The Moon Thief

Chapter 22: Exploring Deeps

Chapter 22: Exploring Deeps

"Where's that key?" Heinald muttered and began to look around.After looking around briefly, he saw that the key was ahead. He tried to stand up, but the sharp pain from all over his body prevented him from doing this. He began to creep slowly towards the key, when he came near it, he took it in his hand and began to examine it. This key was in the shape of a star and made of silver, without any inscriptions or symbols. He sent it into the dimensional pocket of his robe and leaned against the rock on his side. Here he would stop doing nothing and wait for his wounds to heal.Fortunately, he had a few more potions in his robe, and he could use them if necessary.

With the help of Low Level Healing Potion, Heinald's internal injuries were mostly healed. By meditating until the next dawn, he rested and contributed to the regeneration speed of his Magic Energy.There was no incident around him during this time.

Heinald began to look his surroundings at dawn. As the sunlight started to light the ruins again, the yellow light beam rose back into the sky. The source of the light beam was one of the oval structures a few hundred meters away. Heinald started walking towards the oval structure.

"Are these oval structures some kind of altar?" Heinnald muttered.There were these strange, oval structures all over the graveyard, and Heinald did not understand what these structures were. When he came near the oval structure from which the beam of light came out, he began to examine it carefully. It looked no different from the others, it was made by stacking medium-sized rocks on top of each other.

When Heinald entered he saw nothing but a few grass, he started to examine the walls and he saw a star-shaped hollow. He took the star-shaped key from the green sphere out of the pocket of his robe and inserted it into the hollow. At that moment the ground under Heinald began to tremble, and a few seconds later the earth split and a stone spiral staircase appeared.

"These stairs seem to go very deep." Heinald muttered. He took the star-shaped key out of the hollow and immediately sent it into the dimensional pocket of his robe.The passage above was closed when he started going down the stairs.

Heinald knew about this kind of mechanisms. Even though it had a not too difficult Formation behind, it would be almost impossible to open without a key. Mostly, secret planes and rooms were secured with this kind of mechanisms.

When Heinald descended the spiral staircase for a few minutes, he finally reached a large area. There were huge sculptures and natural stones that glow around. It didn't take long for Heinald to realize that it was a dungeon. Dungeons were usually built deliberately to hide the ruins. Also, some sects or important families would also build dungeons to hide their resources.

"Hu Hu..." Heinald smiled slightly. He went to the marble bridge in front of him and, after confirming that it was solid, crossed it.

After crossing the bridge he saw three corridors going in different directions, at first he looked where the corridors were leading.The rightmost and leftmost corridors led to the great gates, but the middle corridor was a long dark corridor, as if there was no end. Heinald decided to take the first rightmost corridor and began walking. A few minutes later he came to a large door with carved designs.

"Looks like there is no lock..." Heinald began to examine the door. When he push the door, the door opened through two sides. It was pitch dark inside, there was not the slightest light inside. Two fire-red eyes emerged into the darkness as Heinald thought of making a small flame in his hand.

"Hm?" Heinald immediately pulled back and pulled a Fullmoon Sphere from the pocket of his robe and threw it in. Fullmoon Spheres were items that could illuminate the surroundings on a grand scale. When the area was enlightened, Heinald saw a giant lizard staring at him.

* Hyiiik! * Lizard made a shrill sound and started walking over Heinald.

It was a magical beast and usually their power would equal a Level 1 Ainsar. However, there were occasionally seen those whose power was equal to Level 2 Ainsar. Their tongues were venomous, and their tails were like a flame whip.

Heinald,immediately took his sword in his hand. Lizard was running towards him, swung its tail at Heinald. Its tail looked like a whip made of flame. He parried the attack with his sword. When the sword and the tail collided, a violent collision sound came out. Sparks were scattered around due to the impact of the collision.

Heinald wanted to use his sword only,he wouldn't cast any Spell unless needed. He did not know what to face in these dungeons and wanted to preserve his Magic Energy.Heinald rushed towards Lizard. It waved its tail toward Heinald, who rushed towards him. Heinald jumped and dodged the attack,performed a downward slash to Lizard.

The Lizard quickly jumped to the right and dodged the attack. The violent sword move hit the empty floor, causing the floor to shatter.

"His attacks are not very powerful, but they are quite fast, I have to be careful." Heinald muttered. This Lizard was moving faster than him.

The Lizard began to spin around incredibly fast. A small tornado hose had begun to form around him.

"Not good!" Heinald's eyes narrowed, and he immediately began casting Wind of Aira.

When the Lizard finished spinning around, a violent wave of air began to come towards Heinald, when he had finished casting his spell, a wave of air flew out of his hand.

"Aghh!" The collision of two air waves resulted in intense instantaneous pressure, Heinald was blown away by the wind after being hit by the pressure wave.It was the same for the Lizard.

Heinald immediately stood up and rushed towards his sword on the ground.But the Lizard was faster than him. The thorns on the lizard's back were blazing, and when Heinald saw this, he immediately began casting Wind Of Aira again. These thorns could be absolutely dangerous.

When the airwaves collided with the flaming thorns, it managed to extinguish the flames but failed to stop the thorns. Heinald was hit by several thorns, thrown back as he felt a sudden pain in his ribs.

"Damn Lizard! I will not be gentle on you anymore." Heinald grit his teeth. Fortunately, his robes were much more durable than ordinary robes. He had absorbed most of the impact of the attack.

Heinald and Lizard started running over each other.

"So you want a physical fight?" Heinald looked coldly, by the time he got closer to Lizard, he was already casting his Spiritual Magic.

"Death Ray!" Heinald suddenly stopped and pointed his hands at Lizard. A mixed red and black fire ray emerged from his hand. Lizard tried to dodge the attack, but failed and was shot by the fire ray. The fire ray disappeared after 10 seconds of spreading incredible heat around it.

A disgusting smell of burning and fumes began to spread.Heinald began to examine the lizard shot directly by the fire ray. It was completely charred and still radiating severe heat around it.

"This spell manages to impress me every time..." Heinald looked at his hands and sighed. His Spiritual Magic was really powerful.

When he entered the room again, he immediately began to look around. It was a very large room but there was nothing but a few magnificent statues around. When he saw a door ahead he immediately started walking towards it. But he stopped suddenly and decided to wait for his Magic Energy to regenerate first. He started to meditate. Fortunately, he did not spend much Magic Energy, so his Magic Energy was renewed in a short time.

Heinald took the Fullmoon Sphere and walked towards the door. After pushing and opening the door, he immediately threw the Fullmoon Sphere inside. When it lit up, he saw two giant spiders, both of which were Level 1 Ainsar power according to the energy they radiated.

"Again?" Heinald gritted his teeth. He hated spiders, especially the bigger ones.When the spiders noticed Heinald, they started walking towards him.Heinald immediately began to examine the spiders.Both were over two meters tall and their eyes were ice blue.

"Mutation?" Heinald squinted his eyes. Normally the spiders eyes were red, but these two spiders eyes were ice blue.Heinald immediately began casting his spell called Whisper of the Wind.He had to finish off these spiders immediately or he might have gotten into trouble.

One of the spiders jumped on Heinald and tried to crush him. However, Heinald had completed his spell and dodged the attack by gliding quickly to the left side. While gliding, he cast his Basic Fireball Spell and sent it to one of the spiders.When the fireball hit the spider, there was an explosion of fire.

*Chiiii!* The spider's entire body caught fire.

The spider wobbled and tried to extinguish the fire, while the other spider sent an ice blue web to Heinald. Fortunately, he was still gliding,so he dodged the attack easily. When the spider's web hit the wall,it completely frozen.


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