The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 1164: Extra 32: Thunder Tribulation that doesn’t take the usual path

Chapter 1164: Extra 32: Thunder Tribulation that doesn’t take the usual path

Chapter 1164 Extra Chapter 32 The Unconventional Thunder Tribulation

In the space, the glistening white eggs stood motionless on the jasper platform, and dazzling golden light shot out from the nine relics. After lingering in a circle, they quickly disappeared into the merit beads, and were formed by golden light. Gradually it turned into a magnificent red, and the originally transparent beads were gradually engraved with fine and dense red lines.

After a while, the merit bead was more than half covered with red lines. At this time, the still and still egg finally changed. I saw a soft halo overflowing from the eggshell, being pulled by an invisible force and tentatively penetrating into the merit bead.

When the halo touches the Merit Bead, the surface of the Merit Bead bursts with bright light, a "buzzing" sound emits a pleasant clear chant, and then disperses towards the vast space.

The original power was bounced away "mercilessly". Instead of being anxious, Xue Tuanzi jumped up excitedly and circled excitedly around the jade platform for several times.

If in the past, it used its original power to test the Merit Bead, the Merit Bead would not only swallow up the original power, but also absorb more along this original power until it turned into a "waste dumpling" without spiritual power.

Now that the Merit Bead directly deflects this trace of original power, it means that the time has come for Xue Tuanzi to overcome the tribulation. Even though he will suffer some hardships when he overcomes the tribulation, there is no risk of life, and it is almost certain that he will transform into a human form.

Xue Tuanzi stares at the merit bead "without blinking his eyes". Once the merits are completed, it can break through the space at any time and transform into another form.

Just when the last blank space on the merit bead was filled and the space was about to be upgraded, Mo Yan's voice rang in Xue Tuanzi's consciousness, and Xue Tuanzi replied excitedly: "Yan Yan, hurry up, take the six beasts to hide Stay away, I'll be out soon."

Feeling Xue Tuanzi's extremely joyful mood, Mo Yan knew that there would be no problem in overcoming the tribulation this time, and finally felt relieved. She didn't say anything more, and immediately followed the six beasts to avoid the mountainside in the distance. Halfway up the mountainside are all exposed rocks. There are no tall trees that can attract thunder from the sky, but you can clearly see the situation of Xue Tuanzi when he was going through the tribulation.

"Yan Yan, open your right palm. No matter what you see later, don't be afraid." After confirming that Mo Yan's location is not in danger, Xue Tuanzi reminded him and began to activate his original power to prepare for a single move. Break through space.


Mo Yan nodded heavily, stretched out his right hand without hesitation and spread it out, and saw a beam of golden light rising from the palm of his hand, straight into the dark sky, illuminating the entire forest.

Immediately afterwards, the ancient jade mark seemed to come alive, gradually rising from the palm, floating in the void, and turning into the original appearance of the ancient jade, which is Xue Tuanzi's true body!

Mo Yan was so excited by the golden light emitted by the ancient jade that she could hardly open her eyes. She barely blocked the direct light with her hands, squinted her eyes and looked at the ancient jade shrouded in golden light, slowly floating towards the ocean-like lake. superior.

At this time, Mo Yan, whose mind was tightly locked by the ancient jade, didn't know that at the moment when the golden light flashed, the entire Yuhua Mountain was boiling!

Whether they were animals with the bloodline of ancient spiritual beasts or ordinary birds and beasts, they all looked at the golden light soaring into the sky in confusion. They didn't know whether to get closer or to flee far away. They could only stay where they were.

Not long after, the snow dumplings shrouded in golden light floated to the center of the lake. It seemed that it had completed its mission. The golden light gradually dimmed, and the ancient jade showed its original shape.

At this time, dark clouds began to appear in the sky, quickly covering up the originally starry sky, and the whole world became darker, leaving only the faint golden light above the lake.

The rain was about to come, and the world was quiet. Not even the sound of wind could be heard. The animals that had been attracted by the golden light sensitively sensed something was wrong, and instinctively fled far away. They would not approach the lake again for a while. .

Xue Tuanzi, you have to be well! Mo Yan wrung her fingers tightly, looked at the center of the lake with a good look, and prayed secretly in her heart. Even though she knew that Xue Tuanzi was confident of withstanding the thunder disaster, she still couldn't help but worry in her heart. She didn't dare to blink when she looked at the place where the golden light appeared in the middle of the lake.

The dark clouds were dense and heavy, as if the sky was about to fall. The snow dumplings that appeared in their true form quietly "watched" the sky where the thunderclouds appeared above their heads, silently operating their original power to welcome the next nine heavens. thunder.

A purple thunder as thick as an arm tore through the layers of black clouds, slashing straight down like a ferocious flying snake, hitting the ancient jade heavily, with a stinging sound and a burst of dazzling sparks.

The ancient jade made a slight buzzing, but no trace was left on the place where it was struck by the purple thunder. However, Xue Tuanzi did not dare to be careless and went all out to meet the second increasingly powerful lightning strike.

Nine-nine are unified, the space has experienced a total of nine upgrades, and there are also nine thunder tribulations to be experienced. Each of the next eight thunders is a superposition of the previous ones. If Xue Tuanzi can successfully catch the last thunder - the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder, it will be able to complete its transformation, turn into a human form, and then roam freely between heaven and earth.

Boom, boom Another purple lightning struck straight down, illuminating the deep night sky, as if it was tearing the night apart and shaking the whole world.

The golden light surrounding the ancient jade seemed unable to withstand the power of the thunder, and gradually turned into little gold particles and disappeared. Mo Yan was so worried that he wished he could grow wings and rush up to protect the ancient jade and Xue Tuanzi. .

To Xue Tuanzi, she is the master; to her, Xue Tuanzi is a relative. If something unexpected happened to Xue Tuanzi...she couldn't imagine what would happen to herself!

The heavy thunder struck down from the sky ignored Mo Yan's thoughts and continued his mission dutifully. If it were in the realm of cultivation, the greater the power of thunder, the more beneficial it would be for Xue Tuanzi, who was transforming into a tribulation, but in the mortal world, it would be very fatal.

The six beasts looked intently at the sky illuminated by lightning, feeling both worried and envious of Xue Tuanzi. As a beast with spiritual intelligence and the blood of ancient spiritual beasts, who doesn't want to gain more power and live as long as heaven?

But even in the world of cultivation, it is more difficult for low-level spiritual beasts to transcend tribulation and transform than to ascend to heaven, let alone this mortal world where spiritual energy is scarce and animals are not allowed to become spirits. Without Mo Yan, they wouldn't even be able to get out of this mountain forest.

Being able to gain freedom or even prolong life is already a rare opportunity. The six beasts are satisfied. At this moment, seeing Xue Tuanzi survive the tribulation, they are more worried and envious than they should be.


There was lightning and thunder in the sky, illuminating the lake very brightly. Amidst the worries of one person and six animals, Xue Tuanzi endured the eighth thunder tribulation in front of him. The ancient jade of the original body was constantly broken, restored, broken, and restored...

Until the ninth divine thunder was brewing, Xue Tuanzi had a slight chance to breathe. He silently gathered nearly half of the original power that it had deliberately left behind, and went all out to receive the final blow.

Success or failure depends on this!

High in the sky, the black calamity cloud is like a black whirlpool, brewing with frightening power and shrouding the vast lake like the sea. The whirlpool was so dark, like a bottomless abyss trying to swallow everything.

Soon, the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder condensed and took shape. The one faintly exposed under the black clouds was only as thick as a thumb. It looked thinner than any previous thunder, but the pressure it exuded was stronger than the eight thunders put together. Be scary.

Mo Yan was connected with Xue Tuanzi, and he could clearly sense Xue Tuanzi's nervousness, but he couldn't say a word of encouragement to avoid disturbing it. He could only hold his breath, stare at the divine thunder that was about to strike, and pray to God. Give Xue Tuanzi a way to survive and let him survive the disaster smoothly.

However, the next scene gave Mo Yan the urge to beep a dog.

I saw in mid-air, the thumb-thick Nine Heavens Divine Thunder unleashing the power of destroying the world and mercilessly slashing down. Just less than a foot away from the ancient jade, it suddenly turned awkwardly in an incredible posture. The road curved, passed by Gu Yu, and headed directly towards the mountainside where Mo Yan was.

The sudden change not only confused Mo Yan and the six beasts, but even Xue Tuanzi, who was preparing to deal with the disaster, had a blank mind and had no time to react.

Looking at the thundering thunder and the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder running happily towards him, Mo Yan's reason told him to run away quickly, but his feet seemed to be frozen, unable to move an inch.

Fortunately, Mo Yan has experienced a lot of storms and waves in these years. Even if he really escapes, can he still outrun the most powerful divine thunder? She forced herself to calm down and yelled with all her strength at the six beasts who were also stunned: "Run away, run away!"

Instinct told Mo Yan that this divine thunder was aimed at her, and there was no way to escape. She could only let the six beasts run away quickly to prevent this unexpected disaster from affecting them.


Hearing Mo Yans decisive cry, the six beasts looked at her and roared loudly without moving their feet.

Humans and beasts have different paths, but the companionship and the relationship of more than twenty years have not been false at all. At the critical moment of life and death, the six beasts willingly stayed with Mo Yan to face the punishment of heaven. Even if there was a dead end ahead, they were not afraid. They could not watch Mo Yan die.

There are a total of ten levels in space, but the number of upgrades is only nine. I am worried that some relatives may misunderstand, so here is a reminder.

Then, I will continue to promote my new pit [The Farmers Wifes Beautiful Idyll], which will be updated in March. I hope you will support one, eh (*3) (*), love the cuteness!


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