The Monster Girl’s Evolution

Chapter 485

C485 Panic

Flagship console. Crew’s been staring at the target’s void. Suddenly, at a certain moment, they noticed that the giant spaceship on the screen had disappeared. The weak gravitational waves and temperature that could be detected had disappeared almost at the same time. There was no sign of the spaceship 20 kilometers away. There was only a quiet void left.

The stars in the distance displayed the beauty and vastness of the universe. From this angle, it could be seen that there were countless enormous star clusters. It was just a tiny dot, and this was the universe. Compared to this, any great civilization and achievements were insignificant.

“Gone? What’s going on?”

“Crew, the inspection team reported that an unknown creature has appeared on the ship. Requesting for transfer of surveillance”

“Wait a moment”

The surveillance cameras were shut down most of the time, and now that they were in danger, they were forced to activate the surveillance cameras.

After half a minute, a small surveillance camera appeared on the big screen. There were at least a few thousand of them, and they contacted the team members who were in trouble. When they transferred the surveillance cameras over to their side, everyone at the scene was dumbfounded.

The ground was covered in blood, but no corpses could be seen. Only the remains of flesh displayed the cruelty of the scene.

Such a scene was a little too shocking to everyone. What was even stranger was that one of the scenes could vaguely see a strange looking monster with its back facing them and eating something.

“Monster, a monster has entered our spaceship!”

In the midst of the exclamations, everyone’s hair stood on end.

“Ask the combat team to speed up and send a team to guard the command area. The other teams prepare their weapons and head to the area where the incident happened.”

The entire command room was in a state of panic, and the spaceship was still floating in space. How could such a terrifying creature suddenly appear? From start to finish, the ship did not open anywhere. Could it be that while everyone was sleeping, Could it be that something had bypassed the alarm system and appeared inside?

In fear, no one dared to slack off. Some of the soldiers who had been awakened from the cold raised their weapons in a daze and ran towards the corridor where the incident had occurred.

In the midst of their anxious steps, they panted weakly. Because they had just woken up from a long slumber, most of them were not in very good condition. However, in order to deal with the threat of the entire warship, the soldiers could only endure the discomfort. Facing the risk.

“Squad 1, there’s a target ahead. Damn it!”

Gengci! Gengci! ~ ~

The sound of flesh being chewed up, the sound of heavy collisions came from extremely far away, as well as miserable screams.

Two soldiers aimed their rifles in that direction, and in less than ten seconds, a monster crashed into them from the right side of the tunnel, appearing in everyone’s line of sight.

“Da Da Da…”

The rifle spewed out continuous fire snakes and hit the monster’s body. The result was that it was like shooting a tank. Only sparks could be seen and the sound of metal clanking could be heard.

Basically, every team had a long-range rocket launcher. At this critical moment, a soldier raised it up and fired it into the distance. The huge explosion instantly covered their vision, and they could only see the rolling fireballs and smoke.

“Everyone follow me and shoot, don’t stop” The captain hurriedly shouted.


As expected, although the Sickle Insect suffered some injuries from the powerful explosion, it still rushed out without any major problems.

Seeing that it had rushed up, the captain took out the steel ball explosive weapon on his body and threw it at it from afar. Then, he followed the soldiers and hid behind a wall.

After the explosion, half of the bug was pierced through by the crackling steel ball.

“How is it? Is the target destroyed?”

The captain turned to ask the scout beside him.

The scout took out a telescope that could turn, hid behind the wall, and stretched it out. In the midst of the thick smoke, a Sickle Insect with a hole all over its body staggered up and was about to charge over.

“Damn it, the target isn’t dead, we have to continue fighting.”

The steel ball bomb was the crystallization of this civilization’s close combat weapon. If it wasn’t for the fact that the spaceship was hard enough, it would have been able to directly penetrate the deck of the ship if it had exploded in the sea warship of the past.

A few unfamiliar soldiers drove a small tank over, and the automatic cannons on it rotated slowly. They fired the cannon at the target and swept wildly in the direction of the bugs. The metal bent in the sound of the explosion, and flesh was splattered seven or eight meters away. The Sickle Insect in front of him gradually turned into broken limbs, its body covered in blood as it fell to the ground.

Roar ~

The octopus warriors had no time to be happy. A new Sickle Insect jumped out from afar and jumped onto the wall with a few steps. With a somersault, it smashed the chariot.

With a shocking explosion, the parts flew past everyone’s ears, and the sound of air being torn was heard. A warrior who stuck his head out was directly hit in the head, and fell to the ground with a bang.

“Damn it, kill it quickly.”

Who would have thought that they would encounter such a terrifying thing? At this time, the situation inside the spaceship was no less than the scene in Alien Movies. What was even more terrifying was that it happened inside the flagship, so no one knew how the passengers on the two ships around it were.

“I need to immediately inform all the crew members to wake up. We have been invaded by unknown life forms in the universe.” Crew pushed the chair to the side and clicked on the relevant equipment. He then pressed the button to force everyone to wake up.

“Could it be related to the spaceship in the darkness earlier?”

The surrounding crew began to consider this matter.

“You don’t need to think to know that it’s related. The most important thing right now is to get rid of the trouble inside the ship”

After all, a total of 100 million people were staying within these three ships.

All the crew members had woken up. No one knew what had happened. When the broadcast rang, which indicated that there were dangerous creatures in the ship, many people became nervous.

Most of the individuals did not have combat power, and the hibernation pods were not necessarily safer than other places. After all, if the monsters could come in from outside the spaceship, they would definitely be able to pass through freely.

More than ten Sickle Insect had died after a battle. The Cerebrate Bacteria discovered that the enemy’s battle was still focused on conventional weapons. However, high explosive explosives could still produce high temperatures of a few thousand degrees at a close distance and cause damage to the insects.

“The initial speed of the weapon is several times slower than an electromagnetic rifle. High-level bugs should be able to withstand it for a long time.”

Lo Ya muttered and began to let the battleship release a large swarm of bugs to invade the inside of the target ship.

The main purpose was to seize it and then transform it into a new model of bug ship.

Now, the production speed of the fleet in front and behind was getting faster and faster. Under the cooperation of the various planets, a fully made Space Carrier group would only need a month to form. It could also produce many other independent ships.

Lo Ya planned to spend another ten years to expand the scale of the fleet and merge it into many central squadrons similar to the Destroyer.


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