The Most Satisfied Reincarnate

Chapter 18 - Investigate(2)


[Scanning Host Body…]

[Scan Complete !]



Name: Desmond

Gender: Male

Age: 3 years

Race: Human

Class: Swordsman

Occupation: None

Unique Energy: 0.00/5.05

Strength: 6.56

Agility : 0.36

Stamina: 1.63

Trait Effect :

Selfishness (Unique)(Self-Growth)

- Increase Strength, Agility, and Stamina +20%

- Increase Amount Unique Energy Gathering +0.003

- Decrease the effect of shared anything -10%


"This is bad; my energy is drained just by using a simple spell like that.

"Looks like you are my only hope." Desmond then looked at the sword hanging from his waist and took it out with his right hand.

Inside the underground, the only lighting was the candles sticking to the walls, making Desmond's vision minimal. The wall was in horrible condition, with many cracks. The floor also looked very mossy and dirty, and some corpses of dead rats could be seen scattered on the floor.

"The most dangerous thing is when we can't see them, but they can see us.

"Those are the important words that I will always remember all my life."

Then he looked at his hand that was holding the sword. "It seems my grip is weakened.

Maybe this state of energy is the reason."

Desmond then used the swordsman skill on his hand. "Swordsman Skill: Body Enhancement."

Previously, Desmond had researched his Swordsman skill; after several trials, he found out that his Swordsman skills did not consume unique energy or stamina. He concluded that this situation might be because users did not borrow power from the outside of their bodies.

The swordsman skill only increased or accelerated the circulation of blood in the body. Still, unlike the spell, there was a drawback when using swordsman skill too much in one day. The drawback effect depended on which skill part was the most overused. For example, if too much body enchantment was used in the legs, the leg will feel a sharp pain after the maximum uses; it would feel like that leg was cut a thousand times and reattached to be cut again.

The higher rank your swordsman class, the less pain and the maximum uses for skill increased.

"For now, I can only use this skill three times a day.

"Better save one more for emergencies."

Desmond slowly advanced because his vision was limited; he also held his sword with both hands.

When he reached the middle of the hallway, he accidentally stepped on one of the floor tiles stained with blood.

He looked at the floors, his heart started racing, and his forehead began to sweat. Desmond quickly took two steps back from his previous position and muttered, "Shit, it must be a trap!"

His eyes quickly scanned the surrounding area, and suddenly, there was a sound of a wall sliding coming from in front of him.

Desmond saw a small object slowly approaching him. Desmond then focused his gaze on the objects.

50 m

25 m

The object quickly flies towards Desmond. Until…

5 m. Desmond tilted his body, letting the object pass him.

He looked behind to see. "Arrow, huh."

"It's too easy if that's the only arrow." Then he heard the lid-shifting sound again. Desmond returned to its original position and started focusing on it again.

"If it's only one arrow, I can use it to train my agility and reaction." He gripped his sword tightly while his eyes were burning with the passion of youth.

The arrow came at him again, but now, one by one, a shadow of an object appeared behind one arrow; if he roughly estimated, it was about 100 arrows being shot simultaneously.

"Shit, fuck!"

The first arrow came aimed at his head. Desmond slashed the arrow with his sword because Desmond has high strength, and the arrow was split in half.

Simultaneously, the second arrow flew and shoot at his eyes; with the swordsman skills' reflex, he accidentally lowered his head to let the arrow fly far behind him, but it cost his leg that was pierced by the third arrow.

Fortunately, only three arrows approached him simultaneously; the rest of the arrows had a distance between 1-5 m for each arrow, making them easier to avoid.

"Fuck, it's hurt, dammit!" Desmond stood up while pulling out the arrow that had stuck in his leg.

Desmond drew his breath as deep as possible and pulled it out. "Huff, relax."

Desmond's concentration began to improve; his mind was clear. Now, five arrows were coming at him at the same time.

Desmond quickly slashed towards the five arrows simultaneously. The slash gave off a wind effect that pushed back the incoming arrows, making their speed slower.

He not only slashed, but he also dodged a lot, to the right and the left, his movements almost reached the first swordsman who was able to create an after image every time he moved.

After a few minutes, no more arrows appeared, but Desmond remained alert by waiting a few more minutes before lying down on the floor.

"Hah, hah ..." His breathing was rough; he repeatedly opened and closed his mouth to take a breath; his chest also went up and down frequently.

"That was… very scary; if I hadn't learned the skills I from my father, I might be a corpse by now.


[Scanning Host Body…]

[Scan Complete !]

[Scanning Host Body…]

[Scan Complete !]



Name: Desmond

Gender: Male

Age: 3 years

Race: Human

Class: Swordsman

Occupation: None

Unique Energy: 0.00/5.05

Strength: 7.00

Agility : 0.36 -> 0.40

Stamina: 1.63

Trait Effect :


- Increase Strength, Agility, and Stamina +20%

- Increase Amount Unique Energy Gathering +0.003

- Decrease the effect of shared anything -10%

System Conclusion: The host has minor injuries on the legs. The wound will heal within 3 hours; healing can be faster if you focus your energy on recovery.]

Desmond, who saw the hologram in front of him, frowned. "This data is too long; next time, only focus on stats."


Creating Task ..

Used 1 Slot

Status: Working 0%


[Working 50% ..]

[Status: Completed]

[Saving to Database ...]

[Data Saved!]

"I've got plenty of stamina, so just rest a bit."

Suddenly, Desmond thought back to his first day reincarnated. "But now is not the time to relax.." Desmond then got up and sat down with his legs crossed.


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