The Prodigy Boy Is Actually A 25 Old Girl!?

Chapter 247 - Ch. 247 Bad News

Britney was brewing hot tea, wondering when her two daughters would be home. Roxy had fled to Spain last year, and no one knew about it when the girl left.

Now her youngest daughter has gone after her sister, and again… no one knows.

Doesn't her husband have a member who can trace someone's departure? Why is no one aware of the departure of her two daughters? More and more, she could not trust the safety of her daughters in this dangerous country.

"This is all your fault." Britney blamed her husband for demanding too much of Roxy.

"How so?"

"If you don't lock her up by force or get her married to Raffetto's son, Roxy would never leave this place in the first place. If it happens to my daughter, my two daughters, I will hold you accountable."

Hades III sighed in defeat, hearing his wife's threat.. "Those two are also my daughters. They will be fine. Isn't Pierre there?"

"Like I will believe in his protection. You just can't protect our daughter. How can anyone else?"


"When are we going to stop? Don't you want to give up your position to Rothbert?"

"Hhhh… He doesn't want to take my position. What do you want me to do?"

Britney didn't answer and was lost in her own thoughts. Not long after, they heard the phone ringing from their house. With quick steps, Britney picked up the receiver, hoping that her daughter was calling her.


"Kaylee! Have you met your sister? Are you girls all right?"

"Mama, I've met Roxy, and we're staying at Uncle Pierre's. We'll be home the day after tomorrow."

"Really? You're going home?" Britney's face brightened, and she looked at her husband with a twinkle in her eye.

Hades III shook his head at the sudden change in his wife's mood.

After receiving her youngest daughter's call, Britney felt her heart was no longer cloudy and awaited the return of her two daughters. The eldest had been away for a year and only contacted her occasionally, while the other had been away for almost two weeks.

Nevertheless, Britney misses her two daughters very much, yet Roxy called her and told her a different notice.

"What? Why are you the only one going home? This morning Kaylee said you two were going home."

"She changed her mind, ma. She wanted to spend the rest of her vacation here. Plus, Barcelona is a fascinating city, and Kaylee wanted to stay here longer. I've lived here for a year, and this place no longer charms me."

"Roxy, don't tell me this is your another prank."

"Of course not, mama. I'll be going home alone, and Kaylee will go home when she's satisfied living here."

"Why didn't she tell me herself?"

"Ma, you also know what Kaylee is like. She couldn't voice her inner mind, let alone speak her heart. As soon as she hears that you want her to come home, she will definitely come back too. I know her very well, so that's why I helped her talk."

Britney took a deep breath before she agreed.

"Okay, then. Your papa will pick you up directly at the airport. Please promise me you won't leave without telling us after this. It almost gave me a heart attack."

Roxy chuckled at her mother's request. "I promise."

Britney hung up her landline with a disappointed sigh. Well, at least she'll meet Roxy soon. She had not seen her eldest daughter for a year because the naughty girl left without saying goodbye.

"What did she say?" Hades III asked his wife, confused by Britney's erratic mood swings.

"She said she was going home alone, and Kaylee stayed."

"What? No. They both must go home. I will call Pierre."

"Darling, this is the first time Kaylee has wanted to vacation outside, and you also know she'll be home as soon as she hears a word from you. Do you have the heart to take away your daughter's entertainment? You forget what happens when you restrain your daughter too much?"

"You spoil them too much."

"I just want them to be happy before they enter real life. They're still kids, and I want them to have the fun they crave."

Britney knows being born as a child of Hades will not have an easy life. Hades should have been Rothbert's father and then Rothbert. But... someone killed Rothbert's father, and Rothbert himself didn't want to be his successor.

As a result, everyone expected Roxy or Kaylee to be the leader of this organization. They expected Roxy and Kaylee to compete with each other and become an invincible leader.

For the Hades organization, there was no such thing as a woman or a man. The most important thing was their ability to lead and their shrewdness in managing all fierce ex-criminal members in the organization.

After seeing the sisters' growth over the years, everyone believed Kaylee was unsuitable to be a successor to Hades because of her meek side and likes to hide in corners.

No wonder all eyes were on Roxanne and hoped that the girl would be her father's successor.

Although Roxanne was expected while Kaylee was not considered, Britney never looked down on her two daughters.

Britney knew her two daughters were pretty different. One was like an angel who always brightened her day, while the other was like a little demoness that caused her headache.

However, Britney loves them both and hopes that the girls could have the life they desire… and not because Hades' organization ensnares them.

Is there no way to get Roxy out of this situation? She knew neither of her two daughters wanted to be Hades.

While Britney was looking for a way to help her daughter out of Hades, she received terrible news through the news on television.

'Airline CE743 suffered engine failure, and the control center lost communication. Right now, the plane is missing in….'

"Wait a minute. Isn't that… Roxy's plane?" Britney hoped she had misremembered the plane's serial number, but… the destination and the name of the plane… were all the planes her eldest daughter was supposed to be on.

"Wait a moment. I'll check it out." her husband directly contacted his men to find out about the plane that had just disappeared from the radar.

'Please, not my baby daughter. Please not my little angel.' prayed Britney inside her heart, but her tears went uncontrollable when she heard her husband's orders.

"We're leaving now. It's Roxy's."


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