The Original Seeker

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Bai Mo is not to be tangled on the matter of Hua Tai Shan, but thinking about his next step and what to do.

Bai Mo first scanned his whole body carefully with his omniscient eye and found that after todays harmony between nature and man baptism brought about by the bodys autonomous evolution, the entire respiratory system has undergone a radical change, the respiratory system began to evolve into a larger system began to combine with the original energy-absorbing skin tissue, so that the energy-absorbing skin in the absorption of free energy in the air also breathe, in order to achieve a state of internal breathing without relying on the mouth and nose. But this evolutionary process will have to continue for some time, after all, evolution is not a thing that happens to accomplish at one stroke.

For the new things that appear in his own bodies, Bai Mo seems particularly curious. The gradually darkening sky did not cool his curiosity. In order to test his ability to hold his breath, Bai Mo went directly into the shallows, after a deep breath, the whole person lying in the shallows, allowing the gradually rising seawater to drown himself.

The people on the beach have left as the sun gradually went down, after all, the beach is still a bit cold after nightfall, and its easy to catch a cold when wearing a sunbathing swimsuit and swim trunks.

Thanks to the beach people are basically gone, otherwise Bai Mo, who looks like a floating corpse appeared in the shallows must be someone to call the police for help.

Bai Mo closed his eyes and switched to the auditory way of perceiving the world, feeling the pulsation of the sea However, there is nothing to find, in fact, is just holding his breath.

The whole body is immersed in water, Bai Mo began to use the lack of oxygen to force the body to use the newly evolved energy-absorbing skin to absorb oxygen from the water. In other words, after the evolution can no longer be called energy-absorbing skin, but at the same time can absorb oxygen and energy skin, Bai Mo did not think of a time to be able to give the name of this skin, Bai Mo actually do not care much about what it should be called.

An hour later, the sky completely darkened, Bai Mo just floated out of the water, the instinct of more than 20 years let him habitually at the same time with the mouth and nose a deep breath, even if his skin has the initial function of absorbing oxygen.

The evolution of the respiratory system and the change in the way of breathing is obviously not a day or two can be completed, Bai Mo has also held a long-term battle to prepare to change themselves.

After disembarking, Bai Mo began to walk in the direction of the hotel.After returning to the hotel, Bai Mo lay down on the bed and once again used his omniscient eye to scan himself and found that his breathing system and energy-absorbing skin had fused a bit more than before the diving training, and he probably calculated that if he persisted with this training, he would be able to fully fuse from Hawaii to the time before he returned home, and he would be able to officially The so-called art of controlling and shallowing breath from mouth is reached. Although the principle seems to be a little different from what Bai Mo read in the novel, Bai Mo has always been a pragmatist, seeking the purpose, not to dwell on the process.

After lying in bed for a while, Bai Mo looked at the clock in the room, the clock pointed to eight fifteen, already a little later than the normal dinner time, hurriedly took out the heating device and began to train Reiki.

In the past, Bai Mo could only use his nose to suck the light green Reiki into his body like a drug, and even with energy-absorbing skin, he could not absorb it as if he could not sense it at all, as if the Reiki was not energy at all.

Bai Mo had also raised such a guess, guessing that the so-called Reiki he absorbed was not a manifestation of energy at all, nor was it any advanced energy, but he had not been able to refine his guess because he had no way to explain what it would be if Reiki was not energy.

Although a bit against his three views as a person who has studied physics for many years, Bai Mo can only assume that Reiki is a high level of energy unknown to humans. The reason for not being able to absorb Reiki is that his energy-absorbing skin level is not enough, so maybe it can be upgraded later.

Certainly this is also the reason why Bai Mo in countless mystery novels have seen the statement that Reiki is a high level of heaven and earth energy, after all, three liars make a tiger, not to mention the assumption that the final result is unknown.

After the energy-absorbing skin had the ability to absorb gas, Bai Mo tried to let the skin absorb the Reiki in the air. Although he tried very hard to control his skin to absorb the Reiki, but because of the poor integration between the systems and Bai Mos serious lack of experience in using his skin to breathe, only a very small amount of Reiki was absorbed into his body from his skin.

Under the observation of the omniscient eye, the few strands of Reiki that were sucked in seemed to have been absorbed after reaching the special tissue of the energy-absorbing skin, just like a few drops of water in the desert. And that small piece of tissue seemed to be slightly more active after absorbing the Reiki.

With accurate cellular level perception, Bai Mo estimated that this small piece of tissue was working more efficiently than the surrounding tissue by maybe 3 to 5 percent, which was a good start, at least in the right direction.

In the next few days, Bai Mo also treated it as a vacation in Hawaii rather than an expedition, and spent the day either in the hotel room train Reiki or at the beach practicing breathing with the skin, occasionally going to the supermarket to buy a large amount of food to deal with the hunger that arises after train Reiki.

On the tenth day after arriving in Hawaii, Bai Mo found that under the day and night training and the stimulation of Reiki, his respiratory system had closely integrated with his energy-absorbing skin and become a complete system, which was a full half month earlier than he expected to promote the integration of the two by training only.

There are still twenty days left, what should I do? Bai Mo began to think, In fact, there are only two options Either continue to stay at the hotel, or go to the foot of the volcano that the mentor said to explore.

I still have 6 Reiki stones left in my hand, I cant support it for long if I continue to stay at home, so Id better go to the foot of the volcano first to collect some spirit stones to meet the follow-up needs. According to the mentor, the kind of stone at the foot of the volcano he marked is quite good to pick up, and the dark appearance is not much people will pay attention to, not afraid the one who has swift feet will get there first..

In order to keep the confidentiality, Bai Mo directly let the hotel staff to help rent a car, and then get a large marching bag, which contains a full set of equipment for survival in the wilderness. The capitalist country is this convenient, as long as there is a need, the field equipment is prepared to send, the only problem is that it costs Bai Mo twice as much money

Hefting the weight of the marching bag, Bai Mo estimated that including the experimental equipment a total of about 80 pounds, but for Bai Mos physical ability now, carrying 80 pounds is the same as a normal person with 8 pounds of stuff. The only problem is that the volume is too large and may have a little impact on the activity.

After putting the experimental equipment into the bag, Bai Mo threw the marching bag into the passenger side of the rented SUV. Because of the previous experience of absorbing Reiki after needing to eat and drink, to ensure that nothing awkward happens, Bai Mo then asked someone to send enough supplies for a normal person to survive for two months, they are all stuffed into the back seat and the back of the car.

After all, Bai Mo is self-aware, expect no wilderness hunting experience of his own, in out what cultivation problems lead to hunger frenzy, want to like the protagonist of mystery novels, rashly run into the forest to catch prey to eat full is basically impossible Even now my physical quality is much higher than normal people. In the forest hunting is also very difficult, the animals can not only fight but also run The forest is not familiar with the speed of people is also a great limitation.

Bai Mo pondered a bit, feeling a variety of preparations are completed after the carter towards the mentor said.

The road is almost always quite a desolate forest road, Bai Mo found that the more you go towards your destination, the higher the concentration of some substances in the air. Halfway to the road Bai Mo stopped the car at the side of the road and got out to check it out.

This is actually Reiki Can it be that there is a Reiki stone mine hidden under this crater? Or the volcanic orifice is connected to a cave? As soon as Bai Mo reacted to the gradually increasing concentration of things in Reiki after, all kinds of ideas could not stop.

Fortunately, this time well prepared, it seems to have to be prepared for the closer the volcano is the more likely to appear dangerous animals, Reiki on the biological evolution of the promotion of more than ordinary, the whole out of a Reiki beast or monster what is not surprising, and these things generally have not evolved to reason with peoples intelligence, the brain is estimated to be still completely the law of the jungle. Bai Mo from the imagination came back to consciousness after thinking about this problem.

Bai Mo re-entered the car, from the marching bag took out a small amount of compressed cookies stuffed into their trouser pockets, and then from the bag took out the saber and canteen pinned to the left and right side of the waist, ready for battle and then re-entered the car, driving carefully, as if there must be a monster and other creatures in front of the look.


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