The Predator’s Contract Partner

Chapter 241: Tpcp 241

Chapter 241: Tpcp 241

As night fell, Elisha lay down next to Lucerne. Troublesome and complicated thoughts flooded her mind. Elisha couldn’t sleep at all so she sat up.

‘My body… … . it hurts… … .’

Just as she was sitting up, her lower abdomen started to tingle. He had been embracing Elisha every day for a while, but he had been cautious these past few days. Instead, every time they did it, he didn’t let her go easily. Even today, her body was throbbing to the joints.

Phew. Elisha swallowed her small sigh. She quietly adjusted her gown. The inside of her room was bathed in dim darkness. And only one old antique lamp was shining.

‘You’re sleeping deeply today.’

Lucerne was quietly sleeping with his eyes closed. A face with chiseled masculine lines. However, the closer she looked, the more beautiful it was, and the traces of a youthful, beautiful boy in his appearance remained.

‘He is really handsome.’

Indeed, Elisha, in her previous life, had also been bewitched and infatuated with him. If she thought about it, there were many times when he was impertinent to her, even in her past life. Strangely enough, he teased her.

Sometimes when a quiet night like this came, Elisha often had a hard time believing this was reality. When she closed her eyes, and when she opened them, her silk nightgown disappeared, her hair changed, and she was now a ragged, ugly woman who was avoiding everyone. She felt like she was going back to that Elisha.

And Lucerne would turn away from her and ignore her. Nothing—not even Elisha’s earnest eyes worked. Like everyone else, he looked at her with contempt and disgust.

‘I don’t want to be abandoned by this person again.’

Elisha needed a reminder, a sense of reality to ground her and to awaken her disheartened mood. She touched Lucerne’s lips ever so slightly.


Lucerne said without even opening his eyes. Elisha was startled. She quickly lay down and turned her back to him.

“Can’t sleep?”

There was a sound as Lucerne’s vast body brushed against the bed sheets. He wrapped his hard, muscular arms around Elisha’s waist from behind. Her whole body fell into his wide embrace.

“… … it’s like that today.”

“… … Then shall we stay up all night together?”

It was a proposition with a strange connotation. His large hand began to caress her lower abdomen. Elisha grabbed his hand and held back her moans. There was a large discrepancy between the size of their hands, and at moments like these, it was noticeable.

“We already did it.”

“… … yes.”

Lucerne laughed. Both of their bodies were still heated. He tried to move his hand again.

“… … We’ll be returning home soon. Do whatever you want then. I’m a bit nervous at the Duke’s house.”

She felt like she was going to die if they did it one more time today. Lucerne reluctantly withdrew his hand at her dissuasion.

“Shall we talk?”

Elisha was inwardly surprised.

“What shall we talk about?”

“Well, something you might like.”

“… … I like talking about money.”


Lucerne answered lazily.

“When you get back, count your assets. From now on, you will have no shortage of money to live off of.”

Elisha suddenly felt like sighing.

“It’s all yours anyway. According to the terms of our marriage, I’m not entitled to full ownership.”

“Well, that depends on your choice.”

“… … .”

“You just need to renew the terms of our contract. If you extend the duration of our marriage, I will make it yours. Then you won’t have to worry about money or debt for the rest of your life,”

Lucerne said sweetly.

“Then you can escape from the things you’ve been afraid of your whole life.”

“… … .”

Elisha almost shook a little. But she wasn’t naive enough to unquestioningly believe him and say yes.

“Then will you let me set the details of the contract?”

She felt Lucerne laugh briefly.

“You don’t have that right, Elisha.”

Her heart stopped. She felt her head go cold.

“Then you know I won’t agree.”

“Yes, but I will persuade you.”

Elisha hoped it was a non-violent persuasion method.

Usually, she would have ended the conversation here. She may have tried to avoid this situation. But… … . today was different. Because she saw the flowers in the drawer.

Because he said he likes flowers.

“Do you trust me?”


Lucerne spoke frankly.

“I don’t trust anyone. Like you.”

He was correct. Elisha nodded.

“But. You confuse me a lot.” [L]

“… … .”

“It’s just sweet when you put it in your mouth. I want to keep living like this.”

Elisha suddenly wondered what his expression looked like. She got up. Lucerne followed suit and sat up.

“Me too,”

Elisha spoke softly in a tiny whisper. For the first time in her life, she gained a courage she had never had before.

“If I ever trust you… … . then… … . Our relationship might change a bit, too. If you want.”

She could have devised a plan in the blink of an eye. But at this moment, Elisha became small again in front of Lucerne. The wall was massive in her mind. Her thoughts about him, what she wanted to say. When it came out of her mouth, she looked so small. She was afraid to show him her true feelings.

“What does that mean?”

Lucerne asked softly.

“If I trust you, then I will do whatever you want. And if you still want to see me, I won’t leave even if we get divorced.”

“… … divorce?”

Lucerne’s eyes became a little frosty.

“I belong to this family… … . no. I don’t want to live my life as one of your possessions. So if you want to buy my trust, you have to make me freer.”

“You made a deal promising to make me the head of the family. It’s too early to talk about divorce.”

Lucerne was just about to cut it off. Elisha took his hand.

“Of course I remember the terms of our marriage contract. But even if we get divorced… … . It’s not necessarily the end of a relationship.”

“… … .”

“I mean, if you and I divorce and neither of us remarries… … . Because I have no plans to remarry… … . Even if we don’t live together, you can still see me. I’m going to get a house of my own and move out… … . if you want… … .”

—Like lovers. Elisha stopped right before saying that. Her ears turned red, and her heart raced. She couldn’t believe what she was about to say.

“What’s the difference?”

Lucerne leaned over her.

“Why would you abandon being my wife and became a mistress? Are you out of your mind?”

“I don’t want to be your mistress,”

Elisha said coldly.

But when Jacob disappears. Once her Carola can no longer bother her. When the debt is gone. Once she gets out of the Cartier family.

At that time, their relationship may become somewhat equal. A normal emotional exchange may be possible. Hope grew in Elisha’s heart.

‘At that time—like everyone else. Maybe we can want each other like a normal man and woman.’


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