The Necromancer is amassing troops like crazy in the apocalypse

Chapter 4 - 4, The door is not closed_1

Chapter 4: Chapter 4, The door is not closed_1

Stepping out of the shop, a heavy bag of money has been added to his backpack.

If the apocalypse hadn't come.

Wu Heng could have just gone to the gold shop to exchange gold and silver, and spent it directly in this world.

Even if he didn't have enough to match the wealth of a country, he would have no trouble buying a few maids from other worlds.

He had heard about the profession of Druid in the tavern.

This allowed transformation into various forms to meet the freshness needs of a partner.

But alas, it's too late to talk about it now.

He didn't sell gold jewelry in the shop.

It's not that the shop didn't buy it, but that they fear it would cause trouble.

Having enough money to use is fine. Pulling out a bag of gold jewelry would only attract some special attention.

Without power, you are just a fat sheep in the eyes of others.

What he needed to do now was still upgrading and gathering military strength.

He walked towards the blacksmith shop area.

Black Stone Town did not restrict weapons, but swords should not be drawn in the city, and crossbows should not be exposed.

"Coming over, what are you buying today?" said the weapon shop owner in greeting.

"Do you have a smaller shield?"

"Over here."

The boss took down a small silver round shield and put it on the counter.

Wu Heng held it in his hand, the heavy feeling was not light. If used for a long time or in high-intensity combat, it would be a burden to him.

"Do you have anything lighter?"

The boss glanced at him, and took out another shield from below, "This is for children's training, the surface is iron, and the inside is treated hardwood."

The outside was silver iron skin, and the inside was dark wooden boards.

He weighed it in his hand.

This was not bad, and the zombies attacked methods were mainly scratching, pulling, and biting, this was pretty much enough to handle such.

Wait until his attributes are higher, then try a heavier shield.

"I'll take this one!"

"75 coppers."

This price was not cheap, a layer of iron sheet wrapping a piece of wood is actually so expensive.

However, in this weapon store, it was actually the cheapest.

He counted out 75 coppers, picked up the shield and walked out of the shop.

He bought a set of leather armor at the armor shop along the way, all of them were hard leather protectors, simple workmanship, with a sour smell of leather.

He did not choose to buy armor for the Skeleton Warriors.

Firstly, the number of Skeletons would continue to increase, and if all were to wear such equipment, he could not afford it with the current situation.

The second point was to try to keep a low profile.

People here are not friendly towards Necromancers. It was not a bad thing to avoid attracting any attention.

As long as he was alive and had a bronze key, then the source of troops and levels were not a problem.

After buying the armor, he glanced at the wooden human-shaped rack in the corner as he left.

It is used to display armor.

The one in front appears to be a bit worn out, obviously discarded.

"Boss, is this wooden rack discarded?" Wu Heng asked.

The boss looked up and said, "It's replaced, if you need it, 2 coppers."

He originally wanted to help the boss throw it away, then take it away.

But the boss obviously saw his intentions and quoted the price directly.

Wu Heng didn't say much. He pulled out 2 copper coins, picked up the human-shaped wooden rack and left.

This kind of thing was not valuable. The characteristic was that it was human-sized, which could distinguish the positions of the head and body.

After having a meal outside, Wu Heng returned to his residence.

He didn't go back to the modern world, but stayed in this world.

The apocalyptic environment was no longer suitable for living.

At least he didn't have to breathe the foul air here.

Standing in the not-so-spacious living room.

Picking up the short spear and shield, he began to practice stabbing movements against the human-shaped wooden target.

He aimed at the skull and repeated it over and over again.

Although he had not received orthodox training, it would definitely not be a bad thing to familiarize himself with these movements.


The next day, he quickly finished breakfast.

Putting on armor, he opened the boundary door and came to the Zombie World.

The air was still filled with the rotten smell, and the howls of zombies were heard outside the window from time to time.

He tucked the bronze key away carefully, and then came to the living room directly.

Seventeen Skeleton Warriors stood upright in the living room, holding kitchen knives and daggers in their hands.

With everything ready, Wu Heng gave the order directly, "Follow me out."

The zombies in the corridor have been cleaned up, but the smell remained strong.

Wu Heng led the skeletons, first went down the stairs to check the staircase door again, confirmed that it was still tightly closed, then went upstairs.

Upon reaching the top floor, the sixth, they were faced with the iron door leading to the rooftop platform.

His idea was simple.

To go from the rooftop platform to the adjacent unit corridor to continue cleaning up the zombies, and keep accumulating the number of Skeleton Warriors.

Rushing out and confronting the wandering zombies outside head-on was obviously unrealistic and unreasonable.

Choosing the roof was the safest method.

He used the bronze key to open the iron door and led the skeletons onto the rooftop terrace.

The rooftop ground was piled with many sundries. The most conspicuous one was a cage made of iron mesh.

In the rusty cage, he could see the body of a dead pigeon.

The previous community was coordinating the matter of building pigeon cages privately. It seems that it didn't have much effect. There were still iron nets, rebars, and cement prepared on the side, they seemed to be planning to continue expanding.


Suddenly, the howl of the zombies came from behind the pigeon cage.

Three zombies, each from both sides encircled the iron cage, their teeth gnashing as they rushed towards them.

There were zombies on the roof?

It didn't matter, the Skeleton Warriors were about to level up.

Watching the zombies rushing over, he ordered directly, "Attack."


The seventeen Skeleton Warriors, gripping their kitchen knives, directly ran up to meet them, knocking the three zombies down immediately.

Kitchen knives fell like raindrops.

The thumping noise of chopping flesh echoed across the rooftop.

Surrounded by several skeleton warriors, the three zombies had no chance to fight back. They were like live fish on a cutting board, trying to struggle back onto their feet only to be chopped down again.

Wu Heng stood back, not intending to get involved.

He was just waiting for the battle to end so he could summon more skeletons.

Suddenly, there was the sound of dragging across the floor behind him.

Turning to look, he saw another zombie with a limp foot, dragging its leg while approaching him.

Upon noticing Wu Heng turning back to watch, the zombie roared and advanced towards him more quickly despite its limp.


There was yet another zombie trying to sneak attack him.

He glanced at the skeletons nearby.

Assured that he could beckon the skeletons if needed, he decided to face the incoming zombie head-on.

Gripping tightly onto his iron spear, he advanced step by step, calculating the distance between them.

When they were about two meters apart, he lunged forward with his spear thrusting upward.


His spearhead pierced through the zombie's collarbone, emerging from its back.


He aimed at the mouth, but the zombie's wobbling caused his spear to deviate off course.

Although he still hit his target, the hit was not fatal.

The zombie's charge pushed Wu Heng back several steps.

The decaying corpse slid down the spear shaft. It extended its desiccated, grey arm, reaching towards Wu Heng's face.

He blocked with his round shield and withdrew his spear, swiftly kicking the zombie's leg in passing.


The sound of breaking bones followed as the zombie's other leg snapped.

The zombie lost its balance and tumbled to the side.

Heng executed a smooth series of movements with evident results.

With the zombie down and unbalanced, Heng pinned it down with his foot and repeatedly stabbed with his iron spear.

Every strike aimed at the back of the zombie's head. But due to the zombie's violent struggle, hitting it was much harder than stationary targets.

The zombie managed to stand up amidst the struggle while Wu Heng stepped back, ensuring his own safety while circling the zombie.

By then, the battle next to him had ended.

The three zombies have been transformed into minced meat under the brutal beating of the skeleton warriors.

Without needing to give orders

The skeleton soldiers hurried to surround the zombie chasing Wu Heng. The chopping of knives was relentless.

Its constant attack did not allow the zombie to lift its head.

Wu Heng stood aside, flicking his iron spear lightly.

Zombies are powerful, fearless, not just elders, but even the majority of young people these days lack physical training.

Facing a zombie directly proves to be quite challenging.

[Experience gained +10.]

[Summoned creature - Skeleton Warrior experience +5.]

The experience prompt appeared as the last zombie was killed.

Using the zombie's clothes, he wiped the blood off the iron spear and consecutively released 'Bone Manipulation Skill'.

Four skeletons rose one after another, joining the ranks of the skeleton warriors.

With those, he now had 21 skeletons.

He found four iron bars on the spot and handed them to the four new skeletons.

Reflecting upon the recent events, Wu Heng led the skeleton soldiers to inspect the rooftop platform again. Only after confirming that there were no zombies in any corner

did he proceed to the iron door leading to the staircase to the second floor.

The area before the door was piled with bricks and assorted items, probably stacked by the previously killed zombies.

But he wondered how those who had already escaped to the rooftop ended up turning into zombies.

Distributing orders to the skeleton warriors, he cleared all the items blocking the door.

Opening the iron door, he was met with the same strong rotting smell.

There were traces of blood on the floor, but no zombies in sight. They must be downstairs.

Wu Heng spoke softly, "Let's go, down."


The skeleton warriors entered the hallway, Wu Heng following closely behind.

The one and only Level 2 skeleton was left beside him for his own protection.

The objectives were clear. First check if the front door on the first floor was shut tight, then search each room for supplies.

Thump, thump, thump!!

The skeletons were stepping in the hallway, creating a cluster of footstep sounds.

The sound was not loud, but it was unmistakably clear in the silent hallway.


Roar, roar, roar~!

Angry roars of zombies sounded from downstairs, followed by the rush of running.

The steps got closer and closer. Six zombies showed up from around the corner.

Upon seeing the descending horde of skeletons, they simultaneously let out fierce and excited roars.

"Kill them..." Wu Heng ordered.


Several kitchen knives were raised, rushing headlong towards the zombies beneath.

The dozens of skeletons in front packed a powerful charge, forcing the lunging zombies back and tumbling them down the staircase.

Endless strokes of kitchen knives fell after that.

Thump, thump, thump~!

However, before these zombies could be killed, several more had charged up. There were about a dozen, going back and forth, pushing and shoving.

Beneath, yet more footsteps could be heard.

Wu Heng's heart tightened.

It's over.

The stairwell door wasn't shut.


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