The Moon Thief

Chapter 151: Mysterious Disappearence

Chapter 151: Mysterious Disappearence

After Heinald finished his work at the academy, he traveled directly to the Velca Kingdom, a kingdom close to the academy. This kingdom was quite small compared to other kingdoms, it only had two cities. Count Vaarsen was the count of the Jusse City in this kingdom.

When he arrived in the city, he traveled directly to the count's mansion. The entrance to the huge mansion was guarded by two Level 1 Ainsars.

"Welcome, my lord." One of the Level 1 Ansars immediately came in front of him and greeted him.

"Coming from Ruthas Academy, I have something to discuss with Count Vaarsen." Heinald directly stated his purpose of being there.

"Please allow me to escort you to Count Vaarsen, sir." Level 1 Ainsar said.

"Mmm." Heinald nodded.

After passing through a few corridors with Level 1 Ainsar, they came to a large door that was obviously made of very good quality wood. There were star and flower carvings on this wooden door.

When Level 1 Ainsar knocked on the door, the door opened to the right and left; The two guards inside had opened the door.

When Heinald entered, he found himself in a rather large room. The walls of this room were completely black and many paintings were hung on the walls. Apart from that, there was a large window at the back of the room, and in front of it was a very ostentatious armchair and table.

A man with long white hair and a beard was sitting on the chair. One of his eyes was stuck, obviously he had lost that eye. This man wore a black robe filled with gold embroideries.

Count Vaarsen was suppressing the energy waves, but Heinald knew that this old man was a Level 3 Ainsar.

"Sorry!" Heinald placed one hand on his chest and bowed slightly in greeting.

"You're from Ruthas Academy, if I'm not mistaken, right, young man?" Count Vaarsen sat back and began to observe her.

"Yes sir." Heinald nodded.

"Ah! A few others came before you, but I later learned that they gave up the mission." Count Vaarsen sighed, "About three years ago, my son Cawl and my granddaughter Evvy went to Twin Obelisk Valley and never came back. I personally went there many times to look for them and sent a lot of people to find them, but they all came back empty-handed. "

"Your son and grandson...what power realm were they in?" Heinald asked.

"They were both a Level 2 Ainsar." Count Vaarsen replied.

"What did they go there for?" Heinald asked.

"I don't know. I wasn't in this city when they decided to go there. So I don't know what they went there for. I asked my son's and grandson's friends the same question but got no answer." Count Vaarsen sighed.

Heinald scratched his chin thoughtfully for a while, he asked, "People you sent there before... Did they notice anything strange?"

"No." Count Vaarsen shook his head, "According to the reports given to me, they had never seen anything but Magical Beasts in the valley."

Heinald nodded slowly and said, "I will do my best to find your son and grandson."

"Thank you, young man. Any clue you can find about them is very important to me." Count Vaarsen smiled bitterly.

When Heinald left, he wasted no time on his way to Twin Obelisk Valley. He had mentally communicated with Revakender and summoned it to the wide plain north of Jusse City.

After a long journey, when he reached the Twin Obelisk Valley, he wanted to observe the whole valley from above. Therefore, he started touring the whole valley with Revakender.

Twin Obelisk Valley was not considered a very dangerous place. This valley was not a very large place, but it was still not without danger.

Heinald did not think that the Magical Beasts in this valley would be able to overcome two Level 2 Ainsars. They must have had trump cards that would have saved their lives, especially given that these two people were descended from a count's family.

He didn't know what was going on in this valley, but whatever happened, he didn't think it was related to the Magical Beasts.

There had to be something else behind this!

Heinald could easily observe the valley from a height of a hundred meters. It was clear that there weren't many Magical Beasts around the valley. There were two big rocks in the middle of this valley, the source of the name of the valley was these two rocks.

As he headed for the north-east side of the valley, he noticed something strange. There was a lake there, but there was no stream of water going there.

"Revakender, descend!"

Heinald landed next to the lake. When he observed the surroundings of the lake, he did not see any animals or their excrement.

He went to a large rock nearby. After scrutinizing it for a while, he nodded and held it tightly, then lifted it up. This huge rock weighed tens of tons.

Heinald looked like an ant next to this huge rock!

As a Level 2 Ainsar, he had a very strong physique, but the tens of tons of weight was challenging even him. With the tons of weight on him, his feet pierced the ground with every step he took.

"Hua!" Heinald gathered all his strength and threw the rock into the lake.

When the huge rock landed in the lake, when the lake's waters overflowed, Heinald immediately jumped onto his dragon's back. The waves were not big enough to swallow the giant dragon.

During the tide, when most of the lake's water was out, he instantly noticed that there were many tunnel entrances at the bottom of this lake.

Heinald immediately held his breath and plunged to the bottom of the lake. He swam towards one of the tunnel entrances he had seen earlier. When he reached the entrance, suddenly a gravitational force began to pull him deeper. He was dragged down several meters in twisting tunnels with tens of tons of water, and when the tunnel was finished he found himself falling down in the dark.

"Damn it!" Heinald cried out in panic. It was pitch dark around him, so he couldn't calculate how high he had fallen. After he fell hundreds of meters, he crashed hard into the water. All his bones ached as he crashed into the water so quickly, but there was no major injury.

He immediately began swimming towards the surface of the water. When he reached the surface, he pulled out a sphere of light from his dimensional ring and hurled it upward. After the orb of light rose ten meters, it hung in the air and began to illuminate the surroundings.

When Heinald began to survey his surroundings, he saw nothing but water. He began to swim forward, the light orb following after him as it had an energy bond with him.

He reached land after swimming for hours.

When he emerged from the water, he began to observe his surroundings. In the middle of the field he was in, there was a black tree. However, this tree was not a burnt tree; Such was his structure. He had never seen such a tree before, went to it and began to examine it.

When he touched the trunk of this tree, he began to feel a kind of relief inside.

"This tree doesn't seem to have any fruit..." Heinald muttered.

After he plucked some leaves from the tree, he left and started to move forward. There was only one direction he could go, so he was moving in this one direction.

After advancing for an unknown amount of time, he reached a large area. From this area, the number of ways he could travel had reached five. No light source was coming from beyond these five paths, so he decided to follow the rightmost path without thinking too much.

The floor he stepped on and the walls filling his sides made him feel like he was moving through a corridor.

"I don't hear anything but the sound of drops of water" Heinald carefully observed his surroundings and ahead as he walked. He didn't know where this place went or by whom it was built, but if the earl's son and grandson came here, they must have known about its existence beforehand.

After all, it was obvious that they were not going to the Twin Obelisk Valley for a nature trip, on top of that it would be a huge coincidence that they managed to find it... It's unbelievably huge.


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