The Player that Can’t Level Up

Chapter 45: Phoenix Guild (3)

Chapter 45: Phoenix Guild (3)

Gi-Gyu had been feeling something boiling deep inside him ever since he arrived at the abandoned factory. It wasnt something simple like anger; it was something different.

I Gi-Gyu was about to say something when Yeo Sung-Gu interrupted in panic, Theyre nobodies! Dont be afraid and just attack!

If Gi-Gyu escaped this place, Yeo Sung-Gu would be in big trouble. The punishment for everything he had done in the last few hours wasnt something as simple as dismissal from the association.

When Yeo Sung-Gu screamed, the Phoenix Guild members began to move. Choi Won-Jae, however, remained still as if he wanted to see how strong Gi-Gyu was.

Bloodthirst clouded Gi-Gyu's eyes as he murmured, If I were weak like I used to be, I wouldve died here. Seconds later, a vicious and chaotic aura emerged from Gi-Gyu and flooded the abandoned factory. Akin to countless slithering snakes, it wrapped around his opponents.

... Choi Won-Jae continued to stand still and study Gi-Gyu. Most guild members present here were C-grade; Choi Won-Jae himself was an A-grade ranker.

Gi-Gyu continued, Had I died here, I wouldve joined the numerous who took their last breath here. Im guessing countless innocents died here screaming.

What the hell are you mumbling?! Dammit! Get him already! Kill him! Gi-Gyus menacing aura was successful in deterring his opponents, so the one behind this whole farce couldnt help shouting angrily.

I cant believe this, Sung-Hoon whispered. The scene before him was simply unbelievable. He had been nervously preparing himself for an inevitable battle, but when he felt Gi-Gyus energy, Sung-Hoon couldnt help feeling overwhelming futility.

It hasnt even been that long since we hunted together inside that maze.

It was only for a day, but Sung-Hoon had seen Gi-Gyu battle the monsters inside the Maze of Heryond. Even then, he deemed Gi-Gyu a strong player. He also knew Gi-Gyu was growing rapidly, but still

Sung-Hoon muttered, He has become a beast. The speed at which Gi-Gyu had grown so far was unimaginable. How could anyone become this strong this fast? It seemed Association President Oh Tae-Gu had made a winning bet.

While Sung-Hoon stared in disbelief, Gi-Gyu ordered him, Sung-Hoon, please make sure Yeo Sung-Gu doesnt escape. And grab your cellphone.


You know who to call, right? asked Gi-Gyu.


Thats all you need to do. As for these guys With this soft announcement, Gi-Gyu kicked the ground. It almost looked like he suddenly disappeared because he moved so fast. In the blink of an eye, Gi-Gyu stood in front of one of the players charging toward him with a weapon in his hand.


With a ghastly sound, the players arm fell to the ground.

Ackkk! When the wounded player screamed in pain, the other guild members shouted, What are you all doing?! Go grab that bastard!

Kill him! There are only two of them! We have the ranker Choi Won-Jae and the others on our side!

As if waiting for that very statement, all the black-suited players rushed toward Gi-Gyu. Gi-Gyu didnt hesitate for a second before mercilessly swinging Lou and El.

Ill take care of them, Gi-Gyu whispered just loud enough for Sung-Hoon to hear. The factory was filled with agonizing screams and sounds of clashing weapons, but Sung-Hoon heard Gi-Gyus whisper loud and clear.




Every time Gi-Gyu swung his swords, he took downat leastone opponent. Consequently, the factory was flooded by screeches, screams, and metallic clangs.

Ackkkk! My arm! My arm!

My leg My leg!

Ranker Choi Jae-Won! Please help us! Hes too strong!

Hiukkk! Hes a beast!

Within seconds, numerous Phoenix Guild members fell to the ground, missing a limb or two. But so far, Gi-Gyu didnt kill anyone: He just made sure they wouldnt stand up again.

And it wasnt because the guild members were acting like punching bags. They were giving it their all. Sadly, before they could even unleash their ultimate moves, they were stabbed by either Lou or El.

Sung-Hoon couldnt tell how much time had passed. To Gi-Gyu, it was only a moment, while it felt like a lifetime to his opponents.

Haa For the first time since the battle began, Gi-Gyu exhaled deeply. Around him, the severely injured players were screaming and flailing in pain. Had the wounds been normal stab wounds, his enemies couldve endured the pain and continued fighting. But with Bi activated, the Wound Aggravation skill was in effect. Grasping at their worsening wounds, the players groaned and begged for potions.

What a mess, Choi Won-Jae muttered bitterly as he watched his mens suffering. The ranker wanted to get involved; unfortunately, he couldnt at the moment.

W-what the hell is he? Y-you can kill him, right, Ahjussi? Right? The directors pathetic son grabbed Choi Won-Jaes jacket in fear.

The truth of this situation was a complicated one. In the publics eyes, this idiot was some directors son. However, this dumbass was actually the secret bastard son of the Phoenix Guilds guild master. This dunderhead was born from a tryst between the guild master and his mistress, and the guild master treasured him. The guild master had his cretinous, bastard son grow up as the strategic department directors son to hide his infidelity. This was why all of these players were at this nincompoop's beck and call. It wasnt the directors power that brought on this eventIt was the guild master of the Phoenix Guild himself.

Choi Won-Jae replied calmly, Ive got to take care of this myself.

However, the guild masters by-blow, Yeon Nam-Ju, shook his head, begging the ranker not to leave him. Right now, Yeon Nam-Ju and his three friends were hiding behind Choi Won-Jae, so he thought,

After I deal with this, I will have to kill them. Then, I will have to make sure the Young Master finds his way to the right track.

According to the ranker, those three men were why Yeon Nam-Ju was in this situation. The ranker wondered if Yeon Nam-Ju could still change his ways; he needed to try to know. Choi Won-Jae owed a debt he could never repay to the guild master, so he never refused the guild masters orders, not even those that had him take care of dirty deeds like this.

Choi Won-Jae remained calm because he didnt think he would lose to Gi-Gyu. He was surprised to find Gi-Gyu much stronger than he expected, but all the players Gi-Gyu had defeated so far were mere C-grade players. Choi Won-Jae was not just any player: He was a proud ranker of the Phoenix Guild.

Watching Choi Won-Jae getting ready, Gi-Gyu sneered and asked, So youre ready to get serious?

A-Ahjussi! Yeon Nam-Ju tried to stop Choi Won-Jae, but the ranker pushed the young man away and walked toward Gi-Gyu.



Gi-Gyus body was soaked in blood. Even as he stood still, blood dripped down from him. Slowly pushing back his blood-soaked hair, Gi-Gyu looked at Choi Won-Jae quietly. Gi-Gyu seemed oddly creepy with a face smeared with other players blood.

He murmured, This is the first time Im fighting a ranker. He had battled Ironshield before, but all he did was clash El with Ironshields Calleon once. Gi-Gyu continued, But being a ranker does not change that youre garbage.

Youre on, Choi Won-Jae, a damage dealer, announced as he unsheathed his sword.

Sung-Hoon shouted to Gi-Gyu with his phone in his hand, I contacted him! Hell be here right away!

When Gi-Gyu turned around, he saw Yeo Sung-Gu on the floor under Sung-Hoons foot. Gi-Gyu replied, Good job. I guess we dont have much time left, so we better finish this fast, right?

Gi-Gyu smiled at the ranker once more before he dashed forward.


An explosion, too loud for just two swords colliding, was heard soon after.


This doesnt feel like my own body.

Something broke inside Gi-Gyu; seconds later, he found himself floating in the air. Although unfamiliar, it wasnt an unpleasant sensation. He felt dizzy, just like when he drank for the first time, but his body moved more fluidly than ever.


Too slow.

To Gi-Gyu, Choi Won-Jaes sword appear to move in slow motion. Dodging the rankers sword with ease, Gi-Gyu swung Lou to wound Choi Won-Jae. Thanks to the Wound Aggravation skill, the injury on the ranker slowly turned darker.

Hes moving way too slow.

Suddenly, Choi Won-Jaes sword glowed, and a robust heatwave wafted from his body. Realizing the ranker had activated his skill, Gi-Gyu quickly stepped back. He had already enabled Accelerate, so his speed would peak in a few moments.

Gi-Gyu shouted, Youre too slow!

Lou escaped Choi Jae-Wons attack as Gi-Gyu made a turn. After a complete turn with one of his feet as an axis, Gi-Gyu swung El to cut off a few of the rankers fingers.

Ugh! Unable to counter the attack, Choi Jae-Won finally groaned in pain. Gi-Gyu wasnt using any active skills, yet as if possessed by a higher being, he moved too fast for Choi Won-Jae to handle.

Yeon Nam-Ju trembled and whispered, T-this cant be This I must be dreaming The ranker had been with Yeon Nam-Ju all his life. Choi Won-Jae always seemed invincible to him; now, Gi-Gyu was playing him like a fiddle. Yeon Nam-Ju felt like his world was crumbling down around him.

Meanwhile, Gi-Gyu just focused on slashing Choi Won-Jaes flesh and bones. After a few more minutes of fighting, the ranker moaned and crumbled down to the ground. To be more accurate, he fell because Lou had amputated both of his legs. The rankers legs flew across the room to join all the other limbs that littered the ground.

Trying his best to endure the extreme pain, Choi Won-Jae asked, W-who are you? Were you sent here to target the Young Master?

What the hell are you talking about? I was just driving home when that jerk tried to pick a fight with me, Gi-Gyu replied emotionlessly.

J-just kill me and let the Young Master live. Things will get very bad for you if you kill him, begged Choi Won-Jae as if stating his last will.

Haa When Gi-Gyu sighed in frustration, Sung-Hoon rushed toward him and warned, Please stop! If you go on any further, then


But before Sung-Hoon could reach Gi-Gyu, Lou beheaded Choi Won-Jae. The ranker probably didnt expect Gi-Gyu to kill him because even as his head took to the sky, his eyes remained wide open.

Ugh! Yeon Nam-Ju felt like he was being suffocated.


Gi-Gyu suddenly felt a sharp pain in his right eye, but he ignored it as he walked forward.

Player Kim Gi-Gyu! Sung-Hoon stared at Choi Won-Jaes head on the ground in shock before grabbing Gi-Gyus arm.

Dont stop me. When Gi-Gyu warned him savagely, Sung-Hoon replied quickly, Im not trying to stop you. Im not that crazy. What happened today is beyond repair at this point anyway. But that jerk over there I know who he is, and if you kill him, things will become really annoying.

Studying Gi-Gyus face worriedly, Sung-Hoon asked, Are you sure you want to do this?

Gi-Gyu gave Sung-Hoon a small smile before continuing to walk toward Yeon Nam-Ju. With each step he took, the pain in his eyes worsened. It was as if his eyeball wanted to pop out of his skull. And then there was the burning sensation in his chest: It wasnt getting any better either.

Meanwhile, Yeon Nam-Ju begged, P-please let me live. Im really sorry. I didnt mean to do what I did I- I think I got too drunk The pathetic man was on his knees and rubbing his hands for forgiveness.


The speed at which Gi-Gyu moved was too fast for a low-level player like Yeon Nam-Ju to follow. Yeon Nam-Jus right hand fell to the ground with a graceful swing.

Ack Ugh!!!!!!!!! Yeon Nam-Ju sobbed due to the kind of pain he had never felt before. With a faint smile, Gi-Gyu reassured him, I wont kill you with my own hands.

Y-you mean it? Feeling hopeful, Yeon Nam-Ju managed to look up at Gi-Gyu, who added, Dont worry. Ill make sure you die on your own.


As Lou dug deep into Yeon Nam-Jus thigh, an almost cheerful piercing sound echoed inside the factory. Yeon Nam-Ju was the one with a sword in his thigh, but it was actually Gi-Gyu who was enduring a maddening amount of pain. Gi-Gyus right eyeball seemed fixated on causing him as much pain as possible. The unpleasant pain was too distracting, so Gi-Gyu closed his eyes.

Player Kim Gi-Gyu Sung-Hoon whispered, but Gi-Gyu couldnt hear it: The whisper was buried under the screams from Yeon Nam-Ju and the Phoenix Guild players.


Wh What happened? When Tae-Shik opened the door to the abandoned factory, he couldnt believe the scene in front of his eyes. He moaned in distress when he saw the bodies littered all over the ground. Thankfully, some bodies were still moaning and screaming for help, so it wasnt a complete massacre.

General Manager, we have taken care of all the patrolling players outside the factor Some surveillance department agents followed inside, but their words stuck to their throats when they saw the scene inside.

Urrggghhh! Some agents even began to vomit at the gruesome scene. These agents were used to seeing the corpses of monsters and humans since they worked for the association. However, the sight inside the abandoned factory was beyond their worst nightmare.

Sung-Hoon walked up to Tae-Shik and greeted him grimly, There you are.

W-what happened here? Tae-Shik asked rigidly. Before Sung-Hoon could answer, a trembling voice called out to Tae-Shik, H-Hyung? It was Gi-Gyu who slowly appeared from a dark corner.

Gi-Gyus face was stained with tears, and he was trembling like a reed in the wind. In a pained voice, Tae-Shik whispered, Gi-Gyu

HHyung I Gi-Gyu staggered toward Tae-Shik as he stammered, I feel strange.

The light from the opened factory door slowly shone on Gi-Gyus face as he walked forward, and Tae-Shik noticed that Gi-Gyus right eye had turned violet. Without a word, the general manager hugged Gi-Gyu comfortingly.

Huh? What? General Manager, one of the corpses here is! one of the agents who entered the factory yelled. When Tae-Shik didnt respond, the same agent continued, One of the corpses is disappearing!

What? At the impossible news, Tae-Shik finally turned toward the agent. When Tae-Shik released Gi-Gyu for a moment, a system announcement rang inside Gi-Gyus head.

[Cannibalism has been activated.]

[Player Choi Won-Jae is being egofied.]

[Egofication has failed.]

[Player Choi Won-Jaes fragment has been absorbed.]

[You now have access to a part of Player Choi Won-Jaes memory.]


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