The Primordial Record

Chapter 30 With Power, You Conquer

30  With Power, You Conquer

Maeve turned around to the town, which was a few miles away, and even from here, the screams could be heard. She gestured towards the town where smoke and flames had begun to grow and spread.

The smoke mixed with the fog, placing the town in a weird state of night, with the glow from the flames turning a shade of red. From afar, it resembles pairs of red eyes staring through the darkness.

From this distance, it was possible to see massive shapes lumbering through the fog, her pupil shrank in shock. She hoped she was mistaken, but she doubted it. The only way to create a Giant battle form for an Abomination was for hundreds of battle form Abomination to fuse.

 The entire population of their small town was not enough to create one such Giant, but she detected multiple Giants inside the fog. What was going on? What could be happening down there?

If there was to ever be a hell on earth, it would be here.

" I sent our Guardsmen to that…hell ahead of us, hoping we would be able to fight against it. Which should have been possible with our combined abilities."

She brought the destroyed body of the man to her face, he was beginning to grin as the shock had worn off from his torment."

Maeve saw that and frowned, and she began to rain punches on his face, they were measured and methodical, and interspersed with her blows she began to talk as if she was lecturing Rowan "The presence of a thrall…."


".... makes everything far more complicated…"

𝘱𝘶𝘯𝘤𝘩. 𝘱𝘶𝘯𝘤𝘩.

"There must be an Abomination core here, only those can create Thralls. I don't know what it promised this one, most likely more of the same—Power, wealth… Immortality. They never learn. This development nevertheless has shifted the dangers from manageable to impossible."

Rowan winced as the face of the man was torn to pieces, at his face which at first held a grin, but Maeve's first blow flattened his nose, the second caved in his cheekbones, the third exploded his right eyeballs from the socket, by the seconds he was becoming less than human before the might of her blows.

She looked at her handiwork and saw that it was good, and she nodded, she turned to Rowan, who, even through his shell, was unmistakably shocked by the carnage. "His smile is an assault on the senses. There is no time, he is lucky for I would have broken his mind. Thrall or not."

Maeve paused and looked at Rowan, "Master you are a Dominator now and although being one brings numerous benefits in all aspects of life, it also presents its sets of challenges. Most especially when it comes to violence. The world of Dominators respects the laws of power and dominance. When you have the power to move mountains, you do not take the easy paths. You conquer, and violence is your tool"

"You don't have to say that again." Rowan said as he looked at the chunk of battered flesh, Man or Thrall, he did not think anyone deserves such torture."

He was not a bleeding heart, however.

Rowan threw a punch and his fist went through the chest of the Thrall, and he held his heart. "This is my mercy." He said as he pulled out the beating organ. The body shuddered and finally went still.

"He deserves none. I can assure you, he has done worse to others who do not deserve such fate. You don't become a Thrall by not committing acts of atrocities." Maeve huffed.

The soul that Rowan collected from it felt cold.

Rowan shrugged," But we are not them, they are monsters." He began walking towards the town, "We would give them the treatment they deserve."

"Mummy…. It hurts, stop… Please stop!"

"They are breaking through the gates, fall back…"

"We can't hold… Die… Monsters."

"Oh, please God, no. Oh my God. Oh my God. Somebody help me… Please help… Stop please…."

For the past few moments, the indiscernible screams had turned to words he could hear. The sound broke his heart and stroked his fury, nobody deserves such torment. No one should have to experience such a hell. The parts of him that were the prince cried in anguish, he had walked with these people, laughed with them, experienced their lives in a way that humbled him, and saw the folks he had sworn to protect being slaughtered while he still drew breath made him nearly go mad.

Rowan was thankful for Icy soul and his spirit. It brought him a calmness, that was far more dangerous than any fury could ever be, and at that moment his thought turned to ice.

Rowan continued, "Monsters are to be put down!" He did not care if he was not strong enough, or fast enough, or whatever demons were waiting for him down there. He could no longer bear the screams"

Maeve appeared beside him like a phantom and placed a gentle hand on his arm, her Agility must be ridiculously high, "Master we should leave, an Abomination Core could produce countless drones and if it's strong enough, it might produce a Champion. We cannot fight this battle."

"I can hear their cries of pain and sorrow. We shall stick with the earlier plan you made, we save as much as possible, and we put the monsters down. Drag the fight to the manor and funnel them into a kill zone. I do not believe an event like this would escape the gaze of the Justice Council, we just need to hold on for a while."

"We might fail, Master."

"Yeah, I know. But currently, I don't care."

"There is no shame in running away from a fight we cannot win, if your rate of growth continues at this pace, you can avenge these people."

"I am a Dominator and these are my people. You told me that these are the lot of men who sought the power of gods, we conquer. What better way to start than conquering the perils that hold my land bound."

Rowan suddenly saw the fog lit up in a green glow. A massive phantasmal image of a green axe appeared and fell like lightning, slicing through a massive figure inside the fog, it was followed by a pained roar from that figure."

"We do not fight alone. We have help, and the battlefield for the moment is the place for me."

"If it's your will, Master."

"It is. I would need your help."

"I am yours."

"Let's go put down monsters!"

Rowan began racing towards the town, Maeve effortlessly keeping pace with him, all these while her glasses had never left her face, and her hands were not stained with blood.

"This shell of yours." Maeve said, "How strong is it?"

"I believe it can withstand attacks of Rift State beings. Why do you ask?"

Maeve eyes widened in surprise, "That is outstanding Master. I need to assess our capabilities and form a suitable battle formation. But as this is our first fight together, I believe we shall evolve our style as we fight."

"I will follow your lead," Rowan replied.

"Good, we have a couple of Abomination larvae ahead." Maeve materialized a short sword and gave it to Rowan. While she gave herself a massive six-foot sword. Rowan frowned, and Maeve must have noticed his childish discontentment, for she said" That shears of yours is not a proper battle weapon. And you can't properly wield a heavy weapon yet."

The Abomination larvae ahead shrieked. Rowan drew the shears from his waist and held it in his left and the short sword in his right hand, sensing no discomfort, he charged. There were monsters to put down.

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Carnage comes .... Hope you are ready. Ha ha ha haha



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