The Path of Immortality: Starts With Creating Water Bear Gu

Chapter 100: Comparing Treasures

After everyone emerged from the tunnel, they all gasped for air, desperately breathing in the fresh air outside. The tension that had gripped them finally eased, and they felt an overwhelming urge to cry. The recent journey had been so dangerous that they could hardly believe they had made it out alive.

The Dream Butterfly Gu chased them to the exit but ultimately didn't break through to the surface and retreated. Still, Long Bao wasn't reassured. He ordered the earth master to throw a pile of earth balls to completely block the tunnel, only then did he breathe a sigh of relief.

His back was drenched with sweat, having broken out in a cold sweat.

"What exactly happened? Why did only so few of you survive?"

The group of Gu practitioners from various tribes, all in the Spiritual Sea stage, approached with grim faces.

Long Lie also rushed over and, after counting the people, his face darkened when he found that only four members of the Long family had made it out alive.

The leading Gu practitioners from other clans also looked grim; each had only three or four people left, which was almost like being wiped out entirely.

The leaders from each clan began asking what had happened inside the tomb.

This was when Long Xuan's fabricated story finally took effect.

The surviving Gu cultivators from the various clans pointed angrily in the direction of the Lei family’s camp, accusing them of causing the deaths by collapsing the tunnel. They claimed that even if there had been an unexpected change inside the tomb, it wouldn't have led to so many deaths if the tunnel hadn't been destroyed.

This made the leaders of all the tribes look increasingly angry, glaring at the Lei family’s Gu cultivators with eyes full of fury.

"You owe us an explanation!"

"Who exactly is that young man? Is he a Gu King infiltrated by your side?"

"Dare you let us check him out?"

Soon, an argument broke out, with the Lei family's ancestor feigning innocence, acting like a pure, naive young boy with a confused expression. His acting was quite convincing.

But no matter how well he acted, it was useless. The more he refused the inspection, the more it proved he was hiding something. There was no way he could keep up the pretense.

If they were only 90% convinced before, now, with the Lei clan's leaders doing everything to avoid inspection, they were fully convinced. Everyone was furious.

The enraged Spiritual Sea stage Gu practitioners, including those from the Gu and Feng families, conveniently ignored the fact that they had also sent a Gu King’s clone inside. They acted like victims, as if their Gu King's clone had already died in the tomb, waiting for the drama to unfold.

However, despite the heated argument, they didn’t end up fighting. They decided to complete the wager first. They were still fixated on the seven high-grade rare Gu's, much to Long Xuan's disappointment.

He walked up to Long Lie and whispered, "It seems like the Yaoguang Empress has been resurrected. I suspect she's already escaped, but I don't know when she got out. Did you see a golden figure flying away just now?"

He had scanned the ancient tomb and found no suspicious progress, so he assumed the Empress had already left and was no longer in the tomb.

Upon hearing this, Long Lie’s pupils shrank, and he was startled by Long Xuan's words. He uncertainly replied, "Did I? I didn’t notice anything. I was focused on those seven high-grade rare Gu's. Maybe there was a golden figure? I don’t know."

Long Xuan's face darkened; he knew Long Lie was unreliable. He didn’t even know if someone had escaped from the tunnel. What could he possibly know?

Long Lie then shifted his tone and said, "The dead can't come back to life. How could she be resurrected so easily? Unless she was never really dead."

"Whether she’s dead or not is not our concern. Let the higher-ups of the family worry about it. The urgent matter now is to complete the wager. Only a few of you survived, so the wager will soon be over."

"What did you bring out from the ancient tomb? Show it quickly."

Long Lie was still fixated on the wager.

Long Xuan, feeling helpless, first scanned the area with the Eye of Heaven but didn’t find any suspicious progress, which put him slightly at ease. He casually replied, "I'll go last. You check the others first."

Long Xuan wanted to see what methods the clan would use to check if they had hidden anything before making his plans.

Meanwhile, he secretly returned the image -recording Gu that documented the crimes of the Gu and Feng families to Long Lie without anyone noticing his movements.

"Credit this to someone else. I don't want it."

After saying this through a soul transmission, Long Xuan turned and left.

Long Lie was a bit puzzled but could guess that there must be something significant recorded. He became thoughtful.

There weren't many survivors left, and while Long Xuan and Long Lie were secretly conversing, the other clans had already counted their spoils from the tomb. Only the Long clan hadn’t moved yet, so the Spiritual Sea stage Gu practitioners from various tribes started approaching them.

Many of them had expressions so grim they looked as if they had lost their mothers.

"Heh! Long Lie, hurry up! What are you stalling for?"

"I advise you to admit defeat. My tribe brought out 180 Spirit Surge Grass from the tomb, the highest haul so far. The Gu family got 175 plants, placing them second."

"Now we're just waiting for you. Show us your treasures!"

Unsurprisingly, the speaker was Feng Yu, the Feng family’s leading Gu cultivator, who was always at odds with the Long family.

Long Xuan glanced at him, thinking his guess was correct: those two ancestors had indeed handed over all their treasures to be taken out by others.

He wasn't surprised. He had already anticipated the amount of Spirit Surge Grass, which the Feng family ancestor had obtained by killing all the Gu practitioners. The number didn’t shock him.

Upon hearing this, Long Lie’s face changed instantly. 180 Spirit Surge grass? How did they get so many?

Although Spirit Surge Grass is a first-grade spiritual herb, its value far exceeds that of an ordinary first-grade herb. It is precious enough to make a peak Spirit Surge stage Gu practitioner go bankrupt.

Everything of value in the tomb had probably already been taken, and the most valuable thing was likely the Spirit Surge Grass.

But 180 Spirit Surge Grass plants? My god!

Long Lie shuddered, his face falling as a bad premonition arose in his heart.

At this point, all the confidence he had earlier evaporated. He was no longer confident in his chances of winning.

He could only pin all his hopes on Long Ziyan.

He immediately turned to Long Ziyan, anxiously asking, "Ziyan, what did you find in the tomb?"

He looked at her expectantly, as if she were his last hope, his eyes full of anticipation.

However, he was destined to be disappointed.

Long Ziyan stood there motionless, her expression complex. It wasn't embarrassment, just a slight blush, as if she had thought of something.

She had spent barely half a day in the tomb. She was delayed in the herb garden for a while, then spent most of the remaining time in a small cave with her junior brother after shaking off the Lei family's Gu practitioners.

When she finally made it to the sleeping palace, she found nothing.

So, she came back empty-handed, with nothing to show for her efforts.

She was destined to disappoint Long Lie. Unable to bear seeing his hopeful gaze, she turned her head away.

Long Lie had put his trust in the wrong person after all.

His heart skipped a beat. No way! No way! My dear young lady! What do you mean by turning your head away? This is going to get someone killed!

Long Lie's face turned pale as he clutched his trembling heart, feeling a sense of impending doom.

“Hahaha… If I'm not mistaken! You didn’t get anything, did you?!”

“I was wondering what kind of genius could make Long Lie so confident to propose such a bet, to make him so arrogant. I thought there was some extraordinary talent in the group.”

“But this is it? Hahaha… this is killing me with laughter!”

Long Lie's face darkened, holding onto the last shred of hope in his heart. He pointed at Long Bao and said, “You! Yes, you! Take out everything you gained from the ancient tomb.”

Long Bao’s expression froze. He slowly walked forward, took out a pile of junk from his storage bag, and placed it on the ground. Long Lie’s face turned even darker.

Most of it was worthless antiques, along with some clothes worn by corpses in the burial pit and a few weapons. Due to their age, the weapons were so damaged they were no longer usable.

Although they were worth some money, compared to the Spirit Surge Grass, they were practically worthless and couldn’t possibly compare to 180 stalks of Spirit Surge Grass.

At this moment, Long Xuan looked at Long Bao’s butt with a strange expression. In his vision, Long Bao’s butt seemed to be bulging.

Goodness, did he really hide a treasure in his asshole? This is too bizarre! This guy is hardcore! Hiding a treasure in such a way to avoid being searched is one method, and a decent one at that. But who knows if it will work.

He was genuinely curious now about what method the family used to determine if someone who entered the tomb had hidden treasures. He wondered if they could detect a treasure hidden so deeply. His face showed his curiosity.

Just as Long Xuan was growing eager to see what would happen, Long Lie took out something incredibly familiar to him. His pupils suddenly contracted.

Appearing in Long Lie’s palm was none other than a golden toad. He recognized it instantly. My goodness, isn’t this the exclusive Gu worm of the Qian clan Chamber of Commerce—the Integrity Gu?

The family is truly resourceful, even managing to borrow the Integrity Gu from the Qian Clan Chamber of Commerce. This time, Long Bao is done for.

He glanced at Long Bao with sympathy and silently mourned for him in his heart.

“Long Bao! Did you hide any treasures?” Long Lie asked, holding the Integrity Gu in his hand as he walked up to Long Bao.

The Integrity Gu stared at him intently.

Long Bao’s expression stiffened, and cold sweat instantly poured out. His heart was pounding, and he didn’t dare to meet the gaze of the Integrity Gu, but he had no choice but to grit his teeth and say, “No! Just these!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the Integrity Gu’s eyes began flashing wildly, so brightly that it was blinding.

The Integrity Gu displayed an angry glare and lunged forward to devour this untrustworthy fellow.

“Calm down! Calm down!”

Long Lie quickly intervened, restraining the Integrity Gu. He turned to Long Bao with a dark expression and said, “Well, well, Long Bao! How dare you hide treasures! Seize him and search him thoroughly!”

Two Long Clan enforcers in the Marrow Cleansing Stage immediately rushed over with sinister expressions, grabbing Long Bao and dragging him away.

Long Bao kept yelling, “Despicable! Why didn’t you mention the Integrity Gu earlier? If you had brought it out earlier, none of this would have happened! But no…”

Long Bao’s cries grew fainter and fainter…

Long Lie sneered. Mention it earlier? If I mentioned it earlier, who would dare to break the rules? He deliberately didn’t mention it earlier.

Seeing this scene, Long Yan was so frightened that he shuddered. He quickly opened his mouth and pulled out a string, retrieving a necklace from his stomach.

Long Xuan’s eyebrows twitched as he watched. My goodness, these guys are all something else.

To hide their treasures, they truly went to any extreme. He was genuinely impressed.


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