The Predator’s Contract Partner

Chapter 239: Tpcp 239

Chapter 239: Tpcp 239

“Ah… … .”

Elisha easily found the item she was looking for in a desk drawer. It was in a small box. He didn’t even think to hide it.

‘The Hydrangea of the Imperial Family.’

The imperial family grew uniquely shaped hydrangeas. It was such a famous fact that all the nobles in the capital knew it. The hydrangea was a color between red and pink, and the petals were patterned with silver and gold stripes.

So, golden and silver hydrangeas would sway in the garden when a cool breeze blew.

‘Why did he do this… … .’

Lapis also said that he treasured the hydrangea. She felt grateful.

But… … . when she found out that Lucerne had kept them, she felt an indescribable feeling.

It was as if a small vortex had formed in her heart. Elisha paused momentarily because the feeling was too great for her to accept right away.

She bit her lip.

She thought about the inside of the dress. There was a small pocket on the inside of the dress. She took an object out of her pocket.

It was the blue kingfisher feathers wrapped with ribbon.

Elisha carried the kingfisher feathers in a silk pouch ever since the hunt.

‘Lucerne also marked that day as a milestone… … .’

She couldn’t help but wonder why that man would have this. It was like a sadistic force was pushing her to expect something.

It was the first hope Elisha found in her two lifetimes.

Throughout her past life, she thought of him, hoping to catch his eye and be noticed by him. When she was alone, she thought and imagined Lucerne. And it was the hope she had searched for thousands of times.

It was impossible not to savor this feeling at this moment. Elisha closed her eyes.

Her heart began to beat quietly. It was a painful yet ecstatic emotion.


The next day, Elisha received an unexpected visitor. It was the Patriarch.


Elisha got up from her seat to greet him. The main building of the duke’s castle was spacious and vast, and the head of the family used a completely different floor. Lucerne said he didn’t like Elisha meeting others when he wasn’t around. So, Elisha rarely met with the Head one-on-one.

“Sit down, I was just passing by.”


When Elisha tried to prepare her tea, the lord dissuaded her.

“I won’t stay long. If I make an excuse to have a long conversation alone with you, that rascal will get angry later.”

Of course, by rascal, he meant Lucerne, so Elisha smiled awkwardly. The head of the household laid out his superficial business. He said that since Lucerne and Elisha would visit often in the future, he would make more rooms for them. Even those rooms were the spaces that Carola used.

‘Wow, they are an amazing family.’

Elisha clicked her tongue mentally.

“Yes, my lord. Thank you very much.”

Elisha answered without showing her thoughts. The patriarch nodded. And the Head got to the point.

“Elisha, don’t you want to have children with Lucerne yet?”

It was nothing short of a surprise attack on Elisha, trying to catch her off guard. She paused. As expected, Gaju was unusually tactful.

“Why do you say that?”

Elisha hid her embarrassment and spoke softly.

“Do you think I don’t know what Lucerne is thinking? Elisha, you don’t have to necessarily follow Lucerne’s words in that regard. After you have a child, he won’t be able to do anything about it. If you think about it, he is the most domineering person in our family.”

The patriarch laughed as if he found it hilarious and continued speaking:

“If you give birth to a great-grandchild, many things will change. Lucerne’s mother is a pariah. Since it is already recorded like that… … . No matter how much I cherish him and lift him up, I will never be able to undo the past. But won’t your child be different? If you choose that….”

“… … .”

“The fate of this duchy may also change.”

“You’re talking about something I can’t handle. My husband won’t like it,”

Elisha said with her eyes downcast.

“I’ll pretend I didn’t hear you, my lord.”

“Don’t pretend to be a fool; you are a smart kid,”

the Head spoke softly.

“A person who cannot calculate his own profits and losses is a fool. You are already part of this family. Cartier is the richest family in the world. Ultimately, what binds a person’s life and destiny is money, wealth, and power. In the end, the only way to change your fate is through a child with Lucerne’s precious blood. Think about it carefully,”

Gaju said.

“I don’t know what Lucerne told you. It’s not like I’m going to take away his son once he is born. Lucerne could be a way to inherit the family. However, since Jacob is there, you will have to be very prudent. I have to choose which of the two grandsons is better. But depending on your actions, your husband may gain a great opportunity.”

“… … .”

“Do not forget my words. Even if Lucerne doesn’t allow it, you can find ways to have children.”

Elisha pursed her lips. She nodded slightly.

“I will engrave the lord’s words.”

“Lucerne will ask what we talked about. It’s common in ordinary families for grandparents to worry and look after their grandchildren.”

“… … .”

“I trust you will speak sensibly. Don’t you instinctively know what’s the best path for you?”

Elisha was not stupid. There was another side to the patriarch’s words. What if Elisha gave birth to Lucerne’s child? If that child were to compete for the head of the household, Elisha would have another force to protect her in addition to Lucerne.


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