The Moon Thief

Chapter 82: Losses and Gains

Chapter 82: Losses and Gains

Azarb Serpent lay motionless inside the crater. Although it had many injuries on its body, these injuries were not deep enough to kill a high vitality creature like it.

It was still alive!

"Why isn't it moving?" Aleinar asked.

Galer squinted his eyes and began to observe it intently, "Could it be trying to fool us into believing its dead?"

Heinald cast a fireball and sent it directly to the lying serpent.

*Hiss!* All of Azarb Serpent's scales suddenly took on a silver appearance. When the fireball hit the silver scales, it dissipated and was completely destroyed. The fireball that Heinald created was a Low Rank spell, it was impossible to damage such a powerful creature.

Labas' expression darkened and said, "Damn! It can use its defensive magic again!"

Azarb Serpent quickly spun around and rose from within the crater. It dashed towards Aleinar, who was standing closest to it. Its huge mouth was wide open and it wanted to swallow its prey in one go, but Aleinar threw the blue sphere in her hand into its open mouth.

*Hisss!* The giant serpent began to wobble as the blue sphere entered its mouth. It was as if he had swallowed a prey he didn't want and wanted to get rid of it, but he couldn't get rid of it.

Heinald looked at Aleinar and asked, "What was that thing you threw?"

Aleinar replied, "Its a magical item. It will absorb its venom for couple of minutes."

"Nice!" Galer's nervous expression loosened a little.

Heinald pointed at the wound he had inflicted and said, "Focus your attacks on the large wound on its body!"

Even if they all attacked together, it was very difficult to get past its scales and inflict direct damage while this creature's Defense Spell was active. Attacking the area where there was already no scales and an open wound was the best option.

But the giant serpent was well aware of this. It adjusted his position to cover the wound on its body and protected its wound.

Galer grit his teeth and said, "Let's stay away from each other and surround it. Whoever gets a chance to attack that big wound, attack immediately."

Heinald moved to the right of the giant serpent.

Galer sent daggers swirling around him to the giant serpent. However, the serpent turned around, fending off the daggers.

Labas muttered a spell, and his right palm was completely covered in lightning. As he extended his palm towards the serpent, a palm-sized ball of lightning flew into the giant serpent and hit it on the head. However, this small ball of lightning didn't disappear, and despite its size, it began to scatter quite powerful lightning bolts around the serpent's head.

*Hissss!* Azarb Serpent hissed angrily and rushed towards Labas with a sudden movement and bit him with a sudden movement.

Labas had reacted quickly and stepped aside, but the giant serpent's speed was too fast and one ofits teeth had pierced his shoulder.

"Agghhhh!" Labas screamed in pain and pushed himself away from the giant serpent's tooth. If Aleinar didn't have that magical item, he would have died of venom in seconds.

However, he survived this attack with only injury.

Embers and Narox appeared at the hands of Heinald. He sent Magical Energy to Embers and jumped towards the Azarb Serpent. At that time, the serpent was about to attack Labas again. However, it suddenly stopped when it sensed an attack coming.

Both of Azarb Serpent's eyes were gone, but its strong senses were still intact. It couldn't see the attacks, but it could feel them.

For example, it could feel the Lightning Element Energy emanating from Galer's daggers and the Fire Element Energy emanating from Heinald's sword.

While Heinald was still in the air, Azarb Serpent felt his attack and turned its head towards him. Giant serpent had opened its mouth wide to swallow it in one bite, but Heinald used Narox to create an airwave and suddenly flew himself higher.

He swung the Embers downwardly which wrapped up with powerful flames.

*Tinn!* There was a shrill sound as the sword and scales collided. This sword strike had cut the giant serpent's face vertically and managed to destroy all the scales in that row. It also managed to burn that area down.

The snake hissed angrily and staggered.

"Here's the opportunity!" Galer's eyes narrowed and he muttered a spell. A fireball began to form in his hand. However, the heat emitted by this fireball was unlike that of an ordinary Low Rank fireball. This fireball was entirely formed by red flames.

The fireball flashed out from his hand and hit the open wound directly. The place where the fireball had hit began to burn like a burning bush.

Heinald raised his right hand,a lightning spear formed and started emitting lightning bolts. Lightning Spear flew at full speed, and when it hit the wound, a lightning blast appeared. The giant serpent's body was struck by violent lightning bolts.

Azarb Serpent collapsed to the ground and began to squirm, as a result of repeated violent attacks. The wound had grown larger, and the flesh in that area was completely charred.

Aleinar put her hand on the ground and muttered a spell. The ground began to tremble, and shards of sharp stones flew out from under the ground. She hoped her attack would injure its lower body, but serpent dodged the attack with a agile move.

"Watch out!" Heinald observed that the serpent raised its head and would attack. He tried to warn Aleinar, but it was too late. Azarb Serpent opened his mouth, and one of his teeth flew incredible towards Aleinar with speed, snapping off her head in an instant.

No one had been able to give a complete reaction to this event that happened so quickly. Although Azarb Serpent was badly injured, it still managed to kill one memeber of the team. Aleinar's body, shaking wildly, fell to the ground, and after a few seconds, her body was completely motionless.

"It's aiming at me!" Heinald was running as soon as the serpent turned its head towards him. Although the giant serpent couldn't see him, it could sense the vibrations he created on the ground as he ran.

*Hisssss* Azarb Serpent sent his poisonous saliva towards Heinald.

Heinald immediately sent Magic Energy to the Narox in his hand and swung it away. An air strip came out of the sword and stopped the flight of poisonous saliva.

Galer gathered the daggers around him and thrust them into an arrowhead-like position. Giant serpent had left his wound vulnerable again as he attacked Heinald. The daggers flew, leaving lightning trails behind them, and simultaneously stabbed into the giant serpen's open wound.

* Hhhiiiissss! * Azarb Serpent felt in pain and its entire body began to tremble violently. It couldn't keep hiits balance and he collapsed to the ground with all its weight, causing a dent.

Heinald sent Magical Energy to the other sword in his hand, Embers, and leaped into the air, lowering the flaming sword in the air, and thrusting them all through the serpent's open wound.

Azarb Serpent tried to recover, but the last move had completely destroyed what little stamina it had left, and after writhing in pain for a while, it stopped moving at all. The energy waves emanating from it had also completely disappeared.

It was dead.

"Finally...Died." Labas sat down weakly on the ground.

Heinald immediately drew his sword from the dead serpent's body and cleansed it.

Galer exhaustedly sat down on the ground and murmured, "Five Ainsars almost couldn't cope with it...Is the power gap between Level 1 and Level 2 that big?"

"If we had been faster..." Labas sighed, "Maybe we could have saved them."

"Their families... I hope they won't think we killed them." Heinald grimaced when he saw Aleinar's blood-stained body.

"I don't know...we'll think about it later. Let's get what we need to get and get the hell out of here." Galer stood up slowly.

Heinald, Galer, and Labas first tore off the remaining intact scales of Azarb Serpent and drew as much blood from him as they could. They then chopped up their meat and divided everything they got equally. This whole process took about three days.

Since Labas had a Dimensional Ring, he could easily take his own supplies with him. However, Galer didn't have any Dimensional items, so Heinald also stored his materials in his own robes' dimensional pocket.

When they got out of there, they quickly traveled to Saylam City without stopping. When they reached the south gates of the city, they bade farewell to each other.

When Heinald arrived at Redsand Mansion, he was completely exhausted and feeling very dirty. After taking a quick shower, he meditated for a few hours to calm the surges of Magical Energy. He then lay on his bed and quickly fell asleep.

Although the Ainsars had a much stronger constitution unlike normal humans, they still needed to rest. However, even if a Level 3 Ainsar hasn't slept for years, it will have no effect. Nor did they need to rest unless they were seriously injured or fighting.


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