The Princess’s Inner Thoughts Were Overheard by Her Emperor Father

Chapter 25

Chapter 25

Right Chief Censor Zhou WuXin had deteriorated private morals and a corrupted family reputation.

When Emperor Xiao Yunzhou saw the petition submitted by Old Master of Liu Family, he was first astonished, then overjoyed.

Who knew?

Zhou WuXin had scolded him for so many days, nearly accusing the Emperor directly of being a criminal monarch for not establishing a Crown Prince!

But since ancient times, a wise ruler could not execute an Imperial Censor for offering remonstrance.

Xiao Yunzhou could only seethe in silence.

But now, a turning point had arrived.

This Zhou WuXin was a corrupt scoundrel with a tarnished family reputation?!

The Emperor could retaliate and rebuke this Right Chief Censor!

Who knew such sudden joy?

"Wei Zheng, immediately summon Liu Wenchang for an audience!"

Liu Wenchang was currently only one of the many Imperial Censors in the Censorate, holding the modest rank of a fifth-grade official.

Several official ranks lower than the Right Chief Censor.

Zhou WuXin could be considered one of Liu Wenchang's highest superiors.

Apart from the Censor-in-Chief who held the third rank, the Left and Right Chief Censors were the highest authorities.

Liu Wenchang had just joined the Censorate for a few days when he dared to accuse Zhou WuXin, acting rashly and improperly.

This accorded with Xiao Yunzhou's long-held impression of Old Master of Liu Family—lacking prudence.

Who would take such an confrontational stance against their superior right after starting a new job?

But now, Xiao Yunzhou thought Old Master Liu's shortcoming was virtuous and beneficial!

"Your Majesty, Liu Wenchang is waiting outside."

"Quickly summon him in!"

Xiao Yunzhou could not wait and actually rose from behind the imperial desk to greet Liu Wenchang with a smile.

"Old Liu, the accusations in your petition are not false?"

Xiao Yunzhou asked the question, but soon felt a twitch in his eye after seeing Old Master Liu's Imperial Censor robes.

Recently, whenever he saw these remonstrating officials in their red robes, his mood soured.

His foul mood led to suspicion.

Especially when he looked at Old Master Liu's features, he quickly noticed some resemblance to the Fifth Prince's ears.

Xiao Yunzhou became wary.

"What made you decide to investigate Zhou WuXin?" Xiao Yunzhou frowned.

Recently, Little Princess had been feeling unwell, and did not mutter much when she saw him, so he could not hear the celestial being's advice.

But he was still the Emperor and had his own judgment on many matters.

For example, Zhou WuXin was in the Imperial Noble Consort's faction. The Imperial Noble Consort's father was a senior statesman who had served three reigns and was in charge of the imperial examinations many times, thus accepting many protégés.

Zhou WuXin was one of them.

This group had submitted a request for the Emperor to establish a Crown Prince, but in reality they were pressuring him to appoint the Eldest Prince born to the Imperial Noble Consort.

The Noble Consort had just been punished, and her Third Prince was also useless and had been disciplined by the Imperial Tutors.

While the Second Prince was studious, his mother was merely a palace maid.

The Fourth Prince was born to the Jade Consort, but his academic performance was as poor as the Third Prince's.

The Sixth Prince liked to eat and was slow-witted.

The Seventh Prince was too young...

Looking around, the only one who could rival the Eldest Prince was the Fifth Prince.

The Fifth Prince performed well academically and had a steady temperament.

So was Old Master of Liu Family investigating Zhou WuXin at this time to undermine Zhou WuXin's faction that supported the Eldest Prince, and covertly help the Fifth Prince vie for the throne?

"Zhou WuXin has recently joined several other Imperial Censors and officials to request that I establish a Crown Prince. Old Liu, could it be that you think Zhou WuXin's actions are improper?"

Xiao Yunzhou gazed at Old Master Liu with a scrutinizing look.

To be honest, he currently favored the Fifth Prince and considered him one of the best candidates for Crown Prince.

But he was the Emperor and disliked being led by the nose.

When and which son to appoint as Crown Prince should be his own decision, not something for officials to meddle in. He especially disliked interference from the princes' mothers' clans!

Even if it was Old Master Liu, Little Princess's maternal grandfather.

Little Princess was Little Princess, but her grandfather was her grandfather!

"Old Liu, tell me, what is your view on Zhou WuXin's request to establish a Crown Prince?"

Xiao Yunzhou stared at Old Master Liu's forehead, his tone tinged with displeasure.

Don't think that by suppressing Zhou WuXin from the Imperial Noble Consort's faction, the Eldest Prince would be out of contention and the Fifth Prince could ascend to the throne.

The Emperor himself was still in his prime years, just over thirty!

Old Master Liu grew up in a village before becoming a scholar-official, lacking extensive experience.

He promptly gave a straightforward response.

"In response to Your Majesty, this subject believes that Your Majesty is in the prime of life and need not hurry to establish a Crown Prince."

"This old subject is much older than Your Majesty, and although I am the head of the Liu Family, I am also in no rush to appoint my son as the next family head."

Old Master Liu's family were farmers, and he was currently only a fifth-rank official.

The Liu Family had no substantial inheritance.

His words were exceedingly candid.

This time, however, they were precisely what Xiao Yunzhou wanted to hear.

Xiao Yunzhou's expression softened with a hint of a smile, "Old Liu speaks truly, you are still healthy enough to serve me for many more years."

Old Master Liu immediately puffed out his chest.

But Xiao Yunzhou's suspicion had not fully dissipated, "Then tell me, how did you come to investigate Right Chief Censor Zhou WuXin?"

"Ah, Your Majesty is wise, it was not my own idea," Old Master Liu was prepared.

He then recounted how Concubine Liu had suggested it when they ate noodles at Qiu Mountain.

Xiao Yunzhou was stunned, it was actually Concubine Liu's inspiration.

She was concerned that after the harm done to her and Little Princess, her father might be bullied in his new position, so she advised her father to first understand the situation in the Censorate.

"I see." Xiao Yunzhou nodded repeatedly.

Concubine Liu and Little Princess were truly his benefactors!

"In your petition, you wrote that he dallied with young girls and coveted married women..."

Before Xiao Yunzhou could finish, Old Master Liu interjected.

Old Master Liu suddenly knelt, "Your Majesty is wise, this old subject was just about to catch him in the act tonight when summoned by Your Majesty."

"Why not have Your Majesty join this old subject?"

Xiao Yunzhou: "!"


On a cold winter night in the capital, Emperor Xiao Yunzhou, donning a cloak to disguise himself as a commoner, rushed out of the palace with Old Master Liu.

It was not until the city patrol guards lit their lanterns that the Emperor was stealthily led by Old Master Liu to a large mansion.

Seeing the plaque 'Zhou Mansion,' Xiao Yunzhou could no longer contain himself.

"Old Liu, you did not bring me here to witness Zhou WuXin's... improper behavior, did you?"

What Zhou WuXin did with his wife in his own residence was perfectly normal.

In the freezing cold, the Emperor's words came out in white puffs of vapor as he expressed his bewilderment.

Old Master Liu stomped his foot in the snow, "Yes, this is the place."

He signaled to the imperial guards.

The well-trained guards immediately scaled the high walls of Zhou Mansion.

Old Master Liu gestured, and the head guard carried him over the wall on his back.

Xiao Yunzhou's lips twitched, but he soon donned a dark robe and followed them over the wall.

He was also quite skilled in horsemanship and archery, possessing both literary and martial talents.

But for the Emperor to sneak into an official's residence...if exposed...

Xiao Yunzhou was tense, yet felt an unprecedented thrill.

Soon, they followed the guards turning left and right until they reached a courtyard, crouching in a corner by the wall.

As Xiao Yunzhou was about to tell Old Master Liu that if there were no results tonight, he would at least dock a month's salary, a crying and terrified voice came from inside the room.

"Grandfather, you... you... let me go..."

"I am your grandson's wife..."

"Let me go..."

Xiao Yunzhou: "!"

Suddenly, a swift figure darted out from beside him.

Old Master Liu charged out ahead of the imperial guards.

With full force, he let out a thunderous shout.

"Right Chief Censor Zhou WuXin, you are surrounded!"

"Release her!"

"Come out!"


Still lying in the Eastern Beauty Palace, Little Princess Xiao Chuchu had just nursed and was struggling to wake up after a soft groan.

Seeing the time, she was greatly alarmed, 【It's time for Old Zhou to commit his misdeeds! Oh no, help!】

Concubine Liu was roused by her cry.

【Ah, let me see if anyone will rescue her!】

Xiao Chuchu spent ten credits to exchange for a direct broadcast from Zhou Mansion despite the distance.

Concubine Liu nervously clutched her handkerchief and pricked up her ears.


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