The Moon Thief

Chapter 18: A New City

Chapter 18: A New City

"No point waiting. I'd better start to breakthrough." He opened the box that Marcus had given him, which contained the Sevenstar Flower Seed, just like it was mentioned in a book he had read.

"Let's start!" Heinald threw the Sevenstar Flower Seed into his mouth and swallowed it.

* Bup * A voice came from Heinald's stomach.

"Uh!" Heinald exhaled, there was a burst of energy from his abdomen that spread all over his body, his whole body was shaking, a heat wave began to emanate from his body.

Heinald calculated that he had done all but Spirit Cultivation to become a Level 1 Ainsar. Thanks to his incredible memory, he learned a lot of important and unimportant information easily. His knowledge about magic increased a lot compared to a few years ago. His body was highly strengthed, and if his grandfather saw his current shape, he probably wouldn't have recognized him.

He could still be a Level 1 Ainsar if he hadn't worked so hard on his mind and body. But he chose to optimize the conditions because that was very important. When you became Level 1 Ainsar, you were now transformed into a mighty being. As a result of this transformation, you would get. Spiritual Magic that you can only obtain once. The more developed your Mind, Body and Spirit the better a Spiritual Magic you got. This was an inference from the thousands of sources Heinald had read.

He had one last shortcoming, and it was about to be completed. Heinald could feel the fluctuations in his Spirit. As the fluctuations in his Spirit began to settle down, he began to feel incredible pressure in his entire Spirit, Body and Mind.

"Huuuu!" Heinald took a deep breath, indicating that the breakthrough must now be made. When all the requirements for the breakthrough were completed, Spirit, Body and Mind would feel great pressure because they wanted to get out of the shell that held them.

Heinald put himself in trance mode, turning the energy into his Spirit, Body and Mind. As the pressure decreased, the amount of energy increased even more.

* Bom! *

The energy wave from Heinald's body disintegrated everything around. The energy in Heinald's Spirit, Mind and Body shattered the crust they were trapped in. When Heinald slightly opened his eyes, all he saw was a cloud of dust, and then his vision went completely dark and he fainted.

When he sober up, he straightened up slowly. He felt very different, as if he had been transformed into another person mentally, physically and spiritually. When he stood, he took off his robes and began to examine his body. His appearance was different than his previous version, his height was a little longer and his muscles were much more distinct. When he began to examine his surroundings, he saw that there were shattered rocks around and the stones of the wall on his right had fallen.

He had successfully made a breakthrough in Level 1 Ainsar! As Heinald stood,he stretched his hand to the wall beside him.

* Voushh! * A mixed red and black fire ray emerged from Heinald's hand with a range of 20 meters for 10 seconds.

"The wall is completely pierced!" Heinald yelled excitedly, the ray that just came out of his hand was his Spiritual Magic.

"It's so weird it was always with me, but I seem to have just noticed it..." Heinald muttered.

"Death Ray!" Heinald decided to name his new Spiritual Spell.

"Basic Fireball!" Within seconds, a fireball formed in Heinald's hand. It used to take about 30 seconds for this fireball to form. Heinald threw the fireball forward, and when the fireball hit the wall, there was an large explosion of fire. The wall was not damaged but fire spread over a large area.

"Even Basic Fireball is so effective!" Heinald yelled with delight. This was the strength of Level 1 Ainsar.

When Heinald recovered well,he left the cave. Returning to the Rinemoth Manor, he went to see Marcus Rinemoth.

"As I expected, you made a breakthrough." Marcus Rinemoth smiled lightly and nodded.

"Yes sir!" Heinald smiled too.

"This was expected from a talented person like you." Marcus pulled out a letter, a large map and a blue stone from his desk drawer.

"Thank you sir."

"I have a very old friend in the Risingmoon Kingdom named Albert. He is a good Potion Master. Try to get along with him, he can teach you a lot. Give him this letter and he will take you with him." Marcus winked at Heinald and handed him the letter.

"And take this stone. You can use it to convey the information and intelligence you want to give me."

"Understood!!" Heinald had a serious expression on his face, and Marcus gave him a detailed and high-quality continental map and at a glance he memorized the entire map.

Heinald said goodbye to Marcus and returned to his room, began to pack his belongings, but his business was interrupted by a knock on his door.

"Welcome." When Heinald opened the door, he saw Leina in front of him.

"Wait! You ..." Leina immediately noticed Heinald's aura.He had the aura of Level 1 Ainsar.

"Right! I made a breakthrough." Heinald was quite enjoyable.

"Congratulations!" Leina hugged Heinald, accustomed to Heinald's incredible achievements and he wasn't even too surprised anymore.

"Well, do you have a gift for me for this achievement?" Heinald asked with a smile.

"Yes." After Leina answered in a sensual voice, she took off her robe with one swipe and revealed her curvy body.She jumped into Heinald's lap and clung to his lips, and after a few minutes her moans of pleasure began to echo in Heinald's room.

**** **** ****

"Are you sure this mission isn't dangerous?" Leina was lying on Heinald's chest. In recent years, the two had become very close. Both were young and their sexual desires were at their peak.

"No." Heinald told Leina about his last experience. He was not a fool, he knew he was not going on a mission without danger. Or he would never get a Sevenstar Flower Seed in return but he still thought he could do it.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Leina asked.

"No, I don't want to endanger your life either." Heinal shook his head.

"I hope you can handle your task without any problems." Leina sighed.

"So what are you planning to do?" Heinald asked.

"I will continue to deal with the Formations." Leina shrugged.

Heinald left Sky City the next day. He continued his travel from the Ridya Plains to the east of the city. These plains were even larger than the lands of the Risingmoon Kingdom and it took Heinald 20 days to cross the plains, although he traveled almost non-stop. Being a Level 1 Ainsar, his endurance increased dramatically, so he was able to travel almost tirelessly.

At the end of 20 days, Heinald arrived at Pukand Town, near the western border of the Risingmoon Kingdom. There, after spending a night at an inn he found, he continued his journey again, reaching the capital, Rentes, a few days later. He entered a shop selling various ordinary magic items.

"Welcome, sir! How can i help you?" Heinald was greeted by an attendant working in the shop. Marcus had given Heinald a map of the continent, but Heinald also needed the Risingmoon Kingdom and Rentes. 

"I want a map of the Risingmoon Kingdom and the Rentes City. It better have the most detailed." Heinald scratched his chin.

The attendant brought detailed maps to Heinald.

"Nice!" Heinald smiled. The maps were really detailed, even street names in cities were shown.

Marcus had written Albert's address on the back of the letter.Heinald immediately made his way to that address. Although Rentes City was not a very crowded city, there were more Level 1 Ainsar around than Sky City. The surrounding buildings were more magnificent and well-kept.

When Heinald arrived at a shop written 'Albert's Mixtures' on its sign, he got off his horse.When he entered, a female Apprentice Ainsar, who was short and had long red hair, greeted him.

"Welcome! How can I help you, sir?"

"This shop must be owned by Master Albert, right?" Heinald asked.

"Yes, sir!" Apprentice girl nodded.

"I want to talk to him. Please give him this letter first." Heinald handed the letter to the girl. The girl nodded and went in, knocking on the door to the side. After a few minutes she came out.

"Master Albert is waiting for you."

When Heinald entered, he saw a table full of books and parchments and a crumpled old man.However, it didn't take long for this old man to realize he was a Level 2 Ainsar and Marcus didn't tell him about it.

"Master Albert!" Heinald bowed his head and greeted the old man across from him.

"How old are you, young man?" Albert looked at Heinald for a few seconds, then frowned and asked.


"Oh? Really? You managed to become a Level 1 Ainsar at such a young age!" Albert raised his eyebrows.

"About a month ago I made a successful breakthrough!" Heinald smiled and nodded.

"Marcus mentioned in his letter that you are a talented young man. You are also a genius in Potion Brewing!" Albert waved his hand slightly.

"Lord Marcus exaggerated a bit..." Heinald replied modestly.

"No, that old devil doesn't praise someone easily. If he praises, that person deserves it!" Albert shook his head.

"Old devil?" Heinald thought, Marcus looked almost as young as himself but this old man across from him called him old, which made Heinald curious about his age.

"Potion Brewing must be causing premature aging. ..." Heinald sighed inwardly and shook his head.


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