The Omnistore System

Chapter 67 Blowjob And The Qi Potions

As Kevin enthusiastically dug into the delectable steak, savoring its tender juiciness, Samira observed with a sip of her red wine. Breaking the silence, she asked, "So, did you bring the potions?"

Taking a sip of his wine to wash down the mouthful, Kevin nodded, reaching into his pocket to retrieve the ring she had given him earlier. "Yep, got them right here."

With a curious glint in her eyes, Samira inquired, "And what do you want in return for them?"

Kevin's brows rose slightly, a hint of suspicion creeping in. Was she about to change the deal? He maintained his politeness as he replied, "We did chat about this earlier, right? I thought that's why we're having dinner."

Samira's expression remained composed as she continued, "Yes, we did. However, I have a condition I'd like to discuss before we finalize anything."

Leaning back in his chair, Kevin set down his cutlery, his eyes fixed on her. "yeah, you said that on the phone too."

Samira took a thoughtful sip of her wine before elaborating. "I propose that we wait before engaging in any activities. You can proceed after returning from the Chernobog's Den. During this time, I'll use the potions to enhance my cultivation realm. This way, you'll also benefit more from the exchange."

Considering her proposal, Kevin tapped his fingers on the table. "So, you're asking me to wait. But why? I get that it's a good deal for me, but what's in it for you? Can't be just pure altruism, right?"

A soft chuckle escaped her lips at his skepticism. "You've got a point. To be honest, I'm still a virgin," she admitted.

Kevin's surprise played on his face, though he tried to keep it subtle. He mused internally, 'She seems pretty sophisticated for that... But well, her call.' He then verbalized his thoughts, "Okay, cool. But how does that connect to delaying things for a month?"

Samira leaned in a bit, her eyes earnest. "Well, it's connected because my 'virgin energy,' so to speak, boosts my cultivation. Keeping it intact has its benefits. And with these potions, I can enhance my progress significantly. If it weren't for the urgency of the situation, I wouldn't even be considering using it this way."

Kevin contemplated the notion, his mind ticking away. 'Could be legit, but you never know...' He considered whether she might change her tune while he was away. 'Maybe I should ask her to make a promise? Nah, that might be overkill.' With a subtle smile, he saw Samira sipping her wine calmly and responded, "I get where you're coming from, but honestly, I'm not entirely comfortable with this idea. Trust is a tricky thing. I'm not inclined to make you swear an oath or anything; that'd be excessive. Here's a thought: I can give you the potions. To help me trust in your intentions, how about you give me a blowjob?" 

As the words escaped Kevin's lips, a flush spread across Samira's face. "Mr. Morrison, can't you see we're in public?" she chided, casting a discreet glance around the restaurant.

Kevin assessed the surroundings, realizing they were amidst other diners. "Don't worry, no one's eavesdropping. So, what do you think of the proposition?" he inquired.

Samira's blush deepened as the word "blowjob" echoed in her mind. 'Is he really suggesting that? Suck... that... thing? How crude.' She shot a mildly annoyed and embarrassed look at Kevin, her face flushed.

Kevin, caught off guard by her reaction, raised an eyebrow in surprise. The composed facade Samira had presented was now unraveling at a single word. "Miss Samira, are you okay? I merely asked if you'd consider a blowjob," he said in a matter-of-fact tone, inadvertently speaking a tad too loudly.

"Shh, lower your voice!" Samira hissed, her embarrassment evident.

Kevin composed himself and leaned in slightly. "Would you then? Give me a blowjob?" he queried with a mischievous smirk.

Samira stammered, her frustration palpable. "I... I don't know how to...," she admitted, her discomfort evident.

"Don't worry, I can teach you," Kevin assured, amusement dancing in his eyes.

He hadn't anticipated Samira's composed demeanor crumbling so drastically. 'This confident woman turns into a shy innocent at a single suggestion,' Kevin mused, amused by the turn of events. He inwardly reveled in the prospect of teasing her further.

'Samira, calm down... You can just decline his request... A blowjob is vulgar... You can't possibly agree to that... How could you do something so... inappropriate?' Samira's internal thoughts raced as she grappled with Kevin's unexpected request. She had never fathomed he would ask for something so explicit; she had been prepared for an oath or a simple refusal. She was even willing to take an oath, given her belief that Kevin wouldn't return alive from the perilous Chernbog's den. This was the very reason she had proposed this deal in the first place.

She suppressed her emotions, her face a mix of anger and embarrassment, though upon reconsideration, she recognized the dire need for the qi potion. Remaining trapped in this backward town for an indeterminate number of years was less appealing than the prospect of yielding her virginity. 'It's just a blowjob, after all. I can endure it... Even if it's somewhat vulgar and involves disgusting thing... If it means escaping this place, I'll manage.'

'But I've never engaged in something like this before... He did make me promise that I wouldn't engage in anything indecent without him... But it's not like he's here... Besides, it wasn't an oath, so I'm not technically bound... I can do this... I'll just keep it a secret from him...' Samira reassured herself, picturing a young man in her thoughts, with hair the same shade as hers. 

'What if he discovers it?... So what if he doesn't return? I've waited for him all this time. If I engage in a relationship with another man behind his back, it's not a big deal... He might even be involved with other women. Yeah, that's likely. If he can, why can't I? I deserve...'

The seemingly simple arrangement involving a blowjob and the qi potions had ignited a war within Samira's mind and heart. It unearthed memories long buried beneath the surface.

"Have you reached a decision yet, Miss Samira?" Kevin's voice suddenly broke through her reverie, snapping her back to reality.

'Whether he finds out or not, it doesn't matter. I'm getting out of this place.' With a deep breath, she cleared her mind and finally said, "I'll do it."


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