The Player Hides His Past

Chapter 236: As of this moment, you are prey

Chapter 236: As of this moment, you are prey


I heard the sound of iron.

I noticed it without even having to turn my head.

It was the sound of Shegwin sheathing Atlas.

What it meant was simple.

Sword Saints intuition.

There was no threat here anymore.

When I thought about it that way, I felt like I had done something pointless.

Raymond Sean, I would punch that bastard in the face.

In the cleared rupture, [Reversal Oddity] was revealed.

Does this mean the reality never existed here from the beginning?

Even if it felt unfair, I should search the control room.

The [Blessing of the First World Tree] effect was still working.

But magic was not easy. Even at this moment, I was holding on to the rupture that was about to close. Still, it should be okay to manifest at least one light.


The light, the sphere of light, lit up the control room.

I had guessed it but he really wasnt here?

Of course, I didnt make an appointment and I even entered the hideout by force.

So there was nothing I could say

But you didnt even intend to meet in the first place?

Indeed, he was the one who sent out a mannequin covered in polymorph to the forefront. It seemed he was trying to trick me like he had done all this time. In that regard, should I be thankful that I wasnt played around?

Of course, at any rate.

You have no pride until the end.

I didnt know about anything else but.

For Grandfel, Raymond Seans evaluation had reached rock bottom.

Well, it meant he was no different from the demons.

I heard Illusion Breakers voice.

The sword force has become sharper. I guess its inevitable for a brat.

It was talking to Shegwin, not me.

Even though I was shaking on the inside, I didnt show it on the outside.

Unlike me, Shegwin was completely showing his emotions.


He seemed genuinely sad that he let Raymond slip away.

Actually, although I cant express it, I feel the same way, Shegwin.

So I would look for any clues.

Control room.

There must be information left in some way.

No one could guarantee what form this place would remain once the rupture was cleared.

In other words, right now when the rupture was being prevented from being cleared due to the reversal oddity. This might be my last chance to find traces of Raymond.

So I looked around


A familiar something caught my eye.

In fact, it was Shegwin who found it first.


Shegwin touched the thing with his scabbard.

Then he lowered his head and carefully placed his ear.

He looked at me blankly.

The brat is asking if its an egg of a beast.

An egg of a beast.

It might look like that to the eyes of an Arcanain.

But not to me.

Lets see, the last time I saw it was more than ten years ago.

I couldnt forget.

It was attached to something.

The red label remained vivid in my mind.

The days when Arcana was just a game.

It was a dedicated connector for Arcana Continent Record.

Cosmos VR capsule.

The connector cost 10 million won each.

In the control room illuminated by light, there was nothing except the connector. There were no signs or items that could be called rewards. That meant.

That connector.

It was the reason Raymond Sean invited me.

It was clearly the reward for the dungeon.

I finally realized.

Its so damn dark under the lamp.

Immediately after its launch.

The virtual reality game Arcana Continent Record was evaluated to be decades ahead of humanitys technological prowess. Yeah, you had to know to truly be able to see. Now that I thought about it

It was definitely a technology close to [oddity].

I recited.

I see.

The exclusive connector that looked like an egg was right there.

It was the road to the Arcana continent.

As soon as I realized that, a message came up in front of me.

[World Quest: 10 Adventurers]

10 prototype connectors hidden in code rupture.

Thats the only way back to the Arcana Continent.

Adventurers, Arcanains.

Get your hands on the chance to win everything from a continent in chaos.

Find the CODE rupture (successful)

Clear the rupture and acquire the connector. (Successful)

Enter the Arcana Continent via the connector. (In Progress)

Youre really a masterpiece until the end, Raymond Sean.




As you could see from the quest content.

The quest didnt just come up to him.

The players who were watching the video were shocked.


The moment they realized it was a connector.

A message appeared in front of them.

It was also the world quest.

Whats with this sudden atmosphere?

Yusra Kingdom.

Golden Calf Tavern.

Lakid looked at the tavern where the silence descended.

The adventurers had unusual expressions.

He took a sip of beer from the barrel and looked around.

They only move their eyes

They looked like they were thinking of stabbing each other.

Lakid had been through all sorts of hardships, that was why he could notice it.

There was a strange tension among the adventurers.

For the players, it was only natural.

A connector.

Does that mean you can enter the Arcana continent with just that prototype connector?

It might be crazy to enter the Arcana Continent but its a quest. A world quest, at that.

Even just the class quest alone gave a huge reward.

There were many rankers who were dozens of steps ahead of others just by completing class quests.

But what if you could carry out world quests that were rarer than those class quests?

This is my chance!

They couldnt even imagine the reward.

The players looked at each other.

Since Hoyeol found one connector, there were only nine left.

Naturally, no one was thinking of intercepting Hoyeols connector.

I am not crazy enough to touch Lee Hoyeol.

If youre sane, you wont even think of it.

Besides, if youre a human being

They had received a lot from Hoyeol all this time.

Furthermore, it was also Hoyeol who discovered this world quest. So the players had no choice but to compete for the remaining nine spots.

The news reached AAU as well.


Park Minjae let out a laugh.

How long had he been thinking about this?

Ever since the Magic Tower rose in the middle of Seoul, the capital of Korea.

Hed been thinking about it every day.

What should they do with the Arcanains?

Would they be able to be sent back to the Arcana Continent?

It wasnt just a concern for mankind.

The Mage Tower had also clearly declared it.

The purpose of the Mage Tower is to return to the Arcana Continent.

Both humanity and the Arcanains tried desperately.

To return to life before the Cataclysm.

But it was as if that person was making fun of their effort.

You really make people laugh until the end.

Raymond came up with the answer.

The Arcana Continent Records connector.

A VR capsule that Park Minjae was very familiar with.

Yoon Sookyum asked Park Minjae.

Branch Manager, do you know about this?


The connector shape is slightly different from what I know.

Its not a problem.

Park Minjae desperately suppressed his anger and continued.

Beta test days. Its a prototype connector.


You really looked down on us, Raymond. From the beginning, Arcana Continent Record was nothing more than a means to him. Everything was just a build-up for the Cataclysm.


It was all a fake for the Cataclysm.

Beta tests, Arcana Continent Records connectors, and Arcana services were all just preliminary work for the Cataclysm. A feeling of helplessness weighed on his body.

Then, what on earth have we been doing all this time?

From the beginning, they were playing in the palm of his hand.

What did that bastard think when he looked at us?

How ridiculous it must have looked to him when they founded AAU and responded to Cataclysm as if they knew everything? Park Minjae gritted his teeth.

But I can bear it.

It was that bastards fault that they got deceived.

This meant he could perverse through it by putting his rebellious temperament first.

But the problem was that Raymond Seans deception was not over yet. Even if it was all an act and an illusion, he had experience in servicing the Arcana Continent Record.

AAU Korea branch was in shock.

Park Minjae opened his mouth.

I hope you all pay attention.

The commotion subsided.

At any rate, their faces were truly spectacular.

As he said, he had experience and could clearly picture the future.

To sum up the situation, only 10 players No, General Manager Lee Hoyeol should be excluded. Its a situation where only nine players can receive huge rewards.

Naturally, there would be huge competition.

However, the problem was that it was not just a competition between the players. The people who wanted to return to the Arcana Continent more than anyone else were the Arcanains who had fallen into reality.

Someone opened their mouth.

But dont we still have the General Manager?

Park Minjae nodded.

Thats right. As long as we have the General Manager. The Mage Tower, the Knights of Lionheart, and Muon. Even large forces like the Shadow Mercenary Corps. They will not move. But you know thats not all theres to it, right?

Like the forces he mentioned.

There were some who integrated with reality.

Thats how it is with Karpen Rebel Force and Red Wing Warriors.

There were some who didnt.

If they came across this news

They would be willing to jump into the competition.

Park Minjae could guarantee it.

Raymond, you really screw us over.

Harmony between humanity and Arcana.

To break the new rules that had been established at Hoyeols expense.

Raymond Sean offered them a reward.

A reward that neither players nor Arcanains could dismiss.

Park Minjae swallowed.

I dont know what kind of ugly things will happen in the future.

What would happen in the face of the competition.

Hadnt this been confirmed recently in the Zero Mountain?

An example would be Union targeting the Zero Mountain.

They advanced with their countrys aircraft.

The target of the ships guns can move from monsters to players or Arcanains. Its hard to start anything, but the moment an incident breaks out? Im sure everyone knows what will happen.


I believe you also know that Liu Jinchun will not hesitate to start it. His reputation has been known since the days when Arcana was just a game, right?

Class, monarch.

Overwhelming violence.

Liu Jinchun rose to his current position as a tyrant.

It remained the same even after the Cataclysm.

No, it might be worse.

Union still existed in the Arcana database.

It was obvious just by looking at the abnormal level distribution of guild members.

He forces other people to sacrifice his own ends.

In Union, there were countless players whose level growth had completely stopped. Did that situation change after the Cataclysm?

Since the monarch is a class with tremendous potential, it has a huge disadvantage in that it cannot level up easily. But what about Liu Jinchun? After the Cataclysm, he rose sharply in the rankings. He formed a three-way battle with Skal and Rox.

Park Minjae smiled rotten.

Not just Liu Junchun. Some notorious players, including supernovae. And even the Arcanains. Raymond set the stage for those dangerous guys.

A child who instigated fights was no different from a demon.

So once he figured out what Raymond was up to, there was no time to hesitate.

Park Minjae said.

The only thing that can prevent Union is the country.

Are you talking about the Chinese government?

Yes, the whole world has no choice but to come forward and conciliate.

The moment Liu Jinchun pulled the trigger, chaos would begin. If they could suppress Liu Jinchun, even if only for a while, they would be able to put their mind at ease right away.

The branch leaders meeting for that will begin now.

Park Minjae looked at the monitor.

To be precise, he looked at Hoyeol who appeared on the screen.

Hoyeol was just staring at the connector.

Park Minjae clenched his fists.

This time, we will share the burden you have been carrying.




Raymond Sean.

The level of his bullshit was no different from the work of a demon.

Perhaps because I had done more quests than others.

I could see the meaning of this quest.

In short, he was telling us to fight over the ten connectors.

As Grandfel said, even if we were united with pride, the Cataclysm was difficult to respond to. But even if he couldnt help, he would hinder me like this?

I recited in a cold voice.

Is this an imitation of the Battle for the Demon King?

If the connector was replaced with the throne, it would be the Battle for the Demon King, wouldnt it? In that regard, any chance for conversation with Raymond Sean disappeared as of this time.

I declared.

Then I will also regard you as a prey.

Of course, that didnt mean I would buy into his bullshit.

Enter the Arcana Continent via the connector. (In Progress)

The quest goal.

Such mere words.

If you think I am going to play, youre mistaken.

As someone who had entered the realm of oddity.

I was able to see it.

The structure of the prototype connector.

What did that mean?

It was simple.

This meant that I could tear dimensions apart like the dragons.



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