The Outcast Writer of a Martial Arts Visual Novel

Chapter 116: Management (3)

Chapter 116: Management (3)

Power struggles within the Sichuan Tang Family.

One day, the young head of the family, the protagonist, learned that his father and the elders who supported him were attacked and killed by a mysterious group.

While cultivating his energy, the protagonist was attacked by a mysterious intruder and, before he could even shout in protest, fell into a state of chaos where his vital energy was severely twisted.

The position of family head passed to his uncle.

Despite suspicions that he killed the protagonist’s father, the uncle targeted the protagonist’s mother as a pawn and continued as the family head.

The protagonist, now disabled, dreamt of revenge. One day, he discovered his talents extend beyond martial arts after spending the night with his aunt.

The protagonist’s ability to make any woman he slept with dependent on him. He decided to use this ability to take revenge.

The rise of the Tang Family began now.

“It’s signing your own death warrant.”

Have you seen that book? Well, that whole family was like a sex village. A sex village. The entire Sichuan Tang Family.

Now I knew why there were so many people in the Tang Family. Incest within the family. Learning from the Sichuan Tang Family, the rumor that the Hapsburg family was created by Westerners was true.

The suspicious rumor would reach the ears of the Sichuan Tang Family, and they would look for its source. It would be easy to find the black-haired barbarian running a successful bookstore in Yichang.

If they found me, there’s no need for the Tang Family to go to court for defamation. They would come with a gift that would move me to tears.

Would you prefer a needle, poison, or perhaps a herbal tonic? They’d ask me to choose.

“Even if you write a novel, you need to put in safeguards.”

Even if you provoke the Sichuan Tang Family, don’t cross the line. Once you crossed it, it was not just an eraser flying at you—it would be my head.

In this world too, there were books based on real sects and clans.

Martial arts stories, often seen as unsellable remnants in a 50-year-old bookstore, had nonetheless maintained a consistent presence.

The novel I previously wrote, “The Tale of Martial Heroes,” was inspired by the Wudang Sect, wasn’t it? I had never heard of authors being murdered for crafting such stories, so the key was to not overstep boundaries.

The challenge lay in avoiding crossing that line while crafting the novel.

“Hero of the martial arts novel. Even if you’re writing a novel, let’s make the hero a member of the Tang Family, characterized by a profound sense of justice.”

A protagonist hailing from the Sichuan Tang Family.

He mastered the art of hidden weapons and poison techniques, his heart brimming with an unwavering sense of justice. Such a virtuous hero was becoming a rarity in martial arts novels these days.

Even those from the Sichuan Tang Family might find it odd, upon reading, that the protagonist, who was exceptionally just and refrained from engaging in paranoia, hysteria, or cowardly schemes, was unusual.

Imagine writing not a martial arts story, but an erotic novel featuring this kind of hero.

And doing so through the main villain.

“The quintessential villain of an erotic novel is, naturally, a sexual demon.”

Upon hearing rumors that a sexual demon was assaulting women to harness their negative energy for power, the protagonist, driven by his sense of justice, set out to confront this demon.

As the protagonist embarks on his quest to track down this sexual demon, the saga of the Tang Family unfolds.

“A righteous hero finds himself entangled in sensual incidents while performing heroic deeds.”

We’d infuse adult themes into the traditional martial arts plot. The protagonist was merely acting heroically, yet found himself in situations akin to those in an erotic story, purely by accident.

Similar to a romantic comedy hero, who unintentionally ended up touching the heroine’s breasts or seeing her underwear. However, the hero of the Tang Family saga didn’t stop at mere touching.

“All evil deeds are done by the sexual demon, but the sweet rewards are reaped by the hero. This will make it hard for the Tang Family to just come after me.”

Today, dramas about famous businessmen were liked, not sued. Some companies even used dramas to market peanut cream cookies.

The same went for the Tang Family saga. The protagonist wasn’t bad. Rather, he became a famous hero in the martial world by sweetly enjoying the fruits of the erotic novel.

If I wrote the Tang Family saga well, maybe the Sichuan Tang Family would come with an award for promoting the Tang Family through moved tears. Perfect.

If they still came after me, I had a plan, but it’s something I could use when the time came.

Let’s write it.

“Ah… this is hard.”

Plot decided, and while writing, Tang Hwarin opened the door to the attic and came in, letting her shoulders droop.

“You’ve worked hard. I should have helped with the cleaning, sorry.”

“No, you were busy during the day, so I should do what I can.”

Tang Hwarin weakly replied and then collapsed onto the bed.

It’s pitiful. I watched Tang Hwarin, who was so exhausted that she lay on the bed without moving.

Tang Hwarin couldn’t stand at the first-floor counter because of her face. Therefore, retired employees helped out on the first floor, assisting the owner’s granddaughter.

Although Tang Hwarin handled important tasks like ledger management and inventory, it’s undeniable that she felt somewhat disconnected during the busiest times.

Knowing this, she insisted on doing the cleaning after closing, but I couldn’t help feeling sorry for her.

I should hire some help when things are less busy.

“Should I give you a massage?”

“No, write your book.”

“Okay, let me know if you’re too tired.”

I turned back to my writing, starting on “The Tang Family’s Storm.” There wouldn’t be such erotic events in reality. It’s definitely an erotic novel. That’s why I liked it. I must write what I heard.

“…Hey, Yun-ho.”

Tang Hwarin called out from behind while I was engrossed in my writing. Was she not sleeping but just watching me? I felt her gaze.


“Just a little, please.”

What did she want? As I wondered, Tang Hwarin shyly squirmed and then lay face down.

Was she watching me because she wanted a massage? She should have just accepted when I offered.

I was tired too; maybe I should stop writing here. I put down my pen and approached the bed where Tang Hwarin lay.

“Can you do it strongly?”

As I touched her calves, Tang Hwarin’s body flinched.

“…Do it tenderly.”

What did tenderly even mean?

“I’ll be gentle.”

“Heehee! Don’t touch my thighs.”

“But the thighs are the most knotted…”

Wasn’t it? It seemed like her shoulders were the most tense.

“Hee! Hey! Where are you touching!… Heehee!”

She really has many requests.

The newly renovated bookstore and the library where you could read as many books as you liked.

The bookstore had been bustling with visitors since its reopening.

“Manager. Are you listening to me?”

“Yes, I am. Welcome.”

I quietly listened to Son Sesaeng, who arrived as soon as the library opened in the morning, while greeting the customers.

“It’s a complaint that you must stamp the books sold in the bookstore. And if three friends come together, one gets in for free. How can people manage such a difficult task? Just let someone in for free after three visits. Also, the name ‘Daseogak’ is a problem. It sounds too rural. Instead of Daseogak, how about North…”

“Welcome. Would you like a caramel latte?”

“Manager, are you listening?”

Was there more to say?

“Look over there.”

Son Sesaeng pointed to three young ladies sitting close together, reading a single book.

“They ordered drinks and snacks and are enjoying themselves.”

Unlike other places that sourced cheaper snacks and coffee, they even ordered more than one drink and snack per person. They seemed like the kind of customers who would be great to have every day.

I looked at Son Sesaeng, who was sipping an Americano he had allowed to become diluted with melted ice, with a puzzled expression.

“Ahem. If I drink two cups of coffee a day, I can’t sleep… Anyway! Those young ladies are sharing one book, talking, and making a fuss. This is a sacred place for studying. Shouldn’t you, as the manager, do something?”

“I’ve been watching too, but they were only whispering, not really making any noise.”

“No. It’s hard to study because the girls next to me are whispering and there’s a scent of flowers.”

“It’s not something I can fix if you’re distracted by the girls. Besides, study somewhere else. This place is for reading only.”

“We’re having this conversation now, aren’t we?”

“Talking with friends isn’t a crime.”

“Ha ha. Guest, calling you a friend. Besides, this is a space for reading. Wouldn’t it be better to study where you usually do?”

From experience, customers who tried to be overly familiar with the owner by calling them brother or friend never ended well.

“Ah, maybe we haven’t known each other long enough to be friends… Actually, I concentrate well here because of the quiet atmosphere of Daseogak. Studying here, I might even pass the next civil service exam.”

“Since you’re a regular and others may feel the same, I’ll give a warning once. But if it doesn’t improve, I’ll stamp your coupon just this once, so please bear with it.”

“Really? Then don’t bother with the warning and just stamp it.”

“Yes, I’ll do that.”

“Hehehe. I’ve collected all 10 stamps, so give me an iced Americano.”

Hey, I thought two cups a day kept you awake.

“Hwarin, aren’t you done?”

After finishing organizing the second-floor Daseogak, I spoke to Tang Hwarin, who was still busily cleaning.

“Just go up if you’re done.”

Tang Hwarin, while picking up a stack of books tied in the corner, said to me,

“I’ll help too. Wow, these are all erotic novels. They really do sell well.”

We displayed several erotic novels one by one on an empty desk.

“Exactly. They do sell well.”

“I wish the books I wrote sold even half as well.”

“Chuckle. It’s not easy to be that successful, you know?”

“Huh? You’re laughing? If I put only my books on this table, they’d sell out in a day.”

I subtly suggested that when my book comes out, I plan to reserve a spot for it for promotional reasons.

“Chuckle. Well, write well then.”

Tang Hwarin looked at me with the same expression as a sister watching a boy shouting he would grow up to be a super robot.

Suddenly, this gives me motivation. I need to write diligently.

“Go up first, the cleaning’s almost done. I’ll finish up.”

“If you’re doing it, I’ll help too…”

“Rest. Rest. You said you’re too tired these days and even your shoulders are tense.”

How tired must she be, even a martial artist feels the strain? I gently grabbed her tense shoulders and slowly guided her up the stairs.

“No, my shoulders are tense, not for that reason…”

“Never mind. Just rest.”

I sent her up to the attic and started finishing the cleanup on the first floor.

It’s great that business was booming, but cleanup was a long haul. People should really put books back where they found them.

Books back in their place?


I dashed up to the attic in a hurry.

Though I rushed to the attic, it was already too late.

Tang Hwarin, with a serious expression, held a bunch of papers in her hand and opened her mouth as she looked at me.

“Hey. Yun-ho. What is this…?”


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