The Monster Girl’s Evolution

Chapter 476

C476 It’s Related to Food

“Everyone gather.”

Lo Ya sent the coordinates of the birth leader to all the adult Little Insect Girl who were playing. She then boarded the spaceship and prepared to spend more than a year to return to Mother Star with the help of the Star Gate.

Although it was a year, it was only a very short period of time for everyone now.

During the process, Lo Ya had nothing to do, so she put all her experience on playing games made by different civilizations. After playing about 60 games consecutively, they finally arrived at Mother Star.

“Lo Ya, Lo Ya!”

Little Insect Girl and the rest arrived at the scheduled time. They all gathered around and shouted at Lo Ya.

It had been a long time since they last saw each other. The little fellows really missed her.

This time, from the sky above, they looked at the core area of the born leader. There was already a dense crowd of Little Insect Girl. Everyone formed groups, either lying on the ground to rest or chasing rabbits that were running around. Or perhaps… They were comparing something fun to each other.

The adult little guys were playing with the young ones. The scene was very harmonious.

Lo Ya directly jumped into the middle of the group of Little Insect Girl and picked up one of them to kiss.

“Uh, is that Jiang Yu? There are so many Little Insect Girl. There are too many names.”

Lo Ya found the other party’s name from the Spiritual Link. When this matured little fellow heard Lo Ya’s name, he happily clapped his hands.

His little tail swung in the air and Lo Ya reached out and poked it. It softly caved in.

“Let’s call everyone together today. I want to implement a new system.” Lo Ya climbed to a high place and said to everyone.

A group of ignorant and curious faces faced Lo Ya.

Then, the adults all wriggled to the front and sat in rows to listen to Lo Ya.

“I think that Insect Girl’s civilization has developed to this point and urgently needs more leaders to manage it. So adult people, especially some bugs that have lived for a few lifetimes. Don’t hide anymore. It’s you, Lo Yin. ” Lo Ya’s gaze landed on a certain Small that had buried its head into the ground, thinking that Lo Ya could not see it. She seemed to have a premonition that every time Lo Ya called everyone together to talk, There would definitely be no good news.

As expected…

“The current system is that in the future, all Insect Girl who have lived two lives will have to take responsibility. She would lead the battle and learn the knowledge of war from the Brain Insect. In the future, if you want to eat, you must work or learn for more than an hour. In other words, learning for an hour will give you a meal. If you want to eat more than three meals a day, you have to work hard for three hours.”

After saying that, Lo Ya arrogantly raised her chin.

“Ah, I’m dead.” The first batch of Little Insect Girl made a prompt decision and pretended to be dead on the spot.

It was clearly useless, but everyone still enjoyed it.

Every time the freshmen saw this scene, they learned from it.

“Ah, I’m dead.”

“Ah, I’m dead too.”

Lo Ya,… “”

It had been so many years, yet he had not made any progress?

“Those who pretend to be dead need to learn for two hours.” Lo Ya snorted.

“Ah, I’m alive.”

“Ah, so I’m not dead?”

In an instant, the little fellows jumped up from where they were, looking full of energy.

Lo Ya jumped down from the rock and climbed into the middle of the little fellows. Like a mother who cared about the child, she walked past everyone.

After confirming that there was no problem, she searched the Spiritual Link once and found that Insect Girl did not appear or encounter any danger. She nodded her head in relief.

After leaving this place, not long after, Lo Ya climbed to a place surrounded by high walls and countless insects looking after her.

There were hundreds of tails jumping around inside. A certain adult Little Insect Girl happily wriggled over from the middle of her tail and hugged a few kisses. Her eyes were filled with hope.

These were Insect Girl’s tails that were growing. When the three months were up, a new head popped out from inside.

“Who can tell who gave birth?”

Lo Ya looked at the white and fat things that looked similar and felt puzzled in her heart.

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded in her head.

“Lo Ya, there is a guy who called himself the Galaxy Empire’s diplomat requesting a call.”

The person who sent the message was Lo Xin.

Lo Ya touched her nose and decided, “You can tell her. I will open all the Spiritual Link.”

Under the circumstances of sharing thoughts, Lo Xin would not do anything bad to the race.


After cutting off the connection, Lo Ya left her tail and started to crawl in the tall grass.

There were almost no small insects nearby, so it could be seen that they had already been eaten up by the little fellows. Fortunately, there were still a lot of rabbits that were raised and they ran around everywhere. As long as one looked carefully, they would be able to find them.

Lo Ya laid on the grass and used her nose to sniff. Very quickly, she found the smell of rabbits.

Borrowing the help of her tail and hands, she carefully moved forward for a distance and then pried open the grass. Very soon, she saw a little rabbit with red eyes and furry fur observing its surroundings vigilantly.

“I can’t be discovered.”

Lo Ya hurriedly retracted her head and used a small gap to stare at the target.

After the little rabbit laid on the ground and ate some grass, she began to slowly move towards the distance.

Lo Ya hurriedly twisted her tail and followed behind the other party.

Between them. The target ate along the way. Finally, he crawled across a patch of grass and met with another rabbit.

They snuggled up to each other and their heads were facing each other. After more than ten seconds, the rabbit outside the target coincidentally saw Lo Ya and its entire body froze.

It stopped moving.

The little rabbit, who was targeted by Lo Ya, was stunned for a moment. Then it stretched out its rabbit leg to push the fellow in front of it, as if it did not understand why it froze there.

After about half a minute, the stiff rabbit’s head bent and it fell to the ground with its four legs facing the sky.

It pretended to be dead on the spot.

The one who did not faint instantly exploded and ran around in all directions. In the end, it directly hit Lo Ya’s head.

The little white rabbit looked up in horror and saw a head with shining eyes.


Lo Ya did not hesitate to bite off the poor little neck.

After tearing open the flesh, a mouthful of fur touched her mouth and Lo Ya swallowed it in a gulp. Using the Magic, it instantly made this rabbit bald.

The little rabbit that was pretending to be dead quietly laid by the side for a few minutes. Realizing that there was no reaction, it sneakily peeked to the side.

Then it saw the big bug that was biting the rabbit meat. It was immediately frightened and its head tilted to the side and completely fainted.

The two rabbit rabbits finally entered Lo Ya’s stomach and became part of her. They became nutrients and stored in her tail.

When it turned around to look, it found a few little Little Insect Girl following the smell of blood and smelling over.

She could clearly see it when she raised her head, but these little fellows insisted on lying on the ground and wriggling bit by bit like groundhog.

“Looks like I have to hunt a few more rabbits.”


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