The Moon Thief

Chapter 67: Battle of Level 2 Ainsars

Chapter 67: Battle of Level 2 Ainsars

When Elyana began to descend the stairs, she was wary of an attack that might come her way. She found herself in a large room as she descended the stairs without any problems. The surrounding Dark Energy density was at its highest. If she had managed to become an Ainsar who could use a Dark Magic, she would be able to gather the energy in this room within her body and use it. Unfortunately, as a result of his research, she could not find a technique that would enable her to use Dark Energy.

In the far corner of the room stood a large chest. There were three red emeralds on the chest. There were skull carvings on the top of the chest. It was surrounded by a transparent barrier. This barrier was the one Kroll and Erald had been trying to break for so long. Although the barrier's defenses had been weakened by various methods and spells over the years, it could still be considered solid.

Kroll was standing on the side of the chest, giving Elyana a cold stare. His son's suspicious death had made him think of the possibility that he might be a traitor on the inside, but now he was sure. There was a traitor because only a traitor who had infiltrated the organization could allow them to sneak in. He didn't recognize the woman in front of him and didn't realize how easily he had gotten through the defensive formation and got in.

"You have something quite valuable." Elyana was looking to the chest with passionate eyes.

"Who?" Kroll kept his cold gaze on Elyana. "Who helped you get in?"

"These are trivial questions. What I really want to know is what's inside that chest." Elayna did not answer Kroll's question.

"You only dream of getting the chest." Kroll grunted and raised his hands and cast a spell. A wave of ice shot out from his hands and rushed towards Elyana. The place where the ice wave had passed was completely frozen as if it would never thaw again.

Three circles of flame appeared surrounding Elyana. These circles of flame expanded and exploded, creating a sea of fire momentarily. The Ice wave that was coming towards him disappeared before it could reach her.

The freezing cold emanating from Kroll's magic protected him from the flames.

Elyana started casting a new spell. A lightning ball first formed in both her hands, then those lightning balls took a snake-like shape and began to fly directly towards Kroll. The cast time of this spell was longer than other spells because it was a High Rank spell. It took exactly six seconds to cast because High Rank spells were very difficult to visualize in the mind. These spells consumed a lot of Spiritual Energy as well as tiring the mind too much. It would take an incredibly strong mind to cast these spells one after the other.

By the time Kroll noticed this, Elyana's spell was almost half complete. That's why he immediately started casting the defensive magic he had. Snake-shaped lightning nearly struck him as a fiery shield formed in front of him.

*BAM!* When lightning struck the fire shield, there was an explosion that shook the entire underground building. Lightning bolts bouncing off the fire shield had begun to shatter the walls. At the same time, the horribly hot flames emanating from the fire shield as a result of the collision pierced molten holes in the floor and walls.

Even though the shield from the fire saved Kroll's life, he could not prevent his injury because he was quickly thrown back and sank into the wall. Even though he had the body strength of a level 2 Ainsar, several of his bones were broken.

Still, this was a perfectly acceptable result, if it weren't for the defensive magic, those terrible lightning bolts were strong enough to tear him apart in a matter of seconds.

Defensive spells were the rarest and most valuable spell type in the Ainsar world. Even the weakest defensive spell would be a High Rank spell. Moreover, unlike High Rank attack spells, the cast times would be relatively shorter. Defensive spells were very important spells as they were life-saving spells, but there was a cost to using these spells. Every defensive spell would cause some side effects to Ainsar who cast it. Although they were less mind-straining than offensive spells, stacking these spells was impossible even for mentally strong people because the price they had to pay would be too heavy.

Kroll wanted to end this battle as quickly as possible because he had used his defensive magic. The cost of his defensive magic was that the amount of Magic Energy he could use over the next 10 hours would gradually decrease.

Generally, the most common side effects of defensive spells were the gradual decrease of Magical Energy or the decrease of physical endurance over a certain time period. However, some defensive spells could have more serious costs, it was dependent on the power of the spell.

"It's time for you to die!" Kroll came out of the wall he was buried in and started casting his High Rank attack magic.

Four fireballs appeared side by side in front of Kroll. These fireballs were green in color and were surrounded by a red beam of light. Heinald would have been quite surprised if he saw this scene because he thought the heat released by his Death Ray spell was too much. However, the heat emitted by these green fireballs was almost ten times greater than the heat emitted by his spiritual magic.

Elyana frowned and started casting her defensive spell in panic.

Green fireballs flew towards Elyana at the same time. As the fireballs were about to hit her, entire body was covered with white crystals.

*Vousshh!* The green balls of fire exploded when they hit Elyana and began to scorch the entire room. The temperature in the room had reached thousands of degrees, the floor and walls were starting to melt. When the green flames disappeared, everything in the room looked like lava. Elyana's crystal body was also completely fire orange.

As the temperature in the room began to drop, Elyana dispersed the crystals around her.

"Aaaahhh!" A scream of pain came out of her mouth, she had burns in various parts of her body. Even though her defensive magic was a really powerful one, it could n't fully protect her from the dreadful flames. As a side effect of the defensive spell she used, her physical endurance would gradually decrease over the next 24 hours.

Kroll wanted to assess the plight of his opponent. A silver light flashed and a saber appeared in his hand. This Saber was an offensive type Magical Treasure. The attack-type and defense-type treasures both worked the same way; they would draw the magic energy from their owner and use that energy to activate whatever traits they were.

Kroll rushed forward and jumped towards Elyana, the saber in his hand surrounded by flames. When he slashed downwardly, the saber burned the air forward. But Elyana was not idle either, a thin and elegant sword appeared in her hand. When she swung her sword, an air stripe appeared and collided with Krull's sword.

As a result of the collision, an intense hot air wind and violent energy waves began to spread around. Both of their faces turned red from the power they used, the attack type magical treasures they used were constantly absorbing their Magic Energies.

When the impact of the collision wore off, they were both thrown back a few meters, but that didn't stop them. They both jumped forward with all their might and swung their swords at each other. A fierce ringing emerged as the swords clashed, their bodily strength was also too great as they were both a Level 2 Ainsar. The ground they stepped on had caved in due to the force they exerted on each other.

Although Elyana's body looked much thinner and more slender than Kroll's, she was at least as strong as him. But as a side effect of her defensive magic, her physical endurance was starting to drop fast, she had to find a way to end this battle quickly.

Elyana dashed forward quickly and performed cross sword slash but Kroll reacted fast and parried attacks with his sword. They both continued to make strong slash attacks to each other. At one point they were so quick that a normal person could not see the sword moves at all, they could only catch the lights of the sword hitting each other.

However, it was Elyana who was at a disadvantage in melee because her physical endurance was gradually decreasing, so she couldn't respond quickly enough to a move from Kroll and was hit by his sword lunge.

As Elyana quickly flew back, she aimed her hands at Kroll and cast a spell. A large fire arrow shot out from his hand and flew swiftly towards Kroll. Kroll was momentarily slackened by the success of his move, so he took a late action against the fire arrow sent to him by Elyana. He had managed to dodge the fire arrow with a quick side step, but the fire arrow had passed too close to him, completely burning the left side of his waist.

*BAM!* There was a violent explosion as the fire arrow hit the wall behind. Although the area of the explosion was small, its intensity was equal to the simultaneous explosion of hundreds of kilograms of gunpowder. Although this was just a Middle Rank spell, it was too powerful because it was cast by a Level 2 Ainsar.

Kroll was hit by the shock wave from the explosion and some of his internal organs were damaged, but not critically.

Elyana quickly flew towards the wall and sank into it. As her physical endurance gradually decreased, fractures occurred in his skull and various parts of his body, and a large sword cut was formed in her abdomen. Moreover, the burn wounds previously inflicted by Kroll's magic were getting worse and worse.

Kroll barely got up from the ground and wanted to cast a spell, but the amount of Magic Energy he could use as a defensive spell's side effect was decreasing, as the spells he had previously cast had already consumed a large amount of Magic Energy. Seeing that it wasn't working, he gripped his Saber tighter and started running towards Elyana.

Elyana barely straightened up and formed a ball of fire, sending it to Kroll, who was running towards her.

"Damn!" Kroll realized that he could not dodge the rapidly approaching fireball by stepping aside. He sent all of the remaining small amount of Magic Energy to his sword, flames engulfing his sword again, but they were not as strong as before.

He swung his sword and slashed the fireball.

When the flaming sword and fireball collided, they radiated pure fire element energy around them for a few seconds. Then they destroyed each other, when they destroyed each other, a powerful burst of energy appeared. The impact of this explosion resulted in serious injuries to Kroll's internal organs and limbs.

Kroll flew back and a large amount of blood came out of his mouth, his face was pale. He was still alive when he fell to the ground, but couldn't find the strength to stand up. Likewise, Elyana, who was badly injured, could not stand up, her ever-decreasing physical endurance was making her situation more and more difficult.


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