The Oracle Paths

Chapter 207 The Genetic and Aetheric Research Center

Chapter 207 The Genetic and Aetheric Research Center

Nobody objected to Jake’s decision, Sarah even had the same objective as him. Kyle looked like an exhausted worker coming home to find that someone had crapped on his bed. He had just realized that he may have been a little too hasty in merging his genetic code with the Myrmidian Bloodline.

Indeed, he was progressing faster as long as he was doing something he could be proud of and his body was gradually exceeding its former limits. The problem was that he was more conflict-seeking and had an irresistible urge to compete with everyone.

With his rather selfish and cautious character this didn’t really mix well. If he refused or was defeated, he could even pay dearly for it.

Anya called a taxi, yes a taxi, and a yellow car with the appearance of an alien racing but covered speeder stopped next to them, floating a few dozen centimeters above the ground. It was only then that Jake and the rest of the group realized that they had really joined a "new Earth".

Except for the fact that the city was a bit more futuristic and much better laid out, they all felt like they were back on Earth.

The most shaken in the story were the two Velsyan sisters. Magic existed in their world, but the technology had not surpassed that of the Middle Ages. There were great towers and castles built by powerful Earth Mages, but all these vehicles, holograms and wall screens were destabilizing them greatly.

The city had a very strong military presence and each soldier carried firearms even more intimidating than the 9mm gun Jake had sold him. Seeing the group’s relaxed state, they could not help but wonder if their people had built a similar base for themselves.

In any case, their parents were nowhere to be found, despite their best efforts. After the mutiny of their former warriors, and the little trust they had in the other nobles, they could only bet on the one who had saved their lives.

Cautiously they got into the vehicle, which was more spacious than they imagined inside. Even Jake was surprised. On the outside it was the size of a sedan, but the interior had enough leather seats for a dozen people.

Had space technology progressed that far? No, it couldn’t have. If such technology existed, mankind had to have acquired it from the Oracle Store or an Ordeal Reward.

The only ones who couldn’t get into the vehicle were the felines, but that wasn’t a problem. Some particularly imposing aliens also came along from time to time with their mounts or pets and measures had been taken to accommodate them.

The shadow of a transport ship that emerged out of nowhere covered them before landing near the taxi. Once informed of the destination, the ship took off with the felines, whose behaviour had so far been exemplary.

The taxi took off just afterwards, silently picking up speed to get them out of Central Square. The acceleration was relatively violent, but it was nothing for Evolvers like them.

Tim pressed his face against the window to observe the view from the outside, briefly showing that he was still just a child after all. The two princesses were equally excited. It was the first time they’d ever flown. Esya behaved like Tim, while her older sister tried to keep up appearances, even though it was obvious that she was desperate to do the same.

The most impressive thing for Jake was that the city was as peaceful and teeming with life as a city on Earth before the bracelets were introduced. Millions of citizens from all walks of life went about their business wearing the costume or attire expected of them.

There were bakeries, a shopping mall, boutiques, a police station, schools and even a sports complex. Without the flying vehicles, the Oracle buildings and the Cubes it might have looked like a normal city.

However, it was clear to everyone in the vehicle that getting a privileged place like this was not so easy. There was bound to be at least one person per household working for the government and with a status important enough to justify the premature transport on B842 of the rest of his family.

Anya had tried to bring Jake along, but his request had been denied because assimilation of the land had already begun and repatriation had become too complicated with the fluctuating distances.

Within minutes, the flying car flew over the Oracle City to begin its descent into the southwest force field that bordered the Oracle City. An imposing multi-block rectangular building with a heliport and an armada of soldiers criss-crossing the area then entered their field of vision, until the taxi landed a little further down in a dedicated parking.

The building looked like a rectangular concrete bunker, but "New Earth Genetic and Aetheric Research Center" in big letters as bright as car headlights contrasted with the apparent ordinariness of the place.

On the upper floors, opaque windows seemed to indicate that office workers were working there, but his intuition was telling him that all the really important secret research was taking place underground. Violence or theft might be impossible in an Oracle City, but only an idiot would take no precautions.

The transport ship with the felines had landed a few seconds before them and the felines were waiting nonchalantly in front of the building. Crunch had even managed to get the attention of a white-coated scientist taking her cigarette break in the garden around the center. She quickly gave up, though, when she realized it was like petting a porcupine.

The soldiers patrolling around the building were different from those who had searched them when they arrived. In addition to being heavily armed, they carried weapons that were often heterogeneous and unconventional, such as spears, heavy, long swords, axes, or thick cleavers.

From their sinister and vigilant expressions, it was clear that they were all without exception Evolvers and probably Players with a number of Ordeals to their credit. Jake could sense that their Aether stats were superior to his, and some of them had distinctive physical traits that betrayed the fact that their genetics were no longer entirely human.

"Wait for me here. "Anya warned them before she went to talk to the older guard at the gate, who appeared to be the squad leader.

He was an unusually tall man, over two and a half meters tall with short grey hair, a short beard with electric blue irises. His patibular and hostile face could literally be interpreted as "You shall not pass. ".

Jake was not optimistic about Anya’s chances of convincing him, who was only a new recruit on B842, but he had underestimated her charm. After a few jokes and a dizzying shot at her cleavage mentioning how hot it was, the veteran soldier seemed to soften up and nodded.

Anya came back to them with a triumphant stride and announced quite proudly:

"It’s all right, we can come in. But the felines have to stay outside, there’s a park behind for animal Evolvers. One of the soldiers will take them there and give them something to eat and drink.

The Lion and the Tiger accepted the deal without a fuss. They didn’t need bloodline transfert to evolve, and they didn’t understand much of the scientific jargon. In comparison, the guarantee of a good meal was much more appealing.

The rest of the group, consisting only of humans, then walked to the automatic glass doors at the entrance to the building. With a hand signal from the veteran, a group of guards meticulously searched them again before allowing them through.

Once inside the research center, they were greeted by a bright, high-tech lobby, decorated to give a very clean, uncluttered feeling. At the reception desk, a pretty young woman with light brown hair wearing a black suit, but whose orange irises had three pupils aligned horizontally instead of one, was waiting for them.

Her lips were covered with black lipstick, and her fingers were varnished in the same color. She seemed busy reading something, but she raised her eyes towards them when she heard the automatic doors open.

Her neutral gaze on them gave them the impression that all their secrets had been laid bare. Anya greeted the young woman as if nothing had happened. Jake could see out of the corner of his eye that the receptionist was reading an action manga before being interrupted by their arrival, which stood in stark contrast to her impeccable appearance and cold gaze.

"Hey, Elizabeth, how are you?" Anya said with gusto.


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