The Moon Thief

Chapter 186: Demonic Soul

Chapter 186: Demonic Soul

After Heinald learned the details from Kiel, he decided to go with him to the Shadow Island Ruins. The area where the Shadow Island Ruins were located was a desolate and extremely frightening area where many dangerous Magical Beasts roamed freely. Various Ainsar sects and groups that had intrested in Dark Magic had made expeditions there, but they could not find the remnants and also inflicted many casualties in various attacks.

Alongside them, many Level 1 Ainsars and two Level 2 Ainsars would join this expedition.

In the following days, Kiel hosted him in his castle.

Heinald easily memorized and analyzed all the information from the sources he had obtained. Later, he started working on the spell named Aoron's Hand, which he obtained from the Melrungan Sect.

Heinald had grasped the basics of Dark Energy but was still quite a novice. Controlling Dark Energy was much more difficult than controlling Elemental Energy. Moreover, the spell named Aaron's Hand was quite complex.

About two weeks later, Kiel and Heinald set out for the Shadow Island Ruins. Since Revakander was with them, they found it more convenient to travel in Heinald's horse carriage. A few days later they reached a deserted seaside town on the southern border.

"The house designated as the meeting place is over there!" Kiel pointed to an old three-story house.

When they went to the house and knocked on the door, a bat appeared in front of them.

"Vonsley, stop kidding and open the door!" Kiel grumbled.

The bat disappeared and the door opened.

As they entered, an Apprentice Ainsar immediately welcomed them and led them through a secret passage to the basement of the building.

When they descended into the basement, a large hall appeared before them. There was a middle-aged man sitting on the big sofa in the middle of the living room. He was a Level 2 Ainsar, and there were intense waves of Dark Energy emanating from him.

"Old Kiel! It's good to see you're still able to come as undead." The middle-aged man laughed.

"Hmph!" Kiel rolled his eyes. "Meet Heinald, he will come with us to the ruins."

"Greetings! My name is Vonsley."

"Greetings!" Heinald gave a slight nod.

"Hasn't Kavael arrived yet?" Kiel asked.

"No. He struggled to find many Level 1 Ainsars for this expedition, so it must have been late." Vonsley shrugged.

Later in the day, Heinald, Kiel, and Vonsley talked about various rumors and myths about the ruins. The Shadow Island Ruins were on a very large island and the ruins covered a very large area. Moreover, there were not only Magical beasts on this island, but also various cursed ones and evil spirits.

Two days later, a medium-sized ship approached the shore.

This ship was commanded by a Level 2 Ainsar named Kavael, and there were about twenty Level 1 Ainsars inside. After Heinald met him, the four Level 2 Ainsars signed a Blood Agreement between them.

According to this agreement, if they could reach the ruins, everyone would take as much as they could, and no one would be greedy and attack to seize the resources someone else had acquired.

When the deal was completed, they set out for the Shadow Island Ruins.

Heinald decided to leave Revakender in the seaside town for his safety. The area around the seaside town was a place with a large number of ordinary animals. There he could easily hunt, and he would not encounter a monster that endangered his life.

It would take them about half a month to reach the Shadow Island Ruins. The sea they were traveling on was also known as a very dangerous sea.

The days began to pass quickly.

They did not encounter any problems until halfway through the journey, but their luck did not last long.

"What is this!?" One of the Level 1 Ainsars on the deck shouted in fear.

"Gavarcha horde!" Kiel's expression darkened. "Kavael, activate the defensive formation on the ship now!"

Kavael looked up at the sky and grit his teeth, then said, "I will activate it, but the defensive formation on this ship is not strong! Let's try to kill them as quickly as possible."

"Among them are grown Gavarchas!" Heinald had a serious expression on his face as he observed the sky.

Gavarcha was a type of Magical Beast. Its appearance was similar to a flying jellyfish, but its three blood-red eyes made it quite frightening. This species always travels in packs, it was a nightmare to meet them, especially in the open seas. What was scarier than their appearance was that they were capable of ruling lightning. While its adolescents could be equal to the power of a Level 1 Ainsar, its adults were equal to the power of a Level 2 Ainsar.

A kind of energy shield appeared around the ship.

"Let's hurry and kill them!" Kiel shouted.

"Death Ray!" Heinald shouted in his mind. A scarlet ray of fire shot out from his hands and instantly turned the two Gavarchas in the sky to coal.

Knowing that his Spiritual Magic was so powerful, Heinald had deliberately suppressed the heat it radiated, or the ship would have caught fire instantly. Especially after he became a Level 2 Ainsar, the might of his Spiritual Magic had become much more frightening.

The moment Death Ray touched them, they scorched their bodies, causing them to fall into the sea as pieces of coal.

Observing this, the Level 1 Ainsars began to look at him with both fear and envy.

An intense wave of Dark Energy rose from the chain that Kiel had always held. He began to spin the chain and threw it towards the adult Gavarcha. The chain covered up with a black beam of light and whipped it.

*Shlak!* A sharp voice was heard.

"A single attack inflicted a severe wound on an adult Gavarcha!" On the one hand, Heinald had observed this attack. Kiel had clearly used Dark Energy in this attack, and it seemed that the damage potential was quite high.

"Infernal Fireball!" Heinald noticed an adult Gavarcha approaching them from behind. He knew that he had to finish off immediately before he could attack, or defense formation would have been broken.

Heinald raised his hands. A ball of scorching fire flew out suddenly hitting the Gavarcha squarely on its body. The whole process has taken only two seconds!

*BAM!* The sky was covered with devastating flames and hot lava spilled out.

Gavarcha, whose entire body was engulfed in flames, crashed into the sea, screaming in pain. When it crashed into the sea, huge waves, exceeding five meters in height, appeared.

"He killed an adult Gavarcha with a single spell!" Kiel, Kavael, and Vonsley looked at him with eyes too careful not to be innocent. But then they immediately turned their attention to the danger that was threatening them.

"Dark Thread!" Vonsley cried out.

A black ring appeared around his body, and from within this ring five threads shot out, emitting intense waves of Dark Energy around him. The threads flew towards the herd and connected the five adolescent Gavarchas at once. Then the dark threads got stuck in a single spot and shattered the Gavarchas' bodies.

During this entire process, various parts of the defensive formation had been attacked. But fortunately, none of them came from an adult Gavancha. Thus, the ship's defensive formation was still active.

"God! We'll get hit!" One of the Level 1 Ainsars shouted.

"Damn it!" Heinald saw an adult Gavarcha about to attack. Fierce lightning bolts danced around his body.

Heinald immediately raised his right hand and cast Lightning Spear. On his hand, lightning bolts gathered together and took the shape of a spear.

Adult Gavancha attacked the ship directly with a fierce lightning strike, but before its attack could reach the ship, its collided with Lightning Spear.

*BOM!* Violent lightning danced in the sky and streaks of lightning bounced off everywhere. Even the ship's defensive formation had taken some damage from the explosion.

Kiel muttered a spell, and a cloud of poisonous and corrosive gas appeared around him. This cloud of gas took the form of a snake and soared quickly through the air, reaching Gavacha, enveloping it and starting to burn it.

Meanwhile, Heinald used the Death Ray again and began to scorch it.

Finally, Kavael began to mutter a spell, and after about ten seconds, a spell pentagram appeared above Gavancha. A large black arrow shot out from within this magic pentagram and pierced it.

Having suffered three consecutive attacks from three Level 2 Ainsars, Gavancha screamed in pain and crashed into the water.

Meanwhile, Heinald used the Death Ray again and began to scorch it.

Finally, Kavael began to mutter a spell, and after about ten seconds, a spell pentagram appeared above Gavancha. A large black arrow shot out from within this magic pentagram and pierced it.

Having suffered three consecutive attacks from three Level 2 Ainsars, Gavancha screamed in pain and crashed into the water.


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