The Perverted Evil Cultivator

Chapter 58: Unwavering Loyalty

Chapter 58: Unwavering Loyalty

"Hello handsome, I'm your gift."

'More like death, ugly asshole.'

Speaking with a seductive smile, Zhenya couldn't help but curse how she was truly feeling on the inside.

Holding back from jumping and pulling out Zheng Chen's eyes which were feasting on her naked body, that belonged to only her Master, Zhenya maintained the same smile and said, "Strip, but don't even think of touching me with your hands."

Hearing the word, Zheng Chen whistled and said, "Kinky. I like it."

'Kinky my ass, get ready to be castrated.'

Not noticing the malicious look in Zhenya's eyes, Zheng Chen hastily stripped and turned completely naked.

Revealing the 7 inch dick, which he was very proud of, Zheng Chen waited to see the expression the woman would have, but felt disappointed after seeing no change.

'Tsk, what a useless tiny dick. I'm doing you and the whole world a favour by cutting it off.'

"Now get down on the floor."

Once again whistling towards Zhenya who had started squeezing her breasts, and playing with her clit, Zheng Chen lied on the floor and watched as Zhenya walked over and he smelled her sultry scent.

The next moment, Zhenya who was standing on top of Zheng Cheng began slowly squatting and just when her pussy was about to reach Zheng Chen's dick which was too excited, something very unexpected happened.


Looking up in surprise at how the woman was moaning even before he did anything, no not moaning.. Screaming from pain?

As Zheng Chen who was wondering about what was happening finally looked down, it was already too late and all he could look at was a blood coloured blade which was darting towards his dick.


What happened next surprised even Zhenya, because unlike what she hoped for, when the blade which she had hidden inside her pussy was pushed out, it didn't cut off Zheng Chen's dick.

Instead, since the idiot moved his dick in the last moment, the sharp blade began vertically slicing its way through Zheng Chen's dick.

"Oh shit!"

Not having expected this, Zhenya first loudly cursed and then got up as she started laughing uncontrollably.

At the same time, Zheng Chen who was screaming from pain due to a knife stuck in his dick, heard the sound of someone other than Zhenya laughing beside his ear, followed by, "Goodbye father, let's meet again in hell."



In the next instant Yailing who had jumped out of the cupboard stabbed the knife in her hand through Zheng Chen's heart and ended his life.

Luckily Yailing came prepared with a Qi Knife, so that she wouldn't end up with her knife stuck in her father's chest and fail to kill him.

Once this was done Zhenya and Yailing looked at each other, the dead Zheng Chen, and the knife which was stuck in his dick, due to which they once again began laughing loudly.

"Hahahahahahaha... My fucking father deserves to die like this, thanks a lot Zhenya. Hahahahaha.."

"Don't thank me, the idiot did it to himself. Hahahahahaha... Ahh.. Owwww... "

"What is it? You okay?"

"Oww... It's nothing, my pussy was cut a little when I pushed the blade out. Owww... "

Sitting down hastily, Zhenya hoped that the pain would subside, even if only a little

"Oohhh... That must've hurt. Are you okay? Can I bring you something?"

As Yailing approached Zhenya whose face was scrunched up in pain, she began feeling sorry for the poor woman.

"Sigh... You really shouldn't have done something so dangerous. And that too just because someone told you? You deserve better Zhenya."

"Huh? What the hell are you talking about? Other than having sex with Master, bleeding for him is what brings me the most pleasure."

"You. sigh... I hope that Bai Long at least knows how lucky he is."

Saying so Yailing bent forward and brought her face near Zhenya's pussy which she used her fingers to open and blow into it.

"Aahhhh... This is a little relaxing. Thank you Yailing."

"No problem."

Not saying anything else Yailing kept on blowing air through her mouth into Zhenya's pussy until she finally asked her to stop.

"That's enough. The bleeding has already stopped. I'm sure that once I go back, Master will heal my pussy."

Unable to refute, Yailing who wanted to keep it up could only agree and stop as she brought her face close to Zhenya's.

"Zhenya.... "

Purring her name, Yailing began moving closer to Zhenya with the intention to kiss her.

Seeing this, Zhenya's eyes turned wide open as she used her hand to stop Yailing before she could kiss her lips.

"What do you think you're doing?"

Opening her eyes in surprise, Yailing said, "I thought we were having a moment, and that maybe we could go a step further... "

"We were having a moment, and I'd love to kiss you."

Interrupting the bright eyed Yailing who wanted to say something, Zhenya said, "But, unless Master is beside me, or he allows or orders me to, I won't ever take the final step."

"You. sigh.... "

Not saying anything else, Yailing stood up with a pout, while Zhenya first stuffed some cotton inside her pussy, and then dressed herself.

Looking at the disappearing back of Zhenya who was going back after finishing what she came here for, Yailing rubbed the pink coloured mark on her crotch and began thinking what was so great about Bai Long to bring out so much loyalty.

This was also what made her feel curious to try and get closer to him. 


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