The Porter is Secretly an SS-Level Hunter

Chapter 24: Intermission: First Date

Chapter 24: Intermission: First Date

Note: I noticed that I received many collections, so I want to make it known again that my MC will be dating a female and male (I do not want any hate). (Kissing and intimacy are implied; the relationship is PG while the story plot line with gore and profanity is R-18).


A few days has passed, and Isona's birthday is coming up. She told the group that her birthday was the third of the new month. Neban already had a gift for her: the bracelet he took from the loot that time. He already wrapped the present and had it sitting on top of his dresser, but he wondered if he should give it every time he looked at it.

All of this was still new to him; For one, and two, he never had friends, and he has never been to a birthday party. The last time he went to a few get-togethers (was forced to as a hunter), he met people who betrayed him. SilverSoul banned him from showing up to any get-togethers after killing those people; they even covered up the murders and made them seem like an accident.

So, he did not know how he should act with people that he was starting to care about (it still feels weird to even think about it).

"Papa," his son called as he walked into the bedroom, "you've been in here too long. Come out."

When Neban first woke up with Theo, he took his son to the living area and told him that he would be right back and walked to his bedroom. It has been two hours, and he stayed in his room, thinking about Isona's birthday party that was coming up.

"I apologize," Neban started, looking at his son's pouty face (it was so cute to him), "I am coming."

As he stood up from his bed, his phone made a few pinging sounds, indicating that he received some text messages. 'Maybe it is from the group chat.' Neban thought.

He picked up his phone, checking the messages, only to see that Isona and Wey put him in a group chat without Owain. He raised his eyebrow at that before reading the text messages.

Isona: So, we have been thinking, well, actually talking about it.

Wey: Isona and I are wondering if you would like to come out with us today.

Isona: There is this carnival: Lo'Clown Carnival that is near Harbringer Shopping Plaza. We wanted to know if you would like to come with us.

Wey: It is okay if you cannot.

Neban kept reading the messages with no expression on his face. He has never been to a carnival before. His parents wanted to take him when he was younger, but Neban always told them no because he hates crowds. Plus, isn't it weird to go with parents when everyone always talks about going with their friends?

Also, Neban could not help but wonder why Owain was not a part of the text. It sounded like they wanted to hang out instead of meeting up at the dungeons like they usually did, so was Owain busy or something?

Neban: Is Owain not coming?

Isona: NO!

Wey: Uh, it is only us. Owain is, uh...busy.

Neban: Okay, I can see if my son wants to come.

Isona: I like Theo, he is cool, but could it just be us?

Wey: If not, that is fine too.

Neban thought for a while, looking up from his phone to stare at Theo. His son was by the door, waiting for him with crossed arms and a pouty face; it reminded him of a parent not happy with their child.

"Isona and Wey want me to go to the carnival and asked that it is only me and them. Should I tell them no?" He asked his son. It was weird to ask his four-year-old son for advice, but he did not know what to do. And Theo did watch a bunch of TV on many things.

After he asked, Theo's face lit up as he ran towards him. "You have to go! You have to, papa!"

"Okay, but who would watch you? Grandma and Grandpa are working." Neban asked, watching his son jump up and down with enthusiasm.

"Xan was cool!"

He turned back to his phone and pulled up Xan's contact to start messaging him.

Neban: I know this is last minute, but are you busy?

Xan: It is Saturday, so no, I am not busy. Are you going to another dungeon again?

Neban: No, not yet. Could you watch my son?

Xan: I am at home. Will you be picking me up?

Neban thought for a while; he had been to the man's house, so it is easy to [Shadow Travel] there, but he could give the man his address. But, when he glanced at Theo's smile, he changed his mind.

His wounds may have healed, but everything that happened was still fresh in his mind. Neban knows this made him paranoid, and he did not care; it was the main reason why he never allowed Theo to attend daycare (no matter how much his parents fought with him about this matter).

Neban: I will. Thank you. I will see you soon.

Then he moved back to the group chat with Isona and Wey, finally answering them.

Neban: I can go.

Isona: Amazing! Meet us there in two-three hours.

Wey: We will see you soon.

Neban turned off his phone, setting it on the bed as he looked at Theo. "I am going to the carnival, and Xan can watch you."

"Yay. Now, let's get you dressed." Theo ran to the closet as he started to look for outfits that his dad could wear.

Neban looked at him with a confused expression, wondering why his outfit was so important that his son was choosing it for him. Was he missing something here?


Neban was in front of Lo'Clown Carnival, waiting for Isona and Wey; he came early. He leaned against a wall near the entrance, ignoring how people were staring at him; it was annoying, so he started glaring at them.

They quickly looked away.

Neban was wearing a tight black long sleeve, V-neck shirt that his son forced him to put on. Theo kept talking about how Isona and Wey would love it. The top was bare, so he did not understand why they would love it.

He had on black cargo harem pants with two belt buckles on both sides, hanging low. Theo did not like that he was wearing all black, but Neban loved wearing all black; it reminded him of a shadow.

Neban also had a dark grey beanie (Theo complained again when he tried to wear a black one) and stylish fake glasses on (Theo said the round ones were ugly and barely showed his face). Neban still felt a bit exposed, but his son was satisfied with the final look, so he did not complain.

Theo told him that he looked like one of those models on the internet, but he ignored that compliment. Neban liked to think he was plain-looking.

A few minutes passed before he saw Isona and Wey walking towards him. When he got an exact look at them, his stomach felt weird while his throat felt dry.

Wey had on a blue hoodie with no sleeves, showing off his muscular arms with tattoos on them. He was wearing black pants that seemed tight on him, almost like someone painted them on. Neban believes it should be illegal to walk out like that; it is distracting.

Isona had on a purple crop top with short sleeves, showing that she had a belly-button piercing. She had on tight black leggings that showed off her curves. Neban quickly looked away because she was also distracting.

When they saw Neban, their were big smiles on their faces that had the sun shining on them. Neban had to ultimately look away because they both were too bright for him. Once they were in front of him, Isona spoke first.

"Are you ready to go? I already bought the tickets to enter." Isona asked Neban.

"I hope you did not wait long," Wey added.

Neban looked back at them, swallowing a weird lump in his throat before answering, "I didn't, and we can go."

They walked into the line in front of the entrance. The group only had to wait a few minutes before they were inside. Standing in the middle of everyone walking around, they looked around at the carnival's many rides and games.

"What do you want to do first?" Isona excitedly answered as she looked at the crazy rides.

"I do not mind anything. I have never been to a carnival, so I will do whatever you two want." Neban responded.

Wey and Isona quickly turned towards him with surprise clear on their faces. "You are 27 and have never been to a carnival?" Wey asked.

"Plus, you have a four-year-old. Kids love carnivals." Isona added.

Neban shrugged, not seeing the problem, "I hate crowds."

Wey and Isona looked pale at his answer.

"Why did you not say anything? We can go if you want." Wey quickly spoke.

"We can go somewhere else with no crowd," Isona said.

Neban shook his head, "It is fine; both of you wanted to go, so let's do what you want to do."

Isona and Wey blushed at the response, looking nervous as they glanced down. "We can check out the rides." Isona softly spoke.

Neban did not think much about their behaviors as he grabbed both of their hands, "Let's go. And Theo said it is easier to hold someone's hand so no one won't get lost in the crowd."

Neban wondered why Theo told him that tidbit, but it did sound easier. He is an SS-level, so he could find Wey and Isona with no problems. But, they are F-levels, so they would have trouble finding him if he got lost. Neban decided to do what his son told him and held their hands.

Although holding their hands felt weird and warm to him.

Wey and Isona nodded at that as their grip tightened in his hold; their faces were still a bit red as they walked to the first ride.

Almost four hours passed as they were sitting at one of the tables near the food court. Isona had two big stuffed animals that Neban won for her in the balloon dart game. Even Wey had stuffed animal from Neban playing the basketball game.

Their faces, minus Neban's, were flushed from all the crazy rides that they took. Neban's ears hurt from the yelling that everyone did, including Wey and Isona. Well, Isona was laughing while screaming, and Wey tried to hold back his screaming on the rides, but they kept coming out each time.

Neban did not react to any of the rides, but he could not help chuckling at Wey and Isona's reactions. They went on ten rides in total before they went to the mini-games. Neban kept winning each of them but did not accept all the prizes because their hands would have been full.

So, he got two stuffed animals for Isona and one for Wey; he even got a stuffed animal for Theo. It was a panther, one of Theo's favorite animals.

Isona and Wey tried the games and were average at them; Isona slightly better than Wey. They did win a few prizes for Neban, but he did not want any of them except a bunny stuffed animal that Isona and Wey won together.

So, here they were sitting at the table, enjoying their break from all the things they did; it was already nighttime.

Isona looked at the lights that the carnival lit up when nighttime hit before glancing at Neban with a soft, sober look, "It is beautiful tonight. I enjoyed today; I don't know how my birthday party could top this."

Wey rested his head on his hand as he leaned against the table; he was also watching Neban with many emotions passing across his face before settling on a longing one, "It was fun. I want to do this again."

Neban looked up at both of them. His stomach felt like it was doing somersaults at the looks they were giving him. "I see why people like carnivals."

Neban would admit that it was fun. He thought he would hate it, but he guessed that if a person goes with people they enjoy being around, it would be fun. Neban still hated how crowded the place was.

Isona and Wey looked at each other like they talked with just their eyes before turning towards Neban.

Neban stared back, wondering why they seemed so nervous.

Isona bit her lip before speaking, "Neban, me and Wey brought you out here to talk about something."

"About what?" Neban asked as he looked back and forward, taking in their expressions. They looked nervous and anxious. Neban wondered if he had done something wrong. Maybe they were tired of him and how he was.

Maybe he was not a person made to have friends like others.

No one said anything for a few minutes before Wey found his resolve and straightened himself as a fire burned in his eyes. "We asked you out here because we both like you."

Neban was confused. He thought for a second that they were going to say that they disliked him and his personality. But, they liked him, so that was good, right? "Thank you?"

Isona and Wey could see that Neban got confused about what they meant, so Isona spoke this time. "No, we like you in a romantic sense. We want to be with you romantically."

Everything hit Neban as he finally realized why his stomach felt weird around them, why he disliked others holding their hands, and why they threw him off.

Neban, for the first time in 27 years, had a crush; and it was on two people who seemed to like him back.

He stared at them with blank expressions before saying, "I'm sorry; I have to go." Neban used [Shadow Travel] to disappear.

Wey and Isona looked at the spot with somber faces.


Neban appeared in his living area, dropping the stuffed animals on the ground as he startled Xan and Theo. They were getting ready to say something, but when they saw Neban's face, they stopped.

Neban quickly picked up Theo before saying to Xan, "I have a guest room you can sleep in. I am sorry, I will take you back tomorrow."

He did not wait for a response as he walked into his bedroom with Theo in his arms. He laid down on the bed, not caring to change his clothes, as he brought his son down with him.

They were quiet for a few minutes as Neban rested his head on Theo's shoulder, his hair covered his son's face. "Papa, are you okay?"

"I am tired," Neban responded. The word had so many meanings that Neban was not ready to get into.

Theo moved closer, rubbing his fingers through his dad's hair. "I am here." The boy spoke, sounding too mature for his age.

Neban held his son tighter, feeling better as he started to fall asleep from Theo petting his hair.


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