The Player that Can’t Level Up

Chapter 33: Moving (2)

Chapter 33: Moving (2)

When Gi-Gyu looked at him blankly, Sung-Hoon asked in confusion, Havent you heard of Pokmon?

No, I havent had the time to watch TV, so replied Gi-Gyu, feeling embarrassed. Based on Sung-Hoons reaction, it seemed Pokmon was a popular TV drama or movie. Sadly, what little free time Gi-Gyu had was spent watching the players channel, so he had no idea what Sung-Hoon was talking about.

Gi-Gyu was still young, so the fact that he was so behind the newest trend embarrassed him a bit. Sung-Hoon consoled him with a kind smile, Well, it was popular over 20 years ago, so no worries.


Its nothing, replied Sung-Hoon with another smile and just stood there quietly. It was a bit unsettling, so Gi-Gyu asked, Umm What are you doing here?

Isnt it obvious? Im here to see you, Player Kim Gi-Gyu.

I can see that, but why? Did something happen? Gi-Gyu asked in confusion. Sung-Hoon was an association employee and a capable player. He had helped Gi-Gyu on multiple occasions, and all of them required him to leave his post. So, was it really okay for him to be away from his work so often?

I was assigned a new position, Sung-Hoon explained.

A new position?

"Yes, I will be working as your secretary, Player Kim Gi-Gyu. When Sung-Hoon announced calmly, Gi-Gyu gaped in shock. He asked, Why would you be working as my secretary, Sung-Hoon? I dont belong to the association or have a high enough position to have a secretary.

Well, to be exact, Im General Manager Oh Tae-Shiks secretary. As if finding Gi-Gyus reaction funny, Sung-Hoon continued with a playful smile, But, General Manager Oh Tae-Shik told me he doesnt need a secretary. So he ordered me to help you, Player Kim Gi-Gyu.

Then, who assigned you to be Tae-Shiks secretary? asked Gi-Gyu.

Oh Tae-Shik did.


Sung-Hoon had been addressing Tae-Shik as General Manager until now, but for the first time, he used just the name: Oh Tae-Shik.

With a sigh, Sung-Hoon continued, Haa The portal maintenance position paid a hardship allowance, so I made good money. But my salary dropped when I became his secretary.

From the way he was acting, Sung-Hoon seemed pretty annoyed. He had always shown great respect for Tae-Shik, yet the recent change had reduced his admiration for the general manager.

Sung-Hoon added, Anyway, thats what happened. If you need anything from now on, just call me. Could you give me your cell phone?

Ah, here.

When Gi-Gyu handed him his phone, Sung-Hoon entered his phone number.

[Hot Secretary Heo Sung-Hoon]

I had no idea Sung-Hoon was like this.

Gi-Gyu stared down at the name Sung-Hoon entered in his phone. Gi-Gyu asked, So youll be following me around?

Of course not! Sung-Hoon waved his head awkwardly and continued, Im not your bodyguard. Im only here to help you with your daily things.

I didnt think you were my bodyguard.

Well, if you wish, I could certainly stay by your side every day. But, youll have to pay me overtime then. Sung-Hoon replied and made the universally known money sign with his fingers.

Gi-Gyu shook his head and inquired, No, thanks. But why did Tae-Shik hyung do this?

So you would owe him. He wants you to be indebted to him.

Indebted to him?

Gi-Gyu asked why Tae-Shik would place an association employee as his secretary, but the answer he got baffled him.

Understanding Gi-Gyus confusion, Sung-Hoon explained, Right now, you feel guilty and thankful toward the general manager, right? And you probably also feel a little burdened by his kindness.

Thats true.

Thats exactly what the general manager wants. He truly cares about you, Player Kim Gi-Gyu, but that man is also an incredible businessman. You will undoubtedly become a mighty player, and Im guessing youll do anything for the general manager if he asks. Even if he asks for something impossible, youll try your absolute best. Am I right?

Gi-Gyu didnt nod, but he almost flinched at Sung-Hoons accurate assessment.

Sung-Hoons right. Ill probably act in a heartbeat even if he asks for something impossible.

It was because Gi-Gyu owed Tae-Shik a great deal. Heo Sung-Hoon smiled knowingly and replied, See? Thats exactly it. Gi-Gyu, people like you always repay their debts of blood and kindness. So if there comes a time when the general manager needs your help, youll help him without question. Besides, you dont plan on refusing the general managers help anytime soon, do you?

Again, Sung-Hoon was right. If Gi-Gyu didnt want to owe Tae-Shik anymore, all he had to do was refuse his help. But he had no intention of wasting what Tae-Shik offered.


Sung-Hoon smiled and announced, Then, its settled. Shall we go have a look at some houses? When he offered his hand, Gi-Gyu awkwardly took it and stood up.


Are you okay to move in one week? Sung-Hoon asked.

Ah, yes, Gi-Gyu replied.

Then I will arrange for the moving company, offered Sung-Hoon.

There is no need. Well be leaving everything behind. This is our new home, so I want everything new inside. Well just pack a few things we require, Gi-Gyu explained.

Gi-Gyu wondered if Heo Sung-Hoon used to be a real estate agent before he became a player. Sung-Hoon made an excellent secretary, as he took care of almost everything Gi-Gyu needed to move.

I think Sung-Hoon chose the wrong profession for himself.

Gi-Gyu felt like Sung-Hoon shouldve become a businessman. Or perhaps a conman, as Sung-Hoon was incredibly eloquent. Heo Sung-Hoon even managed to impress the other much-experienced real estate agents.

All in all, Gi-Gyu was satisfied with how things turned out. He purchased a spacious house with a garden overlooking the beautiful Bukhan River. Since Su-Jin drank the elixir, a medical professional had to monitor her health on a regular basis. But, Gi-Gyu felt uncomfortable taking her to just any hospital. Thankfully, Gi-Gyu was pleased with the clinic Tae-Shik introduced to them, and this clinic happened to be close to his new house. On top of it, this house was also within his price range.

Gi-Gyu murmured to Sung-Hoon, Im only concerned about Yoo-Jungs school. Its so far from our new house

You dont have to worry about that! Did you know that Yoo-Jung passed her GED this year? She wants to stay close to her mother and prepare for the SAT alone, so she quit school.

Gi-Gyu was left speechless by Sung-Hoons cheerful interruption.


Gi-Gyu was shocked for two reasons. First, he had no idea Yoo-Jung took the GED, passed it, and was now preparing to take her SAT. Second, how did Sung-Hoon know about this before him?

When Sung-Hoon saw the shock and confusion on Gi-Gyus face, he hurriedly explained, Please dont misunderstand this situation. I believe Yoo-Jung kept this a secret from everyone. I only found out by coincidence while working on their protection detail.

Protection detail? Gi-Gyu was surprised once again.

Didnt you know? While you were away, the general manager spent a chunk of his personal balance placing several bodyguards on your sister and your mother. The guards, of course, kept their distance so they didn't impinge on the ladies privacy. All this was a hush-hush matter, as the general manager didnt want your family to feel burdened.

Listening to Sung-Hoons explanation, Gi-Gyu scratched his head. Gi-Gyu had no idea Tae-Shik went this far to take care of his family. Thinking Gi-Gyu might be feeling offended, Sung-Hoon added, Your neighborhood happened to be in an unsafe area. And your mother was ill too, wasnt she? The general manager was only trying to help, so please dont feel upset. Also, the bodyguards were dismissed soon after you returned.

Of course, I understand. I am thankful for what he did for us. Apart from feeling even more impressed by Tae-Shik, he also felt quite disappointed in his sister.

When I get back home, she will get the scolding of her life.

While Gi-Gyus anger toward Yoo-Jung grew, Sung-Hoon suggested, This area doesnt have the most convenient transportation system, so I think it would be best for you to buy a car. You should be left with enough money even after you factor out the money for your new furniture and living expenses.

Good idea. Please have it arranged.

Of course, replied Sung-Hoon with a smile. Gi-Gyu was now much more comfortable asking Sung-Hoon for help in various matters.


A week had passed since Gi-Gyu last entered a gate or the Tower. He felt that the changes in his body were still ongoing, and he also needed more time to get used to his newly improved Egos.

Most importantly, what El told him earlier was still circling his mind.

-I havent been able to absorb Calleons power thoroughly. In my current condition, I cant say for sure whatll happen if I acquire more experience points. I apologize, Master.

Not at all, El. For now, please just focus on absorbing Calleons power.

-Of course, Master.

From what Gi-Gyu had heard from El, the sudden massive influx of holy power from Calleon was creating roadblocks, i.e., El was having difficulty digesting it all. For now, Gi-Gyu was just happy he could enjoy his well-deserved rest. Now that his mother was healed, he could lay back and enjoy his days off with his family.

And finally, the moving day came.

Uwaah! A garden?! Seriously? A whole house! Yoo-Jung hopped around with her hands raised in excitement.


Gi-Gyu lightly tapped his sister's head. Even though it was only a gentle swat, Yoo-Jung still rubbed her head with her hands. When she glared at him, Gi-Gyu scolded her, How dare you glare at me like that?! Im still mad at you about what you did.


Gi-Gyu had admonished Yoo-Jung when he found out she quit her school. He had to leave high school because of his family situation, but more of the same was never what he wanted for his sister. However, he came to understand her decision after she explained herself.

She said she wanted to spend as much time with Mother as possible because she thought Mother was going to die. Silly girl How can I get angry at that?

Back then, Yoo-Jung did say that their mothers condition was worsening rapidly while Gi-Gyu was away. Afraid their mother might end up dying alone, she made the tough call. Bitterness and guilt flooded Gi-Gyus heart after he heard his sisters explanation.

He muttered, I guess youre all grown up now.

I I grew up a long time ago, Oppa. But hey, in the olden days, I wouldve had two kids by now!


Gi-Gyu tapped Yoo-Jungs head again when suddenly, Tae-Shik appeared at their door. He asked, Are you guys all packed now?

Surprised to see Tae-Shik here, Gi-Gyu asked, Hyung?! Is it okay for the general manager to be away from his post this often? Dont your employees get annoyed that youre always away?

Who would ever dare to cross me?! After all, Im Oh Tae-Shik! Oh Tae-Shik! Hahaha!

It seemed Tae-Shik was becoming sillier by the minute. Sung-Hoon climbed the stairs behind him and explained, The association president asked you to return after you help with the moving, General Manager.

That old bastard muttered Tae-Shik.

Because Gi-Gyus family was leaving their old furniture behind, they just had to carry one large bag filled with their clothes. Gi-Gyu asked the two men, Could you go down and wait with Mother and Yoo-Jung for a minute?

Why? Aren't you coming? Tae-Shik asked.

Just hurry up and go down. Ill be there shortly, Gi-Gyu insisted. After he made sure he was alone, he walked back inside. Then, he began ripping the floorboards under his mothers old bed. Underneath, there were several bank books with their respective PINs neatly written on the first pages; their purpose superscribed.

-Yoo-Jungs tuition.

-Mothers funeral cost.

-Kim Gi-Gyus funeral cost.

Gi-Gyu picked up the bank books and placed them inside his bag with a bitter expression. Underneath the bankbooks were an envelope that had turned yellow from age.

-Kim Gi-Gyus will.

Gi-Gyu burned this envelope and watched it with a faint smile. Just then, he heard Yoo-Jung calling for him from outside.

Oppa! Oppa! Hurry up!

Im coming! Gi-Gyu answered as he slammed the door behind him.


Silently, he bid farewell to his old home and old life.

It was his goodbye to poverty, pain, and sad memories.


Uwaah! This is unbelievable! Are you sure this is our new home now? Yoo-Jung screamed as she exited the pink Tico. Standing before a large white gate, she continued, This is crazy! Oppa! Mom! I cant believe this!


When Gi-Gyu swatted his sisters head again, Yoo-Jung argued, Ouch! Oppa! Youre going to damage my brain and make me stupid!

Haa Just get inside, Yoo-Jung.

Uwaah! This must really be our new home! Mom, hurry up!

Watching Yoo-Jung with a smile, Tae-Shik got out of the car as well and said to Gi-Gyu, The furniture is from me.


Im telling you, I got the furniture as a present for your family. I got only the best, so Im sure youll like it. When Tae-Shik replied as if this was no big deal, Gi-Gyu scratched his head awkwardly and grumbled, You know you didnt have to do that.

Then, with a teasing grin, Gi-Gyu asked, You didnt buy them thinking youll also end up moving in soon, did you, Hyung?

Tae-Shiks face turned bright red as he gaped in surprise. With a quiet laugh, Gi-Gyu announced, Haa I think its time for me to get started.

How are you feeling? asked Tae-Shik.

I feel fine. I can tell my body is finally stabilizing.

Gi-Gyu could feel the improvement in his condition and abilities. He suspected that he could even climb several Tower floors without his Egos.

Gi-Gyu murmured with hope, Now, if I can just level up That will be the icing on the cake.

Dont get your hopes up too high. I dont want you to be devastated if it doesnt happen, Tae-Shik warned. Gi-Gyu replied with a chuckle, I am not hopeful at all. By the way, I have a question, Hyung.

What is it?

Gi-Gyus expressions were so serious that Tae-Shik became curious.

Gi-Gyu asked, Its about the fourth-floor guardian. Was it ever caught?

To his question, Tae-Shik returned an awkward look.


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