The Moon Thief

Chapter 6: Blood Agreement

Chapter 6: Blood Agreement

While waiting for the ingredients, Heinald prepared the tools needed to brew the potion, and when the ingredients arrived, he started to brew Constitution Potion. He was very excited, a mistake he made would make a bad impression. However, he managed to calm himself down and focus on making potions. After a period of time he successfully managed to brew a Constitution Potion.

"He really did it!" Marcus was impressed. While Heinald was making the potion,he had watched him carefully from beginning to end.

"I told you he is quite talented, sir." Luian smiled.

"Did you really manage to make a potion in your first tries?" Marcus had a hard time believing it.

"Yes, sir. I have often watched my grandfather make potions since I was little, so I am familiar with Potion Brewing." Heinald's eyes sparkled.

"If you were not talented, you wouldn't be able to brew potions even if you watched for a hundred years. You are a really talented young man. Make the other potion too." Marcus also wanted to see Low-Level Healing Potion.

Heinald also successfully brewed Low-Level Healing Potion. Seeing that the young man in front of him was making both potions successfully in one go, Marcus was delighted. Luian really brought him a jewel this time.

"Do you intend to cooperate with the Rinemoth Family?" Marcus asked.

"I do, sir." Heinald nodded.

"Well, let's go back to my room. I'm sure we can come up with a good deal." Marcus gently clapped his hands.

After several exchanges of ideas, it turned out to be a really profitable deal for Heinald. Marcus would give Heinald the formula for Medium Level Strength Potion for free. This potion increased the physical strength by 5% for 10 minutes when consumed.

According to what Marcus said, the ingredients of this potion worth 90 Arkana Stones, and the potion itself worth 200 Arkana Stones. That meant a profit of 110 Arkana Stones per bottle.

Moreover, he would earn 10% more than the potions he sold in all the shops owned by the Rinemoth Family and he would get two hours of daily access to the Rinemoth Library.

In return,he would brew 2 Medium Level Strength Potion for Rinemoth Family per month for 2 years. The ingredients for the potion would be provided by the family for 2 times. The time given to start brewing potions for family was 3 months.

In 3 months, he had to learn how to brew the potion and start to brew potion for the family.Heinald would also be given a room to stay in the mansion.

"Since we've set the terms, we can make a Blood Agreement." Marcus waved his hand and a paper appeared in his hand.

Once the Blood Agreement was made, it was an irreversible deal. The conditions specified had to be met to the letter.If not, the blood of the person who did not comply would turn into an ocean of fire.

"Drop your blood here." Marcus wrote the terms of the agreement on paper and drew a Blood Seal. Marcus and Heinald made a small cut in their fingers and dropped their blood into the seal. The seal glowed deep red.

"The deal is complete." Marcus took a book from one of his bookshelves and gave it to him, "Everything you need to know to make a Medium Level Strength Potion is written in this book. Make sure you keep it well. This is the badge that shows you work for the Rinemoth Family."

"Yes, sir." Heinald nodded.

Marcus ordered his servants to prepare a nice room for Heinald.

One of the servants escorted Heinald to his room and handed over the key to his room, which was on the second floor of the mansion. The interior of the room was very large and luxurious, with a huge bed, large sitting set, fireplace and desk.

It's been a really good deal. I've made good gains. All I need to focus on is to learn how to make the potion right away. For two times they will provide me the ingredients of the potion for free. That means i do not need to spend 180 Arkana Crsytals. However, after that I am alone." Heinald muttered. He had three months to learn how to brew Medium Level Strength Potion. He knew that the reason Marcus offered such good terms was to pave the way for more comprehensive deals ahead.

He spent the rest of the day studying the formula of the potion in his room. One glance was enough to remember everything written in the book, but unfortunately, memorization was not enough. Most important of all was understanding the preparation of the potion. Medium Level Strength Potion was the most complex and difficult potion he had ever seen. He had repeatedly observed the making of other potions he had learned before, but the only resource he could use for making this potion was the book that showed how to make the potion.

Heinald began to visualize the making of the potion in his mind that based on the information and instructions written in the book. He did this over and over again, so he was mentally prepared to brew the potion.

However, this visualization was still lacking in many ways because he had not yet seen the ingredients for the potion and the reactions that took place in the potion during the making. Still, he had the Moon Thief's eyes and believed he could do better visualization once he got the ingredients for the potion.

He spent the whole day visualizing potion brewing process in his mind.

The next day, after eating the food that came to his room, he left the mansion to explore the city. He would spend the whole day strolling the streets of the city and visiting shops. The first impression he got about the Ainsars while strolling the streets of the city was that they were not very friendly. Most of them were sullen or expressionless in face.

'Rinemoth's Claw'

When Heinald saw the name of the shop, he realized that it belonged to the Rinemoth Family and entered. The shop was quite large, various potion bottles were displayed in the showcases, but they were not filled. Apart from that, there were also various alchemical tools, parchments,weapons and books.

"Welcome." A short man with glasses came to Heinald. He was also an Apprentice Ainsar.

"Greetings, just joined the Rinemoth Family. How much is Low Level Healing Potion? Heinald showed his Rinemoth Family badge.

"Of course, please wait, I will inform Master Hamber."

"Hello. Are you the one who wants to sell potion?" A man with short gray hair and a tangled beard emerged from inside. Heinald realized from the energy he was radiating that he was a Level 1 Ainsar. This man was Hamber, he was the sales manager of the shop.

Heinald bowed, then said, "I'm not going to sell today, I just want to learn. But I'm thinking ofbrewing and selling Potions in the next days." 

"Can you brew potions?" The man asked in surprise.

"Yes." Heinald nodded.

"I see. You look so young so I was a little surprised." Hamber smiled,slightly.

"How much is the Constitution Potion and Low-Level Healing Potion?" Heinald scratched his neck.

What is the level of the Constitution Potion?


"Low Level Constitution Potion worths 25 Arkana Stones,and Low Level Healing Potion worths 30 Arkana Stones." Hamber answered.

"Where are the potions and ingredients for potions?" Heinald looked around.

"The ingredients for potions and potions are kept in our warehouse below, to keep them safe. After all they are very valuable things, the bottles on the display represent the potions we have in stock." Hamber pointed to the showcase with his hand.

Heinald left after some more glance at the products in the shop, and continued to stroll the streets of the city. He strolled around until the sun went down, and at night he returned to the mansion.

The next day, he went immediately and requested the ingredients for the Medium Level Strength Potion, which was made with 4 ingredients in total; Silver Water, Stardust Flower, Hent Grass Extract, and the heart of Sunhed Herb. All ingredients except Silver Water were pretty valuable.

He made a plan.

He would have been able to experiment twice with the ingredients given by the family, of course he did not think it would be successful, but ultimately he would have the opportunity to observe the reactions the ingredients create in the potion. Later, he would integrate the knowledge and experience he gained from his observations with those he gained from the formula book, and visualize the process of making the potion hundreds of times in his mind. Thus,he would try to perfect the making process of the potion as best he could.

Of course, it was easy to think,  but it would be difficult to do. Moreover, this will not be his only occupation. With all 300 Arkana Stones he had, he would get the ingredients for Low-Level Constitution Potion and Low-Level Healing Potion. Since he was almost an expert in brewing these two potions, he did not think he would have any problems. He was thinking of making a profit by selling them, and with all the Arkana Stones he obtained, he was thinking of buying the ingredients for the Medium Level Strength Potion as he could. Thus, he would gain more experience in making Medium Level Strength Potion and then only brew this potion.


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