The Player that Can’t Level Up

Chapter 8: Lou (4)

Chapter 8: Lou (4)

The rush his first kill today brought was unlike anything he had felt before. After the first came the second, the third, the fourth Gi-Gyu was like a manic as he went on a killing spree. Lous ability was something utterly beyond his wildest expectations.

[Lou has leveled up.]

Surprisingly, Gi-Gyu could feel every level Lou gained. Every time Lou leveled up, Gi-Gyus stamina recovered as if he had the best nights sleep. He was so focused on his hunt that he couldnt even tell how much time had passed.


Gi-Gyus five years of experience and Lous outstanding abilities worked in sync and maxed out his efficiency, significantly bringing down the hunting time. Now, he could kill a goblin with a single strike, two at most. He was growing at a speed way above what any average novice player could even dream of.

During his hunt, Gi-Gyu suddenly became curious. He asked, Hey, Lou! Are there other Egos out there?

-Y-youre already thinking about throwing me away?

Lou asked in a shaky voice. It still addressed Gi-Gyu informally, but Gi-Gyu didnt think it was necessary to scold this godsend item for it. Besides, Lou was no longer acting as rudely as before. Gi-Gyu offered, Relax. You dont have to be so anxious while talking to me from now on.

-T-thanks, Master!

If there were other Egos like Lou, perhaps Gi-Gyu could become even stronger if he obtained them. Lou alone was enough to give him hope, but Gi-Gyu couldnt help feeling greedy. He was about to ask Lou again, but it seemed there was no need to voice his question. Lou answered before Gi-Gyu could say a word.

-If thats the case, I can tell you all about it! Im sure there are other Egos out there.

You can read my thoughts?

-Sort of. After all, you and I are connected!



Gi-Gyu coughed and asked Lou again, And the same player system applies to those other Egos, right?

-I dont think so.

This piqued Gi-Gyus curiosity, so he asked, Why not?

-There are many Egos out there, but they cant access the system unless they are linked. Without it, theyre just good items and nothing more.

Are you saying there are other players who can link with Egos?

Linking was supposed to be Gi-Gyus unique ability, but it wouldnt be so unique if everyone could do that, now would it?

-I dont know. But I think some might force a link or use some absorption skill to create a similar result.

Is there anything you know for certain? Gi-Gyu asked in frustration. After all the uncertain data Lou provided, Gi-Gyu was sure of one thing: Lou can grow by taking the experience points Gi-Gyu earned. Essentially, this was a symbiotic relationship between Gi-Gyu, a player who cant level up, and Lou, an Ego. What frustrated Gi-Gyu was the sheer lack of knowledge Lou had of its own kind. This meant it was now Gi-Gyus job to figure out the answers as he went.

Suddenly, he began to wonder if another player could steal Lou if they had the skill to force-link. Gi-Gyu muttered, There are so many things I need to figure out.

It seemed he had to collect much information about his newfound ability, but Gi-Gyu was actually fine with it. The sole fact that he could now grow and improve was enough to please him. Technically, Gi-Gyu couldnt level up himself, but Lous growth essentially belonged to him. Wasnt this exactly what he had been about ever since he became a player?

Looks like Ill have to spend some time looking into this matter.


For the next several days, Gi-Gyu frequented the Tower to get used to his new weapon and level up Lou. He also had to adjust to his own body since its strength was increasing rapidly.

Gi-Gyu also informed Tae-Shik that he might no longer work as a guide. Gi-Gyus new ability to level up pleased Tae-Shik immensely since he seemed genuinely happy when he congratulated Gi-Gyu. Tae-Shik was what you would call a good friend, and Gi-Gyu was grateful that he had one.

[Lou has leveled up.]

Already? Gi-Gyu looked down at the red sword in his hand with confusion: Lou was already at Level 4.


That laugh was all the proof one needed to understand Lou enjoyed his progress a bit too much. Ignoring the giggling child, Gi-Gyu opened Lous status screen.


[Level 4]

[Power: 4]

[Speed: 4]

[Stamina: 4]

[Magic: 4]

[Accessory: Disabled]

By the way, what is accessory? Gi-Gyu asked. He hadnt even tried to use this ability since he was too busy hunting monsters. And also because casting a skill required a lot of energy.

-I dont know!

The answer had not a shred of shame or guilt.

Unimpressed and unsurprised, Gi-Gyu began to organize his thoughts based on what he knew so far and lamented, Gosh, he is an idiot. Well, I guess we can try using it later.

But damn is he leveling up quick. And even his other stats are leveling up alongside his overall level.

It was surprising because all players got a varied increase in stat points with each level up. A majority experienced an increase in a specific stat; a minority experienced an even stats increase. It seemed that Lous increase in stats was very consistent. Each level up added a single point to all his stats.

I wonder why...

Gi-Gyu couldnt understand, but he knew this wasnt a bad thing. After this brief incident, he resumed walking; it was time to ascend to the fourth floor.


Chweeeeeeeeek!!!!!!!! Gi-Gyu pierced an orcs heart with Lou, and its green blood stained the red sword. He had hunted countless orcs so far, but this hunt was different.

What is this?

He retrieved Lou and tried to wipe away the blood, but the green liquid enveloped the sword like sticky jelly.

[Lou is absorbing the orcs blood.]

[The amount of orcs blood absorbed has exceeded the designated amount.]

[Lou is leveling up.]

[Lou is absorbing the orcs strength.]


-I-Im becoming stronger!


The green blood shone before Lou absorbed it completely. Then, Lou abruptly began pulsating.

Badum, badum

Lou was pulsating like a beating heart. Gi-Gyu could feel the pulse on his hands and exclaimed, What is happening?!

Thankfully, the perimeter was clear since he had already killed all the monsters around. Gi-Gyu quickly opened Lous status screen.


[Level 5]

[Power: 7]

[Speed: 5]

[Stamina: 5]

[Magic: 5]

[Accessory: Disabled]

Lous status screen changed a bit when he became Level 5. At Level 5, its Power stat shouldve had five points, but it actually had seven.


Was it because Lou absorbed the orcs power just like the system announced? Unfortunately, Gi-Gyu wasnt given much of a chance to ponder. Now, something about Lou felt different.

-Muahahahaha!!! Listen, Master, Im stronger now, so you shall be punished for tormenting me!

Apart from getting second-hand embarrassment, Gi-Gyu also felt a bit lost in his thoughts. He wondered if Lous could now unlink itself after absorbing the orcs power. Did this mean it could attack Gi-Gyu without any repercussion? Gi-Gyu stared at Lou tensely. For now, nothing was happening other than the pulsation.

Could it be that Lou was mistaken? If it did, then


-Argh! Im sorry!


-Please! I dont know why I said that!

Haa Gi-Gyu sighed.

-Please! Please, Master! Master!

Gi-Gyu stopped swinging Lou above the bonfire.

-Phew That was too hot. I thought I was gonna die.

So why did you say something like that? Gi-Gyu asked.

Lous threat scared Gi-Gyu at first, but it seemed that it was just an empty threat. Gi-Gyu had dropped the sword a few minutes ago and watched it from afar for any changes. However, Lou failed to do squat apart from trash talking.

In the end, Gi-Gyu picked up Lou and taught it some manners all over again. He threatened, Now, Im going to stick some meat on you and cook it.

-I-I said Im sorry! I just felt dizzy and happy and

Were you drunk? Gi-Gyu asked.

The system announced that Lou had absorbed more blood than designated, so perhaps monster blood acted like alcohol to Lou.

I guess that makes sense.

By now, Gi-Gyu had figured out that Lou gained extra points in power because it absorbed the orcs blood and gained its strength. Did this mean every time Lou absorbed some monsters blood over the designated amount, the stat relevant to that specific monster would level up significantly?

Just thinking about it wasnt going to give him the answer. Gi-Gyu murmured, Ill have to test out my theory.

-Hehe S-sorry!

Gi-Gyu patted Lou without a word.



[The amount of goblins blood absorbed has exceeded the designated amount.]

[Lou is leveling up.]

[Lou has gained the goblins speed.]

I knew it! Gi-Gyu exclaimed confidently.

-Its happening again! Im getting stronger!

Without even picking up the dead goblins crystal, Gi-Gyu opened Lous status screen.


[Level 6]

[Power: 8]

[Speed: 8]

[Stamina: 6]

[Magic: 6]

[Accessory: Disabled]

Yay! Gi-Gyu swung Lou around wildly, unable to control his joy.

-Im dizzy, you idiot master.

Ignoring Lous insult, Gi-Gyu began to organize his thoughts. He felt confident about a few things based on what had just happened. Hunting monsters and feeding Lou their blood increased the swords level. Atop that, once Lou absorbed an excess amount of blood from any type of monster, it could gain extra stat points based on the monsters ability.

So more blood means more strength Gi-Gyu murmured to himself.

-Hey! Youre my stupid slave!

Gi-Gyu felt certain of his findings. The goblins blood could give Lou the goblins speed, increasing the swords speed stat. Gi-Gyu now knew precisely what he had to do.

-Hey! You! Idiot! You must devote your soul to me right now

But before that, it seemed Gi-Gyu had to teach Lou some good manners again.


Wow, that guy is hunting goblins again! a guide from some guild exclaimed.

Doesnt he get tired? another guild asked in awe.

The guides of a guild were escorting their new recruits in the Tower when they spotted Gi-Gyu. The novice players were also curious about this man with the red sword, so they said, Wow! Who is that guy?

He must be really strong. That goblin just melted away! another player joined in.

The player with the red sword was hunting a horde of goblins at an incredible speed. Such a sight shocked the beginner players. It almost seemed like he was carrying out a massacre.

He used to be a famous guide; now, hes known for massacring goblins and orcs, one guide explained.

I know, right? Its as if he has a deep-rooted grudge against goblins and orcs, another guide added.

Wow! the third guide exclaimed in awe. The man with the red sword was a subject of wonder even to experienced guides.

One of the novice players asked, What level do you think he is?

Probably over 10, one of the guides answered.

Then, what is he doing on this floor?

Who knows? Maybe he really holds a grudge against this floors monsters, a guide guessed.

The head guide interrupted the conversation and announced, Listen! You need to focus now. Stop staring, and lets keep working. All players can grow into fighters just like him. You need to work hard to become like him, understand?

The guild guides led the players bypassing Gi-Gyu, who continued to swing his red sword. Even as the beginner players walked by, they couldnt take their eyes off Gi-Gyu.


Gi-Gyu hunted in the Tower like a lunatic for a long time. Usually, he brought food and a tent to stay days at a time. He only left the Tower if he ran out of food or if his bag was overflowing with crystals.

Some guild guides nicknamed Gi-Gyu the persistent hunter. Any player who knew even a little about Gi-Gyu believed he had lost his mind after he finally began to level up. But Gi-Gyu didnt care what other people said about him. There was only one reason he chose not to ascend to the higher floors even though he could.


[Level 7]

[Power: 18]

[Speed: 18]

[Stamina: 7]

[Magic: 7]

[Accessory: Disabled]

This is nuts, Gi-Gyu whispered. He couldnt believe his own eyes. The amount of experience needed to level up increased along with the level. On the other hand, the monsters on the tutorial floors didnt offer much experience points. Despite this, Lou already reached Level 7. Gi-Gyu couldnt tell how many goblins and orcs he sacrificed to get this far. It felt like his whole body reeked of monster blood.


Good job, Gi-Gyu murmured and caressed Lou gently. Thanks to Gi-Gyus repeated manner lessons, Lou learned to retain its wits better after absorbing excessive blood. It seemed that pain really did cure all bad manners.

-Kekekeh! I love you, Master.

This was how Lou reacted nowadays when he became drunk.

I wonder how strong I am now, Gi-Gyu wondered. He couldnt tell the extent of his own strength anymore. Nowadays, orcs and goblins were nothing more than easy kills to him. Only one or two swings of Lou were enough to kill them. This was a huge change considering Gi-Gyu could barely kill a single goblin a few days ago.

Lets go home now, Gi-Gyu announced. What he had accomplished on the tutorial floors was astounding. His bag was, once again, swamped with crystals. Now, it was time to rest a little and get ready. He had to prepare himself to ascend the Tower as a real player.


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