The Protagonist System

180 Time To Play

180 Time To Play

“There you are!” Yuzuko shouted and everyone in the cafeteria turned to look at her and her friends. She strode over to my table and did a kind of pose, then she sat down across from me and her friends sat around her. “It's not nice to ignore a girl when she's talking to you.”

I used a clean set of chopsticks to pick up a chicken ball and held it out to her. “I'm pretty sure you were shouting this morning and I had to get to class.”

She gave me a wary look and then leaned in to suck the ball right in and started chewing on it. Her little moan let me know it was cooked perfectly. “What kind of sauce is that?”

“It's a blend of cherry and plum. It gives the best sweet and sour taste for this kind of fried chicken.” I answered and handed her the chopsticks before I picked up mine to keep eating.

“Thanks! You can call me Hibiki.” Yuzuko said and started to shamelessly share my meal with me, right there in front of her friends. One of them even gasped at her being so bold and she gave them a saucy wink and a muffled laugh.

I hid my own laugh at her taunting them and I ate some of the white rice on the side.

“So, who are you anyway?” One of her friends asked. “We've talked to everyone and no one knows who you are.”

I gave her a great smile and she blushed. So easy to tease. I thought and ate another chicken ball. “Well, you couldn't have talked to everyone, since no one in my class is here yet.”

Yuzuko nodded and turned her head to look when a certain blond idiot stormed into the cafeteria with his hands popping.

“Hey, Tiny Firecracker! Did you have trouble finding me?” I asked with the biggest grin I could manage with my smaller mouth.

“Fuck you, Deku!” Bakugo spat at me, his palms still sparking.

The entire cafeteria fell silent and everyone stared at me, especially the girls sitting across from me. They were all shocked by Bakugo's shout that had revealed who I really was, so I did the only thing I could do. I slowly stood up. Everyone's eyes followed the movement, as did Bakugo, and his eyes widened comically as I finished standing and stood a good 4 inches taller than him.

I made a show of taking off my uniform coat and hung it on my chair, then I rolled up my shirt sleeves to show off my ripped arm muscles. “What was it you called me, Tiny Firecracker?”

Bakugo couldn't let the taunt go and glared at me as he poked my chest with his finger. “You're a Deku and you'll always be a Deku!”

My hand darted out faster than anyone could see and I grabbed him by his shocked face. I lifted him up like he weighed nothing and smiled. “This useless person saved your life yesterday from the slime villain, Tiny Firecracker. What does that say about you?”

“Put him down, Midoriya.” A man's stern voice said from the doorway. “You'll be serving detention for fighting this afternoon.”

I let Bakugo go and he dropped to his feet and stumbled. “I wasn't fighting.”

“You put your hands on another student in anger...”

“I'm not angry.” I interrupted him and pointed to my face. “This is a smile. You're just not used to seeing it on the face of the kid you let all the other students pick on for years.”

The man scowled at me. “I'll be calling your parents to report your insolence and your detention.”

“I'd rather you call my mother and tell her I openly accused you of allowing bullying and blatant quirk use against me in your classroom, despite knowing you can be arrested for violating Japan's decency laws so blatantly.” I countered.

The man immediately lost the scowl and looked nervous. He knew that none of the kids liked him very much and if any of them took my side, or mentioned they got away with something because of him, he would be in big trouble from both the school board and the police.

“Never... never mind.” He said and did an about-face and left at a fast walk.

A soft curse of surprise came from the Gyaru at my table and I sat back down. Hibiki Yuzuko gave me a very pointed look before she let out a hum and started eating my lunch again. I smiled at her and picked up my own chopsticks and joined her, the both of us ignoring the fuming blond idiot that was still making his hands spark and breaking the law.

“I made these myself.” I commented and moved the top of the Bento Box aside to reveal the main meal of grilled salmon strips and teriyaki dipping sauce.

Yuzuko gave me a brilliant smile and snagged one of the thicker strips and dunked it. “This could only be better if you had some dango or some daifuku with cherry filling for dessert.”

I gave her my best grin and slid the middle section aside and showed off the bottom where the desserts were. I had four dango skewers, four mochi rice cakes filled with different bean paste flavors, and a sliced Swiss roll with cream filling that was covered in pink coconut.

“That's it! You're my boyfriend now.” Yuzuko declared and moved around the table to sit right beside me, gave my cheek a kiss, and went right back to eating.

Her friends stared at her in shock and I had to laugh at the sudden change in the tense atmosphere. Bakugo let out a growl sound and stormed off, clearly upset about being completely ignored.

“Thanks for that.” I whispered and Yuzuko gave me a sly side-eye look before she continued to eat.

We both knew she did it to firmly put me into the 'cool' category of the school's clique after the way I shut down my homeroom teacher. He had tried to throw around his authority in a place he knew he shouldn't have, and by the sounds of the chatter around us, his reputation had heavily suffered for it.

“You keep bringing stuff like this for lunch and we're even.” Yuzuko whispered back.

I leaned slightly into her and my hand snaked around her back to give her a sneaky hug. She blushed slightly, probably because I didn't try to grab her ass or her breast. I didn't say anything or tried to do anything else and she started talking to her friends across the table. She kept glancing at me to see if I was listening or paying attention and I would give her a tiny nod each time she looked.

The slightly blush stayed on her face for the entire lunch period until the bell rang. She hopped up as if it was the most natural thing in the world, leaned down and kissed my cheek again, and walked away with a laugh on her lips. Her friends chased after her and they begged her to tell them what she was thinking.

It made me chuckle and I cleaned up the table and put everything in my backpack and went to class. The teacher wouldn't even look at me when I entered and the other students also avoided looking at me. Bakugo fumed and his hands sparked and set his pencil on fire. He growled as he put it out and then he tossed it aside to get another one from the pack in his pocket. He always went through a lot of pencils when he was angry, which was most of the time.

I sat in my seat and followed along with the subjects being taught. I didn't offer any answers when the teacher called out for them and he didn't point out my lack of participation. I was no longer trying to be a teacher's pet and it didn't seem to bother him as much as I thought it would. Who would have thought that if you point out a man's crimes in public that he wouldn't want anything to do with you afterwards?

School ended and I made my way out of the school building and wasn't surprised to see my self-appointed girlfriend was waiting for me at the school's gate. Of course, I gave her a bow and then took her hand to kiss the back of it, making her and her friends titter in surprise.

“You're taking me out to the mall on Saturday. Dress nice.” Yuzuko ordered in a tone that was borderline pleading.

“Am I picking you up or are we meeting there?” I asked and looked at her friends.

“You can meet us there.” One of them answered for her.

I looked back at her and she shrugged a little, as if saying 'what can I do? They're nosy' and smiled. “Around 10 okay?” I asked and she nodded. “Then I'll be there.”

The small group of girls watched me as I walked away. I wasn't going to let my guard down, though. I let my Danger Sense guide me again as I made my way home and avoided a runaway bicycle, a mugging, Bakugo trying to ambush me, and one of the friends of my girlfriend that was probably going to warn me away from her.

Inko greeted me at the door with a hug and I did my chores, then I helped her. She let out little laughs as I picked up each piece of furniture to let her vacuum the entire apartment for the first time in years. I even moved the refrigerator and stove for her to clean the floor back there. She had a huge smile on her face when we were done and she hugged me for helping her so much.

I helped her straighten up the apartment after that and we finished up just in time for her to make dinner. Inko looked quite happy when I offered to help and we made a little more than necessary, just so I could take another Bento Box to school the next day.

She didn't mind having extra herself to eat for lunch the next day, either. It saved her a lot of work and time to just reheat the food instead of cooking from scratch all the time. It also saved us a lot of money on not eating take-out all the time, too.

That thought reminded me that I needed to make some money as soon as I could, if only so I would have some spending money for my date on the weekend. Unfortunately, I made the mistake of mentioning it and Inko pretty much lost her mind and freaked out about it.

If it wasn't so funny watching her running around and crying about me finally getting a date, I would have been worried about her. Because I was watching her closely, I saw the occasional gleam in her eye and her exaggerated overacting was just a bit too much to be real. The genuine tears were a nice touch, though.

Inko eventually calmed down and we worked out the best date tasks to do for couples and she promised to dig into her savings to give me a little spending money. I refused, of course. I told her I was going to sell some of my collectibles and would give most of it to her, since she was the one that paid for them in the first place.

Some of it had grown in value over the years and I had some really rare items, so she tried to refuse at first. I hugged her and whispered that I was growing up now and it was time to put away childish things. I also told her that I would keep the sentimental ones that she had worked so hard to get for me, because they were worth more to me than the monetary value.

It made her cry and I brought her to the couch and we sat there for the rest of the evening and cuddled as we watched television. I would have to stay up a little late to do my homework; but, that was okay. My mom needed me more than my report on Japan's role in creating the Quirk Registration laws.


The school days seemed to run together with my new normal routine occupying my mornings, my lunchtimes, and saying goodbye to my girlfriend at the school gate when school was over. Having my magic and memories unlocked, I remembered going to school before and this version was still quite easy. Integrating Quirks into my assignments was simple and homework was a breeze.

It was suddenly Saturday and my first collectible sale came through just in time. I was flush with cash after selling a very rare All Might figure in his first costume for 10,000 US dollars and the Yen conversion favoured me beyond all reasoning. It was almost like it was back in the old days and I had almost 1.5 million Yen in my account now.

Inko had actually fainted when I told her and she refused to accept any of it after she woke up. She claimed I could pay her back when I sold some of the other things and I should keep the first windfall for myself. I had thanked her and bought her favorite flowers and her favorite dessert Friday night. She had blushed from embarrassment at me remembering such silly things from when my dad had still been around and we spent the evening shopping locally for the best clothes for me to wear.

I used a taxi to go to the mall and arrived about 15 minutes before I was supposed to. I wasn't sure where we would meet, so I hung around the entrance with a single rose in my hand and a handful of those pixie sticks full of powered sugar candy. I had seen Yuzuko chewing on the things a few times between classes and I wanted to make a good impressing by giving them to her and her friends.

Just before 10 o'clock, a gaggle of girls that were dressed up, seemed to make the crowd part and they walked down the sidewalk towards me. It was neat to see Yuzuko really putting her Gyaru act on full display and her friends were right there with her. It was odd to see them going all out when they dressed like normal Japanese schoolgirls at school.

I had to smile at that, since they were normal schoolgirls, and they noticed me standing there near the doors in my stylish clothes. All five of the girls stepped close to surround me as they looked at me from head to toe, then they gave me a single nod as if they were one person.

Without a word, I held out both the single red rose and the handful of pixie sticks. One of them made a throaty sound, almost like a purr, and the candy was accepted and shared equally. The rose was sniffed by Yuzuko first and then handed around to make sure they all smelled it and it ended up tucked into Yuzuko's hair.

“You'll do.” Yuzuko proudly declared and all the girls nodded as one again.

What followed was a day full of shopping, hanging out at the food court, more shopping, a whole lot of talking and gossiping, people watching, more shopping, more hanging out, and a lot of amused laughter by the girls as they genuinely enjoyed spending so much time together.

Of course, I had been an idiot and had paid for it all without being asked to. They were only surprised the first few times and then accepted I really was an idiot. At least, the previous me was an idiot. Current me thanked the idiot me for being so generous right from the start, because we ended up at the Karaoke Bar in a private room and Yuzuko deep-throated me as one of her friends danced naked as she sang to me.

Then they took turns singing and dancing naked and the others sucked me off. Yes, really. It was one of the best dates I ever had, actually. They really appreciated that I hadn't complained once about their antics, or ignored them while they talked, or treated them badly despite their behavior. I had also indulged their peculiar tastes without flinching at the cost and that really got them all going.

We didn't have sex, though. They were saving themselves like good future wives, their words not mine. Since I respected their choices, I told them so. Yuzuko almost gave in right then and barely stopped herself from claiming me and giving me her first time. Instead, she only slid herself along my firm length and made out with me as she said she regretted she couldn't follow me into the premiere hero school in the country.

“Fire types like me are a dime a dozen, Izuku.” Yuzuko said and her arms and back flared up with blue fire and her friends all gathered around her and hugged and petted her arms, the fire not hurting them at all. “It doesn't even burn and only warms people and gives off light.”

My eyes admired the dancing flames and I was suddenly reminded of Hermione's favorite Bluebell Flames spell that did the same thing. Yuzuko saw my expression and she blushed, probably because no other guy had admired her for her quirk before. She gave me a very deep and passionate kiss and sped her hip movements up.

The other four girls helped her and she got off just before I shot my upteenth load all over our bellies and her chest, which the girls diligently cleaned up with their tongues and mouths, getting her off again.

“What about the rest of you?” I asked as Yuzuko rested on me and recovered from her orgasms.

“Nothing much to speak of, really.” One of them said and her forearms stretched out. “That's it. Two feet. My bones will break if I try to push them out any more than that.”

“I have really good focused hearing.” The second girl said. “It's not long range or anything, I can just pick out specific sounds when I hear them.”

“I can manipulate small amounts of water.” The third one said with a shrug. “I can't generate it, though.”

“I can make myself twice as strong for about a minute before I black out.” The last girl said. Since she looked like she weighed about 90 pounds soaking wet, that was a very low amount of strength.

The room's mood fell after their confessions and they looked sad, even Yuzuko.

“I never told you what my Quirk was.” I said into the silence and all five girls perked up. “You have to promise to never tell anyone about it.”

The girls exchanged looks and had a silent conversation, then nodded as one.

“We promise.” Yuzuko said.

“It's power sharing.” I told them and all five girls gasped and stared at me.

“You... you're serious? You can... enhance other powers?” One of them asked.

I smiled a knowing smile, because with both the skill maxed out and with what happened with all of my kids back in the Incredibles gaining variations of my abilities, I knew my latest idea would work.

“I can do a lot better than that, Akari. I can share copies of the powers I already have.” I said without sounding like I was bragging.

Complete silence met my words and the four girls sat around myself and Yuzuko as they thought about things.

“Hold on! You called me by my name.” Akari said, surprised. “You can tell us apart?”

I chuckled and tried to not roll my eyes at her. “I know all of your first and last names, Akari Shimizu. We've been having fun for over an hour now and I'd be a fool if I didn't know the name of the girl that so delicately caressed me while she handled my balls.”

Akari blushed and looked away from me. “Geez, you noticed that, too?”

I reached out and cupped the side of her face. “You don't have to be embarrassed.”

“Yes, I do. I've never... this was the first time I... that we...” Akari's voice trailed off and she wouldn't look at me.

“We have the room booked for another two hours. Why don't you sit on my face while I thank you?” I asked and all five girls gasped. “What? I'm not an idiot. Of course I was going to do it back to you.”

Yuzuko gave a pointed look to each of her friends and they all nodded. “Agreed. Izuku is our communal boyfriend.”

I blinked my eyes at that declaration and then she looked at me with desire in her eyes.

“I noticed someone hasn't gone soft after everything we've done so far.” Yuzuko whispered and her friends all looked down at my erection that was still there and looked back at my face. “If we agree to do this, then you're not allowed to leave us behind when you become a famous hero.”

I looked at each of their faces and saw determination there. “I won't leave you behind as long as you all try your best. I'm sure you can all get into a better training academy in 10 months when they hold the entrance exams.”

“You're not going to make us try out for UA?” Keiko Yoshida asked.

“I already told you I'm not an idiot.” I said and they looked like they were trying to not laugh. “As long as you can become registered heroes, it doesn't matter to me where you do it.” I said and was suddenly dog-piled and covered in kisses. I had apparently said the right thing and made them all very happy.


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