The Most Satisfied Reincarnate

Chapter 329 - Heading To The Beast Territory

"What do you think you will do with them?"

"Of course f**k them!" Those soldiers answered with a grin on their face, but then they realized no one of their friends spoke those words.


Before they have a chance to see the opponent, a chilling sensation spreads came from their chest. They glanced down and found an ice spike penetrate through their chest, emitting an icy aura that slowly froze their body.

Those soldiers fell simultaneously, making Laura and Annie widen their eyes. They saw a person's shadow enveloped by a light suddenly appear behind those soldiers and kill them.

"Young master," Unlike Annie, Laura immediately recognized the spell the person used. She ran to that person but only to find a hand stopping her face.

"What is the situation?" Desmond asked and stepped out from the light; the two maids were surprised to see a young lady leaning behind his back. However, they found her or instead seemed to have a guess about her identity..

"The manor and all of the guards were killed in the spot. Felix and the rest of the survivor then tried to escape to the Beasts territory. As for us, we tried to find the young master, but we did not realize those soldiers were following." 

Annie replied in short and detailed information; she did not panic if they were caught as her confidence fully placed on her young master. While Laura was just staring at the young lady on Desmond's back as she just nodded in Annie's report.

"Beasts territory, have you tried to communicate with my parents?" At the same time, Desmond activated back his custom spell, enveloping Laura and Annie with the light, which made them look invisible.

"Yes, Lady and Lord said they will find their way to escape. They also sent Shelty as a messenger to us when they could not contact young master and young lady." Along with the conversation, Desmond and the rest were running at full speed, heading to the southwest, where the tunnel with a gate connected to the outer beast territory was located.

"Hmm, this is troublesome. We will abandon Shelty and stay in the outer beast territory for a while. I have my way to contact her,"

Laura and Annie did not shock by his decision. They knew when they were placed in Shelty's position, their young master would not hesitate to make the same decision. However, when they heard the last part of his words, somehow, it made them feel the warmth from their master.


With Desmond's speed, it was not a problem for him to arrive at the southwest gate in several minutes, but considering Annie and Laura that still injured, he slowed down his speed, and they finally arrived in 30 minutes.

The southwest gate still bustling with those villagers that wanted to enter and got inspected by those soldiers. Although the problem was in the academy, and he killed those soldiers in the valley, strangely, the City Lord did not announce anything, which made them skeptical.

"Did they still not recover from Weston's died?" Desmond did not understand. At first, he thought it was a trap for him as they did not place any spell on the portal.

However, when he looked at the leisure face on those soldiers, it seemed they only dispatched their secret soldiers to capture and kill his subordinates; he was sure now they were completely off guard by Weston died.

Laura and Annie anxiously watched those soldiers and glanced at their bodies. From their view, they were no different without anything special attached to their bodies, but that doubt already vanished when they arrived at this gate without being noticed.

However, upon seeing many soldiers and people crowded the way, they couldn't help but take a gulp.

"Let's go," suddenly Desmond moved to the crowd, followed by his maids. What surprised them was that the crowd did not notice their presence at all, even though some part of their body nudged to each other.

With the limited air and stinky smell from those commoners' sweat, in a few minutes, they finally out from the gate with safe.

Vast landscape green meadows greeted their view along with the breezing winds passing through their bodies, making the smell was slowly gone, and their bodies feel refreshed. Only some trees could be spotted, making this land suitable for defense.

Only after taking a closer look at Helmfirth city's environment, Desmond now understand how this city could survive the beast attack. But this also made him frown; unless they walked several kilometers away, there was no spot for them to hide.

He then glanced at the map and found only a few blue dots were remaining, heading to the outer beast territory with a slow speed.

That should be Felix and the others. If we are disguised, the girl's appearance is too dazzling for a mere commoner, he thought while scanning Laura and Annie's beautiful figure.

Really, beauty is attracting trouble everywhere, not only now, even in the future! He sighed upon seeing this.

With no option left, Desmond and the rest were forced to walk by their feet, heading to the nearest forest for them to hide. Their speed was obviously slow. When they had reached ¼ of their destination, the sky had already turned dark.

"This grass is annoying," Desmond muttered; from the morning to the evening, they did not take the main road as the main road was leading to other open area landscape

Walking in the meadows surely took more stamina to get used to. He glanced behind and found Laura and Annie already slowing down as their injured started to drop blood.

"Stop here, we need to treat your injuries first," As soon Desmond spoke, Laura and Annie immediately fell with their knees to the ground. They gasped with their chest rising up and down.

Their torn clothes made their condition worsen as the chilling night wind touched their smooth skin. Laura's face suddenly turned red, and she sneezed.

"Sorry, young master,"

Suddenly, Alice that was pigged back by Desmond began showing any sign of movement. Her beautiful eyes slowly opened, gazing at the night sky that was full of stars with dumbfounded.

"Brother?" Her cute and childish voice in the past has vanished, replaced by an elegant, softly spoken voice and some iciness. She then found her body was leaning against the familiar scent she knew.

"Good night, sister,"



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