The Moon Goddess' Chosen

Chapter 461 - 461 Moon and Wolf

461 Moon and Wolf

With Lina feeling better and having visited her brother in his emergency room, Honour felt no need to leave her place beside the prince. In fact, now that she was here, she felt even more glued to the chair beside the prince’s bed.

Honour was left in the hospital seated beside the prince, just as she had been found. The goddess didn’t notice when her friends turned back to ask her whether she wanted to get food.

The unconscious prince arrested her attention once again.

Lina told the others to let her be and ordered that a serving of food be brought for her in the room.

The doctors would only come in to change the prince’s bandages and check on his condition.

Issuing more medication every now and then to make sure his vitals remained stable and his body was in the best shape to heal.

While all this happened, this girl remained blank and expressionless. Her mind wandered about the different possibilities of what could have happened to the prince. Without meaning to, she completely zoned out and dove into the depths of her imagination… or at least, that’s what she had felt it was…


White was the first colour to register… the second thing she noticed though, was a feeling. The feeling of bone-chilling cold. There was snow everywhere. A white canvas of snow covered the ground in all directions.


Harsh torrents of wind whipped her white fur and threatened to carry her away. The girl looked down at her wolf’s body and was shocked by what she saw.

She had large white paws that were aching from the chilling snow. She wanted to find shelter soon. Her thick coat of fur was barely effective against the harsh blizzard.

The wolf’s usually sharp vision was now only limited to a couple of short metres in all directions. She didn’t know where she was and didn’t know where to go.

She soon noticed something else.

Even though she wanted to stand still and tell what direction she was walking in, it didn’t work. Her body continued plodding forward against the thunderous blizzard.

Something was completely wrong with this. She tried to force her body to stop moving but it didn’t listen. When she gave up, however, the wolf didn’t jerk forward from the sudden lack of resistance.

The white wolf continued forging forward against the battering wind. The cold assailed her whole body, threatening to freeze her paws off. She was sure a human(and for lack of the experience of having a powerful werewolf body, she assumed a werewolf as well) would instantly freeze to death in this type of cold but the wolf continued advancing.

Soon enough, she found this wolf oddly familiar.

Slowly, she craned her neck back to look at the wolf’s back. Just like she had thought, there was a path of black fur on the large wolf’s back. This was Drake’s wolf… the wolf continued to move through the blizzard without an ounce of hesitation.

The girl tried to whisper into the wolf’s ear but nothing would work. She felt like she was one with the wolf and completely separate from it at the same time. In fact, she could feel every single injury that assailed the wolf’s body and yet she was not a part of it at all.

Honour’s heart went into overdrive.

A deep hunger was eating away at the prince’s wolf… the wolf was in pain and had no hope of reaching the end of the blizzard. He couldn’t sleep and didn’t have any shelter to wait out the blizzard. All he could do was keep walking. If he stopped doing that, he would certainly freeze to death.

‘What was the difference really?’

Another thing the girl noticed was that the wolf was slowly oozing the blue mist that she had gotten used to manipulating. ‘That’s not right,’ she thought to herself, bringing herself closer to the wolf’s paws where the blue mist seemed to be coming from.

Each time the wolf’s paw came out of the foot-deep snow carpet, the blue mist wrapped around it and weaved his muscles and frozen tendons back together, trying to preserve his paw right before it was plunged straight back into the snow.

Miraculously, the wolf was making progress through the blizzard at a steady pace regardless of the rising altitude that should have worked at making him tired.

The prince never once faltered and forged through the snow, drawing his energy purely from his will.

Something was wrong. However, the girl couldn’t put her finger on it.

She knew the prince was not capable of using divine energy at all. This was something that was reserved for those members of the royal family that were blessed with a gift… and Drake wasn’t one of them.

He was the most ordinary royal of his generation… and yet here he was, controlling divine energy with more mastery than any of the other royals in his generation.

Lina had a gift of enhanced speed that defied all reason while Katie and Cole had gifts as the Goddess’s Chosen, however, Drake was normal. As far as normal could go with a royal.

But was he normal?

The goddess tried to think of a reason for this occurrence but nothing came to mind at first.

Well, there was the matter of him being her mate… but the prince had not yet learned of her true nature. Without having that knowledge, the connection was incomplete.

Could it be that he was acting erratic because he’d found out something about himself? The thoughts went through the girl’s mind… prying through the void for answers that didn’t exist.

This train of thought ended, however, when the wolf faltered in its progress. Something was wrong with the wolf… and not the kind that suggested Drake was an enigma.

The battle between the wolf and the blizzard had been a draw for a while, but now… one of them seemed to be winning.

…and it was the blizzard.

Drake’s wolf lifted another paw to proceed but froze in the motion. Honour could feel the prince’s emotions and all his physical pain. The pain that assaulted his paws had now crept up his legs and the rate at which the divine energy could heal him was dropping.

The cold was getting to him.

“Drake, get out of there,” the girl couldn’t help but scream.

The wolf, this time, looked up into the sky. Its gaze was undoubtedly staring up at the white canvas… its eyes seemed to pierce straight through.

Honour was not sure where the certainty came from but the wolf was staring right at the moon.

Even when it was concealed from sight by the heavy clouds in the sky. The blizzard picked up even more, threatening to bury the wolf in the snow. The snow was now covering all his legs.

The white wolf was half buried in the freezing cold sea of white, “Get out of there, Drake,” she yelled yet again.

The white wolf’s ears perked up as though understanding what she had just said and he forced his body forward.

The wolf gritted its teeth as it pushed forward, pushing through the snow with all its strength and might.

This same action brought about a different change in the wolf’s body. More divine energy spilt out of him. The brilliant sapphire eyes of the wolf glowed brightly, leaking even more of the blue mist.

Was the wolf… growing larger? Before the girl knew it, a colossal wolf had taken over the place of an already large royal wolf. This transformation was similar to one that the girl had read of once before, however, this was different.

The large wolf didn’t go on a rampage(or feral) as it was written in the books. This royal was in total control of himself. The transformation merely made it much bigger and impervious to the treacherous blizzard.

The prince continued rushing through the snow with renewed energy. Honour was not sure whether she was meant to be impressed or frightened by the wolf’s sudden transformation.

Drake was going to be just fine if he kept this transformation up but something rubbed her the wrong way. The prince was not supposed to be capable of such a feat. It didn’t make sense. The wolf, however, didn’t seem to notice anything wrong with its body.

It kept rushing forward, increasing its speed slowly by slowly. Soon enough, the large wolf was racing across the snow, bounding up the mountain at an incredible speed… “That’s it, Drake. You can make it,” she urged the wolf.

The wolf grunted pushing forward even faster. Its paws were already starting to heal up and the effects of the cold snow were already forgotten.


“Honour…” a male voice roughly yanked the girl’s consciousness out of the dream.

Her eyes fluttered open and were met with the blue eyes of a dashing royal. Drake had woken up.

“Drake…” the girl replied, oblivious to the streams of tears that were flowing from her eyes. ‘Drake is awake,’ her mind screamed once more, trying to get a grip on reality.

For a lack of any other means to prove this was not a dream, Honour hugged the prince tightly, careful not to touch any of his injuries as she did, “I’m sorry I made you worry,” Drake tried.

“Don’t do that again,” the girl replied, trying and failing to hide her sniffles.

“Honour… are you a… how should I put this… You’ll probably think I’m crazy for even suggesting it. There are already so many wolves that have been granted gifts by the goddess before. I would never even think to mention something like this, but I just have to… you know…”

“Go ahead, Drake,” the girl snapped him out of it and withdrew from the hug. Staring her in the eye, the prince froze for a moment, taking in the features of the girl before him. Before waking up from his sleep, he hadn’t known if he would see her again. He’d been far too weak and had lost so much blood, but here she was.

Now that he could talk to her again after nearly dying through the Trials. He couldn’t keep this question harboured, he just had to ask lest he loses any other chance he could ever get. They were alone too and that was the perfect opportunity for him to ask.

“Are you a goddess?”


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