The Original Seeker

Chapter 27

Chapter 27

Bai Mo, who is using more and more god perception, is slowly starting to shift from the original appearance to the body structure of a persons memory characteristics. In other words, less and less to identify a person through the appearance, but use the internal structure of the body as a characteristic to identify each person.

In the blink of an eye, a week has passed, during the time Bai Mo other than going out to participate in the National Arts Associations discussions, is basically in the dormitory stay in the dormitory to gnaw on textbooks, gnaw on literature, increase his knowledge base, and go to the laboratory to prove his ideas.

Bai Mos heart also completed the reikilized in the past few days. Under the observation of the god perception, the completed reikilized of the heart rhythmically beating, each contraction, Bai Mo can feel the external Reiki is pressed into the body by a huge suction from the inside out, and then in the diastole is pushed to every corner of the body, as if the heart has become the center of breathing Reiki. Together with Bai Mos compression force field outside the body, the two-pronged approach, Bai Mo felt that the rate of aura absorption had increased by a large margin.

After the heart finished reikilized, Bai Mo found that a Control Force Field appeared inside the body, this force field is completely different in character from the previous mind force field, it seems to be specially designed to protect the body and appear. The range of the force field can only cover the surface of the body, but the field is almost completely energy-free, and constant existence.

After the appearance of this force field, Bai Mo test its function, was surprised to find that this force field can actually block their own divine thoughts, only when Bai Mo consciously disperse the force field, his god perception thoughts can be re-scanned to the body, otherwise only to observe the surface situation.

This discovery gives Bai Mo mixed feelings. The joy is that the body has another layer of security, and after the emergence of the force field, the ability to control the body has risen; worry is that he can evolve such a barrier, others can sooner or later, his own god perception thought effect is afraid to greatly weakened, in order to be able to accumulate more data on the body structure of the ability, Bai Mo decided to modify his plan to go to various cities to collect data early.

After completing the test of the new force field, Bai Mo decided to name this thing as the Aura shield, meaning life field, a force field that protects life from outside influences.

After two more weeks of procrastination, Bai Mo estimated that it was about time, so he called Chen Xi.

Miss Chen, hello, I am Bai Mo, the initial results of the experiment appeared faster than expected, I have come up with a candle that can significantly increase the speed of Reiki absorption, you can now organize a test for acceptance.

Mr. Bai is really efficient, it was originally scheduled for two months, but now its only less than a month and you have the initial results. You wait a moment, Ill come over to this side of the experimental field now.

Half an hour later, Chen Xi arrived at the experimental field with two of her men.

Hello Mr. Bai, may I ask where the candle sample you mentioned is? Chen Xi was clear from past exchanges that Bai Mo was a person who did not like to talk nonsense, so he communicated with him basically straight to the point, without delay.

Bai Mo directly handed the box he was carrying to Chen Xi. Do you want to test it here or take it back for further study?

Lets bring it back and test it later, we wont disturb Mr. Bai too much.

Thats fine, anyway, its the same as normal candle operation, the only difference is to pay attention to absorb as much gas as possible from the burning of the candle. Bai Mo incidentally reminded itself of a sentence.

Okay, thanks for the reminder, I hope Mr. Bai can keep up the good work, goodbye.


After saying that, Chen Xi got into the car with her men and left.

It is comfortable to talk with smart people, no need to talk so much nonsense, this Chen assistant is not a flower vase ah as well. Bai Mo sighed and walked into the lab again.

On the other hand, Chen Xi got into the car and dialed Chen Jian Shans phone number.

Minister Chen, hello, the cooperation you asked me to go with that person named Bai Mo a while ago has already yielded preliminary results.

Im now bringing the test product back to the army lab side for testing.

Xiao Xi, you dont have to be so cold and hard, just call me grandpa, how hard is it to call Minister Chen.

Work is work, life is life.

You little girl, since you have that ability, voice change is becoming more and more decent.

No more fun no more games, grandpa, lets get down to business first, what about that Bai Mo side? Chen Xi changed the dull official tone of voice to a relaxed tone of voice to communicate with his family.

First to test the effect of the sample he gave over, the army inside also secretly selected some soldiers of the combat department to form a detachment of ability, first take this thing over to let them try it out. The kid was already confident when he talked to me about this invention, saying that there might have been preliminary results at that time, otherwise he wouldnt have promised me so crisply and quickly. But this is also a small matter, as long as there are results.

Okay, grandpa, Xiao Xi will come now.

Xiao Xi you go for it.

Chen Xis car made it all the way to the army camp, and the people at the camp recognized the opposite side as Minister Chens granddaughter, and after two brief inquiries let them park the car in the parking lot, and then took the sample inside the office of the Ability Detachment.

Captain Li, good afternoon.

Good afternoon, Assistant Chen, what brings the beautiful Chen here today?

Nothing, its just that the Institute side came up with a new thing, according to them it can significantly increase the speed of Reiki absorption, I was just ordered by the old man to bring the first batch of the product over here to you guys. Chen Xi went back to his ancient, wave-free voice tone.

That fast efficiency over at the Research Institute? Captain Li was a bit suspicious.

Im just running errands and helping the old man with some odd jobs, Im not sure about whats going on inside. Inside are five special candles, according to the instructions in the use of the method, and ordinary candles used are not much different, the only difference is to try to absorb the gas that comes out when the candle burns. Chen Xi repeated Bai Mos words at that time.

Thank you, Chen Beauty, for delivering such an important thing to us personally. By the way, Chen Xi, have you been free to have a meal together recently?

Sorry, recently the Old Man is working at the Reiki Research Institute, and incidentally Im busy as an assistant, Im afraid Im not free lately. Chen Xi continued in a cold tone of voice, If theres nothing, Ill leave first.

See you again.

Chen Xi thought after leaving the barracks, Li Chang Feng, this annoying guy, relying on the Li familys power in the military behind, always beating me up, really endless, but now also awakened such a powerful ability, became the leader of the newly established mutant detachment, become more trouble, and the old man engaged in this piece of work still have to contact with him often, want to avoid even can not hide.

Li Chang Feng after getting a few Reiki stone candles, summoned his own mutant of the detachment of a few cronies, a few people gathered around, the candle in the middle to light, according to what Chen Xi just said and then repeat with the cronies.

Although this woman Chen Xi has an opinion about me, she will not screw me over on such issues.

After lighting the candle, Li Chang Feng and his cronies did their best to absorb the gas released from the burning candle according to what Chen Xi said.

Isnt this gas just Reiki, the same as the one inside the Reiki River before, just without that raging, unbeatable power. Several people who had absorbed the generated gas thought to themselves.

Li Chang Feng continued to think, the old man of the research institute is really great, can think of a way to compress the relatively high concentration of Reiki in the candle, and then by burning the candle in a more moderate way to release, and this emitted Reiki than the air Reiki is more easily absorbed by the body, the old man above know this thing should be very happy, after all, they are Because of physical reasons did not have the ability to go into the Reiki River, this time can slowly make up for it.


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