The Moon Thief

Chapter 142: Boiling Cauldron Valley

Chapter 142: Boiling Cauldron Valley

"Revakender, get down here!" Heinald told his Spirit Companion where to land through mental communication.

Revakender landed near the lava flow. There was naturally a very hot and oppressive weather around this valley.

Heinald originally planned to look for the Three-Headed Inferno Crocodile. He would then go after the Hellfire Nightmare Snake, the real reason he had come here.

It was known that the strength of this snake was equal to peak-phase Level 2 Ainsar. Therefore, it was quite a powerful and dangerous beast. The Academy naturally gave a good amount of Achievement Points for this mission.

Heinald started walking beside the lava flow. He was advancing cautiously, knowing that at any moment he could be attacked by a monster that could come out of the lava flow.

Heinald was thinking about the Blood Nightmare Shield in the back of his mind as he walked into the middle of the valley. The blood of the Three-Headed Inferno Crocodile was the most suitable blood for the energy source of this magical treasure. This was because the fire energy in the blood was compatible with the fire-based runes at the base of the Blood Nightmare Shield.

If he had more theoretical knowledge about Protective Type Magical Treasures, he could change the runes at the base of his magical treasure and perhaps create a more suitable energy source for him. Unfortunately, research in the academy was very costly and he still had a lot of Achievement Points to accumulate before he could get theories about it.

He could gain some theoretical knowledge by experimenting with the Blood Nightmare Shield he already had, but for that he would have to sacrifice it.

Of course he would never do such a stupid thing.

"Hmm?" As Heinald rode along the edge of the stream, he saw particles of earth and rock rising up into the sky ahead. The trembling on the ground beneath his feet began to increase.

As he carefully focused his eyes forward, he saw an Ainsar struggling with a strange creature. Although that man fought well, it seems that the monster he was fighting had a power level superior to him.

Heinald wasn't a benefactor, he had no intention of helping the man and becoming a hero. However, during the short time he watched his struggle, something had caught his attention.

That's why he wanted to talk to his.

The monster that man fought looked like a kind of Lava Pavlt. Lava Pavlts were life forms with four legs and a cone-shaped body. As they were about the size of an average human, they were not naturally considered a large life form.

However, they were life forms that could move quite agile due to their small bodies and had a good fire element affinity.

Fighting with him, Ainsar had severe burns on various parts of his body. Blood was oozing from the corner of his mouth, his breathing getting heavier and heavier. He looked like he was pushing his will to the limit to stay upright.

An ax was suddenly thrust into Pavlt's body, who was about to make a final strike towards him. There were black flames dancing on the surface of this ax.

Pavlt staggered at first with the sudden blow, then the fire in his body that was burning like embers completely disappeared and turned into a black stone, no energy emanating from him anymore.

This Pavlt had a power that could be compared to the strength of a peak-phase Level 1 Ainsar, if not, it was pretty close.

The wounded Ainsar stared in amazement at the dying Pavlt before him. He looked around to see what was happening, and saw a man coming towards him.

This man was young looking and quite built, the waves of energy emanating from him showed that he was a Level 2 Ainsar.

"Lord Ainsar!" The injured man immediately bowed before him.

This man was naturally none other than Heinald.

"It was a pretty tough fight, I guess." Heinald smiled faintly, the man before him was a Tier 1 Ainsar.

"If it weren't for you, I'd be dead, sir. I appreciate your help!" As the man spoke, he bent down again, "With your permission, I want to consume potions to heal my wounds."

Heinald gave a nod, "Of course!"

The wounded Ainsar took out a potion bottle containing black liquid from a small bag hanging on his back, and uncorked it and consumed it all.

"Oh! Forgive my rudeness, I didn't introduce myself. My name is Orinath, sir." The wounded Ainsar lowered his head.

"It doesn't matter, are you a potion master?" Heinald was studying the man in front of him carefully.

This man had short and messy hair. His hair and beard had a hue between yellow and auburn. He wasn't even seen as a middle-aged person yet.

"I'm striving to become a potions master, sir. Although I don't see myself as a successful person yet, I have hopes that I can do successful business in the future." Orinath replied.

Heinald nodded slowly. He noticed the multi-section belt around his waist. Various potions were hung in the many compartments that the belt had.

This item was common with potion masters. If Heinald didn't have the dimensional storage treasure, he would also be using this type of belt. However, since he had a dimensional storage treasure, he could already store or extract his potions with a single thought.

So he didn't need that kind of item.

Heinald had seen this man use an explosive type of potion. Not all potions were consumed, some were externally effective. For example, a potion that this man used caused a small lightning explosion.

Heinald asked him various questions and checked his knowledge of brewing and various ingredients. He had also heard his story and learned why he was here. He could tell this man had an above average knowledge base.

When he introduced himself to this man, the man was shock after shock. He nearly fainted when he learned that he was someone who had completed his apprenticeship with the famous potions grandmaster Albin Redsand and had managed to enter the potions section of Ruthas Academy.

Heinald had offered him an apprenticeship, which naturally he accepted immediately. It would be foolish to miss such an opportunity.

He hadn't actually accepted this man as an apprentice because of his talent or knowledge of potions.

Boiling Cauldron Valley was considered a high-level danger zone for Level 1 Ainsars. This man was searching for the Flower of Hope, which is said to grow in this valley, for a potion formula he was working on.

During the two of them talking, Heinald had told him that it was foolish to come to such a dangerous place for a flower.

"Death is also part of the Ainsar path... If I'm going to die, at least I'll die in pursuit of my goal."

That was the answer Heinald got!

He was sure that this man was an overly ambitious moron, but he had some plans for him. He was sure he could use this man in the future.

In his opinion, if he could handle this man well, he could be a good servant for him in the future. He knew that a man who fearlessly pursues his ambitions will always achieve something.

Maybe this man named Orinath would get something from him during his time with him and improve himself in the potions branch. If that were the case, a servant who worked for him could help him in many ways.

"Revakender, come here!" Heinald communicated mentally with his dragon.

"S-Sir! Look!" When Orinath saw a huge dragon descending from the sky towards them, he cried out in anger.

Heinald sighed and explained the situation to him, "Calm down! He's my Spirit Companion, he's going to get you out of this valley."

"T-That...Is that dragon your Spirit Companion!?" Orinath cried out in shock.

When Revakender landed next to them, he was trembling with fear.

"Climb on its back!" Heinald pointed to the dragon's back.

"W-What!?" Orinath's heart tightened.

"Tsk! I thought you were a braver person." Heinald glanced at the man beside him.

"I am! But... After all, I don't see a dragon every day." A look of embarrassment appeared on Orinath's face.

As Orinath mounted on Revakender's back, he was trembling with fear, though he tried to hide his fear.

For several minutes Heinald had told him not to be afraid, that he would not be harmed. After all, he didn't know how long he would spend in this valley, and the two of them would stay together all this time.


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