The Most Powerful Characters In The World Are Obsessed With Me

Chapter 10

While Dalia was spending her time doing pointless things, Hikan continued to work on the overdue family related work in earnest.

However, there was still an indispensable event, and as the Duchess Blueport said earlier, it was the ball to celebrate the ascension of the new Duke.

The mansion was already noisy because of the preparations for the ball that will be held in a month.

Dalia, who was free because she had nothing to do, was busy learning new dances from her tutor.

During the break, while Dalia was sitting on her nanny’s lap drinking ice tea, the nanny said.

“By the way, you’ll need a lady-in-waiting when you go to the ball.”

“I like nanny the most. I want to go with nanny.”


The nanny hugged Dalia tightly with a touched expression.

Dalia smiled and buried her head deeper into the nanny’s chest.

“Is it really necessary? If it doesn’t work, Madam Mathieu will go with you.” (*t/n: previously in chapter 3 I used ‘Madam Mashu’)

Besides, Duchess Blueport is also coming to this ball.

Madam Mathieu was Dalia’s tutor and dance teacher.

In principle, the four Duke families who produce transcendents are treated the same as the distant royal family and have lady-in-waiting.(*t/n: basically they are treated like the royal family but lower than the current ruling family and higher than normal noble. Hence distant royal family(since I can’t find better term), kinda treated like brother/cousin of the king)

Usually, peers from a family of lower rank are chosen.

However, sadly, Dalia had no friends of her age.

The mother, the family’s madam, usually the one who came forward to help make friends, however Dalia had no mother.

Her father, who was supposed to do it instead, was also busy and not interested in her. What if Duchess Blueport came forward and took care of Dalia instead?

Still, since there are only four Duke families in the country, there will be many people who want to get close to them at the ball.

She didn’t worry much. We’re all going to be strangers if she leaves the family anyway, so what’s wrong with having friends?

“But still, I’d like to see Miss go to the ball with a pretty friend.”

The nanny whispered as she ran her fingers through Dalia’s hair. Dalia felt her heart tinged as she felt the sincerity in her words.

She rubbed her face in her nanny’s embrace.

“Then I’ll talk about it with my brother.”

Was what she said, but she didn’t want to give the busy Hikan any more work. She rather talked about it to Madam Mathieu right away.

The nanny had a slight smile as she believed in Dalia’s words.

“Alright, Miss.”

“Now the break time is over. See you later, nanny.”

Like a ghost, Madam Mathieu, the tutor, appeared. She drank the rest of the tea and got up, leaving the cup to the nanny.

‘The first dance will be with my brother.’

It was difficult to make Hikan’s feet bruised.

Maybe this time, the relationship that has become as good as a rat’s poop might end again. (*t/n: it means fragile, i think)

She was motivated to be unladylike. She needs to learn hard to achieve that.

* * *

“Good job, Miss Dalia! Now, for the last time, one, two, three!”

Dalia made the final turn as Madam Mathieu held her.

At the same time, the music ended. It was the first dance that she did to the end without making a mistake.

“Goodness, good job!”

Madam Mathieu was more delighted than Dalia.

Dalia was actually weaker in dance than other subjects. Even if they don’t show it on their face, they probably have some spasm trying to control their expression because of Dalia.

Dalia smiled bashfully and looked at Madam Mathieu who smiled at her broadly.

“How could you show such a wonderful dance only when the Duke came!”

“…… Huh?”

There was a slight twitch at the end of Dalia’s lip when she smiled.

She looked back. Hikan was standing at the door.

“Ah, ah, brother! W, what brings you here?”

Since the last ‘heart’ incident, Dalia has been feeling awkward whenever she sees Hikan. She couldn’t get back to acting cute.

Instead of answering, Hikan walked over and stared at her.

It was embarrassing to see such a handsome face. She was worried about her sweaty hair, so she flipped back a few strands of hair that had escaped under her ponytail.

“Oh, since the Duke is here, why don’t you two try to practice together?”

Madam Mathieu said in a bright voice.

Dalia shook her head inwardly. She was afraid of the aftermath if she stepped on Hikan’s foot.

‘Brother Hikan wouldn’t want to dance with me, either.’

She looked up and made eye contact with Hikan.

And with glistening eyes, she sent out a lot of signals asking him not to do so.

Hikan’s eyebrows twitched slightly. It was clear that what she said in her mind got through him.

He hesitated for a moment, then sighed and said.

“Alright. Let’s do that.”


…I guess the mind can’t be conveyed easily anyway.

She decided to just bite the bullet and hold Hikan’s hand. Madam Mathieu played the phonograph again.

The music started.

Hikan and Dalia moved step by step.

Madam Mathieu was looking at the two with a happy smile.

Well, on the surface it is a dance of the 16 and 13-years-old.

Of course, Hikan is much bigger than his peers and he’s not like a child, but when he dances, you can’t see his mood and expression.

His burden of leading a family at this age must have been heavy.

‘No matter how different a transcendent view the world is, he is still a 16-year-old Duke.’

Dalia couldn’t think of what she did when she was 16 in her previous life.

At that time, her biggest concern was how to run away during the night self-study and eat ramen for a late night snack.

Hikan danced better than expected. No, if you recall him from the original, it would be faster to find what he can’t do.

He did everything well. Except for one thing, not being able to restrain the lingering affection for the heroine.

‘Come to think of it, when did the heroine appear?’

Perhaps 3 years from now, when the original will begin with her debut in society.

From that time on, it seems that I will start working with the male protagonists in earnest while carrying out various tasks. (*t/n: sorry,,not sure about this)


I thought of something else for a while and did the wrong move right away.

Instead of stepping back, Dalia hit her forehead into Hikan’s chest.

It was also a bonus that she step on his feet.

“……S, s, s, sorry!”

Dalia was surprised and stopped dancing right away and removed her feet.

In fact, Hikan didn’t say anything.


The silence was rather ominous.

Dalia said goodbye to the rest of her life.

‘This is the end of Dalia Pesteros’ short 13-year of life.’

Dalia asked carefully.

“D, doesn’t it hurt?”

“……Think about it before you say it. If it were you, do you think it hurts?”

‘You said I’d never understand you.…’

In disbelief, Dalia looked up at him. Hikan’s body flinched, perhaps reading the thoughts through her eyes.

However, instead of saying something, he immediately did the next step without changing his expression at all.

Dalia followed his lead.

Fortunately, I came to my senses this time and didn’t make any mistakes again.

After the final step, Madam Mathieu clapped her hands with a very satisfied expression.

“It’s really, really nice to see. There’s nothing that the Duke can’t do. “

It was not pretentious, but sincerity that can be heard from her voice.

Of course, as soon as Hikan looked at Madam Mathieu, he avoided his eyes immediately.

Madam Mathieu’s gaze moved to Dalia.

“Miss too, you’ve really improved a lot. If you practice a little more, you won’t make any mistakes.”

“Th, thank you, Madam Mathieu.”

Dalia smiled awkwardly.

Madam Mathieu said she had nothing more to teach today. Only Hikan and Dalia left in the room.

She awkwardly looked at him and grabbed his hand. But before Dalia could offer an apology, Hikan removed his hand and opened his mouth bluntly.

“If you’re going to apologize, that’s enough.”

“Is, is that so?”

Dalia smiled sweetly.

Hikan’s expression became somewhat subtle, but it didn’t matter.

“By the way brother, what brings you here?”

You probably didn’t come all the way here to see me dance.

“I’m here regarding the matter of your lady-in-waiting.”

“Oh, that’s right. Nanny told me already.”

“His Majesty the Emperor has appointed someone to become your lady-in-waiting.”

Dalia’s eyes widened.


“I’ve looked everywhere too, but the one His Majesty has chosen is better for you.”


She said in a more surprised tone. Hikan frowned his brows.

“Why do you become more surprised?”

“No, it’s nothing…”

“Then did you think that I’d send someone who has the Pesteros name to the ball without a lady-in-waiting?”

‘Just now……did you call me Pesteros?’

It was obvious, but I never thought I would hear from him. Dalia was feeling a little weird.

“Anyway, it’s the person that His Majesty has chosen. Mind your manners.”

Hikan said indifferently.

He looked no different from his usual self. But Dalia had a small suspicion as she looked at his side.

Perhaps, as the Duchess Blueport said, Hikan is changing a little bit?

But even before her thoughts expanded further, Hikan said.

“You will meet for the first time at this ball. She asked me to tell you that she was sorry for not coming to see you in advance due to circumstances.”

Then she will enter the ball with Madam Mathieu.

She didn’t really care who she went with. Dalia nodded.

Hikan casually resumed his words.

“The lady-in-waiting’s name is Adrisha Beniter. The Beniter family is a Viscount family that is not particularly strong. But I think there must be a reason since she was chosen by His Majesty the Emperor.”

‘Huh? Adrisha?’

The moment she heard the name, Dalia froze.

Because ‘Adrisha Beniter’ is the name that appears most of the time as the heroine’s disguise.

Adrisha Beniter, the heroine of <The Labyrinth of Ouroboros>. Her real name is Yustia.

The lady-in-waiting that the Emperor attached to Dalia through Hikan was……the heroine of the original!


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