The Mysterious Black Magician

Chapter 14 - Below Average Guy


All the trainees around were speechless at his question. Even the instructors have a loss for words.

What was this young man trying to tell them? That he could defeat several monsters at the same time? Was it a joke? Could he do that?

No, it was impossible! No one among the trainees could do it! Even fighting one of these monsters exhausts their mana. What's more, fighting several of them at the same time.

"Too arrogant!" One of the trainees muttered out of a sudden. .

"Crazy suicidal bastard!" Another trainee followed up.

Puffffftt!!! No one knows who the first who let out such a peal of hold laughter among the crowd of people listening around.

But after that...


The laughter had spread like some kind of epidemic. Until almost all of them had laughed. Everyone went batshit laughing at him.

The loud laughing noises even reach to the back of most carriages. Yana took a glance at the front. She was wondering why the trainees were laughing so hard that it even reached the back.

She thought that maybe something funny had happened. Hearing this, she felt relieved. She actually felt nervous thinking that his brother was going to fight a monster.

Since the trainees were laughing so hard and like they were enjoying themselves, she let out a sigh of relief. Looks like her brother was right after all. That no need to get worried.

Well, for Yana, her brother was the most trusted person. And what he did was always for her good.

Some of the advisers gazed at the front as well. But they couldn't figure out what was happening there. They were just waiting for the carriages to proceed with traveling.

The laughter is still growing louder.

Some say, "delusional! Ahaha!" especially those trainees who give up after experiencing how hard to handle these monsters. Only a few manage to succeed in killing the monsters. And more of the trainees decided to give up.

Yet this dude had actually asked if he could attack several of them at the same time?! Did he know what his words mean?

Many of them thought that this person made a joke out of himself. Or maybe he was seeking death.

"Hey, look it's him again!" Some of the students who recognize Yman pointed at him. Because of this, all those trainees that already knew him at the auditorium lashes ridiculing words again.

Regardless, Bob, Chloe, Mai and Brai also noticed Yman being laughed at by the other trainees. But they could only shake their heads and sigh for Yman's situation. Though they knew each of their names, they were not that close enough to understand what the other person was thinking.

And also, what Yman had asked the instructor was certainly out of the norm. Anyone could say that he was too arrogant or maybe crazy in the head.

So even them were puzzled as to why Yman asking that.

But Chloe didn't think any of it. She was just curious why Yman was asking that question. Even though he was still a trainee like them. She thought maybe Yman was really strong?

Some of the instructors have shaken their head while chuckling lightly. Instructor Goki was eyeing Yman from head to feet. He was trying to analyze this young man who had the guts to ask such a precarious question to him.

Instructor Goki thought, 'If this young man had such a large amount of mana. Maybe he can do it. But most of the trainees around have little mana. Only that girl named Almina Amulet and a few more had a slightly higher amount of mana than a normal student. The rest were average.'

Yet, the instructor Goki could not even feel any fluctuations of mana from this young man. It was even right to assume that he had no mana with him?! He was surprised after realizing it. So how come this young man asking him such a question without a slight fear?!

The instructor Goki knitted his brows and could not answer this young man's question. No, it's better to decline this young man. But before the instructor, Goki could open his mouth...

"I-I think...i-its fine to let him try..." a sudden voice came ahead before the instructor Goki. And quelled the laughter of all trainees who laughed at Yman.

The voice was not loud; not low either. But it brought a strong feeling even if the one who said it had stammered her words. Everyone's attention had been caught by it. Weird, but this voice was known by all of them, especially to the trainees.

They glanced at the root of this voice just to see that pretty girl, Almina Amulet, she was gripping her hands into a ball, straight pointing below at both sides of her, while showing slight redness on her face and steam coming out from her head. Beside her was her best friend Kesha, with lavender hair that was tied in a ponytail.

Kesha however, showed a puzzled look on her face. Wondering why her best friend suddenly fuming with anger. Almina's face showed an irritated expression.

Kesha also wondered why her best friend recommended letting that arrogant trainee. For some reason, that person looked familiar to her.

Not long she remembered that that person was the same person who sat down beside her in the auditorium this morning.

Goki stared at Almina, then thought that she was right. After all, even if this young man found himself in predicament, they could rescue him before the monster could kill him. These types of monsters could not really 1 hit any of the trainees around.

And he also thought that there were still more than 40 students that were waiting to substitute the others. While there were 35 monsters left. And 34 of them are already fighting the trainees who took their aggro.

The one that was left, was being held in a stalemate by one of the guards. The guard was waiting for the next trainee to fight this monster before he left it with him or her.

Wait, did he actually think that this young man could kill several monsters?

Of course, Goki knows it was impossible to do it. But he could not think of any reason why this person suddenly asked him that.

They're also a possibility that this young man was just a boastful person.

Yman doesn't know if that beauty was helping him or just wanted to see him embarrassed himself. In the first place, almost all of the trainees in the area were throwing ridicules at him. Who knows what might this girl named Almina have in mind. Regardless, she looks angry for some reason.

But, certainly, he felt some kind of Deja Vu seeing this girl. It looks like he already saw her before.

Nonetheless, it was good that she was able to convince the instructor. He saw the instructor Goki nodded at him.

Anyway, Almina managed to help him with convincing the instructor.

"Let's go Sistela," he called out to his partner who was floating beside him.

<Hah, o—kay> She lazily answered at him.

She was grumbling as to why her partner was being ridiculed. But it seemed nothing to him. Although her partner was weak and poor, he adored his sister very much. Which was likable for Sistela.

But this person clearly lets himself be mocked by others.

Regardless, they had to synchronize their thoughts and...

"Resonance!" They chanted the word at the same time.

After that, the imprint on Sistela's round ball body suddenly glows, and then, Sistela deliberately changes her form into something like a wristwatch, then spreads apart, next, she is stuck on Yman's back neck.

Right after he opened his eyes, the list of magic skills suddenly appeared in his vision. His body was enveloped by the white glow made of energy.

He could see the Mini Heal and Rapid Leap skill at the corner of his vision. It was to remind him that this was his current skills. And he could also determine when his skills were in cooldown or not.

But veteran magicians had no need to display their skills on their vision. They could exactly guess when their skills were on cooldown or not through experience. There was a setting to toggle it on or off.

Yman took a peek on his status and showed a grim expression after he saw that there was only a small attack on it.

He even forgot to buy a decent weapon. Right now, inside his Cyber Storage was a wooden sword, 1 vial of red liquid(also known as healing potion), and several pieces of arrows which was useless to the current monsters, it was useless because he doesn't have a bow. Just an arrow that was for sale. The last thing inside his storage was a rope of 150 meters length.

All the trainees looked at him with disgust and scorn on their faces. He could surmise that each of them was waiting for how he embarrassed himself to the crowd.

No, the truth was, he already knew why they looked at him like that. Because the glowing energy surrounding him was of white color. It also means that he doesn't have mana.

The most magician with mana was enveloped by green glow at level 1-10. Which then evolve into blue at level 11-20, purple at level 21-30, red at level 31-40 and gold at level 41-50 as the magician's level and the rank were to raise. As they level, their mana increases as well. But of course, every level gives a random number of attributes. It depends on their activities before they level up.

'Fuh,' he let a sigh depart from his mouth. For Yman, he was already thick-skinned or thick-faced enough to get embarrassed. As long as their mock and taunt would remain as that it was fine for him. Just no physical contact with him, especially to the person close or special to him... because if they did so, he just prayed that they wouldn't give him a chance to fight back.

What he wanted to do was not really that big of a deal. And he thought he already achieved the consequence of his question. He then sent a glance at the back of most carriages.

Killing the monsters? He never thought of it. He was mana less for god's sake. And no attacking skill. Just a normal attack using his swing with low attack stats was certainly useless to these enemies that were known as earth type monsters; actually, earth type monsters have higher defense than other monsters.

That was why Yman suspected that Almina had used some kind of passive skill or buff skill that allowed her to one-hit these types of monsters. Aside from her strong ability and a good sword.

'What a joke!' He exclaimed inside. He thought it was an unfair world. Almina was almost perfect. 'No, she literally is perfect!' He thought.

Yman noticed that she was staring at him. He could not read her, but Yman believed that it was not hate. Maybe a friendly expression? He could not tell.

He sent a slight nod at her as thanks, then directed his gaze towards the battlefield.

About 35 monsters were currently left.

After Yman turned his head towards the battlefield, Almina clenches her hands in front of her chest while smiling warmly with slight redness.

Inside her, she felt happy that he appreciated what she did.

Kesha, on the other hand, was dotted with her eyes. She could not understand why her best friend suddenly sent a smile towards that arrogant person.

He's not even that handsome. For Kesha, Yman was gloomy, with a thin body that looks sickly. He even stood while his back curved slightly. And he has messy hair with no fashion at all. Though he's not ugly, he's not that handsome as well. He's just a below-average guy.

Not the type of person that someone like them with beauty, brain, riches, and strength willing to socialize.

And he also stood slightly lower than them. Both her and Almina were 5"7 ft tall. While that person, if Kesha was not wrong, he was at 5"6 ft tall at most.

If only he was strong there might be a chance for them to become a little friendly at him. But after seeing his glowing energy that envelopes his body. He was not just weak but also a mana-less person, better to describe as a normal person.

Good for him having a talent of channeling his stamina as the magic source. Though he could be said as a talented person for learning it.

But still,

He certainly was just below average.


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