The Primordial Tamer

Chapter 8 Breaking Through To The Next Level

As they meditated, Orion could feel a surge of power coursing through his body, as if his whole being was being filled with energy. He closed his eyes and focused on his breath, trying to control and direct this energy towards his goal of breaking through to the next level of beast taming.

Meanwhile, Nova was undergoing a transformation of his own. The wolf's body began to glow with soft golden light, and Orion could feel a sudden shift in the aura around him. Nova's body grew larger and more muscular, his fur becoming thicker and more lustrous.

Orion couldn't help but gasp in awe as he watched Nova's transformation. The wolf's eyes glowed with intelligence, and his movements were fluid and graceful. It was clear that Nova had evolved once again, and this time, into a Primordial Wolf.

Orion opened his eyes and reached out to touch Nova, marveling at the softness of his fur. He could feel the wolf's strength and vitality, and he knew that he had a rare and powerful beast by his side.

But Orion didn't have much time to dwell on Nova's evolution, as he could feel the energy within him building to a crescendo. He gritted his teeth and concentrated, feeling the energy coalesce around his core and surge toward his limbs.

He felt his body becoming lighter, and he knew that he was on the brink of breaking through to the Intermediate level of beast-taming. With a final burst of effort, Orion released the energy within him and felt it explode outwards, causing the cave to shake and rumble.

When the energy had dissipated, Orion opened his eyes and looked down at his hands. He could see that they were glowing with soft blue light, and he knew that he had done it - he had broken through to the Intermediate level of beast taming.

Orion felt a sense of elation wash over him, and he knew that he had taken a significant step towards becoming a powerful beast tamer. He turned to Nova and smiled, feeling a renewed sense of camaraderie with his loyal companion.

Nova nuzzled Orion's hand with his nose as if sensing the young man's happiness. Orion couldn't help but chuckle at the wolf's gesture, feeling a deep sense of affection for his beast.

"Looks like we both made some progress today, Nova," Orion said, ruffling the wolf's fur. "You evolved into a Primordial Wolf, and I broke through to the Intermediate level of beast taming."

Nova barked in response, wagging his tail happily. Orion could sense the wolf's pride at his new form, and he knew that they would make an even stronger team now.

But despite their achievements, Orion knew that there was still much work to be done. He needed to hone his skills as a beast tamer and continue to develop his connection with Nova.

"We still have a long way to go, Nova," Orion said, looking up at the wolf. "But we'll get there, together."

Orion also didn't forget to check Nova's information panel after evolving. He was sure that Nova's power was way better than before.


Name: Nova

Species: Primordial Wolf

Grade: Rare Beast

Skills: Primordial Strength, Primal Instinct, Primordial Roar, Elemental Manipulation


Nova had evolved into a Primordial Wolf. He didn't really know about this race at all, but he knew that Nova could evolve into this race because of his Primordial Mastery. Nova also had some new skills that were very strong in names.

Orion could sense that the aura around Nova had changed. It was no longer just the aura of a Dire Wolf but something far more ancient and powerful. The aura of a Primordial Wolf was not to be underestimated, and Orion knew that he had a rare and valuable companion by his side.

With Nova's evolution came new skills. The first skill was Primordial Strength, which was a passive skill that increased Nova's physical strength to a level beyond that of a normal wolf. Orion could see that Nova's muscles had become even more defined and that his teeth and claws had become sharper and stronger.

The second skill was Primal Instinct, which was a passive skill that allowed Nova to sense danger and potential threats in his surroundings. This skill made Nova a valuable asset for scouting and tracking, as he could detect enemies long before they were in sight.

The third skill was Primordial Roar, which was an active skill that allowed Nova to let out a deafening roar that could stun and disorient his enemies. This skill was especially useful in battle, as it could give Orion an opening to strike or escape.

The final skill was Elemental Manipulation, which was an active skill that allowed Nova to manipulate the elements of nature around him. This skill was still in its infancy, and Nova could only manipulate small amounts of earth and water, but Orion knew that with practice and training, Nova's Elemental Manipulation would become a force to be reckoned with.

With Nova's new skills and his evolution into a rare beast, Orion knew that they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. But first, he needed to test out his new abilities as an Intermediate Beast Tamer.

Orion turned to Nova and gestured for him to follow. They left the cave and entered the dense forest, where they began to search for any beasts that they could find.

It didn't take long before they came across a group of giant spiders. The spiders were larger than any that Orion had seen before, and he knew that they would pose a challenge.

Orion focused his aura and called out to Nova, who charged forward with a fierce determination. The spiders were fast and agile, but Nova was even faster. He darted around the spiders, dodging their attacks and slashing at them with his razor-sharp claws.

Orion watched in amazement as Nova used his new skills to great effect. He could see the Primordial Strength in every blow and the Primal Instinct that allowed Nova to anticipate the spiders' movements.

And when the spiders began to overwhelm Nova, he let out a Primordial Roar that stunned them long enough for Orion to launch a counterattack.

Together, Orion and Nova defeated the spiders with ease. Orion knew that it was only a small victory, but it was a victory nonetheless. He could feel his power as an Intermediate Beast Tamer growing stronger with every battle, and he knew that he was on the right path.

As they continued through the forest, they came across a river. Orion watched as Nova used his Elemental Manipulation to part the waters, allowing them to cross without getting wet.

Orion was impressed with Nova's progress, and he knew that they still had much to learn and discover together. He could feel the bond between them growing stronger with every passing day, and he knew that nothing could ever break it.

As Orion walked through the forest with Nova by his side, he felt a sense of awe and wonder at the beauty of his surroundings. The trees were tall and majestic, their leaves rustling gently in the breeze. Birds sang sweetly in the branches above, and the scent of pine and wildflowers filled the air.

As they walked, Orion couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards Nova. The wolf had been by his side through thick and thin, and he had proven himself to be a loyal and powerful companion.

Orion looked down at Nova and smiled, ruffling his fur affectionately. "I couldn't have done it without you, boy," he said.

Nova looked up at Orion with his intelligent, amber-colored eyes and let out a low, contented growl. Orion could feel the wolf's energy flowing through him, and he knew that Nova was just as grateful to be by his side.

As they walked deeper into the forest, Orion could sense a powerful aura emanating from the trees around them. He could feel the energy pulsing through his body, and he knew that they were approaching a powerful beast.

As they approached a clearing, Orion could see a massive, hulking beast in the distance. It was a giant bear, at least twice the size of any bear Orion had ever seen before. Its fur was thick and matted, and its eyes glowed with a fierce red light.

He could feel that this bear was also a Rare Beast and its power was almost at the same level or even stronger than Nova but Orion believed that Nova could defeat this bear.

Nova directly stood in front of Orion to face the bear that was now looking at them as if they were prey. As the bear approached them, Orion could feel the ground trembling beneath his feet. The bear let out a deafening roar, and Orion could feel his body being buffeted by the force of the sound waves.

Orion didn't know if Nova which had just evolved could take down this huge bear. Nova was also prepared to attack this bear that threatened Orion.


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