The Prodigies War

Chapter 1699: Kunlun Dominion

Chapter 1699: Kunlun Dominion

The sky and earth were endlessly vast, the air was permeated by thick chaos qi, and abundant and powerful life force were flowing between the mountains, rivers, and vegetation.

The world seemed to have been silent and still for eternity, and not a trace of footprints was in sight. Everywhere had a primeval and untouched aura.

Standing in it felt like being teleported to the beginning of time!

The sky, high and far, appeared a deep blue, with stars orbiting in it and streams of chaos qi hanging down.

The earth, with its jagged mountain ranges and vast undulating valleys, seemed boundless, and standing among it made one feel particularly small and insignificant.


The roaring and whistling wind sounded like a bugle horn from ancient times.

As the space rippled, the figures of Lin Xun and A’hu emerged.

Instantly, Lin Xun staggered and almost plunged from midair. He frantically mobilized all his strength to barely stabilize himself.

“What astonishing law power!”

It was also at this moment that he realized the difference in this world.

This world was like the abode of ancient gods and beings. Not only was the law power particularly rich and powerful, but an oppressive great dao force also assaulted the face.

Lin Xun reckoned that anyone below the Saint Stage would likely be suppressed to the point where their cultivation mind would collapse and their body and spirit crushed!

“No wonder that most of those who came to the Kunlun Dominion are at least at the Big Saint Stage. Here, ordinary Saints will no doubt feel a huge weight bearing down on them and their hands and feet bound. And their powers will be greatly restrained...” Lin Xun remarked as he surveyed the surroundings. He stood among an untamed wilderness with gravel dust everywhere.


Suddenly, a wisp of dark blue flame flashed across the earth like lightning, coming straight for Lin Xun, tearing and incinerating everything it touched.

Its terrifying aura made Lin Xun tense up. He wildly activated the Great Endless Devour Scripture, bringing forth a giant abyss to hover around him and engulf the dark blue flame.


Lin Xun grimaced as he inhaled sharply.

The dark blue flame was extremely overbearing, containing a breath of obscure law power. It went on a rampage through Lin Xun like the tip of a fierce blade, releasing a destructive and burning aura that caused a tormenting burning sensation in him.

But soon, Lin Xun suppressed and obliterated the dark blue flame.

Though his expression turned serious and solemn.

It was just a wisp of flame, yet it possessed such terrifying power that could easily wipe out a True Saint expert. How would Lin Xun not be alarmed?

“This is Treasure Refining Land. It is like a small world of its own. The most dangerous aspect of it has to be the various peculiar flames distributed throughout the land, which are called Kunlun divine flames and are found only in the Kunlun Dominion.”

A’hu explained, “The Kunlun divine flame you just extinguished is just the most common one, and not considered particularly deadly. The truly powerful Kunlun divine flames appear only in two colors: gold and purple.

“The gold divine flame will take the form of various weapon treasures, such as swords, spears, and halberds. Even supreme Big Saints will have to go all out if they encounter one.

“The purple divine flame can transform into plants, rivers, clouds, birds, beasts, and even various rare spirit entities. It is unquestionably the most terrifying of them all. If you run into one, it is best to run as fast as you can.

“These two divine flames, gold and purple, are what the world calls Soul-Destroying Wind Flame. They appear like a hurricane sweeping over land, wreaking havoc as they pass.

“Additionally, legend has it that in Treasure Refining Land is a mysterious flame that integrates clear and turbid, yin and yang, and black and white. If anyone at the Saint Stage touches it, it will lead to instant death.”

After a pause, A’hu reminded him, “They are not like Origin Dao Fire and can’t be subdued, absorbed, or imprisoned.”

Lin Xun nodded and asked, “What about Treasure Refining Dao Qi? Is there anything in particular I need to know?”

A’hu said, “Of course, the higher the grade of Treasure Refining Dao Qi, the greater the effect it has on repairing and tempering a treasure.”

She flew forward. “Let’s go, we should move too. Once we find some Treasure Refining Dao Qi, you will understand.”

With a flash, Lin Xun followed after her.

Along the way, the mountains and rivers were vast and primeval. The rich vitality mingled with the chaos qi and permeated the air, making Lin Xun’s qi circulate energetically in him.

This land was undoubtedly the optimum place for Big Saints to train in.

Whereas in the Ancient Wasteland Domain, without the most superior divine herbs and blessed land, Lin Xun would not be able to train to his current cultivation level.

The reason was simple. The aeth qi between heaven and earth in the Ancient Wasteland Domain was far from enough to meet his cultivation needs. It was only like a drop in the ocean.

Moreover, the great dao aura in Treasure Refining Land was so abundant that ordinary Saints would feel suffocated and restrained.

But for Lin Xun, it was the perfect place for him to comprehend the profound truth of the great dao!

He had collected some plants and herbs, all of which were very common, yet they all were imbued with life force so rich that it seemed tangible. If they were found in the outside world, they would be considered as incredibly rare aeth materials.

But in Treasure Refining Land, they were as common as weeds and could be seen everywhere.

Suddenly, Lin Xun asked, “Why haven’t we seen any living creatures?”.

Along the way, the mountains and rivers were vast, the sky was high and the land was boundless, and everything was full of vitality, but there was not a trace of any birds, animals or living creatures.

Not even an ant!

A’hu quickly answered, “This is Treasure Refining Land. It has been like this since ancient times. In the past, there were cultivators who wanted to stay here to practice and not leave, but...”

“What happened?”

“Without exception, they all died.”

Lin Xun narrowed his eyes slightly.

A few minutes later.

A’hu came to an abrupt halt, the corners of her lips turned up in a smile. “Look.”

It was a jagged, steep mountain with not a blade of grass growing on it. However, on a steep cliff halfway up the mountain hung a swirling stream of qi, sprinkling a shower of dazzling light.

It was like a fountain, but what rushed forth was a colorful and magnificent current of dao qi.

Lin Xun’s eyes lit up. “Treasure Refining Dao Qi?”

“Correct. Judging from its appearance, it’s grade is not bad,” A’hu analyzed.

She drifted gracefully over to the cliffs, but did not approach it directly.

She instructed, “Brother Lin, when you instill Treasure Refining Dao Qi into a treasure or weapon, it will have a magical repairing and tempering effect.”

Lin Xun also came closer and saw that the Treasure Refining Dao Qi on the cliff was like a gushing divine rainbow, radiating a sacred and mysterious aura.

“But you must be careful when harvesting it.” As A’hu spoke, she stretched out her hand and an invisible force spread forth from it. But before it neared the Treasure Refining Dao Qi, a cluster of blinding flames flashed out from the cliff!

There were over ten flames, and each one was a pale azure color. They rushed out like a frenzy of sharks smelling blood. With a boom, A’hu’s attack was destroyed.

But she was unfazed. A lush green palm-leaf fan appeared in her grip and she gave it an effortless swipe.


A rush of wind raged and swept the area, causing the space to collapse, and the cluster of flames was instantly reduced into sparks and vanished.

A’hu put away the palm leaf fan and reminded him, “In the future, if you encounter Treasure Refining Dao Qi, you must be on guard at all times. Where Treasure Refining Dao Qi is born there will be Kunlun divine flames.”

She reached to grab the Treasure Refining Dao Qi that was shaped like a divine rainbow, and then tossed it to Lin Xun.

“You should try it.”

Lin Xun’s heart fluttered. He did not decline the offer and eagerly took out the Broken Blade.


As the Treasure Refining Dao Qi rushed into the Broken Blade, its body quivered slightly as if cheering with joy and obscure dao runes surfaced one after another.

However, the Treasure Refining Dao Qi was soon completely consumed and the Broken Blade returned to silence.

Even so, Lin Xun still noticed that the grade of the Broken Blade had improved visibly. Even if it was only a slight improvement, it was still astonishing!

It should be mentioned that the Broken Blade was now Lin Xun’s life-bound Saint weapon and was almost always being nurtured in his body. In ordinary times, it would take at least three to five months for the blade to undergo such a transformation, but that Treasure Refining Dao Qi had accelerated this transformation to take only just a few breaths of time.

Naturally, the difference was astonishing.

“No wonder everyone is scrambling to enter the Kunlun Dominion. You won’t find such magical ‘dao qi’ in the outside world,” Lin Xun marveled.

A’hu smiled. “That was just an ordinary Treasure Refining Dao Qi. In the past, someone once found a Treasure Refining Dao Qi that was shaped like Xuanwu[1] and as powerful as a dragon. In one go, it upgraded his Saint weapon to the level of quasi-Emperor.”

Lin Xun’s heart pounded in his chest. All his treasures, the Broken Blade, No-Nonsense Bow and even the Dao Endless Pagoda, had defects in some ways.

If he collected enough Treasure Refining Dao Qi, did that mean he could restore them all?

The two continued onwards.

The Treasure Refining Land was extremely vast just like a world of its own. Ever since they entered the area, they had fortunately not run into anyone else.

Soon, a mighty river came into view. Waves rolled and broke, creating white foam and spray.

“Wait a moment.”

Suddenly, under the power of Lin Xun’s spirit sense, he discovered something unusual and paused at the banks of the river.

The river water was rolling and mist was rising, but in the center of the river was a snow-white lotus flower bobbing up and down with the waves.

It was easy to miss it if not observed very carefully.

“It’s a Treasure Refining Dao Qi!” Lin Xun’s dark eyes gleamed.

A’hu looked surprised, “Correct, its grade is beyond ordinary, it has transformed into a snow lotus.”

Immediately, she said warily. “Brother Lin, you must be careful when you seize it. That thing is not ordinary, the Kunlun divine flame that accompanies it also won’t be ordinary.”

Lin Xun nodded.

However, just as he was about to make a move, a sword whistled.


A beam of silver sword qi came whizzing down from the distant sky. It was at least one thousand feet long, thick and dazzling. But its target was not Lin Xun or A’hu.

It was the Treasure Refining Dao Qi in the center of the river!


Before the sword qi came close, the surface of the river erupted with countless divine flames. Each one was the size of a fist, as clear as ice, and emitted a terrifying glow.

The beam of sword qi was incredibly strong, but it was still instantly frozen solid in midair by the wave of ice flames before exploding into pieces.


Lin Xun’s dark eyes narrowed. He and A’hu quickly drew back because soon after the wave of divine ice flames shattered the sword qi, it came gushing towards the two in an aggressive manner.

Clearly, the flames regarded the two as the attackers!

1. Black Tortoise ☜


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