The Moon Thief

Chapter 74: Situation to Resolve

Chapter 74: Situation to Resolve

As Albin Redsand's apprentice, Heinald spent his first week trying to adapt to his new environment. In his first week, he spent most of his time in the library of the mansion. Since he was Albin's direct apprentice, he had the right to spend unlimited time in the mansion library. Even though this library also had a large number of books that contained a lot of information of interest to an Ainsar, these books still did not fall under the category of 'Extraordinary Books'.

The books Albin had mentioned earlier that he would only give to Heinald if he deserved it were far more valuable than these. Still, these were not ordinary books to be found everywhere; they were in Albin Redsand's mansion library after all.

As lord of the Mansion, Albin Redsand was training many Ainsars at high prices. Since he was a Master in Herbalism and Potion Brewing, many Ainsars were willing to spend their wealth without hesitation for the slightest training they could get from him. When Heinald thought about this, he realized better that he was indeed quite lucky, he was officially an apprentice of a Potions Grand Master, and this this was a very special blessing.

Although Heinald wanted to memorize every single book in the library, he was after more specific information. He still did not know which creature the giant egg he had captured belonged to. That's why he was working with all his might to gather information about all the creatures that lay eggs. After hours of research, he observed the drawings in dozens of books and studied the descriptions carefully, but he did not come across a description or drawing similar to the egg he had captured.

"What is this egg?"

This question was constantly gnawing at one corner of his brain, making it difficult for him to focus on his other work. Recently, Albin had sent him copies of a few pages of his experiment diary to study. These pages contained theoretical information about the 'Effect Combination', the key to success of Albin's multi-effect potion. The most basic of all: The effect of a potion is the sum of the effects of all the ingredients in it as a whole. For example; A potion that enhances the effect of the fire element requires a herb or ingredient with a fire essence, a herb or ingredient with a ingredient that will determine the duration of this essence's effect, and a ingredient or herb that will allow the fire essence to come out in a controlled way. In order to create a potion formula, these herbs and ingredients are tested in many experiments to come up with a suitable mixture. Therefore, herbalism and Potion Brewing are seen as a very, very difficult branch; and the Ainsars who deal with these branches are highly respected by all.

The necessary condition for the success of Albin's multi-potion is that the set of effects in the potion should produce not a single effect, but multiple effects at the same time. This condition is also not theoretically possible because the materials that reveal the effect or the whole of effects will break the structure of each other when they come together due to the incompatibility of the materials.

As Heinald studied the papers in front of him, an anxiety rose within him that gripped his heart and throat. According to his training so far and much of the knowledge he learned, it was impossible under the laws of Potion Brewing to produce a multi-effect.-Even though Albin Redsand was a Potions Grand Master, could it be that he saw himself as much bigger than he was?

Heinald sighed heavily and carefully collected the papers in front of him and sent them into the dimensional pocket of his robe. At that moment, he heard his door knocked, and he immediately went and opened the door. In front of him was one of the servants in the mansion.

"Master Albin invites you to the garden at the back of the mansion." The servant spoke, bowing his head.

"Alright." Heinald quickly left his room and immediately started walking towards the garden at the back of the mansion. When he reached the garden, he saw Albin sitting calmly by the small pond ahead.

"Here I am, master." When Heinald came near Albin, he bowed his head respectfully and greeted him.

"There's something you need to deal with." Albin said.

"What is the situation I have to deal with?"

"I want you to assist Pastor Aeasos in extracting the essence of the Genyort Lotus." said Albin.

"Genyort Lotus?" Heinald repeated, muttering. Genyort Lotus contained a large amount of Ice Essence. The Ice Essence it contained was used by many branches including Potion Brewing. However, Genyort Lotus had quite a lot of harmful particles in terms of its structure.

"Yeah, you know what it is, right?" Albin cast a questioning glance at his new apprentice.

"I know." Heinald nodded.

"Good! With your supreme control over the Spirit Flame, it won't be difficult to cleanse and extract the noxious particles from the Genyort Lotuses."

Albin took a scroll from the pocket of his robe and handed it to Heinald.

"When you show this scroll to any priestess in the Saint Mevson Temple, they will direct you to Pastor Aesos. He will give you more detailed information about your mission." Albin made a statement when he saw the eyes of his new apprentice, who had not yet grasped the situation.

Heinald got on one of the carriages outside the mansion and said to the driver that he wanted to go to the Saint Mevson Temple. After a short journey, he came to the front of the Saint Mevson Temple. At the entrance of this temple, there were two large and magnificent statues of women. The other had his sword pierced into the ground. In two of his statues, his eyes were made of a light blue sapphire.

When Heinald took his point of view away from the statues, he realized that these statues were actually two of the four pillars that support the entrance of the temple, and it was quite surprising to him. He had never seen this kind of architecture and advanced craftsmanship before.

On the back of the statues was the entrance gate of the temple. The wall around the gate was filled with fine carvings. Some of the carvings were filled with various precious stones.

Heinald noticed four priests waiting around the temple entrance. The energy waves they emitted revealed that they were all Level 1 Ainsars. They were wearing a black robe and a hood covering their heads.

When Heinald came before the priests, he gave them a light nod and took the parchment from his robes pocket, "I am here at the request of Grandmaster Albin Redsand."

All four priests showed respect when they heard Albin's name. One of the priests stepped forward and took the parchment and began to read it.

"Please follow me!"

The priest led Heinald into the temple. The interior of the temple was much larger than its entrance, with many altars and statues inside. The intense Magical Energy that covered the inside of the temple could be easily felt, but it was not a suppressive type of energy. Rather, this energy was like a kind of blessing and danced in harmony with the spirit.

When the priest came to a large door at the back of the temple, he stopped and turned to Heinald, "Wait here please!"

Heinald did as he was told and waited. A few minutes later the door opened again and the priest came out.

The priest said, "Pastor Aesos is waiting for you."

When Heinald entered, he was greeted with a rather plain room, unlike the temple. Inside the room were several bookshelves, a fireplace, and a large table. Next to the table was a man with wavy silver hair. Although he had some wrinkles on his face, his appearance couldn't be described as 'aged', but Heinald somehow felt that he was quite old. His bright green eyes made him look like a snake disguised as a human.

"Welcome, young man. You must be Heinald, right?" Pastor Aesos looked at the young man in front of him for a short while, then smiled faintly.

"Yes sir." Heinald bowed his head to Pastor Aesos. This man before him had energy waves of a Level 2 Ainsar.

"Since you can be Grandmaster Albin's apprentice, you must be quite talented. I have no doubt that you can help me in the best way possible." Pastor Aesos sat down in his chair and, after taking a deep breath, continued. "The expedition unity of our temple decided to investigate a new area they had discovered. However, this area is just like a hell, with reportedly lava and burning gases coming out of many places suddenly. So our alchemists came up with a freezing mixture formula to support our expedition. To extract the essence of Genyort Lotus, the main ingredient of this formula, we must first destroy the harmful particles on it. Although,herbalists of our temple working on extract the essence,thats not enough. For that, we need your extra help."


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