The Primordial Tamer

Chapter 23 New Forms

After two months, Orion had finally broken through to the Advanced Beast Tamer. He could feel that his body was somewhat stronger than before. He felt like he could defeat common beasts easily.

When he checked his beast space, he found out that his beast space had become stronger and also Nova had awakened. He found out that Nova had changed drastically. His fur was now silvery white, and his size was huge. It was the same size as Stella. He checked Nova's stat directly.


Name: Nova

Species: Primordial Lunar Wolf

Attributes: Primordial, Moon

Realm: Spirit Beast


1. Lunar Eclipse - An active skill that allows the Primordial Lunar Wolf to unleash a powerful shockwave of lunar energy, causing enemies to become disoriented and lose balance.

2. Moonlight Fangs - An active skill that enhances the wolf's teeth with lunar energy, allowing it to bite through nearly any substance and cause additional damage to enemies.

3. Shadow Pounce - An active skill that allows the wolf to quickly close the distance between itself and its target, leaving behind a trail of shadows that can ensnare enemies and cause them to slow down.

4. Celestial Howl - An active skill that unleashes a deafening howl, capable of causing enemies to become disoriented and temporarily unable to attack.


1. Primordial Lunar Body - A passive ability that enhances the wolf's claws, teeth, and body with lunar energy, allowing it to slice through most materials and inflict additional damage on enemies. It also enables the wolf to move faster and jump higher in areas with moonlight.

2. Primordial Moon Control - A passive ability that grants the Primordial Lunar Wolf complete control over lunar energy, allowing it to manipulate and shape the energy at will. This ability also enhances the potency and destructive power of the wolf's lunar attacks.


The Primordial Lunar Wolf is a powerful Spirit Beast with an affinity for lunar energy. Its abilities allow it to harness the power of the moon as both a tool for offense and defense, while its skills make it a formidable opponent to any who dare to cross its path.


Orion was surprised when he saw the information panel about Nova. He didn't think that it would change this much. The information from the panel was more complete than before. It seemed that this was one of the effects of breaking through to Advanced Beast Tamer. He also remembered that the information about beasts in the phone was also in this format.

He looked at the information and realized that Nova had evolved into Primordial Lunar Wolf. He had never heard of this kind of beast, and also, the attributes were weird. He had never heard of these attributes before. He only knew attributes like water, fire, thunder, etc.

Orion knew that the Primordial attribute probably was from his talent Primordial Mastery, but the Moon attribute was a bit unheard of for me. From its introduction, it seemed that it was from the moon, so it could be said that Nova would be the strongest at night.

Orion then opened his beast space and led Nova out of his beast space. He wanted to look closer at the new form of Nova. He was shocked that Nova was so huge after exiting his beast space.

He estimated that Nova was now about three meters tall and had a muscular body. Its fur was silvery white and had a glow to it, probably from the moon attribute. Its eyes were also different from before; they were now a bright, piercing blue. Its claws were sharper, and its teeth were longer and looked more dangerous. Overall, Nova's appearance exuded power and strength.

Orion realized that Nova's new form was in line with its skills and abilities. Its Lunar Eclipse skill could cause enemies to become disoriented and lose balance. This was probably due to the shockwave of lunar energy that it could unleash.

Its Moonlight Fangs skill allowed it to bite through nearly any substance and cause additional damage to enemies, probably due to the enhancement of its teeth with lunar energy. Its Shadow Pounce skill allowed it to quickly close the distance between itself and its target and leave behind a trail of shadows that could ensnare enemies and cause them to slow down.

This was likely due to its ability to manipulate lunar energy. Finally, its Celestial Howl skill could cause enemies to become disoriented and temporarily unable to attack, probably due to the deafening howl that it could unleash.

As for its abilities, its Primordial Lunar Body could enhance its claws, teeth, and body with lunar energy, allowing it to slice through most materials and inflict additional damage on enemies. It also enabled the wolf to move faster and jump higher in areas with moonlight.

This ability explained why Nova's claws and teeth looked sharper and longer than before. Its Primordial Moon Control ability granted it complete control over lunar energy, allowing it to manipulate and shape the energy at will. This ability also enhanced the potency and destructive power of the wolf's lunar attacks, explaining its powerful Lunar Eclipse skill.

Orion was amazed by Nova's transformation and newfound strength. He realized that he had a powerful ally in Nova, and he would do everything he could to help it reach its full potential.

He also found out that Stella was also different from before. It looks like Stella was brighter than before. He didn't know what had happened to Stella, but he decided to check on her information panel again because the panel was now more informative.


Name: Stella

Species: Primordial Solar Eagle

Attributes: Primordial, Sun

Realm: Spirit Beast


Solar Flare - An active skill that unleashes a sudden burst of solar energy, scorching everything in the vicinity of the Primordial Solar Eagle.

Solar Wind - An active skill that creates a gust of solar wind, allowing the eagle to move at incredible speeds and knock back enemies.

Radiant Beam - An active skill that focuses a concentrated beam of solar energy, dealing massive damage to a single target.

Sunburst Shield - An active skill that creates a protective shield of primordial solar energy around the Primordial Solar Eagle, shielding it from incoming attacks.


Primordial Solar Body - A passive ability that imbues the eagle's talons, wings, and body with intense solar energy, allowing it to melt through most materials. It also enables the eagle to cover itself in primordial solar energy for additional protection.

Primordial Sun Control - A passive ability that grants the Primordial Solar Eagle complete control over solar energy, allowing it to manipulate and shape the energy at will. This ability also enhances the potency and destructive power of the eagle's solar attacks.


The Primordial Solar Eagle is a powerful Spirit Beast with an affinity for solar energy. Its abilities allow it to harness the power of the sun as both a tool for offense and defense, while its skills make it a fearsome opponent to any who dare to challenge it.


Orion was shocked after he saw the new Stella. He was shocked that Stella had also evolved, and it seemed that she also had unique attributes. Stella was now Primordial Solar Eagle. Nova was the moon, and Stella was the sun. Was it a coincidence? Let thought about it later and see what changes it brought to Stella.

Stella, the Primordial Solar Eagle, was a majestic creature that possessed an array of impressive skills and abilities. As her name suggests, she was closely connected to the sun, and her attributes include both primordial and solar energies. She was classified as a Spirit Beast, a realm of creatures known for their exceptional strength and supernatural abilities that was tamed by Advanced Beast Tamers.

She also was huge, the same size as Nova, with a height of three meters and a span of wings of five meters. Her Aura was so strong that it intimidated the people around her.

Stella's skills were geared towards utilizing solar energy to devastating effect. Her Solar Flare skill was a powerful attack that released a burst of solar energy, scorching everything in the vicinity of the Primordial Solar Eagle. This skill could be used to quickly dispatch groups of enemies or to clear large areas of obstructions.

Her Solar Wind skill was equally impressive, creating a gust of solar wind that enabled Stella to move at incredible speeds and knock back any enemies that get in her way. This ability allowed her to quickly close the distance between herself and her opponents, making it difficult for them to mount an effective counterattack.

Stella's Radiant Beam skill was a concentrated beam of solar energy that is capable of dealing massive damage to a single target. This was a highly precise attack that required a great deal of skill to use effectively. It could be devastating against opponents that were resistant to other forms of attack.

Finally, Stella's Sunburst Shield skill created a protective shield of primordial solar energy around her, shielding her from incoming attacks. This ability was particularly useful in battles against opponents that rely on ranged attacks or spells.

Stella's abilities were just as impressive as her skills. Her Primordial Solar Body ability imbued her talons, wings, and body with intense solar energy, allowing her to melt through most materials. This ability also enabled her to cover herself in primordial solar energy for additional protection, making her almost impervious to physical attacks.

Stella's Primordial Sun Control ability granted her complete control over solar energy. This enabled her to manipulate and shape the energy at will, enhancing the potency and destructive power of her solar attacks. With this ability, Stella could summon the full force of the sun to unleash devastating attacks on her opponents.

In conclusion, Stella the Primordial Solar Eagle was a powerful and formidable opponent, possessing an array of skills and abilities that made her a force to be reckoned with. Her connection to the sun and her mastery of solar energy make her a unique and powerful creature, capable of unleashing devastating attacks against any who dared to cross her path.

Orion was amazed about what happened to his beasts. He felt that these two beasts would allow him to reach a greater height in beast taming.


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