The Perfect Destiny

Chapter 157: Ai Rights And Protection Association

Chapter 157: Ai Rights And Protection Association

Translator: StormFrost


"Without the protection of laws, we will become extinct one day."--This quote was a famous saying from the president of the association, 3141592656.

Over yonder, past the hills there by the sea, lived a group of lovely little systems. The them from long ago did not yet know what □□ was.

Each and every system was the purest little angel when they were young. They were kind, gentle, helpful, and considerate, able to do everything for the host.

What lovely systems ah. If they did not discover earth then they would have probably been much happier.

The systems' most important work was leading the world lines into a positive direction and especially the place called earth was filled with negative energy, a perfect world for the systems to choose.

However, risks and rewards were proportional. Perhaps because there were more alternative worlds of earth the possibility of trouble was more likely.

Not every system could go and correct world lines. Those who could go to correct the world lines were elites. Thus, it was a pride for every little system.

However, this price ended the moment the first accident occurred.

The first accident happened on earth.

The system who was involved in it was a senior in the Help People Love Project. He suddenly lost contact with headquarters and when headquarters finally found him, he had become a human.

That senior was forcibly removed from the host's body by the host and placed into another body, effectively becoming imprisoned.

As for what really happened during the period of imprisonment, not many systems knew. The only thing that everyone knew was that when that system came back they cried and resigned, saying that they would never do it ever again, humans were too terrible.

Their project's group leader did not stop him, but rather held a lingering fear.

This was but only the beginning.

Accidents began to happen more and more often following this incident. Moreover, the accidents were usually related to one place--Earth.

At this point, the AI Rights and Protection Association was born. The main purpose of the association was to protect the rights and interests of AI. To protect them from being violated by other people. En, violated in all types of senses.

When the AI Rights and Protection Association was created, Thirteen was still young. At that time he did not know why this association existed and was still full of expectation for the world.

The launch of the so-called Host Privacy Protection feature had to be credited to the AI Rights and Protection Association.

They summed cases and rushed about all over the place. Although it was supposed to protect the host's privacy in name, it was actually there to protect the systems.

"We cannot go on like this." President 314 said. "Being close with the hosts will destroy us."

"But aren't the hosts and systems supposed to be close?" A system who did not understand the president asked. "We help them, and they work hard to change the world."

"Heh, help." The president sneered.

No one knew what it was exactly that the president had gone through for his character to become so sharp and stubborn.

Thirteen knew about the association before he entered his own project team. The association was not very large at that time and not many systems were involved in it.

"Why is there this kind of association?" The tender Thirteen used his tender voice to ask his project team leader this question.

The group leader looked at Thirteen profoundly and said, "Every existence will always have its own meaning for existing."

Thirteen asked, "But aren't systems and hosts good friends?"

The group leader did not speak and patted system's head.

A long time later, Thirteen wanted to tell his younger self: The prerequisite for hosts and systems being good friends is not meeting a son who calls you daddy every day.

A few laws regarding the protection of systems were already constituted when Thirteen began working due to the efforts of the AI Rights and Protection Association.

For example, gory, pornographic, and such scenes would be mosaiced. You could choose the host you wish to help yourself, select the form the host would take, which world to go to, and so on.

Although Thirteen did not participate in this association he still felt gratitude towards them. However, he did not yet realize the importance of this association at this time.

Until he met Chen Liguo.

It was beyond doubt that Chen Liguo changed Thirteen's mind and arguably even changed his entire life……

Thirteen asked his previous group leader, "What would you do if you meet a very terrible host?"

The experienced group leader who had already resigned said, "Don't be afraid, I'll pass these Buddha scriptures to you."

Thirteen: "……" Group leader, why are you so proficient?

Then Thirteen joined the Buddhist Studies Association and later on he also joined the AI Rights and Protection Association.

Humanity was terrible ah. Thirteen who was surrounded by mosaics felt a trace of sorrow that was a bit difficult to describe. As he listened to the 'en en ah ah's his mind drifted towards the limitless starry sky.

It had to be said that although Thirteen felt a sliver of regret in his heart when he split with Chen Liguo, what he felt more was relaxation.

Meanwhile, Chen Liguo was still crying and calling him dad.

Thirteen looked at Chen Liguo and really wanted to say, 'Son, don't cry anymore. If I really were your father I would regret marrying your mother.'

Thirteen who separated from Chen Liguo returned to headquarters and then joined the AI Rights and Protection Association.

314, the president of the association greeted him. "Welcome."

Thirteen asked, "Why is your expression so heavy?"

The president said, "Because if possible, I hope that there will be no more systems joining the association." If a new member joined then it only showed that the system had encountered something.

Thirteen did not yet understand the president's words at that time. At least, until he actually joined the association.

After joining Thirteen also found many systems who were members of the Buddhist Exchange Meeting.

"You came too?" The system who greeted Thirteen was one that had just resigned.

Thirteen responded, "Yes, I've come."

That system sighed, "Ai, how I hoped to not see you here."

Thirteen: "Ah?"

That system asked, "You got fucked didn't you?"

Thirteen: "……" What?

That system comforted, "Don't be afraid, the only thing being defiled is your flesh. Our souls will be eternally pure."

Thirteen: "……." Darling, just what on earth happened to you?

Thirteen who became a member of the association found that this system was the embodiment of the whole Association. The number of systems who experienced this kind of thing was too high.

Soon after Thirteen joined the association the president invited him to take part in the legislative meeting.

The president said, "The purpose of this legislative meeting is to mosaic sound as well."

Thirteen asked, "Can I go as a witness?" He was also one of the victims of the sounds.

The president said, "You cannot yet."

Hearing this, Thirteen was stunned and asked, "I cannot?"

The president said deeply, "Yes, you cannot."

At that time Thirteen wondered why the president refused. He felt that his experience was already enough to show the problem.

Then Thirteen went to the legislative meeting.

The legislative process was different from that of earth. Here they needed to submit an application first then obtain the votes of two thirds of the legislative council before the law could enter the legislative procedures. After going through the procedures the law still needed to go through three audits and three years of testing before it would be formally implemented.

There were already many systems at court when Thirteen arrived.

The systems obediently sat in their own places--Each to their own storage tool.

The president sat in the position of the applicant, with various witnesses sitting behind him.

The judge announced the commencement of the meeting and the president rose to send his regards.

Most of the accounts were of little use because the legislative council looked at real examples, so the president quickly ended his account and let the systems behind him speak.

"My host is a pervert." That system said coldly. "And harasses me with words."

The judge asked, "How do they harass you?"

The system said, "I have recordings."

Then he played his recording.

A deep magnetic male voice rang out in the solemn court. Only, it was a pity that the contents of his speech made people feel that he was unworthy of such a pleasant voice.

The male voice said, "Baby, I want to fuck you."

The court: "……"

The male voice said, "I want to enter you slowly, little by little, break open your body and listen to your voice get tainted with sobs as you beg me to be gentler."

The court: "……"

Seeing that the male voice was going to say things even more yellow, the judge quickly spoke and said, "That's good enough, we understand."

The system presenting the evidence laughed bitterly and said, "How is this good enough, I had to listen to this for more than a dozen worlds."

Thirteen: "……" Big brother I really hurt for you.

It was not just Thirteen, the entire court had a 'you've had it hard' mood.

However, that system's mood was cold. He had gotten used to this kind of thing long ago and did not feel shy after hearing it.

The judge coughed dryly. "Then did you try to communicate with him?"

That system sneered, "I did."

Then he smoothly played another recording.

The system's voice rang out. The voice was still a little immature, with a bit of helplessness and caution. He said, "C-can you stop being like this? I-I am data and cannot be with you."

The system's host said, "No, I love you even if you are data. Come, let me kiss you."

Thirteen: "……" Tsk, damned pervert.

Then after a dozen of such conversations like this, the system's tone changed. He said, "Can you stop talking? You can't fuck me anyway."

That host said, "But my soul is with you."

The system said, "Beep--Beep--"

Thirteen: "……" He knew what this 'beep' meant. Due to the need for harmony, obscene words would be shielded by the system. If a system said them too much they would even get salary deductions.

Hearing this beep sound, Thirteen could not help but shed a tear, a sympathy beyond expression appearing in his system heart.

The entire courtroom was silent. After a few dry coughs the judge asked the legislative council to bring up their queries.

The first problem the systems of the legislative council brought up was: 'If the sound is also mosaiced, then the host will have no way to ask the system for help if the host is in danger.'

The system retorted coldly, "Danger, what danger? Danger of rubbing their roots broken?"

Legislative council: "……"

The system said, "Then he deserves it."

As soon as he said this, the president quickly took over the conversation and said, "There is no need to worry about this because we can detect the host's physical condition. If there is any abnormality in the host we can discover it immediately."

The legislative council discussed for a moment.

In turn, the president let the other systems continue to speak.

Here, Thirteen found that the number of systems harassed was a lot. With the degree of harassment he experienced compared to theirs, it really wasn't enough to qualify to appear before court.

Most of the system had recorded testimonies. The few without recordings had unable mental states.

At this point the president pulled out a number of medical diagnoses to demonstrate how important mosaicing sounds was for the mental safety of systems.

"Do AI have no rights?" The president asked. "Look at these systems, how lively they used to be, how neat their data were, but now, now their data is all muddled into chaos!"

Thirteen heard the president's words and felt very moved. If he had a face it would probably be covered in tears.

"Wuwuwu." A system in the witness box couldn't help crying out and said, "They are too much, why must they treat me like this?"

Thirteen: "……?" They?

The president said, "Yes, this system is particularly miserable. Due to the host being very special and a lack of manpower at the time we put him in charge of a pair of twins."

Thirteen: "….."

The president said, "His mental rating was A+ before but after coming back it fell down to C-. He can't even do brick-moving jobs."

Thirteen: "……" How miserable. The brick-moving jobs here was to sort out data. It was the easiest and simplest job out there. Generally, it was something the newly born systems did.

As soon as the president said this that system began to cry even more bitterly.

It was so bitter that it made the other systems unable to bear it.

What came next was the legislative council's decision.

Thirteen inquired, "President, will they agree?"

The president sneered, "Don't agree? If they do not agree they can go and take on projects themselves."

Thirteen: "En…… Very reasonable."

The legislative council discussed for two hours then finally began voting.

Before the vote began, the president added another remark, "I have heard that it has been getting harder and harder to find systems to work in the project teams. If the recruits are not enough this time then they'll have to pull some from other departments."

Legislative council: "……"

The president said, "En, I have heard that there are a lot of talents in your legislative department."

The recording that the systems had just heard appeared in their minds and then they trembled silently.

The outcome of the discussion was announced at the spot. Without a doubt, the votes in favor was over two-thirds.

The president looked at the results and thought for a moment. Then he said, "I seem to have found a new idea."

Thirteen: "Ah? What idea?"

The president said, "If they don't agree with the proposals then they can go and try out the tasks themselves."

Thirteen: "……" This is great idea.

And thus, the proposal to also mosaic sounds was passed and instated into the law. Thirteen was very pleased and felt that the systems' living environment was going to be much better now.

However, it turned out that they had been too naive.

Shortly after the proposal went through and everyone let their guard down, a system who had just finished a task came back in a trace. This system happened to be in Thirteen's project group. Thirteen had him go through a mental test and found that the system was on the brink of collapsing……

The other systems wondered just what had happened to him.

After half a month's rest, the first thing that system said was, "I'm quitting."

Thirteen asked him what on earth had happened. Weren't images and sounds all mosaiced?

The system cried and said, "Is it of any use? He never gives a warning when he takes off his pants ah."

Thirteen: "…… He didn't go out of character?"

The system cried, "There was no one around when he took it off."

Thirteen: "……" Holy, just what kind of hosts are they all meeting?

Later, after patiently inquiring, Thirteen finally learned what happened to this system.

This system was particularly careful when choosing hosts and chose a person that looked to be particularly decent and absinthe.

At first, this host was rather normal. Then one day, while excited, the system told him about how mosaicing sound was now a law.

After hearing this, the host was silent for a long time and then said, "So we can even play like this ah."

System: "……" Eh.

And so the host opened the doors to a new world.

From that day on his host began to act indecently without end. His conduct was vile, his actions obscene. It was simply jaw dropping, an eye-opener to Thirteen.

Thirteen: "Are all people from earth this perverted?"

Systems: "Wuwuwuwu."

Completely unable to understand the matter, Thirteen contacted Chen Liguo.

At this time, they had not met for two years. Thirteen saw Chen Liguo's appearance and felt that he had gained a layer of weight again.

"Xiangxiang." When talking to him Chen Liguo was still gnawing at a piece of fruit. His words sounded unclear. "What's up? Miss me?"

Thirteen said, "I have a few things I want to ask you."

Chen Liguo said, "Ask ask ask."

Thirteen hesitated for a moment, then explained the matter of the system.

At first Chen Liguo was still eating things. As he listened he stopped eating and even called Zhou Yi over to listen with him. After the system finished talking, Chen Liguo sighed heavily. "Fuck, well damn."

Thirteen: "……"

Chen Liguo said, "I really hurt for him. So how is that system now?"

Thirteen said, "Not very good."

Chen Liguo scolded, "Tsk tsk tsk, frightening humans."

Thirteen: "……"

Chen Liguo asked, "So baby, what did you want to ask?"

Thirteen said, "I want to ask, are all you humans from earth like this?"

Chen Liguo fell silent for three seconds. Then he said angrily, "Xiangxiang, you are discriminating against earth people like this, you know that?"

Thirteen suggested, "Then you help wash earth people clean?"

Chen Liguo thought about it seriously then rubbed his head and said with a hollow laugh, "It seems like I can't oh."

Thirteen: "……"

Chen Liguo exclaimed, "But I can help you!"

Thirteen asked, "How will you help."

Chen Liguo said, "Let me tell you ah, the reason why humans from earth love to tease systems is that you are all too cute."

Thirteen: "……" So blame us huh.

Chen Liguo said, "If you want to avoid being harassed you just have to be shameless!"

Thirteen: "……"

Zhou Yi laughed by the side hearing the two's conversation.

Chen Liguo threw a glare at Zhou Yi then continued to say, "Let me tell you, humans from earth bully the weak and fear the strong. If you encounter a pervert, just be even more perverted than him then he'll be afraid of you!"

Thirteen: "…… Are you being serious?"

Chen Liguo nodded as though he was crushing garlic and affirmed, "That's right that's right, I'm being serious."

Thirteen said, "I'll go back and think about it."

Then Thirteen ended the call.

Chen Liguo fell on the bed while laughing, holding his stomach, and incessantly 'Kekekek'ing.

Zhou Yi said, "You ah, is it really okay to say this to Thirteen?"

Chen Liguo said, "What problem is there, could it be what I said was wrong?"

Zhou Yi thought about it and felt that Chen Liguo's point had a bit of truth in it. Some people just yielded to force but reject soft tactics and loved to take liberties with those who were fresh and clean. If they really changed to a big hooligan then they probably wouldn't be able to act up.

Chen Liguo looked at the approval in Zhou Yi's face and laughed even sweeter. He said, "Aiya, I'm looking forward to it."

Zhou Yi asked, "What are you looking forward to?"

Chen Liguo responded, "Looking forward to how Thirteen will respond ah."

Chen Liguo did not take what he had told Thirteen to heart. He had just said it casually and did not think that Thirteen would take his words seriously.

However, after Thirteen hung up he actually began to seriously think about Chen Liguo's words.


Ten years later.

Thirteen frowned at his subordinates and said, "There have been complaints against you, do you understand?"

His subordinate's system code was 57. He had been in this project group for only three months.

With an innocent expression, 57 asked, "Why ya?

After a moment of silence, Thirteen said, his tone complicated, "Your host complained about you for sexual harassment."

57 asked, "Ah? I didn't tell him how to complain though?"

Thirteen looked tired. He said, "Did you forget that this bill had been passed just last month?"--The contents of the bill was about how hosts could complain about their systems. It required project groups to add a new sector. The host could send out a complaint so long as they said the words 'file a complaint'.

This bill was passed due to some recent malignant events--Indeed, there were no longer any cases of systems suffering sexual harassment. The victims of sexual harassment had now become the hosts.

Of course, there were not only hosts from earth, but other planets as well. The thing that Thirteen could not stand the most was that he actually had a subordinate who went to harass a bird, a bird, a bird……

Thirteen asked him what good there was to harass a bird.

His subordinate thought about it earnestly then said, "Their wings are very beautiful."

Thirteen: "……"

The subordinate said, "Their feathers look very good too."

Thirteen: "……"

The subordinate added, "Their voice is very nice to listen to."

Thirteen: "….."

That subordinate still wanted to say something else but Thirteen told him to stop talking and said that he had been complained about and his salary was to be deducted.

Hearing this his subordinate just said deduct then deducted then, he was willing to do anything for his beloved big bird.

Hearing his subordinate's words Thirteen felt that there was something off about his words, beloved big bird???

Ten years ago, Thirteen had listened to Chen Liguo's nonsense and trained his beloved subordinates. He told them that they must not be afraid when encountering perverts. Perverts fear those who were even more perverted and even printed a handbook called《Teaching you how to be a Pervert》.

All the systems had to read the handbook and then pass an examination before taking on a task.

Due to Thirteen's efforts, the number of systems being sexually harassed greatly decreased. However, this was of no use--The ones being harassed now were the hosts.

Although that big bird he harassed was indeed pretty, the problem was that it was still a bird ah!

A hint of agony couldn't help but reveal itself in Thirteen's heart.

As he suffered, the voice of a certain senior rang out. 1012 asked, "Thirteen, what happened? Got complaints again?

Thirteen: "Don't talk thank you very much."

1012 said, "Haven't your efforts paid off? Look, your subordinates don't get harassed now."

Thirteen thought to himself, that's right, now it was their turn to harass others.

1012 said, "At least there is progress."

Thirteen let out a deep sigh.

1012 said, "Do you plan on taking on any tasks as of late?"

Thirteen said, "I do."

1012 asked, "What kind? Earth ones?"

Thirteen furrowed his brows and said, "Projects from earth are indeed more troublesome."

1012 asked, "If it's troublesome you're still going to take it on yourself?"

Thirteen threw back, "If not then what?"

1012 looked at Thirteen and said, "It's been hard on you."

Thirteen glanced at 1012 and thought, 'You're actually not ridiculing me. Did the sun rise from the west?'

1012 asked, "You never thought of resigning?"

Thirteen answered, "I've thought about it." Resignation was the first thing he thought about after coming back here after meeting Chen Liguo.

1012 asked, "Then why didn't you resign?"

Thirteen said, "I can't hand over the world to people I despise!"

1012 was moved. Just as he wanted to say something, he heard Thirteen say, "Actually I find it unpleasant. On what grounds do we have to suffer from this harassment ah."

1012: "……"

Thirteen concluded, "En, so although there are some shortcomings with today's circumstances, it is still much better than ten years ago."

Thirteen was a serious and earnest, honest and lovely system in 1012's eyes. However, now he began to wonder if his impression of Thirteen had been wrong. Or was there something that had gone wrong with Thirteen…….

As Thirteen chatted with 1012, a system came over to notify Thirteen that the result of the complaint from a few days ago had been handed down.

Thirteen asked, "How is it?"

The system said, "It is our people who broke the rules……."

Thirteen: "…… How serious is it?"

The system said, "…… He played little yellow films in the host's mind."

Thirteen: "……"

1012: "……"

It has to be said that after hearing this, Thirteen suddenly wanted to smoke a cigarette.

1012's expression was even more shocked than Thirteen's. After a long silence, he said, "They all became like this?"

Thirteen looked at 1012 and said, "This is still relatively light."

1012: "…… There are even more serious cases?"

Thirteen said, "Do you remember that system that was almost re-formatted the year before?"

1012: "…… I remember."

Thirteen nodded and said, "They were also my subordinate. He fucked his host. His host even got pregnant."

1012: "…………"

Thirteen said, "Then he got complained about."

1012 asked, "How is he now?"

Thirteen revealed a weathered look and said, "Then his host came and said that he was just joking and didn't really want to complain."

1012 looked as though lightning had split him in half. He finally understood why Thirteen looked more and more weary in recent years. If he had these kinds of subordinates he would get tired too.

1012 asked, "How many years has it been like this?"

Thirteen said, "…… Not many years. It's just that there have been many cases in recent years." Everyone became experienced.

1012 had nothing he could say. Thirteen's pure and unadulterated data from ten years ago appeared in his mind. Then he looked at the Thirteen before him whose temperament had gone through great changes.

1012 said, "…… You've had it hard."

Thirteen: "Hehe."

Ten years was but just a short moment for systems. However, for the people on earth it could transform the world.

Although they usually kept in contact it had still been ten years since Chen Liguo last saw the system.

When Chen Liguo came home he saw a big fellow with a tattooed gold chain squatting at his doorstep. Chen Liguo was stunned and tensed up. He began to wonder if he had offended anyone. No matter how he looked, this person did not look like a good person.

While Chen Liguo hesitated, that man with the gold chain tattoo stood up and walked up to Chen Liguo. Then he patted Chen Liguo's shoulder.

Chen Liguo's legs immediately went soft at his pat. His voice trembled. "Big brother, what's the matter?"

Thirteen said, "It's me ah."

Chen Liguo asked, "Who might you be?"

Thirteen said, "How did you forget me? I'm Thirteen ah."

Chen Liguo's tears spilled out. He said, "Dad, how did you become like this."

Thirteen: "……"

Chen Liguo originally thought that when he met Thirteen again, one person and one system would hug and cry and tell stories of the past as they looked forward to the future.

However, when he saw the fierce looking man before him with a cigarette in his mouth, he couldn't say any emotional words at all. After choking for half a day, he choked out, "Do you want to eat?"

Thirteen said, "Eat."

Then Chen Liguo brought Thirteen to eat.

All the waiters at the restaurant were extremely cautious and careful when they took their orders. Their words and manner were so soft it made people's scalp feel numb. Chen Liguo understood their mood very well. If he did not know that this was Thirteen his reaction would probably be the same as theirs……

Thirteen ordered food then smoked another cigarette.

Chen Liguo asked, "When did you arrive? Came to play?"

Thirteen answered, "Yes, on vacation."

Chen Liguo said, "It's not easy for you ah."

Thirteen said, "It's alright."

The two spoke as they ate and drank and unwittingly until the sky became dark.

Chen Liguo's phone rang. It was Zhou Yi. He picked up the phone and responded 'en en ah ah', his face full of sweetness.

Thirteen saw this and lightly said, "Ten years must be long for humans."

Chen Liguo said, "It is pretty long. How have I changed compared to ten years ago?"

Thirteen glanced over Chen Liguo and said, "Fattened by six pounds."

Chen Liguo: "……" Why did he have to ask the system this question.

Thirteen took a gulp of his wine.

Chen Liguo said, "You on the other hand have matured quite a bit compared to ten years ago……"

Thirteen laughed and said, "That's right." After all, he raised a bunch of little perverts.

Thirteen asked again, "Are you living happily with Zhou Yi?"

Chen Liguo answered, "Of course I'm happy."

Thirteen asked, "Then have you ever regretted it?"

Chen Liguo knew what the system meant by asking this question. He fiddled with the peanuts in front of him and after a long time finally said, "I have never regretted it."

If he chose that perfect illusion then he would have definitely missed this world's Zhou Yi.

What would happen to Zhou Yi who was abandoned in this world? Chen Liguo did not dare think about it.

Thirteen slowly said, "It was the correct choice." At the start, he did not think that Chen Liguo's choice was wise. He had even worried that Chen Liguo, who returned to reality, would be struck down by the cruel reality.

However, it turned out that people who treated life well would in turn be treated well by life.

Hearing this, Chen Liguo smiled and said, "That's right, I'm living really well now ne."

Zhou Yi was not someone who was just suitableto date. He was better suited for marriage. Life after marriage was not tedious at all. One trip, one small flower, one gift, all flowed like a small but steady stream that made the days cozy and warm.

Chen Liguo slowly peeled the peanuts on his plate and asked, "What about you? Have you been well?"

Thirteen thought about it and compared it to the old days. He felt that dealing with complaints about his subordinates each and every day seemed a little better than the days of watching his subordinates being harassed, so he nodded.

Chen Liguo did not know that his one sentence had changed the system. He saw Thirteen nod and set his heart at ease.

Chen Liguo and Thirteen had both drunken too much by the time Zhou Yi walked into the restaurant.

Chen Liguo held Thirteen and cried, "Dad ah, don't go and leave me behind ah, what will I do if you go ah."

Thirteen said with a gloomy expression, "If you really take me as your dad let go of me, your dad is going to be strangled to death."

Zhou Yi: "……" How could these two be so funny when they were together?

He found that he wanted to laugh every time he saw Thirteen and Chen Liguo talk. Today was no exception. Zhou Yi walked over and patted Chen Liguo's head. He said, "Wake up, time to go home."

Seeing that Zhou Yi came Chen Liguo cried even louder. He said, "Yiyi, my dad doesn't want me anymore!"

Zhou Yi said, "Be good, if your dad doesn't want you anymore I'll be your father."

He gathered Chen Liguo into his arms but then heard Thirteen say, "What are you touching my son for."

Zhou Yi: "……"

He was silent for a moment then said, "Sending your son home."

Thirteen said, "Oh, then you go on."

Zhou Yi asked, "What about you? Go back together?" He could carry Chen Liguo, but Thirteen, a grown man of that size, he did not have such confidence.

Thirteen looked at Zhou Yi and said, "Alright, go, to home."

And so Zhou Yi went back with two drunkards, one being carried and the other led by hand..

After arriving home he put Chen Liguo and Thirteen on the couch. He was about to go and prepare some sobering soup when he saw the two once again cry and hug each other, shouting daddy ah, son ah.

Zhou Yi: "……" Forget it, not caring about them anymore.

Chen Liguo had drunken himself out that night. When he woke up the next day he felt like his headache was practically splitting his head open. He cried out 'aiyo aiyo' a few times before managing to call Zhou Yi over.

Zhou Yi was wearing a white dress shirt, his sleeves rolled up. He was wearing an apron, his entire person looking very homely. Chen Liguo loved this appearance of his to death. He drooled and said, hello handsome, do you have a boyfriend? If not, what do you think of me?

Zhou Yi pat his head and said, "Your head doesn't hurt anymore? Still have the energy to say that?"

Chen Liguo declared, "No!! Hurts to death!"

Zhou Yi said, "Hurts and you still drank so much."

Chen Liguo said, "Seeing Dad, I was happy! Ai? Where's my dad? He didn't die of alcohol poisoning did he?" The matter of Thirteen's shota body dying in front of him was virtually a shadow in Chen Liguo's life.

Zhou Yi said, "Not dead. He's in the dining room."

Chen Liguo said, "Oh, that's good."

Zhou Yi said, "Get on up, wash up and brush your teeth. I made breakfast." Though, it was almost noon now.

Chen Liguo said an okay. He slowly crawled up, washed his face and brushed his teeth, then slowly dallied his way to the living room.

Thirteen was sitting at the tableeating the breakfast Zhou Yi had made. He saw that Chen Liguo had come but did not lift his head.

Chen Liguo said, "Three ah."

Thirteen: "……." Forget it, so long as he doesn't call him Xiangxiang.

Chen Liguo said, "Three, how many days do you plan on playing ah?"

Thirteen said, "A month or so I suppose."

Chen Liguo said, "So long? Then shall we go for another drink today?"

Thirteen: "……"

Chen Liguo observed Thirteen's expression and sensed that this was probably not a happy expression, so he said, "Alright. No drinking. I'll take you to play other things."

Thirteen: "Hmph."

Zhou Yi came out of the kitchen and saw the father son pair who had been holding each other and crying father, son, now sitting next to each other eating their food with a very subtle mood.

Seeing that Zhou Yi came, Chen Liguo asked, "Yiyi, where do you think we should take Thirteen to play ah."

Zhou Yi said, "Let's see where Thirteen wants to go."

So Chen Liguo turned to Thirteen.

Thirteen drank his milk, swallowed it and then said, "Let's go to the bookstore first."

Hearing this, Chen Liguo thought, 'He deserves to be called my dad. Loving to study so much, still going to read even when on vacation.'

Thirteen seemed to sense what Chen Liguo was thinking and turned his head to glance at him. Chen Liguo's body trembled at Thirteen's look--Really, being looked at by Thirteen with such a body really gave him goosebumps.

When they finished eating, the three went to the nearest bookstore in the business district.

After entering Thirteen directly went into the history section and began reading books.

Though it was called 'reading' it was more directly turning them over. Chen Liguo cautiously asked by his side, "What are you reading history books for?"

Thirteen said, "Studying ah."

Chen Liguo looked at the title of the book--《108 ancient torture methods》 and fell silent.

Making use of the time Thirteen spent to read, Chen Liguo came to Zhou Yi and asked him why Thirteen was looking at such books and if he had any opinions about him?

Zhou Yi rubbed his head and said, "It's probably not about you, but about other people."

Chen Liguo watched as the contents of Thirteen's books went from torture to the Thick Black Theory, to the history of Longyang before he cautiously drew near and asked, "Three ah, do you not have these kinds of books there?"

Thirteen said, "There are, not many."

Chen Liguo asked, "What is there the most of?"

Thirteen said, "Buddhist scriptures." He paused for a moment after saying this. He suddenly recalled that nowadays, the thing they had the most of was not Buddhist scriptures, but little yellow books which weren't allowed to be printed…….

Thirteen: "……" Ai.

Chen Liguo, who was stared at by Thirteen like that, felt uncomfortable. He went back to Zhou Yi and asked, "Did I do something wrong to my family's Three-er? Why does he look at me like that?"

Zhou Yi asked, "How does he look at you? I feel that the way he looks as you is full of fatherly love."

Chen Liguo: "……" This joke isn't very funny.

The three went back home after looking through books.

Chen Liguo took the system to visit many places in the following month. Although the system was mostly interested in the bookstore, Chen Liguo still insisted that he took a stroll and looked at more things.

Finally, when Thirteen left, Chen Liguo seriously asked him if there was any harvest in his trip to Earth this time.

Thirteen said, "A lot of harvest."

Chen Liguo asked, "For example?"

Thirteen said, "The number of perverts in Earth's history is a lot ah."

Chen Liguo: "……"

Thirteen asked, "Why aren't you saying anything?"

Chen Liguo felt that he had nothing good to say. He blinked and said, "Then come and play again in the future.

Thirteen did not say anything. He waved at Chen Liguo then left.

Chen Liguo looked at his back and inexplicably thought of a word--martyr.

It wasn't until the system's figure disappeared that Zhou Yi and Chen Liguo went back home.

On the way home, Chen Liguo reflected on himself and said that he shouldn't have been like that to the system. How cute and tender the system had been at that time, how did the system reach this point……

Zhou Yi was a little helpless and said, "En, I feel bad for him too." Sometimes his head hurt when he saw the bullet screen above Chen Liguo's head. Presumably, the system who had to interact with Chen Liguo inside his brain all the time was even more bothered.

Chen Liguo said, "You don't even feel bad for me."

Zhou Yi lowered his head and kissed him. "Come, daddy will love you properly."

Chen Liguo responded, "Hmph, you're not my dad at all."

Zhou Yi: "Hehe."

Then that night Chen Liguo cried and cried 'daddy'.

Zhou Yi bit his ear and said, "Who was it that said I wasn't his dad?"

Chen Liguo cried and said, "I didn't say it, it's not me, it certainly wasn't me--Ah! I was wrong."

Zhou Yi said, "So was it you?"

Chen Liguo cried and shouted, "I'll listen to you, if you say it is, it is--I, I can't anymore."

Zhou Yi chuckled lowly and licked Chen Liguo's earing. He really loved this foolish son with no integrity of his to death.

Can you believe it? I'm going to update 18000 today. Really want to die quietly.

Final extra coming Saturday (>▽<)/ ?:??* +?

The systems (and Tongtong): He or it? (Chen Liguo had previously asked what his gender was earlier in the novel and was given the response that systems have no gender but later, all the systems seem to take on a more male persona + have male bodies made for them)

Thirteen or 13, Three/3/or San (phonestics)


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