The Omnistore System

Chapter 85 A Gold Digger?

Stepping off the armored bus, Keith let out a big yawn and stretched. "Let's find somewhere to crash," she suggested.

Following suit, Kevin chimed in, "I've already snagged us a spot. Hope you don't mind, it's got just one bed."

Keith shrugged, "No worries, we won't even be using it for sleeping. Let's start by stashing our extra stuff there and then scoping out some info."

They both checked into the inn. Kevin had booked them a room with a single bed, likely hoping for some snu snu time, but it seemed that wouldn't be happening. Still, Kevin figured he might have other chances with this tomboy.

Afterward, they headed to the Cultivation Association to gather info, especially maps. While Keith tackled that mission solo, Kevin took a detour to grab some grub.

"grandma, can I get two macaroni burgers and a side of fries to go?" Kevin asked the stall owner, a lady who looked to be in her forties or fifties. However, she wasn't thrilled when Kevin mistakenly called her "grandma."

"Who you callin' grandma, kiddo?" she shot back.

Not wanting to make things worse, Kevin flashed a smile and said, "My bad, ma'am. I didn't get a good look at your face. You actually look younger than my mom."

That seemed to do the trick, and she cracked a smile. "Mistakes happen. But don't call me grandma again, alright? I could pass for your younger sister, maybe. Just kidding! What can I get you?"

Kevin placed his order for two macaroni burgers and two large fries. With a sly grin, she playfully told him to enjoy the view while she whipped up his order. 

Kevin, not one to miss a chance to compliment, replied, "With pleasure," and checked out her well-maintained physique. Despite her age, she was still tall and slim, her butt and bust were holding up well, and her overall proportions were pretty darn appealing. And all the of the things her butt was the one that make his penis hard, the large bottom matching the proportion of her minimum size bosom, made her body in perfect LHS=RHS.

"You've got quite the body, ma'am," Kevin complimented.

"Thanks, I try to stay healthy," she replied as she put the finishing touches on his burger.

"It's more than just healthy," Kevin cheekily remarked, pointing out the noticeable bulge in his pants. "My little buddy here seems pretty excited about your body."

"Hey now, you're quite the talker," she blushed, handing him the bag with his food.

Kevin took the bag, started to pay, and chuckled as he teased her some more. "Blame it on your tempting body, grandma."

This time, her blushing face transformed into an annoyed one, and she scolded him, "You cheeky brat! Who are you calling grandma?"

Ignoring her, Kevin continued on his way, throwing one last playful jab over his shoulder. "Thanks for the food, grandma!"

As he walked away, her annoyance flared, and she huffed, "Don't let me catch you, you rascal!"

Kevin chuckled and made his way to the Cultivation Association. Soon, he met up with Keith, a grin on his face, and handed her a burger.

Keith noticed his smile and quizzed him, "What's got you grinning like a Cheshire cat?"

Kevin, taking a bite of his burger, replied nonchalantly, "Oh, nothing, just enjoying the day."

Keith didn't probe further and nodded. "By the way, I snagged us some missions so we don't just waste our time training."

"Smart move. What kind of missions?" Kevin munched on his fries as he asked.

"Some monster hunting and intel gathering," Keith answered, transferring her fries into her belt. She added, "We should head out at night; it's prime time for travel. Most of the forest's outer areas will be deserted at night, since the monster's head back to the center. That's when the big, tough ones come out to play."

Kevin voiced his concern. "What if we run into these stronger monsters? Got a plan for that?"

Keith reassured him, "Don't sweat it; I'll handle 'em."

"Alright, if you say so," Kevin agreed, putting his trust in his new partner.


While Kevin and Keith were gearing up for their training, Kevin's sister, Riya, was out on the town with her friend. They found a spot in a park where Riya's friend, a cheerful blonde named Natalie, was delighting in some ice cream.

"I really wanted to try this Kirora ice cream, but it's so expensive. Thanks for treating me," Natalie said, smiling at Riya. However, she looked a bit concerned and continued, "But isn't this too much?"

"Don't worry about it, babe. My brother is a cultivator, didn't I mention? He's got money now, just a drop in the bucket," Riya replied, savoring her own ice cream.

Natalie nodded and asked again, "So, where did he get the cultivation technique from?"

"I didn't ask, and who cares? It's good, and it works," Riya replied, taking another bite of her ice cream.

Natalie was curious and pressed further, "What about you? Did he say you can practice it too?"

"He said he will, after he returns from his training," Riya answered and continued, "I'll ask if you can practice it too. I'm sure he'll agree."

"Really, you'd do that?" Natalie exclaimed with excitement at the idea.

Riya chuckled, seeing her friend's enthusiasm, and nodded. "Of course! But first, I need to introduce him to somebody. It'll make things easier."

Natalie suggested, "How about my sister? She's about his age and, unlike me, she's into guys."

Riya agreed enthusiastically. "That sounds perfect! Let's do it after he returns from his training."

As Riya and Natalie chatted about introducing Natalie's sister to Kevin, they watched the city's nightlife come to life around them. The park was lit with soft, colorful lights, and the sounds of people enjoying the evening filled the air.

While Riya had thoughts of her girlfriend Natalie's joyful expression, Natalie was preoccupied with something quite different. She pondered, 'Why should I introduce him to some other girl? I'd have pursued him myself if he weren't her brother.' She glanced at Riya's cheerful face. 'How could she even think I'd be interested in a muscle gorilla like her? If it weren't for that annoying Ben, I'd never have even admitted to liking girls, especially not a muscle head like her.' 

'hope her brother is dumb like her.'


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