The Mysterious Black Magician

Chapter 9 - The Innerworld

After Almina's speech, the next who climbed the stage was an aged man. The man had a slight beard on his face and medium length hair that was revealing the length of time he spent on this world based on its faded color that was no tinge of black. He stood at estimated 5'8 feet tall; with a lean body and exude gentleman demeanor. He was wearing a dress suit colored by black and white, and the emblem of Middle Region Magic Academy was distinct on the left chest area of the dress he was wearing.

When the man stood straight at the center of the stage, every trainee went silent, with only their indistinct gulping sounds were slightly discernible. Every trainee staring intimately with a closed mouth; while awe-inspired at the man on the stage.

He slowly lifted his arm holding a microphone toward his mouth. When the mic stopped at 3 inches away from his mouth, the man opened his mouth. His voice wasn't high or low. First, he introduces himself, then, he greeted everyone, which is followed by a motivational speech. He ended his speech with the hope of success for all of the freshmen trainees. The aged man was Mr. Mar Mari, the current principal of Middle Region Magic Academy..

The five guides had entered the auditorium after the principal left the stage. All the trainees were instructed to follow the guides.

The first batch of trainees followed their guide with their system deity in tow and went into the door located at the right corner of the stage. The second batch also did what the first batch did.

Yman's batch was second to the last. When all of the trainees left the auditorium. What greeted them outside was a wide-open space.

Almost 250 square meters in width, and on the ground, a large-scale magic array was discernible.

Everyone had different emotions surfaced on their faces. But most of them were surprised by the large-scale array.

All trainees were instructed to step on the array. Ten magicians covered with clothing embroidered by gold were standing around the array. They were lifting their glowing arms up above their heads while casting a magic spell.

When the trainees stepped on the magic array, their silhouette instantly vanished like a sparkle of lights.

He saw the pretty girl Almina with the lavender haired girl stepping on it too. And their silhouette instantly vanished like others. But for some odd reason, before Almina's silhouette vanished, he felt like she took a glance at him. Yman thought that maybe this was just his imagination.

He shook his head to get rid of the thought. Then he also stepped on it with a mixture of feelings. But the most he felt at the moment was an exciting feeling.

He closed his eyes after stepping on the magic array. But when he opened it again, what greeted him was a new world. A different world. A foreign world.

Yana and Ms. Pai would be coming later after the adviser's briefing. And of course, Sistela was with Yana at the moment. She was her bodyguard. It was her master who ordered her to stay beside his sister so that he would know what she's doing at the moment of his absence.

Yana and Sistela were cheerfully conversing while waiting for Ms. Pai to get out of the briefing room. For some unknown reason, she was more fond of conversing with her master's sister than her master.

She could also feel the adoration of her master towards his sister.

The trainees were greeted by an unknown sight. Birds of unknown species were flying in the skies. Even the trees, flowers, and animals that could be seen around were unknown to them.

All of the trainees were in awe while craning their necks in every direction that their eyes caught any of the outs of ordinary things.

Although they don't know many things in this world, they knew that this world was not the world they used to live in, this world was a different world, that this world located within the planet earth, and this world was known as the Innerworld; whereas, the world they live in was called the Outerworld.

Yeah, they were now in the second world of earth. About 50 years after the widespread destruction that humanity was able to discover this world. By no means to travel across this world, they made comprehensive research to find a way to travel across these two worlds.

Many infamous, talented, and ingenious experts in the world of research, science, technology, and magic were gathered to find a way of crossing into another world of earth.

After many years of comprehensive research, they finally succeeded in crossing this world by using a teleportation array. At their first crossover, the veil of war was unveiled. The two worlds went into immense battle. It's only natural that the residents of that world tried to defend their homelands from the potential conqueror of their lands because humans were aliens for them. So, it was only natural that a war would spark.

After so many years of fighting, the courage of soldiers, and the blood and sweat from the fallen warriors of these two worlds managed to kindle an intimate relationship between the two worlds.

To no avail. The two worlds both suffered a huge loss. And so they decided for a peace talk. All bigshots politicians from the Outerworld went to travel into the Innerworld to have a proper discussion with the leaders of this Innerworld.

They have found out that this world was dominated by four great kingdoms and an Empire.

These four Kingdoms were the Fishman Kingdom at the southeast, the Musang Kingdom at the northeast, the Gigant Kingdom at the northwest and the Winged-man Kingdom at the southwest.

And in the middle of the map located the largest empire, The Empire of Engkantasya.

They also found out that this world was unrest from monsters' attacks. Even the kingdoms and empire in these worlds were not in an intimate relationship with each other.

One of the conditions that the Outerworld officials promised to the rulers of this world was that they would help in the subjugation of the monsters in this world in exchange for letting the people from the Outerworld to stay and live in this world in peace.

And so many topics that they have touched, with agreements and disagreements from both sides. But all in all, they had managed to settle.

And now, after many years of exchange from the two worlds, another batch of trainees had been sent to the Innerworld.


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