The Outcast Writer of a Martial Arts Visual Novel

Chapter 33: The Crisis Of The Man With Black Hair (2)

The Heavenly Death Star (천살성, 天殺星).

In the world of martial arts, there were occasionally people born under the influence of a star’s energy, children with a star within them. Since these individuals were born with the energy of the heavens, they invariably became prodigies. Such people often grew up to be prominent figures or left significant marks in history.

A child born under a star’s energy was destined to become a prodigy. This was why many in the martial arts community sought out numerous astrologers, and why many sects in the martial world desired to take these children as disciples.

Even if they possessed only second-rate martial arts skills, these star-born children could advance their martial arts significantly and brighten the future of their sect. They were coveted by all.

Of course, being born under a star’s influence was not always a blessing. Some were born with exceptional talents that nobody desired.

The Heavenly Death Star was one such talent.

A child born with a natural talent for murder, the birth of the Heavenly Death Star was a major calamity for the martial world.

“Is it a level where murderous intent cannot be contained? Or is it a state of being consumed by the urge to kill?”

Cheon Gija spoke to the Heavenly Death Star in front of him.

“I gave you a small clue so you wouldn’t fail to recognize it.”

The Heavenly Death Star retracted the murderous aura she had been emitting. To Cheon Gija, it felt as if the surroundings momentarily stopped and then resumed.

For such a small clue, the Heavenly Death Star of this era will be a great trouble to the world. Cheon Gija was already worried about the people who would be swept up by her.

“It doesn’t seem like you’re being consumed by murderous intent yet. Please, take a seat.”


The Heavenly Death Star sat in the chair in front of Cheon Gija.

“Why has The Heavenly Death Star come to find me?”

“I want you to see my fate.”

“I do not see the fate of those without manners.”

Cheon Gija refused flatly.

“Lacking manners?”

The tip of The Heavenly Death Star’s right eyebrow twitched slightly. The murderous aura that she had retracted began to seep out again.

“Coming to ask for one’s fate to be told while hiding one’s true nature is indeed lacking manners.”

Cheon Gija stared intently at the Heavenly Death Star’s face.

Wondering if she had understood his meaning, The Heavenly Death Star swallowed her emerging anger and closed her eyes.

Before Cheon Gija’s eyes, The Heavenly Death Star’s face began to change.

“Is that enough?”

Cheon Gija quietly observed The Heavenly Death Star’s face. Short hair. Sharp eyes. A cold expression. Yet, she was a stunning beauty whom anyone passing by on the street would look back at.

The problem was that if she had been holding a sword, she would have been the last face a passerby saw in this world.

“Yes. We can talk now.”

“Now, will you see my fate?”

“The Heavenly Death Star wanting to know their own fate and seeking me out for it is unexpected.”

“Is it strange to be curious about the future?”

The Heavenly Death Star’s expression remained unchanged, but a hint of doubt tinged her words.

“Those floating like duckweed on the river of fate might naturally be curious. But The Heavenly Death Star is different. Your fate is predetermined, so why the curiosity?”

On the river of fate, there was a ship moving toward a single goal. That was the Heavenly Death Star.

“Already determined?”

“To kill or be killed. That has been the fate of all the Heavenly Death Stars.”

The Heavenly Death Star was a star of calamity born to kill everything in sight, a ship advancing for murder. This ship would continue to advance until someone broke it.

“I know that. I want to know more. Do you need my birth date?”

“No need. I already know when the Heavenly Death Star was born. I just didn’t know who it was. You’re not yet twenty years old, right? Eighteen this year?”

“That’s right.”

The Heavenly Death Star nodded in affirmation.

“There’s still some time before the star’s energy peaks. It seems you’ve learned martial arts; may I ask which?”

Skilled at retracting murderous intent, the Heavenly Death Star must have learned to control her inherent murderous aura to such an extent through martial arts.

Cheon Gija posed the question based on his conjecture.

“I’ve learned the martial arts of assassins.”

The Heavenly Death Star did not specify which martial arts but confirmed having learned some.

“The Heavenly Death Star, with a talent for murder, has learned the martial arts of assassins. I’m not sure whose arrangement it was, but it’s an excellent choice!”

Cheon Gija exclaimed with admiration.

“Don’t people usually think the opposite?”

The implication was clear: The Heavenly Death Star learning the martial arts of assassins meant more people would be killed. That was the logical assumption. Yet, Cheon Gija seemed almost relieved.

“Ordinary people might think so. A century ago, the Heavenly Death Star was raised by Buddhist disciples. They put in much effort to prevent that child from causing a massacre. Do you know what happened?”

“I don’t.”

“That temple from a hundred years ago no longer exists. That child killed everyone there. The monks didn’t stop the murders until they killed the child. That’s why I say the martial arts of assassins are better than those of Buddhists or Taoists.”


“Because no one handles the urge to kill as skillfully as assassins. They regularly commit murders to control this urge, right?”

At Cheon Gija’s question, The Heavenly Death Star nodded slightly.

“Yes. Controlling the urge while using murder to suppress the increasing murderous intent. I don’t know if they raised the Heavenly Death Star to use or control her, but it’s a good method.”

“But it’s not enough.”

“Have you ever lost your senses due to murderous intent?”

In a situation where everything was consumed by murderous intent, the Heavenly Death Star would lose even the minimal rationality and commit only murders.

“A few times.”

“A few times? That’s not good. Do you still feel murderous intent rising periodically even after killing?”

“Yes. The interval between surges is getting shorter compared to before.”

“I see. Even if it’s martial arts for controlling murderous intent, it’s still martial arts after all. The martial arts created by humans to reach the heavens can’t overcome the will of the heavens themselves.”

Human-crafted martial arts versus The Heavenly Death Star, born under a heavenly star – it was clear which was superior.

“Murderous intent is getting stronger over the years.”

“That’s expected. You awakened as the Heavenly Death Star quite early; it’s a miracle you’re still in this state.”

Once awakened as the Heavenly Death Star, a person became a tool of the stars for slaughter. Yet, the woman before him, though expressionless, still seemed human.

Martial arts hadn’t turned her into a monster yet, but that limit would eventually come.

“Is there no way?”

“If things continue, murderous intent will soon consume you. It will dominate your thoughts. Instead of being consumed by murderous intent, you’ll change entirely. Everything will be for the sake of murder.”

“I… dislike that.”

Cheon Gija sensed fear and aversion in The Heavenly Death Star’s voice.

She hadn’t been consumed by murderous intent yet. Her emotions hadn’t dried up. Perhaps the future massacre could be prevented. Cheon Gija glimpsed a small hope in the Heavenly Death Star.

“Certainly, it’s a precarious situation. If I say nothing now, a tremendous massacre will unfold. Alright. Let me take a glimpse into the heavens.”

Cheon Gija started to observe the celestial fate using his tools.

Cheon Gija busily handled his tools while the Heavenly Death Star watched him indifferently. Twilight had passed, and darkness had settled over the village.

Cheon Gija’s busy hands paused momentarily.

“Ah, so that’s how things are flowing. What is the will of the heavens to give such a trial again…”

Cheon Gija lamented what he saw, ignoring the Heavenly Death Star before him.

“What’s going on?”

The Heavenly Death Star asked, puzzled by Cheon Gija’s flustered voice.

“No, it’s nothing. I observed something else while watching the heavens. It’s not about you, so don’t worry. From what I see, there are two paths.”

“Two paths?”

“One certain and one uncertain. Which do you want to hear first?”

“The certain one.”

“Master martial arts to the utmost. While it’s true that martial arts, created to reach the heavens, cannot defy heaven’s will, there are those who have reached the heavens through martial arts. If you can control the murderous intent of the Heavenly Death Star, it will surely be a path for you.”

The Heavenly Death Star, who should have been a monster, still maintained a human facade. Surely, the martial arts being practiced were suppressing the innate nature.

It was a low probability, but mastering martial arts might allow control over the Heavenly Death Star’s inherent nature.

“The uncertain path?”

“Someday you will meet a noble person.”

“A noble person?”

“One who has defied heaven’s fate. Who has reached the end of their heavenly mandate and returned from death. One who can even change the fate of others. There will come a day when you meet such a person.”

“Where is this person?”

“That person exists outside the path of heaven. I should not intervene further. Just know, the day you meet will come. You may not realize they are the noble person. But if you do recognize it, stay by their side. Surely, something unforeseen by the heavens will occur.”

“I don’t understand what you’re saying.”

“Nor do I. How can Cheon Gija, bound by celestial fate, know of one who transcends it? I can only infer from the flow around me.”

“Practice martial arts and wait for the noble person. Is that all?”

Displeasure was evident in the expressionless words of the Heavenly Death Star. It was frustrating to have come so far only to hear familiar and vague statements. The Heavenly Death Star had every right to be displeased.

“If changing the fate of one who carries a star were easy, massacres would not occur every hundred years.”

“I understand. I’ll remember that.”

The Heavenly Death Star rose from her seat.

Cheon Gija briefly tidied his scattered tools before looking up at The Heavenly Death Star.


But The Heavenly Death Star had already vanished. Only the empty silence of the alley lingered.

“Two free clients in a row. Even the great Cheon Gija is getting old.”

Cheon Gija smiled bitterly, stood up, organized his tools and flags, and looked skyward.

He saw two stars. A red star and a faint one. The star that had carved its own fate was once again being drawn into the influence of a calamitous star .

“The two stars are too close. They will surely meet. Is it to carry out the execution of one who refused death’s fate, or is there another design from the heavens?”

The two stars were gradually drawing closer to each other.

“It’s too early for them to meet now. With such faint light…”

The fate of the calamitous star would be insurmountable.


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