The Monster Girl’s Evolution

Chapter 467

C467 The Test for Advanced Mechanical Insects

[Advanced Mechanical Insect]: 20 meters tall, half-living, half-mechanical, large-sized combat creature with a revolving electromagnetic rifle and a small Plasma Cannon on both arms. It has a flamethrower, anti-matter energy jet, and other organs. It relies on the directional thrusters on its back, legs, and arms to push forward together with Vector Accelerators on both sides of its arms. There was a guiding vehicle in the body that could maintain a flight speed of 1,200 kilometers per second around larger celestial bodies. He was equipped with a laser blade and an alloy saw blade for close combat, and had the support of missiles fired from within his body from a long distance. The main powerful weapon that the Sagittarius Bug was equipped with was a bullet. Cost: 2,000 Sickle Insect. ]

This was a type of insect that had developed based on the appearance of the Mechanical Insect, and was more inclined to battle in space. From afar, it looks like a mecha, but from a closer look, you can see that its body is covered with a shell that only insects have. Part of its organs contained a large amount of metal, so it belonged to a semi-mechanical creature.

Of course, the use of machinery was not because Lo Ya was passionate about robots, but because the nutritional value of metal or ores was too low. Directly using it was better than absorbing nutrients.

With the goal of increasing the firepower of space, the Advanced Mechanical Insect was mainly used for long-range attacks the moment it came out. After entering the atmosphere, one could fight with the enemy’s fighter jets in the sky. It could also fly to the ground to provide support. It was very flexible.

After the first Advanced Mechanical Insect was produced, it immediately folded and changed shape. It flew around the Mother Star in the shape of a plane.

Under normal circumstances, the speed was very fast. However, in order to save energy and reduce wear and tear, only in outer space would one dare to fly at full speed.

After a simple test and confirming that there was nothing wrong with this kind of bug, Lo Ya immediately ordered the entire race to start breeding.

Compared to the previous kind of bug that started alone, slowly increasing the number was different. Now, as long as the Insect Girl Clan had the genes of this creature, they could evolve from the appearance of any kind of bug.

This method was greatly beneficial to increasing efficiency.

About three days later, 100 Advanced Mechanical Insect were produced from the front line.

This was equivalent to 200 thousand Sickle Insect in total, which made Lo Ya’s heart ache a little. Don’t look at the 20 meter height, the degree of precision inside was far beyond any high-tech machinery of the same level of civilization.

Lo Ya sent out 100 insects, accompanied by one battleship, two cruisers, and five destroyers, to the enemy’s explored Grand Air Force base.

This base was built in the meteorite belt area, although the meteorites here were very sparse. However, it was located far away from the stars and life planets, so it was very difficult to be detected by detectors. When Lo Ya finally found this place, she found that there were actually quite a few powerful warships here.

It was precisely because it was a ship from a low-level civilization that Lo Ya was prepared to let the Advanced Mechanical Insect try.

When they were about 200 million kilometers away from the target, the 100 Mechanical Insect began to accelerate, heading towards the target’s ship at high speed.

Because of the power, the normal flying speed was about 50 kilometers per second. Under the traction mode, the maximum speed could be increased to 1200 kilometers per second. The reason why it was not equipped with a faster speed was because of close combat. There was no need to waste too much resources.

Otherwise, the cost of the Advanced Mechanical Insect would be close to the frigate.

As the distance slowly closed, the blue light released by the exhaust flame had already been discovered by the enemy. A large number of missiles were immediately launched from the target’s weapon platform, flying towards the Mechanical Insect.

The advanced detector immediately detected the number of missiles, and it was far from the density of the insects when they were launched.

The moment the two sides closed in, the vector engine adjusted the direction, turning in an instant, and quickly flew past the huge bullets.

“The enemy missiles are automatically tracking, able to safely get rid of them.”

In this kind of high mobility state, the rigid tracking bullets were practically useless, and were instead pierced through by a small electromagnetic bullet.

There was no air in space, so the bullets fired by the electromagnetic gun machine would not be burnt out. It could be used in a straight line, after all, the target maintained its original speed.

After dozens of explosions, the Advanced Mechanical Insect were unharmed.

In the base, many military officers saw this scene and all stood up from their chairs.

Although the flying aircraft was very small, the maneuverability they displayed shocked everyone.

“Those are also the combat spaceships of the invaders?”

Now when mentioning the civilization that came from outside the Milky Way, everyone would feel unnatural fear. Although they belonged to the same Galaxy Guard Alliance, their average level was really too low. Usually, they had to reach the level of a Level Five Civilization to be able to guarantee logistics. They could easily leave their own Milky Way and start a war with the outside world. And they, a small peak level 1 space civilization, were faced with such a level of enemy. It seemed to be too fragile.

After all, even someone as strong as the Boundary Ship had completely collapsed in a cruel war.

“Battle center, immediately have all the soldiers board aircrafts and take off to fight with the enemy. They’re fast, they’re already here ”

” 1st fleet, 2nd fleet, intercept the enemy with all your might, regardless of the cost ”

Such a small combat unit, did they not take them seriously at all? Did they think that they could easily defeat the strongest hidden strength of a civilization with just a few dozen meters of them?

The general commander of the Grand Air Force looked at the 100 black dots that were getting closer and closer to the screen with a gloomy face.

Even a high level space civilization could not defeat a low level civilization without suffering any losses.

Even if a group of soldiers with guns charged into a primitive tribe, they might still be shot to death by the primitive people’s arrows. They might even be killed by the primitive men’s short knives. In the previous war, although there was no situation of crossing two civilizations to defeat the enemy, However, there were often cases of low-level civilizations killing advanced civilization soldiers.

Almost thousands of aircrafts were about to take off.

However, when about 50 of them left their original position, the small cannonballs fired by the Advanced Mechanical Insect had already exploded above the flying field. Blinding flames obscured their vision, and every shockwave destroyed an area of several hundred meters. The explosion of the medium and small nuclear bombs even caused cracks to appear on the super fortifications one after another.

There was no close combat, and they were completely relying on the missile rain that was released along the way to bombard the fortifications. And most of the Electromagnetic Cannon on the Advanced Mechanical Insect were used for close combat. Only the Plasma Cannon and two high-power Electromagnetic Cannon were used to fight against the warship.

Streaks of flowing light flew back and forth in the void. They began to circle around the base and the battleships that rushed over from nearby spaces. They dodged the threats agilely while fighting.

Because the units were too small and the turns were flexible, it was very difficult for the powerful warship cannons to hit them. Occasionally, the Electromagnetic Cannon that hit them would only cause the Force Field Shield to tremble for a short period of time. It could not bring too much of a threat.


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