugally.

“Oh, can you wait here for a moment? I have to go and see my father.”

“I understand.”

After hearing Aracelli’s answer, Mazellion quickly got up and headed for the balcony on the top floor where his father was currently at. When Mazellion arrived, The 7 circle Archmage, Duke Alleroden’s expression relaxed.

‘Lucky old man.’

Magellion said in his head. He didn’t really like the old man in front of him. In his head, the fact that he successfully achieved the title Archmage was simply because he was born in a good family and was provided with a suitable learning environment. If he had been born into such a family in his past life, he would undoubtedly have been a better magician than him.

‘That family… I will definitely get my hands on it.’

“Your achievements have improved a lot these days.” Duke Alleroden said.

“All thanks to your teachings, father.”

“I didn’t teach you anything. You learned all of it yourself. I’m proud of you.”


Mazellion opened her eyes wide without realizing it. His father, the man who didn’t easily put the word ‘proud’ in his mouth even to his eldest brother, just said those words to him.

‘I hope that these words mean…!!!’

“Don’t focus on that too much.” Duke Alleroden tapped Mazellion on the shoulder and then disappeared into thin air. It was disrespectful to leave during the seminar, however, who could say anything to him?

Mazelion clenched his fists as his body trembled. He really wanted to cheer as loud as he could right now, but he held back. The decision was not set in stone just yet, so he didn’t want some obstacle pop out of nowhere to change his father’s heart which was leaning towards him rather than his two brothers.

‘Yeah, just a little more…!’

Mazellion calmed down and returned to the seminar again, suppressing his joy. However, unlike before, the seminar hall was buzzing with something new.

“Did the Blue Mage and the Great Wizard come together?”

“It’s amazing. I heard he came from another continent? Does that mean he uses a different magic system than what we have here?”

“Did you say that his nickname was ‘Great Water Wizard’…?”

Great Magician? If it was that magician, Mazellion also remembered it. The reason was simple, it was because he was the only magician Aracelli interested in. If he was here, he had to tell Aracelli about it. He wanted to see her bright smile again. With that thought, Magellion looked around the seminar to find Aracelli.



Contrary to his expectation, Aracelli had already met the Great Magician.


He thought that since she entered as a maid, she wouldn’t dare talk to the wizard alone. However, his hunch was proven to be incorrect by the spectacle in front of his eyes. Aracelli’s expression while she was having a conversation with that wizard named Yoo Seodam was bright. It was Aracelli’s happiest expression he had ever seen.

‘Just what!’

When she ate the rare steak earlier, even after she heard the full details of what kind of steak it was, she did not even make such an expression. However, right now, when Yoo Seodam gave Aracelli a few tangerines, she was smiling brightly as she put them in her mouth. It was currently winter right now. So, it was a bit hard to get some tangerines, but still… It was nothing but common food!

How could she show such a happy expression?

‘Something, something…’

An unpleasant thought suddenly filled his head, and he held it tight.

In his eyes, Yoo Seodam was just a wandering wizard on the street while he was a man who would become the next head of the Duke Alleroden family. It was rude to even compare himself to that bastard.

‘…I’ll have to deal with him later.’

Mazellion grinded his teeth and drank the wine violently. It was a 59 years old vintage and rare wine, but he didn’t even enjoy its taste, he simply chugged it down like water.


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