The Player that Can’t Level Up

Chapter 35: First Revenge (2)

Chapter 35: First Revenge (2)

Tae-Shik replied, Well, there is a simple solution: Just get the players credential. There shouldnt be any difference in your grade measurement, even if we use the newer machine. When you get tested officially, you'll still get the SS grade like before. Problem solved.

Gi-Gyu knew this was the most obvious answer to his problem, but he murmured, But if I do that, then

You dont want to become famous?

No, answered Gi-Gyu. Receiving the SS grade meant that he could become a high ranker. The appearance of a new SS-grade player would attract much attention from the entire world, not just Korea.

Gi-Gyu explained, I assume the Iron Guild already knows about me, so there wouldnt be much security difference, but I still dont want to be recognized yet. Im already getting some unwanted attention because of my looks, so can you imagine if people found out I was an SS-grade player?

Youll become a celebrity, replied Tae-Shik with a nod.

And I wont be the only one under the spotlight. People will soon become interested in my family and put them under a microscope.

Tae-Shik contemplated for a while before he said to Gi-Gyu, Then Im afraid there is nothing I can do. Even the associations general manager cant give a player a fake grade willy-nilly.

Gi-Gyu shook his head and replied, I wasnt asking for that, Hyung. You have already helped my family and me so much. I could never ask you for more.

Tae-Shik was the associations general manager, but even he didnt have the power to give out fake player credentials. This was incredibly impossible since an officially registered player credential came with many benefits.

Gi-Gyu asked, Any other solutions?

There is another obvious one: Just join the guild that will take the lead or participate in this upcoming hunt. Or you could also join the association, Tae-Shik answered, taking this opportunity to emphasize the associations power.

Gi-Gyu smiled bitterly and replied, I really dont want to work under someone. Also, creating my own group is out of the question.

Gosh Youre so picky. Oh, thats right. Wait here for a minute. Tae-Shik walked toward his computer and typed apace as he continued, I knew it. Kim Sun-Pil, was it? Yes, thats his guild Gi-Gyu, his guild is also planning to participate in this subjugation hunt.

Kim Sun-Pil?

Yeah. Do you remember those players you guided when you ended up being cornered by the fourth-floor guardian? Thats the only reason why I remember their names. I knew I saw their names on the subjugation squad list, Tae-Shik explained.

Much time had passed since that day, but he still couldnt believe Kim Sun-Pils guild had grown strong enough to participate in a B-grade subjugation hunt. When Tae-Shik noticed Gi-Gyus surprise, he explained, They are actually grade C, not B. His group is going as one of the spare forces, so it would be better for you to go with them. Dont you agree?

Thats true.

Why dont you try contacting them? They owe you one, so Im sure they will take you with them, Tae-Shik suggested, giving Gi-Gyu much to think about.

After a short silence, Gi-Gyu asked, When does the subjugation squad head out?

The day after tomorrow. You dont have much time, so if youre going to go with them, you better get on it.

Alright. Thank you.

Gi-Gyu left the room and began looking through his contacts.


Kim Sun-Pil had given Gi-Gyu his phone number when Gi-Gyu was hospitalized before.

Haa Gi-Gyu sighed before pressing the dial button.

When Gi-Gyu left the association building, all the female employees gathered inside Tae-Shiks office. Tae-Shik asked coldly, What do you want? Do you guys have something to tell me?

Who was that guy? He looked so handsome. General Manager, please introduce him to me. Ill work really hard if you do, asked one of the female employees.

No way! You should introduce him to me! Please! another woman begged.

He looked close to you, General Manager, which means he must be someone important. So, out of respect for you, I'd also like to meet him, said the third female employee.

Tae-Shik grinned. He was the general manager, their boss. Yet, his employees felt comfortable enough to ask him such a thing because he had always acted friendly with them.

Slowly, Tae-Shiks face turned serious as he groaned, Hmm

Noticing the change in his expression, the female employees all took a few steps back. They were afraid their boss would nag them about getting back to work.

But instead, Tae-Shik replied mysteriously, If youre curious about him, why dont you all make a guess? Ill give you a hint: Youve all seen him here before. Many times at that.



Why didnt you call me sooner? I was so worried something might have happened to you, Sun-Pil asked with concern as they sat inside a 24-hour cafe near the Gangnam station. Gi-Gyu was wearing a cheap hat and a black mask; despite the disguise, one could tell he was a handsome man because of his aura. The people sitting nearby couldnt help glancing at him, wondering if he was a celebrity.

Gi-Gyu replied, Something came up, so I was swamped. By the way, I finally began to level up.

Ah! Sun-Pil looked impressed as he replied, Then you mustve been busy hunting in the Tower until now.

Well, yes, I suppose. A lot more had happened than just hunting. Gi-Gyu had been inside the Maze of Heryond, where he met several high rankers. He witnessed the corps commander being killed and even obtained the elixir. But Gi-Gyu didnt think Sun-Pil would believe him even if he told him about everything.

So, what is it that you wanted to ask me? My group owes you so much, guide Kim Gi-Gyu. Without you, we wouldve all died in the Tower that day. You saved us all; we owe you big time. Sun-Pil smiled widely before teasing, Our lives are worth quite a lot now. I would be happy to give you anything you ask, Gi-Gyu.

Gi-Gyu smiled as well as he asked, Well, its about the upcoming fourth-floor guardian hunt. I heard your guild is joining the subjugation squad. Your guilds name is Morningstar, right?

Huh?! How did you know? Sun-Pil seemed genuinely shocked.

I am interested in the upcoming hunt as well, so I was doing some research and came across your guilds name. I believe youre the Morningstars guild master?

Indeed. So youre interested in the subjugation expedition too? Sun-Pil asked, his eyes glowing knowingly.

Yes. I owe a lot to that guardian, after all.

Haha, thats exactly why we are participating in this hunt. Considering what that bastard did to you And it also put us in grave danger at the time. We havent forgotten that day at all. Listening to Sun-Pils excited voice, Gi-Gyu realized he probably wouldnt have difficulty convincing Sun-Pil.

Gi-Gyu smiled and asked, So, about that I havent obtained a player credential yet due to some personal matters. I also dont belong to a guild, so would it be possible for me to enter this upcoming hunt as a part of Morningstar?

Gi-Gyu knew he was asking for a huge favor. Joining and leaving a guild wasnt an easy process. A guild was not like a school club that accepted all students. It was essentially a business organization created to reap profit, making its reputation a critical factor. Most guilds were picky in accepting new members, and a high player retention level was considered a great asset. Most players wouldnt quit if their guild was powerful and they were treated well.

And then there was the well-known fact: Guilds made leaving their organization as hard as possible for players. In other words, Gi-Gyu asked Sun-Pil to let him join Morningstar for the hunt and leave right after it. The moment Gi-Gyu quit, he would negatively affect the Morningstar Guilds statistics. As a newly formed guild, this could be a huge hit.

But Sun-Pil answered without hesitation, Of course.

If this will damage your guilds reputation, you can say no. Please, think carefu Gi-Gyu tried to ask again for surety.

Its really fine. If I cant even do a small favor like this for you, I deserved to die that day at the hands of the guardian, Sun-Pil answered firmly and continued, Since that day, Ive worked my butt off. I wanted to make sure I was strong enough never to need someone elses help. I also wanted to become stronger, so I could save others like you did.

Gi-Gyu couldnt help feeling embarrassed as Sun-Pil idolized him.

Sun-Pil, Im not that good of a person. Youre mistaken.

Hiding his honest thoughts, Gi-Gyu smiled bitterly. Unlike before, he now had too much to lose. Now, he had much to accomplish and protect. With stakes this high, he wouldnt even think about sacrificing himself for others.

Sun-Pil added proudly, Thats why I formed a guild soon after. After grinding day in and day out, I succeeded in becoming a C-grade player with a C-grade guild under him.

You should be proud of yourself, Gi-Gyu replied with genuine admiration. Becoming a C-grade player and establishing a C-grade guild within a few months were almost impossible tasks. When Gi-Gyu worked as Sun-Pils guide, he could tell Sun-Pil was talented. But, talent alone could never achieve something like this. Gi-Gyu could almost see how hard Sun-Pil mustve worked to get here. This realization made Gi-Gyu like him even more.

Sun-Pil announced, We will help you in every way possible this time, so please feel free to rely on us. We will do our best to help you get your revenge.

Then, Sun-Pil and Gi-Gyu concluded their meeting with a handshake. Gi-Gyu had been worried about how he was going to join the hunt; fortunately, he found an easy fix.

By the way, did something happen? If not for your voice, I wouldnt have recognized you. And why are you wearing a hat and a mask? You also look a little taller, asked Sun-Pil as he studied Gi-Gyu.

Umm Well, Ill tell you about it later, Gi-Gyu replied as he pressed down his hat to hide his face a little better.


A day before the hunt, Gi-Gyu completed registering himself as a Morningstar member.

I didnt expect this, Gi-Gyu muttered as he rubbed his chin in concern.

-It cant be helped. You know what actually wouldnt have made sense? Had everything gone the way you were expecting.

Lou replied coldly as Gi-Gyu sighed, Haa

There was a good reason behind Gi-Gyu's frustration. He just discovered that he couldnt wear/utilize normal equipment items. In the past, Gi-Gyu couldnt afford any of these expensive items. But now that he had some money to spare, he was planning on wearing a few pieces of cheap equipment for this hunt.

But every time he put on an item, the system announced.

[You cannot wear this equipment item.]

When Gi-Gyu seemed confused, Lou finally explained.

-Its probably because youre wearing two pseudo and two real Egos. Most average equipment items cant tolerate an Egos power, which means you cant wear them as long as you have us. Of course, it wouldve been a different story if you had a legendary grade item.

A legendary grade item?

There was only one legendary-grade weapon Gi-Gyu knew about.

So youre talking about something like the Archangels Armor Player Lee Sun-Ho has.

-I dont know what that is, but if that item has a legendary grade, then yes.

In the end, Gi-Gyu had to give up on wearing equipment items to the hunt.

-You should be thankful that the elixirs modification now allows you to wear more than three Egos. Right now, youre wearing four Egos. Be grateful for that.

Lou was becoming more and more annoying. Gi-Gyu considered giving him another lesson on manners, but he shook his head and murmured, Its true that Egos are the strongest weapon I can carry.

It was an undeniable truth; Gi-Gyu knew it.

Then, I guess Im ready for the hunt.

He had already prepared the disposable items. It was too bad he couldnt wear any equipment items, but he had to accept. He had no say in the matter since it was the price he had to pay for owning Egos.

Now, he was ready to join the hunt tomorrow. When he closed his eyes, he could imagine how things would unfold during the hunt. This was his first time joining a subjugation squad. He was going to be reunited with Kim Sun-Pil and the others. He would also get to meet some other members of the Morningstar Guild.

In addition, he would be amid many other guilds and players who were also participating in the hunt.

Im coming for you, guardian.

Gi-Gyu quickly fell asleep.


Is everyone from the Morningstar Guild here? Kim Dong-Hae from the Child Guild, who was to lead the subjugation squad, asked the group.

Yes! answered the Morningstar members.

Kim Dong-Hae was a famous member of the Child Guild, a B-grade group. He was considered a semi-ranker because he was very close to reaching the A-grade. All players A-grade or higher were considered a ranker. The Child Guild, a mediocre group at best, grew to be recognizable thanks to Kim Dong-Hae. The rumor had it that Kim Dong-Hae was their guild masters favorite. In fact, people believed the only reason Child Guilds guild master was running the guild was to help Kim Dong-Hae level up faster.

Yun Jae-Won, standing next to Gi-Gyu, whispered, Wow! I knew he would be in this group, but Im still relieved to see such a big player is going to join us.

Everyone in the group Gi-Gyu guided that day was here to participate in the hunt. It had been a long time since Gi-Gyu last saw them, so they greeted each other with genuine pleasure.

Gi-Gyu asked with curiosity, Hes considered a big player?

Kim Dong-Hae? Of course. After all, hes almost a ranker now, " Jae-Won, standing nearby, replied in surprise.

Suddenly, Gi-Gyu realized what was happening.

Ahh now I see. Ive met so many high rankers that a semi-ranker doesnt seem like much anymore.

He had met the real beasts in the Maze of Heryond, so now, no one seemed to impress Gi-Gyu.

Haa Gi-Gyu sighed.

Whats wrong? Jae-Won asked.

I just feel a little bitter about something, replied Gi-Gyu.

In the past, had Gi-Gyu met a semi-ranker, he wouldve been impressed and excited. But, after experiencing so many life-changing events, he could no longer connect with his previous innocence.


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